I morphed around with today's card. It was like one of those Make Over shows on TV. Why am I never walking down the street and lucky enough to have some celebrity host or hostess offer me a free make-over, head to toe? Whadya mean it's because it's only a one-hour show? Brute L.
This week's One Layer Wednesday is being hosted by the Sponge Queen, Heather Telford of bits and pieces. If you haven't seen her sponge work, you are missing out on a treat! Click it. She shows you how she does it and you gotta love that kind of generosity!
So here is my attempt at sponging, masking, and embossing all in one caboose:
It's sort of what yud call Elementary Sponging. I'll confess I tried to do a snowbank in the manner of the beautiful inspiration cards posted, but my efforts, to date, are not ready for Worldwide Webbing. My rolling snowy hills looked more like a plate of elbow macaroni what had been left outside in the full moon.
So then, seeing as how the distress ink colors I used for my sponging are fallish, even though the rusts and oranges aren't as vivid in the photo as they are IRL, I added a leaf embelly to my card for this week's challenge (CFC71) over at CASual Fridays which is "Fall Fun." Go over and have some fun with them!
So then, seeing as how I'm trying to enter a card a week in Susan Raihala's thoughtful 2012 Gratitude Campaign on her Simplicity website, I morphed my card again, thus:
The linkie for the Campaign is on Susan's sidebar. Please do read her compelling thoughts here and join in with your cards of thanks.
We had a fun day yesterday celebrating Mister Papa's birthday. All cameras were once again forgotten, but I did manage to grab one cell phone shot of the twins on the soccer field:
Aw, sweet, I seem to have captured a nice brotherly moment. As least I prefer to think that it's a moment of brotherly encouragement, as opposed to a push about to happen. Boys, you know.
BTW, I'm happy to report that no one lost control in the eating of deviled eggs, the California HASMAT team did not need to be called in to control emissions, and no one had to sleep alone on the couch. It was all good.
Enjoy your Sunday! I hope to get crafty again today as tomorrow I have a crowning ceremony to go to at early o'clock. I could leave you imaging I've won some brilliant beauty contest, hahaha (see opening paragraph), but alas, no. The crowning in this case is being done by a dentist. When he is finished, I will honestly be able to say that I have more gold up in my grill than I do in my jewelry box. That's just wrong.
As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Paper: Stampland glossy
Stamp: Hero Arts K5517 Tall Wheat;
and A3079 Gratitude Seldom
Ink: DI: spiced marmalade; rusty
hinge; tea dye; mustard seed; and
scattered straw
Rusty leaf from Dollar Store bag;
Yellow leaves from backyard
So pretty, Darnell. Love the embossing. You always make such beautiful one layer cards, an area I am lacking in!
Sounds like a great day!
I'm sure it is a touch of encouragement!
Your card is lovely...I have never tried that technique...it looks great!
I love the way this card morphed! It just keeps getting better and better! Enjoy your day as queen!
That is fantastic masking, I love the ways the card morphed, each variation lovely.
Thanks for your comments, the child is the artist that won't grow up. Peter Pan gave me permission when he sang " I won't grow up" and Jiminy Cricket gave me wisdom to take the right path.
Hiya Dippy - just love your card.......in all three stages! So glad that Mister's birthday went smoothly and that no foul emissions were reported. How could you have forgotten your camera.....although the cell phone piccy was great of the twinks although I would have given money to see the next couple of minutes!!! lol Hopefully by the time I post this message your visit to the dentist will be well and truly over..........but I always knew you had a 22 carat smile.....happy days Dippy.
Karen xxx
Hi Darnell,
Love the card, and how it changes. It just keeps getting better and better. Great picture of the twinks too. Good luck at the dentist tomorrow. xx
Well I think your work is beautiful - far better than I could have done!!!! Cute picture of the twins!!!
Love your magical morphing card, Darnell! Can't decide which one I like best... Diggin' the asymmetric sentiment strip on the last one. :)
Oh Darnell, I love your sponging and I am ready to see your creations any time in this world wide webbing! I love both versions, but I do like the leaf peeking out from the side as it creates some "drama" ( I love dramas, as you can probably tell). So glad that you join the fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays!Thanks for sharing the lovely photos, too!
Your card is gorgeous - in all 3 stages! I too am a fan of Heather's sponging, and you've clearly learned a thing or two from her! Beautifully done!
Cracking up at your post Darnell. I too would love to have a makeover person for me, my house, well anything...and your boys...too sweet. I'm sure it was brotherly love :) Love your cards. The inking is gorgeous! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
Fabulous card, really cool and fun post and per usual. So was their actually a push or was it a brotherly moment...
Hi Darnell, Your sponging & embossing created a beautiful & vibrant card, love it.
Is lushilishous a 'real' word ? :) Love your sense of humour !!!!!!!!!! Have fun with your Dentist at the Beauty contest, Shirleyx
Love the morphing card Darnell and the sponging looks great to me. Amused by the brotherly moment and pleased that the couch was not called upon. Have fun at the dentist and perhaps afterwards you might give your jewellery box a chance to catch up?! Vicky x
Hi Darnell, you may not have been happy with the snow bank but this autumnal scene is beautiful. I give you an A+ because, to me, it is perfect - well done! Love the added leaf too. Nice pic of the twinks and glad Mr's birthday celebrations went well. Crafty hugs, Anne x
Gorgeous, Darnell! Love this autumnal card! Hugs
I love your card Darnell and the autumn colours are beautiful x x
So sorry I am falling behind in the commenting stakes... but this is definitely a versatile card three looks from one card - (should let you loose on my wardrobe!)and thanks for the link I too have problems doing hills, snowbanks etc x
I love the white embossing with those colours, and like everyone else, I love how the card morphed. I like the angled gratitude strip on the last card. Hope the crowning ceremony went well.
You did beautifully with the whole caboose. I haven't gotten the hang of it, but I love the misty yellow look of your card!
Darnell, I love the morphology of your card! And you keep me in stitches with your gold comments. Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
Beautiful, Darnell, and fun to see it in each phase. My fave is the first one where your beautiful embossing and sponging take center stage. ann
Very pretty colours, Darnell and I love the wheat stalk image too.
Heather T.
Your card is beautiful. I quite enjoyed it before you added the leaf, but I think the leaf adds a lot of dimension and is a great nod to fall.
Enjoyed your stories and loving your sponging efforts. Believe me, mine do not look that good! You done good girl. I like the effect with this stamp. Go GIRL! TFS
Darnell, you are just a hoot. Love your musings! You must be a riot at the dinner table. And you make pretty darn good cards too. Love this one, and how you took us through the various incarnations.
Oh wow! This is just beautiful! Thanks for having some fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
This is beautiful sponging, and I love the wheat image. Great way to morph for three challenges. Glad to hear you had good day for Mister's birthday!
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