In between travels, I wanted to stop in and let you know that I have added a privacy policy tab to the top of my blog in an attempt to comply with the European General Date Protection Regulation (GDPR). Well, actually, make that "Data" protection. You're on your own when it comes to dating.
My limited understanding is that this GDPR is a good thing for the security of cyberspace. So don't panic. Unfortunately, it appears that even wee hobby bloggers around the rest of the world also need to take heed, even though it's the big corporations they are after for privacy abuses. But, I mean, I'm not a lawyer, so don't quote me.

Which is about as helpful as a screen door on a submarine.
In the meantime, if this has happened to you, please note that you can also read comments from your readers under the "design" feature of your blog. You just click on "comments" on the left side. Still, I do hope Google/ Blogger/ Feedburner fixes this soon because it's so nice and easy to simply open my inbox and see you there with your lovely messages!
And that's all I know. If you know more and can help the rest of us better comply with GDPR and the comment issue, please let us know. Thank you!
ETA: My friend Alice noticed this in the comment box: Under your name there is a box and it says "Email follow-up comments to ... (your name)." So you publish a post and then immediately leave yourself a comment and check the box and then every comment you get after that will appear in your gmail inbox! Thank you so much Alice!
I assume we will have to do this every time we publish a post. Sigh. And I'm hearing that now all the commenters are "no reply," so you can't click on the name and respond to anybody. Sigh.
I also noticed that after you leave a comment, the top of the comment box changes where it says "your comment has been saved." You'll notice that it now also has the word "unsubscribe" which I don't believe was there before.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
Good job, Darnell! I'vd been pondering the very same thing, and set up a (hopefully) appropriate response when people subscribe by email, but haven't done anything about followers or blog comments. Guess I'd better get on to it :)
Hi Darnell, I have the same problem, as well soooo much of us: notifications aren't coming through my emails anymore after the new policy changes.
But it seems that I fixed, in this way: I have posted a comment myself, SUBSCRIBING to the new comments by cheking the square (email follow-up comments), so now the comments finally arrive in my mailbox. ;)
Hope this little trick could be useful.
Hope that google will repair the bug quickly, too!!!It's very annoying.
Thank you, Alice! I'm going to try it!
I woke up this morning feeling really sad that I'd had no comments on my blog for two days - then looked at my Comments page in the admin area and there they all were. Very inconvenient, especially for the DT admin blogs I belong to because I have to visit them to see if anything important is happening rather than knowing immediately when an email pings through!
Isn't technology wonderful?
Great tip! Thank you.
You are very accurate, Darnell! I haven't realized that the box was changed. I thought that it was same as before, only picked the possibility to have again the notice of comments in my mailbox :D
Hi Darnell,
thank you so much for the info it was very helpful.
Enjoy your travels.
Lots of crafty love and hugs. Jenny L.
I tried this but my comment box does not have the email square to tick!
I can see it here though!
This is so frustrating as is the problem over at Pinterest where I can add new folders but not add to them directly from my computer!
Technology is 'wonderful'! :)
It's a pain but I will try your amazing tip and hope it will work so I cann make all my blogbuddies happy again, THANKS!!!
xx Irene
CAO Darnell, I have the same problem so thank you very much for this tips :)
Thanks for explaining Darnell and the tips 😃x
Hmmm - I had noticed the lack of email notifications.... I always keep my comments waiting moderation page open, so it's not a biggie for me. But thanks for the tip.
Great post, Darnell, I have to be honest I've kind of blinked and missed the whole GDPR thing but ... I've been inundated with e-mails from sites I subscribe to ...... and don't even get me started about entering challenges! Thanks for the tip about "follow up comments"
Happy Sunday
Even though I live in the UK, I knew nothing at all about the new legislation until a couple of weeks ago!! Since then I have been getting some notifications of comments, but not others... who can figure out Blogger! I get a big notice now when I go to write a blog post telling me I must comply with the legislation, even though I have already done so. The whole thing is a shambles - you would think they would be keen to promote something that is meant to do some good..... OK, rant over! Glad to see you have done a policy too Darnell - well done you!! Hugs, Annie xxx
Darnell, thank you for sharing this. I've not been sure how to address this on my blog. Yours is the first where I've seen a tab with the information. How did you find this information? I'd like to do something similar on my blog so that I in what I hope to be compliance. I'm happy for added security, but what a messy way to achieve it! Thanks for your help and tips.
Thanks for this Darnell. Of course it happened to me and I just looked at my comments and saw your lovely reply to my Twofer card - I thought you had been ignoring me!!!!!!
GDPR overkill! Thanks, Darnell, Jo x
As always Darnell your post is a joy to read. My comments are all moderated so I'd not noticed this issue, but thanks for the explanation! Sending hugs xx
Technology is like the little girl with a curl..When it's good, it's very, very good. When it's bad it's horrid! This is all way over my head!
Thanks for this post Darnell! I too have been wondering where all my email notifications for comments had gone, and they are all there on my blog post, but so much easier to just read in my emails on my phone...grrrr! Thanks for the tips though and I will check it out!! Have a great rest of your holiday weekend!! :0)
Well, this explains why nothing was coming from the blog yesterday! I will try to fix this because it's a big joy to see my blogging friends comments on gmail!
Thanks for explaining all this, Darnell. I was wondering about that comments issue too, but the odd thing is that I get comments emailed from some people but not others. Anyone know why that is?
Thanks for explaining all of this to us. I suppose it is for our own good but I sure don't like change. Enjoy your travels!!
Now What. I can't keep up and don't know if I'm supposed to do this too. My comments still come in my email. As far as dating - my husband would never let me date and now I don't want to. I'll check into this, Darnell. Thanks for the information.
I just want to come straight over to your place and give you a great big squishy hug for sharing this information with us! Like the others, I have been feeling ignored in not receiving email notifications of comments, yet they do appear on my blog. I'll try leaving a comment, ticking the box and seeing if that works. You're sooooo helpful and knowledgeable! Oh...and can we borrow snippets of your Data Protection to add to our blogs? As always: articulate and thorough!
Hugs and love~c
I have the same problem too....Thank you Darnell and Alice for being so helpful. What a friendly crafting blog world we have x
Yes, I was missing emails telling me too when someone commented. I check at the blog now and then but it certainly is not as convenient as it was before. I will try your suggestions too. Thanks.
I just want to stay connected. I love your work.
Yes...because what we all need now is to make the world even more complicated. Thank you and Alice for the info.
I was so frustrated that comments aren't coming through. I'm going to try the method Alice suggested until blogger gets with it and fixes it!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
I wasn't sure if we had to do this in the US, but I went ahead and added a page. Didn't realize that little tidbit about comment notification. I figured everyone was busy for the holiday weekend. Checked my comments category and there they were. Sheesh! One more thing to remember. Thanks for sharing, Darnell!
Thank you, Darnell, giving us the heads up on this! I looked at my blog and noticed that I didn't have a box to check for email notifications on a comment. On my settings, I had my "comment location" as embedded. When I changed it to popup window, like yours, it's there. Interesting! Agree with everyone else and hope it gets a fix. Hope you're having a good weekend! Hugs!!!
Thanks so much. I hope you have a nice holiday weekend!
I am facing the same problem with comments ! Thanks to your post ,I will try it and share with my friends too.
Thanks for the info Darnell but as it happens I don't have comments sent to my e-mail anyway, I just open the comment section on my blog to check for comments. I haven't added a privacy policy statement yet but will have to I suppose, I was just waiting to see what other people were doing first. I was thinking it would be just the big fish who would need to take note, or at least people who run a challenge maybe, but it would seem even us little tiddlers have to address it. x
Darnell, what would I ever do without you! I am rarely on my blog anymore, with two high school seniors abot to graduate...and whn I do log on I see lots of messages about these things I do not understand (or can't take the time right now to try!). Would it be too much to ask to copy your privacy tab info for my own blog? I'm not sure where you got that information but it sure was good and I'd love to have something similar at my own blog. I would never copy without asking first! Hope all is well! Take care,
It seems in this age of making things more secure and simpler to use it just makes it more complicated for me to understand!
Thank you for my lovely birthday card - I had a wonderful time in sunny Cornwall to celebrate. Lots of walking and a day of crafting and also with plenty of ice cream enjoyed to cool down after our walks by the sea. xx
Awesome post, Darnell! I was wondering if it was just my blog that wasn't sending the comments - I haven't been blogging for awhile so I wasn't sure how long this has been going on. I'll try Alice's suggestion. Did I mention that you're awesome?! You always keep us up to date on what's going on. Instead of wondering about things, I should just come over here :-)
Thanks to you and Alice!
I don't get many comments on my posts except for WOYWW and I thought it was just businesses that have to comply to this GDPR so I haven't noticed anything and I haven't done anything....GDPR wise.
I just write my blog.
Thanks anyway for the info... if I find out I need it then I know where to come. lol
I also had been on the Goggle Forum and I did get a mail with you saying that you were having the same problem too.
I have followed the instructions that you received from Alice (God bless her) and had Sarn do a test for me and it worked so a HUGE thanks to you and Alice
Also a HUGE thanks to Google for all the information and explanations NOT!!!!????
Wherever you are going and whatever you are doing .. ENJOY and as a well known blogger would say LITS.
Thanks again
Kath x
Thanks for the heads up. I hope it is ok that I just copied what you have. [I totally do not get this lol] If not, just let me know.
So frustrating! I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do about this, as I return the favor by using my email notifications. Will try this fix--better than nothing, that's for sure! Have no idea if my blog is in compliance, but since I don't think I collect anything like email addresses, I've decided to leave my head stuck in the sand--haha! No wonder people are going to using IG which is so not the same as a blog! It's fine to see what a "friend" or company is showing, but sure not a way to build relationships in my book. Thank goodness I already have a lot of wonderful friends through blogging--including you! Safe travels & sending hugs, Greta
Thanks for explaining this Darnell, I'm glad some people are more switched on with technology than I am! Cathy x
What a helpful post Darnell. How kind of you to share it with us. This technology is so difficult to learn.. but I'll try more.
Thanks, Darnell! I read your comment on Blogger about leaving yourself a comment and then tested it out. It seems to work! I gave YOU a HUGE shout out on my latest post and said you are a GENIUS! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the tip Darnell ..... isn't technology wonderful!!
.. and I thought, I'm the only one who can not fix this problem. :-) Thank you for all information. The last info to write own comment and notification is really useful.
Have a great week with no rules. :-)
I wondered why I was not getting any emails telling me people had commented - I was starting to think no-one was reading my posts, or if they were, no-one was commenting. I tried Alice's suggestion and it worked - but what a pain to have to add one more step to every blog post! Thank you so much for this post letting us all know!
Ugh!! why are "they" working so hard to spoil our fun! LOL Thanks for the information! I KNOW you are having fun!! give everyone hugs for me!! : )
Very insightful.. thanks Darnell. I hope you don't mind but I reposted some of this on my blog and linked back to this post. Let me know if you don't approve. I just thought I would share this insight as well.. here is my post @
Thanks for the info, Darnell..
I'm going to say the same thing that, Bonnie, said in a comment above mine...
It's all a bit way over my head...
Just think I started my blog 9 years ago ...just to post some pics so my family and friends could see my latest crafts...
Never thought it would all get so complicated...
Boy oh boy, if I had a £1 for every email I have had about GDPR in the last 6 months, I could retire a happy woman! It's a big old thing over here and most people are nowhere near complying from what I can see. But the law is complex and you are right I think they will definitely be going after the big guns (already some have been reported - Google, WhatsApp, Facebook for non compliance. This will be a big topic for a while and I am sure we will see some fines in the future. Hopefully not for little old bloggers though :) xx
Such a minefield the whole thing and everyone seems to be a bit in the dark about it all. I was sad I hadn't got any comments then saw your post and it explains it all!! I say we just have to keep plugging away!!! xx
Eeek, Darnell ... what a pain. At the moment, Wordpress doesn't seem to have experienced the same issues ... I'm getting you and you're getting me (I think!!). Ho hum ... that's Eurocracy for you! LYAMYMA ... WYHAST! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)
Your a star Darnell and so is Alice. What would we do without our blogging network of friends. Long may they continue. Hugs Mrs A.
I got so far behind in commenting myself that I just thought no one was commenting until I looked on the design page. That is a pain in the you know what. Especially when you've scheduled posts and don't get to comment on your own right away. It's like a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch and I sure do hope we bloggers can get the attention of Google, etc to get some things changed. I'm all about privacy but there should be a way to preserve it from some and allow others in.
Thank you so much! Am going to start posting again soon so am forwarned! Hugs xxx
Hi Darnell
Im in the same boat with not getting notifications into my inbox and. true to form, Blogger has not responded to my query on the subject.
Ang x
You’re a star for doing this post, Darnell, as is Alice! I just thought no one wa bothering to leave me a comment cos I’m such a bad visitor/commenter (and I wouldn’t blame them!). Now I just need to remember to ✅ the little boxes.
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