Welcome WOYWWers and All Others!
I'm with Julia about these Tuesday evening shots fighting the low-setting sun rays, as you can clearly see. Another week of Wednesday morning busyness for me, so I'm posting tonight.
On my desk is the d'Tritus from making my card, also for this post. I need to wash my windows.
Please join me and hundreds of other crafters at Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday weekly awesome Snoop Challenge. It's a kick in the ashcan! Truly.
My card is for a couple three things. Okay, just a couple. I wanted to get a start on making 4th of July cards, because it's a big holiday in this family. Mister's cousin Frank, on his father's side, Frank's father, I mean, was one of the original Furter families, largely of Clifton, Mass. There is a direct line all the way to the first catered lunch at the first fireworks over the harbor.
Also, I wanted to join in the big party over at The Paper Players where they are celebrating their 100th challenge. I should have made and posted this card with my 100th follower celebration, but that synapse connection didn't spark at the time. The celebration challenge is to pick any challenge and play; check it out! So I picked recent challenge #98, Jaydee's Theme Challenge, which was summertime.
You can't get more summertime in America then the 4th of July! Here's my card. As I mentioned, the lighting wasn't very good. By the time I got outside with it, the sun had set itself all the way down in its ocean chair. It's my first time playing in this fun challenge and I hope to do it more often!
I also took a picture of my card inside the Playhouse in a patch of sunlight just to see if that would work and it turned out kinda kewl.
Doesn't that look like it might have been taken through the bars of a jail cell? Which makes the "Freedom" message all the more poignant? I think so anyway. I could see that on a poster somewhere, or a Coffee Table Book about America. I'm quite imaginative.
Enjoy! As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Paper: PTI white; unknown navy
star paper
Stamps: Stampabilities, "God Bless America"
FR1017; Art Impressions, "Freedom" I-2184;
Stripe, unmarked stamp
Ink: SU real red and night of navy
Ribbon: Richard's Dollar Bin Spool O' Ribbon
Sparkly star embellies, unknown
Well now, that makes me want to whistle Yankee Doodle, just a bit. Being a Yank in the UK means not so much of the 4th of July celebrations. I do miss the fireworks and big community picnic and all that. Love the card. And your playhouse looks so cute!
Have a great woyww.
Mary Anne (4)
I love that card. I have always wanted to live in the US (must be the shopping and the wide-open spaces) and envy your holidays (we don't celebrate much in the UK - except for this year, with the Jubilee and the Olympics). Happy WOYWW. Ali x #61
Hi Darnell, bit spooky, loads of thing on your desk are the same as mine not fully shown in my post today though. I just ran into the craft room here to check if you were there - bit dumb really - as if you'd nip over from the States to take a photo! :)
Great 4th July card, love the atmospheric photo you took. Yup, you'll be in 'coffee table top' books before long. :)
Happy WOYWW, Di xx #65
Love your July 4th card, hope you enjoy the celebration soon! Helen, 33
Wow Darnell, that's some family history you have there, hope you have captured it all in a scrapbook. Love your 4th July card and no it does not look like a prison cell (unless you are lying on your side maybe??), the card is beautiful and a wonderful celebration of the day. Crafty hugs, Anne x #43
PS - one of your HOWLers !!
Super cards, fab desk too, love the light streaming in. Take care & enjoy snooping. Zo xx 74
Awesome cards!
Zoe #57
Fab card and your desk is looking good. Thanks for the opportunity of having a peep at your workspace - trying to make a few visits early this week! Hazel, WOYWW #87 x
Isn't it funny how the light can make things look so different. Love your card. Sandy :)
fabulous card - thanks for sharing.
Brilliant card! Your desk looks so creative - have a good WOYWW xx #114
Beautiful card! And I love your perspective on the photo you took. Dani22
I love your 4th July cards, so bold and striking
Sophie no.93
Great holiday card.
Hugs, Sarn xxx #80
VERY cool 4th of July card! I love the design and those great stamps. Amazing how the light plays with the colors of our cards, usually for me it plays mean tricks!
Perfect for summer Darnell! Great design here!!! Thank you for celebrating our 100th challenge with us at The Paper Players!
I really like your corner desk, or whatever you call it. Sometimes I wish I had an L-shaped desk, but I do love my rolltop. I love your 4th of July card. Yes, 4th of July screams SUMMER to me. In fact, I don't really think of it as summer until then, even though I live where it cracks 100 degrees F in May. That's just a warm spring! LOL!
I have to say that I look forward to seeing your desk each week, happy to know I am not the only one with a bunch of stuff sitting around.
Your card is fabulous...reminds me of 4th of July when I was a kid, not sure why but it does. So fun and festive!
How fun the 4th is a big day for your family! Love these 2 cards -- have a great 4th holiday~
thanks for the crafty snoop darnell and forget the dirty windows..crafting is far more important...loving your 4th July cards..happy WOYWW...hugs kath xxx
I love your workspace...especially the windows!. Your card is fabulous! I really like the one you took in the low light! It does look like it might be through a jail window! Neat effect! Valerie#55
Great card for you 4th of July celebrations...The 2nd photo is superb!
I love your 4th July card it is perfect, enjoy the celebrations and all the events you get involved in, someone has to win.
Happy crafting this week
Eliza #164
Please respond only to the queenartoypia blog.
I know I wouldn't cope with 108F! 96F was bad enough! I'm looking at the coulds gathering out of the office window, we're supposed to get a storm that will cool it down somewhat so I'm hoping that's true! Lovely card, for obvious reasons I don't get too patriotic, lol, although I like to tell people who tease me to be grateful.... without us English you wouldn't have a big celebration and a day off work!!
Brenda 2
Great card! I love the layout! Wishing you a happy day!
Barbara Diane
You may be quite imaginative but I can see exactly what you mean! The inside shot is very nice, in a lingering and stirring kind of way. Yes, I confess, I'm American and I always cry when they play "God Bless the USA" during the fireworks display at the lake every fourth of July. I can't help it! And I can't help saying your card rocks, as does your photography. :) AND what is this mess we finally see on your desk? Are we messier crafters starting to rub off on you? *wink, wink* lol
Deeyll #157
Haha love the 'atmospheric' lighting.... definitely suits the card!
Whenever I think of Frank Furter, I think of Rocky Horror. So now I'm just humming happily to myself. I love the lighting on the second card - it's so dramatic! I am constantly amazed by the trickiness of photography and the randomness of my ability to get a decent photo!
love the great USA card! and your corner desk is wonderful! happy WOYWW!
hugs, #15 peggy aplSEEDS
Fantastic card to celebrate summer fun, Darnell! Love how you created a little flag in the background. Thanks for joining us this week at the Paper Players!
Hi there Darnell you are having fun in your neck of the woods and glad you like my beach still looked great today but was a different one - down at jetty beach hope your nano arm band works a treat :D in post above..
Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #25
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