A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 14, 2014

Loads of Love! DJKASE #7 and #8; NBUS #104

Welcome to Friday and Happy Valentine's Day! 

Thank you for whooshing through your week so you could get here! Oh, what's that? You whooshed through your week so you could get chocolates? Well, I don't blame you one bit. You come back tomorrow after your lovely fest o' love! I hope you do everything I used to be able to do!


Laurie's Card
My Photo
Laurie with Noah
For my first Friday DJKASE, I am copylimenting the very talented Laurie Unger of Laurie's Stampin' Place. The card I have chosen to DJKASE is shown to the right. It is entitled "Red Mittens" and it's from Laurie's post on August 16, 2013. SOOO CASlicious, wouldn't you agree?!

Laurie has been making card art and blogging since 2006. Yes, that's right, 2006! So if you don't already know Laurie, bring a very large beverage and treat yourself! And let's help Laurie reach 100 followers, too (and even more)! She's very close to that benchmark!

I made my card a Valentine card, but otherwise I pretty much copylimented Laurie's card. I mean, the whole point is that's how much you love that particular card, right? 

Here is my card:

I started by taking this one sheet of 12x12 heart DSP from GKW and coating a few hearts with Glossy Accents and then, when that wasn't enough, I added some Mod Podge Dimensional Magic. 
After letting them dry for a day, I cut out the hearts and decided which ones I wanted to use on my card. The white PTI paper was run through the BS using the Lil' Inker "Stitched Rectangle" die and then attached to the card base. The NBUS sediment is from a Simon Says Stamp set called "Just a Love Note." The corners were rounded with the Corner Chomper.

The bow was made from a Memory Box die called "Crisp Bows." In order to have my hearts at the proper angle, I cut two bows and then clipped the ends off. I then reattached them to the bow at the proper angle of the dangle and added a pearl from a NBUS Hero Arts package. One of the hearts is glued to the card base, the other one is popped up.

Yum. They look like heart lollies, don't they? 

Thank you, Laurie, for all your support and encouragement and, especially, for all your beautiful work which is so inspiring! I hope you are pleased with my DJKASE of your stunning mitten card!


My Photo
Ardyth's Card
For my second DJKASE today, I have chosen the card artist known to all of us as Ardyth. Ardyth has been crafting and blogging her signature graphic cards on her Maskerade website since January 2012. Literally every card of hers is in my "To CASE" folder, but it was her card (above right) on her February 10, 2014 post entitled "Valentines for Little Boys" that I chose to DJKASE. 

Because, of course, it was perfect inspiration for Valentines for Henry and Adam!

The images, except for the hand-drawn heartbeat are all from a NBUS stamp set called "Lighter Than Air" made by The Alley Way Stamps. The card base is PTI white, the little sparkly heart is SU glitter, and the ink is SU real red.

Thank you, Ardy! You are a friend, and an inspiration, and a cheerleader, and an all-around generous and uberly talented lady! I hope you are pleased with my DJKASE of your perfect 'boy card.'


I believe the Mono Chrome shades of pink on my heart card mean that I can place my second entry in the current challenge over at The Card Concept Challenge. I am really enjoying this challenge where ALL card styles (concepts) are not only made by various members of the extraordinary Design Team, but you see ALL the concepts in the gallery, as well, which makes it not only inspiring, but educational.
Since my card involved a bit of fiddliness and consumption of time to put it together (SO worth it), I'm thinking the concept is CAL = clean and layered.


I'm thrilled that my heart card works for the new sketch challenge at CAS(E) This Sketch, where the Guest Designer is the fantastic Mona Odegard.

I'm feeling like my puffy hearts are BOLD enough to work in the current challenge at the always-fun CASology!


I am linking both of my cards with the current challenge at Simon Says Stamps Monday Challenge which is "We Love Stamps." We sure do, Simon!
Simon Monday Challenge Blog

All the challenges mentioned in today's post are easy to link up with and if you click on the links you can visit the blogs for all the details on the rules, sponsors, and prizes.


New Friends Corner

I'm delighted to have three more wonderful card artists for you to meet today!
Laura Pizz of Crafty Chicks Creating. Laura has been blogging since 2011. She is a mom and a scrapbooker, as well as a card artist. She shares my love of entering challenges and her cards are always bright and wonderfully executed! 
Nora Noll of A Creative Touch.  Nora has also been blogging since 2011. She is a mom and a scrapbooker, as well as a card artist who loves challenges. Do we see a pattern here? I feel like a matchmaker and that these two ladies will be fast friends, if they aren't already! Nora's work is always crisp and fresh and captivating!

Carri of Double Click Connections AKA A Busy Bee. Carri has been blogging since 2009. She is an award-winning card artist who is and has been on several design teams. You will quickly be enchanted and inspired by her talent, her creations, and her enthusiasm!

Welcome, ladies, and thank you for joining in the Playhouse fun!!


Papa and I will be captivated and enchanted by the twins who are coming for a sleepover starting today through the weekend so their parents can celebrate a little alone time! Works for us!

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

Loads of Love & Kisses!

*Life Is Too Short!

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Gerrina said...

Great cards! I love how you cased these two cards in your own style! The one from Ardyth is something else; I don´t have stamps that come near those robots... Wish you a fun weekend, Gerrina

Sian Ridley said...

Happy Valentine's Day my darling Darnell! These are just fabulous cards for such a day - I especially 'love' those glossy, bold hearts! They look gorgeous!! ;) your CASE of Ardyth's little robots are adorable too and I know that the little ones are going to love them too! ;)

Have a wonderful day and weekend filled with love :) and don't forget to eat loads of chocolate!! He he! ;)

vic said...

Oohh beautiful cards and the hearts do look like sweets yum!! :)

Have a great weekend and valentines day


Vic xx

Sue - said...

Both are beautiful Darnell. Can't choose between them as they are both so different but do like the shiny puffy hearts! xx Sue

Sue - said...

Both are beautiful Darnell. Can't choose between them as they are both so different but do like the shiny puffy hearts! xx Sue

Suze Bain said...

These are just fab Darnell. I just love your glossy heart(s)! and the robot is fab. I have to say a robot stamp is not one I'd think of buying but I just love this one. Have a LOVEly weekend! xx

Claire said...

2 perfectly CASlicious cards Darnell! Especially love that Memory Box paper die ribbon. Now why on earth did I not think of that? I'm hopeless at tying bows...could I have found the perfect way to cheat?!

Mrs Harry said...

Scrumptious heart card Darnell, I *heart* it myself! And those robot cards are just perfect for your grand boys. Enjoy your weekend with them. Pat

stampwithsandy said...

Darnell, I love both your cards! Love the puffy hearts on the first one, and the robot and sentiment on the second one are just the cutest! Henry and Adam will love! Happy Valentines Day xxxooo

Sue said...

Such a delight to visit you today Darnell, as always I always enjoying reading your posts.
Your 2 DJKASE cards are as wonderful as the cards your chose to CASE. The puffy hearts look gorgeous and I love the cute robots.
I hope you have a good weekend.
hugs Sue xx

Ardyth said...

Well my, what a lovely surprise to see my card so beautifully cased (and to read such kind words!)! I love the 'heartbeat' ground you gave your robot and the way you've adapted the sentiment to fit! And I must comment on your other case - I love the thick enamel on those hearts - it adds such shine and dimension! Thanks for joining us at The Card Concept!

Deepti said...

A very Happy Valentine's day to you :), I love those hearts u created with the glossy accents they look awesome, love the robots too. You are on the roll with DJkase, I look forward to each of ur casing

RobynsRoostStamping said...

Love your Clean and Layered card for The Card Concept Challenge. Also like your Blog, it is so warm and friendly. Like sitting down for a cup of tea with a friend.

Alycia said...

My glossy accents always leaves my popped up elements warped; how'd you get yours to stay so flat? This is right up there with the secret to cutting an onion without crying...

Joyce said...

Oh, Darnell--so much adorable-ness on your blog today. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week. And Happy Valentines Day to you.

Karen P said...

Both cards are stunning Danell. I have, I thinkm the same robot stamp set as Ardyth and I've only used one stamp a couple of times. May have to CASE the two of you, fabulous inspiration as always. Have a Happy Valentines Day Weekend with the young ones xx

Shannon J said...

Happy Valentine's Darnell! Fabulous copylimenting!! Both cards made me let out a little eek (out loud too - embarrassing! ha ha!!). LOVE the glossy accents on those hearts on the first card! And the robot cards - SO sweet and perfect for the boys!! Speaking of which, have a lovely, romantic dinner for...four tonight! ;)

Barb Ghig said...

This has been one really fabulous post, Darnell! I love how you CASE'd Laurie's card with those yummy, shiny hearts...wow! Such a great choice from Ardyth's collection, too! Looks perfect for those gorgeous twin grandsons of yours, and really perfect for the challenges!

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day with your hubby! How nice that we both have such great men to share it with after all these years...cause, after all is said and done...that's what it's all about!!!

Sheila H said...

The cards you CASED are gorgeous, and yet you upped the game with your renditions - magnificent!! I love the shine and dimension on the hearts on the first card. Your grounding of the robot is so clever. Happy Valentine's Day!!

Dana said...

Oh. My. Gosh!! I love these cards!! I love the lighter then air set, your card is sooo cute!! I love the dimensional you added to the hearts, a lovely CAS card!!

Craftychris said...

Your cards are both gorgeous! I particularly like the hearts - they are shiny gorgeousness! Laurie and Ardy's cards are gorgeous too! Thanks again for my lovely card! xx

Mona Pendleton said...

Happy Valentine's Day Darnell! Such a darling collection of cards! I especially love the shiny hearts! Thanks for joining along with the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Great puffy hearts! (Matches my puffy eyes) That's a fab idea to do with that paper... I have some of it, thought it was great, am clueless what to do with it. You have shown me the light. The robot card is the cutest! Fun stuff!

Casandra Bennett said...

Your cards are just darling. Thanks for your sweet comment today on my blog. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

stampingbowd said...

Wow!!! your hearts turned out fabulously!!!! Love all that puffy goodness! Cute robots too!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Oh, my! I am lovin' all those gorgeous cards you created. Love the hearts with the extra shine and depth on them.

Laurie Unger said...


I just checked my email and I'm getting all kinds of comments and then find out it's because you DJKASEd one of my cards! HOW AWESOME IS THAT! Thanks for the shout out and your card is awesome!

That's Noah in the photo, BTW. Chloe wasn't even born yet, but thanks bunches for mentioning them. :-)

Happy Valentines Day to you and yours!

Anita in France said...

Oh my, are those hearts positively edible or what, Darnell ... sooo delicious! The robots for the twins ... love the heart beat trace, adore how you mimicked the hearts in the sentiment on the robots! Hugs, Anita :)

Janeen said...

i am in love with the Valentine card. wonderfully crisp and clean. the little guys are quite wonderful also.

Redanne said...

Fabulous puffy hearts Darnell! Love the robot cards for the twins too. You are certainly guaranteed a great weekend - have fun. Hugs, Annie xx

Jessi Fogan said...

These are awesome! I love the glossy hearts (Dimensional Magic is the bomb!) and those robots couldn't be sweeter :) Happy happy valentine's day!

Bobby said...

Those hearts are glorious. Are they as puffy as they look in the close up? The CASE of Ardyth's card is perfect. I loved her robot and yours is just as cute.

Kristie Goulet said...

Awesome cards, Darnell! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Chrissy Larson said...

Love both of these, Darnell! Those hearts are AWESOME!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

what to write down
you are so creative and full of ideas that when I vist your blog I am with open mouth.
Dear Darnell I wish you one lovely Valentine's day
hugs Tamara

Kathleen said...

I love your posts and I love these DJKase cards and the originals too, especially like the I'm Nuts and Bolts about you how fabulous.

Kath x

Leigh Penner said...

Super sweet cards, Darnell! I especially love the first one with the hearts!

Unknown said...

Great CASE cards Dippy - love your CASE cards of Ardyth.....they are so darned cute and am sure the boys appreciated them. Hapoy Anniversary to you and Kevin.


Karendipity xxx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Happy Valentines Day! Love your hearts and the robots :) have fun, Shirleyxx

Birgit said...

You've been busy!! Your cards are all wonderful and the puffed dimensional hearts are awesome!
Happy Valentine's Day Darnell <3

None None said...

Now isn't this the cutest thing ever, Darnell! I love the hearts cut out of the patterned paper and accented with glossy accents! You have the foresight (and patience of Job) to do that ahead of time so they are ready when you need them. Such awesome CASE's!

Wishing you and the Mister a wonderful Valentine's Day!!! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog the other day - you truly are the sweetest!!! I sent you an e-mail in response to your comment - you are a woman with a heart of gold!

Diane said...

Happy Valentine's Day Darnell, what yummy hearts they do look like candy. Very cute robot with a glittery heart.

Hugs Diane

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

I bet both Laurie and Ardyth are tickled pink with your adorable CASE cards! Love how you made your puffy hearts! And I know the twins are gonna love their Valentine cards!

Jean said...

The dimension you achieved on those hearts is amazing - really wonderful! Have a fabulous Valentine's Day!

Colleen Dietrich said...

Oh, I think I'm gonna need that shoestring bow die. Mmm hmm. I love the shininess you gave the hearts!

THanks so much for the heads up about my honorable mention at Fusion, Darnell! I hadn't known.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mrs A. said...

brilliant takes on the cards. Love your precisely dangled hearts. Can almost see myself in the shine on them. Can you just tilt the card a bit so I can comb me hair!! Ta ever so.
Have a brilliant weekend with the twins. Hugs Mrs A.

Susanne Vargas said...

Perfect CASE-ing of both cards! Love those shiny hearts swinging from the bow - very clever how you did that! And those robots with the heart beat are adorable - the boys must have loved them! Speaking of them - enjoy your weekend!

JD/ Jill said...

Happy Valentine's day to you...Both your card couldn't be any cuter! and nicely done! Great case Too...You did both ladies proud! You're all so talented!

Kay Miller said...

Oooooooh what a lovely card! You did a beautiful job on your CASeing!! I love that bow die and the Glossy Accents on the hearts looks wow!! I need to get me some of that stuff! Hope you have a wonderful Valentines day! ((Hugs))

Carol L said...

THose puffy hearts look so yummy and fun! Great card, and WTG for hooking it up with so many challenges too! Well done! And a very happy Valentine's day to you and the Mister too!

Greta said...

Enjoy the kiddos--do you get Duke, too? Great Cases here, Darnell--love that you're doing this!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines day Darnell!!! LOVE the cards esp the 1st one :-)

Cathy said...

Fabulous CASE cards Darnell, love how you modified the bows die to suit what you needed, the hearts do look good enough to eat, and the robots and that sentiment are perfect! Cathy x

Lisa Elton said...

Darnell those puffy glossy hearts are amazing and I am so smitten with the sweet little bow! And then there is your super duper cute robot card!! These are both fabulous CASEs! Thanks for the happy mail I received yesterday, so VERY sweet of you!! Hope you enjoyed a Happy Valentine's Day ;)

Unknown said...

Oh my yummy goodness...love what you did with the hearts. I do have to say that I use my Glossy Accents a lot. And great idea to cut the hearts out. I'm going to have to go look and see if I have anything I can use :) So glad you joined us at The Card Concept and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Loll said...

Fabulous CASE cards Dolly!! And a wonderful honor for Laurie and Ardyth!

Love hearts are gorgeous with the thick layer of glossy accents ... and yes, they do look like delicious heart-i-pops! :)

The robot cards are so fun and I bet the Twinks will love them. HVD Dolly! Lolly xx

Anonymous said...

Great job case-ing these talented women & their fabulous cards!!
Your cards turned out equally awesome!! :))
My faves are the hearts that turned to candy !! Yummers!!

On another note -- imagine my surprise today when the post man came by w/ a huge stack of mail (because we haven't had mail service for 3 days because of the snow & then a layer of ice on top of it making our city -- town -- & street a giant LUGE!!!) & there was a lovely valentine card in there from you !!! Thank you so much!!
It's the only valentine I recv'd this year so it was extra special!!
Being snowed in for 4 days meant that even the hubby couldn't go & get me a card... Lol !!!
So, thanks for the lovely & very timely valentine to brighten my day!!!

Lindsey said...

AWESOME djkase! Oh my! I love those hearts hanging by a bow and what a fantastic use of a pink palette. And the Valentine's are adorable. That is one of my very favorite TAWS sets...can't believe I don't own it! I always forget to add it to my cart. And most importantly, Darnell, I want to send you the biggest most sincere hug. It's been a bit of a rough week and your comments have really cheered me up. I haven't been on the computer much lately, and I didn't even know I won until I got your sweet congratulatory note. Thank you! Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Virginia L. said...

Beautiful CASing on both cards, Darnell! I love the use of glossy Accent and heart dies!Also, I like your new profile pic! You look so lovely! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

Karen M said...

Both of your cards are totally gorgeous Darnell:) Happy valentine's day and I hope that you get spoilt - hugs xx

Bonnie said...

I love how your hearts are at an angle! I'm going to remember that trick! Love the robots and need to get a robot stamp so I can CASE that for our boys next year.

Carole said...

You are the Queen of copyliments DJKase. Luscious looking lolli hearts. Never heard of Mod Podge dimensional magic...but it sure looks sensational. The nuts and bolts robot is great for the twins Valentines. Hugs C

cm said...

My slow-pokedness in commenting means that whatever I add will be exceedingly redundant, as all the others have noted the amazing-ness and awesome-ness of your coplimented cards. So, I'll say this: I second, third and fourth all the previous comments! Delightful casing, infused with your Darnell flair and style. LOVE them both! Have a fabulous 'with the twins' Valentine weekend, filled with oodles of huggles and snuggles! Hugs~c

shirley-bee said...

What a fabulous case you've done of both cards, Darnell! I love those shiny hearts!

G Peplow said...

WOW gorgeous cards, again!!! So many facets to your posts Darnell :D You never fail to make me smile, thank you so much. Have a wonderful weekend, Gay x

Pia S said...

Great job caseing these talented women! Those cut out hearts look so yummy with the glossy accent on them, and the robot is such a sweet image, perfect for a male design!

Patti J said...

Darnell, what a great job of case-ing these two talented ladies! Your cards are so perfectly 'same and different'! You rock, dear friend, and I love seeing each day's creations! Enjoy your twins day - cya back here soon!

Jen W. said...

Brilliant CASEes today, Darnell! I love those super glossy hearts you created and the touch of patterned paper peeking out from the background. And I loved Ardyth's card too - so jealous you had a cool robot stamp to CASE it! Thanks for playing along with CASology and CAS(E) This Sketch this week!

Geri said...

Fabulous CASE of Laurie's card! I admire your patience in waiting one day for the hearts to dry....I'd be poking at them within an hour! Another neat sentiment too. Beautifully clean & simple and perfect for the CCC challenge!

Ardyth's CASE - LOVE IT!!! The twinks are going to think that these are just the coolest cards ever!

Pat said...

I love both these DJKASEd cards Darnell, and the originals are great too. I love the way you have enamelled the two hearts, they look fantastic, in fact using any motif from paper would work to make a beautiful button or something similar. The Memory Box bow works beautifully with the hearts hanging from it. On the robot card I like the way you have him standing on a 'heartbeat' - how clever of you to think of something like that, and what a cute image. I hope you are having a good weekend. x

Nora Noll said...

Your cards are adorable!! Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog!!

Narelle Farrugia said...

Your cards are gorgeous! I especially love those sweet little hearts - they look fabulous! thanks for joining us at The Card Concept!

Ros Crawford said...

I have to get some of that modge podge stuff ... I LOVE those hearts!! And the robot cards are genius!!

Jenni's Jems said...

LOVE both your cards and that robot one is sooooo cute!! x

Jacquie Southas said...

Love the orignal cards and your CASE of them!!

Gillian R said...

Such gorgeous cards Darnell, love those sweet little hearts on your first card and those adorable robots on your second card. Thank you so much for joining us this week at CASology

Kim Heggins said...

Happy belated Valentine's Day Darnell! What a fabulous and fun pair of cards. I love those shiny hanging hearts, so sweet and that robot, oh my...just about as cute as they come. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Um, yum. This card is delicious and I want to eat it. I love your design!! SUPER SWEET! Like you! Happy Hearts Day!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Darnell! Great card for CASology and the DT agrees!!!

Anita in France said...

Woo-hoo, more good news, Darnell .. an HM at CASology with this DJKASE'd little beauty .. congratulations! Hugs, Anita :)

sandie said...

you predicted right! Thanks for the congrats and I missed this beauty from you...great to share the HM gallery with you too! I realised I had not signed up to get your posts by emails so that is why I miss some-all sorted now, so I can be your stalker now!!

Meg said...

Congrats Darnell on your CASology honourable mention!

Lee-Anne said...

Darnell...congrats on your HM at CASology...love your puffy hearts!

Bobby said...

Congrats! Your puffy heart card won honorable mention at CASology. Did you know you also won a gift certificate from day 5 of PTI's anniversary?

Kerin said...

Wow I looove the coating on your hearts! The stitching is fabulous too. Thanks for joining us at The Card Concept :)

Jasleen Kaur said...

Fantastic cards and beautifully CASed. I just love those yummy puffy hearts :) Congrats on your well deserved HM at Casology :)

Sian Ridley said...

Ooh my turn, my turn! I would like to add my congratulations to your well deserved HM over at CASology for your super fab BOLD CAS-ilicious card! Well done! ;)

Anonymous said...

Now it's my turn to say congrats for your yummy win-worthy card!!

Anonymous said...

Now it's my turn to say congrats for your yummy win-worthy card!!

Katie Melhus said...

you really make a KASE for inspired designs! I'm your newest follower, and a long time fan :)

MaryH said...

YOu picked some great inspiration, and did a marvelous CAS. Loved 'em all. TFS & Hugs

Emily Keaton said...

Awwwww . . . these are SO sweet! I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how you made those darling little hearts shine on that first card!! AMAZING!

Barb King said...

Love the puffy hearts with the intricate, delicate bow! Beautiful.

Sian Ridley said...

I'm back to congratulate you again on your win over at The Card Concept!! You are on fire girl!! ;) well done!

shirley-bee said...

And congratulations to you too on your equally well deserved win at CCC, Darnell!

Anita in France said...

Yay, this is one special card, Darnell ... another win ... congratulations on a top spot at The Card Concept! Anita :)

Katie Melhus said...

I'm baaaaa-aaaaack! To say congrats for your pick at CCC! Am I surprised to see your gorgeous card in the mix? Certainly not! Love it!

Katie Melhus said...

I'm baaaaa-aaaaack! To say congrats for your pick at CCC! Am I surprised to see your gorgeous card in the mix? Certainly not! Love it!

Karen Davis said...

Beautifully cased cards Darnell. I love the glossy accents on the hearts, such a wonderful effect. The glitter heart on the robot is so sweet, especially with the sentiment. Happy creating!