You sorta can tell I wasn't able to put a lot of coloring time into my card today, but I couldn't get these two challenges out of my head ~ I HAD to make something. Sometimes you feel like that when it comes to your art, sometimes you feel like that when it comes to making homemade chocolate chip cookies, sometimes ... well, I can't top that!
This week is #3 at CAS(E) this Sketch!, designed by the fantastic Jackie Rockwell:
and at CASology, week #16, the cue word is WILD. Oh so many, many ways to make a card for this challenges! I adore these cue words. They make me use my bean. And my bean likes it!
Naturally, here's the way I went:
She's WILD and stylin' and shimmery and here's her whole shebang on the inside:
She's a red-hatted, red-wine-drinkin' cat lady! Ya Hoot Yer Snozzle! Apparently she's never heard of Playtex Extra Support foundation garments. Or, more likely, she no longer gives a ~ hey, the weather sure was nice today wasn't it?
I didn't put a sediment on the front because I thought Miss Glitter Puss really says it all with her eye peeking out, don't you think?
I didn't put a sediment on the front because I thought Miss Glitter Puss really says it all with her eye peeking out, don't you think?
I have a new friend to introduce to you hooligans before I head off to work. Her name is Anita and she lives in France and her blog is My Papercraft World! Her adorable little face is not over there on my follower fingernails 'cause her cybermacallit won't let her follow, so she joined as a subscriber. I don't know who all my subscribers are, since all I see is an email address, but Anita wrote to me to let me know she wanted to play with us.
So please help me welcome Anita by visiting her brand-spanking-new blog! You'll make her day, I promise, and if anyone else out there is a hidden subscriber and you'd like me to introduce you to the rest of the gang, give a holler! You know I appreciate all of you, however you get here!
Enjoy your weak ends! As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Paper: PTI white; SU real red
Stamp: Mostly Animals (OOB)
"Cat Nip" (1201-S7)
Ink: Memento tuxedo black;
Prismacolor pencils; Sakura
Gelly Roll "Clear Star"
I wouldn't have expected anything less from you!
Popped over to France and left a few hugs!
Your wrinkly lady is a hoot. I love that you open the card to see the saggy rest of her!!!
Well, this has put a smile on my face Darnell. Fabulous. xx
Wonderful ... reminds me of that poem 'When I get older I'm going to wear more purple' or something like that! Thanks so much for your intro ... you're un étoile! Anita
No sentiment required! Love the booze shnoz, the blinging and your coloring!
Ha ~ all you need is the hat for the card to wild! This image is purrrfect for the sketch! Very fun card!
Sassy Lassy is styling with a cat for a scarf. Great case perfect design.
Well she definitely made me giggle and your right needs a bit of help in the underwear department, and I'm the gal to help out, I have learnt all about sucking it in and lifting it up in the last few months hee he (probably due to all that yummy red wine and chocolate -they go really well together by the way )a really fun and brilliant take on the challenge x
Fun fun image and a fantastic card, great job on the sketch!
Fantastic Darnell! Very clever card and she sure could do with what we in the UK would call a corset (or three even) - made me get the giggles and as it's midnight here now I have to stifle them when I hop into bed in a moment! Di xx
What a great card!! She is so shimmery and fabulous!!
I'm totally amused at how we both combined the same 2 challenges and what different cards we each came up with! Bwahahahaha!!! Yours is hilarious ;)
Oh that is clever how you open that but you only see a glimpse on the outside. Love the sparkle. Sandy :)
ha!! should have known you would make something clever, darnell! brilliant take on the cue word... so very glad your "bean" enjoys our little challenge!
Hilarious I just adore your 'wild' card!
Thanks so much for sharing this week at CAS(E) this Sketch!
Hahaha! Why am I not surprised?! :)
This is such a fabulous take on this week's cue word! That gal is somethin' else! I love how you have her peeking out of the front! :)
Thanks for joining us again at CASology!
p.s. I seem to have that feeling you mentioned at the beginning when it comes to EATING chocolate chip cookies...sigh.
just love it, she is very funny lol
Now, this truly is wild and it gives me something to look forward to! lol! Thanks for going wild with us at CASology this week!
Great image Dippy..........somehow she sort of reminds me of you in about 30 odd years!!!! lol Enjoying life and not giving a fig what anyone thinks! Brilliant card, just love it. Just popped over to Anita's blog to say hello.
Karen xxx
Oh my gosh Darnell another hilarious image ! Love the colouring right down to her RED nailpolish. Love your comments about her a well (ie she needs some support. Great way to combine the two challenges.
Thank you for leaving congrats for my card that was showcased over at LIM. I was so excited !!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Sunday, Shirleyx
She really is a hoot, go gal with class. I so love the way you have created this card now this is really innovative and so worth the look.
Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
Well,isnt she a hoot !!What a fun card Darnell-poor lady it's all heading South !!(the image that is not your good self) ! :) xx
This card definitely doesn't need a " sediment " as your glam girl without support is just fabulous and does the job nicely on her own. Lovely to pass by and visit you always cheer me up !
This card definitely doesn't need a " sediment " as your glam girl without support is just fabulous and does the job nicely on her own. Lovely to pass by and visit you always cheer me up !
Great image Darnell, love the shimmer!!! I agree no sentiment required for this card! ;)So glad you played along in this week's CAS(E) this Sketch!
Lol! Love your wild ol' gal and the way you interpreted the sketch rocks! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!
Looks like you and I have the same definition of wild! Love her stole, and how you only get a glimpse of her through the aperture.
LOL Great minds think alike... or something along those lines. These were the two Challenges I combined this week too ;)
LOL - like your interpretation of 'wild' Darnell - hope I'm like that when I'm that age...knocking back the wine in completely inappropriate clothing!
Love how you made the strip on the sketch into a door that hides the focal point! And what a focal point it is : ) In all her glory. Great card, Darnell!
Wanted to let you know I love the funny comments you leave me. My favorite is the "America's Next Top Owl" comment! Hahaha. What you don't know is that show is my husband's and my guilty pleasure. We don't watch much TV, but we've seen all but one of the ANTM cycles! Shhh ... don't tell.
Love it! The sassy lady needs no sentiment - she says it all!! I love the Christmas cards on your last post too and I will hop over and visit Anita now xx
thank you for joining us at CTS, what a fun way to interpret the cue word! great card ; )
lol... so fab. thanks for playing with us at CAS(E) this Sketch!
Lol!!! Love your wild lady in need of support. This is so great Darnell . Your card is perfect for both. Love the shimmer.
Hi Darnell
What a fun image.
I have the feeling she is going to have to tip her head right back to get a swig from her glass though .. .. that hat looks like it would get in the way!! LOL!!!
Love Jules xx
Well she's a wild one and no mistake! Is it me or is there a suspicion of greying undergarment below her feline friend?! I can just imagine you chuckling away Darnell as you coloured and glittered this! Vicky x
Fantastic and fun!
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