Hi Every Body!
It is Wed Nez Day and I'm linking up with the joyful snooping at Julia Dunnit's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW). If you want to play, just take a picture of your workdesk/area/chair/bed/floor and join in the fun! I mean if you're a crafter. I don't want to see those areas of yours if you're not, if you know what I mean. Just to be clear.
Here's the thing. When I embrace something, it knows it's been embraced. At the enabling of my friend, Donna, I embraced the Cuttlerbug, which meant embracing embossing folders and dies. Which I done and keep doing, which leads to storage issues, which leads to reorganization. After a couple of evolutions and even a few revolutions in my desk chair, I have been doing a redo of my latest redo.
I found this nice leather CD holder at Target. It's not real leather, it's fough. I paid for it with real money, not dough. It turns out the Memory Box die envelopes fit perfectly in the holder, but I have acquired a few ton of dies that aren't MB and that don't come in already-holder-perfect envelopes. So I made my own by using one of the MB envelopes as a template.
It's a bit of fussyness busyness, but it's worth it if you have Organized Crafting Disorder like me and have almost as much fun organizing as you do crafting.
We've had temps over 100 degrees for the last couple of days; in fact, we were a half a degree away from breaking records set in 1952. If you're a regular reader, you know I have a love/hate relationship with a squirrel who is a frequent visitor to the yard and that after much thought, I have given him the unusual and original name of Squirrely.
With activities interfering with regular yard maintenance last weekend, right now the grass needs a mow. I caught Squirrely loving that fact as he stretched out and pressed his belly down into the long blades to cool off. He's an imp, but he sure is a cute imp when he's not being an imp.
Enjoy! Be cool! As always, thank you for stopping by to visit and have fun WOYWWing around the world! Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Fantastic organisation idea, folders are the one thing have never found the perfect solution for, looks like a trip to target is in order, although I never need an excuse to visit Target lol. Hugs, Amanda x
Ps, love the squirrel always thought they are the most mischievous of creatures lol
We have a guard gecko ourselves right now - on the patio door - he's been there since yesterday (heaven only knows why!)
Fab desk too
I was thinking of you as I cleaned some baseboards this morning (something I rarely do, but I moved some furniture, focussing on the fun new arrangement, and forgetting all the yucky cleaning required until it was too late!)
Squirrelly is so cute, how could you call someone so sweet and so wee an imp? OW@^!&#)_!! Darn squirrel just tried to eat my eye! *shakes fist at squirrel* YOU IMP! I think nature made some creatures cute just so we wouldn't murder them in cold blood for their misbehavior, you know, like kittens and puppies and squirrels.
I confess that I too tend to go overboard, no wait, I tend to embrace heartily some new trends and then new storage and reorganization (and possibly evolution and revolution too). I usually have to go through several different storage ideas before the right one is found though. I love what you have.
Hi Darnell, I was just about thinking you were not going to turn up today and here you are! Yay! That storage system is excellent, I store mine on magnetic sheets in box files (just in case you were wondering). 100 degrees - you poor people, it is less than half of that here and raining to boot.......hope it cools soon. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #13
Happy WOYWW. I knew that I could depend on you to give us the combination of new crafty storage and a cute squirrel. I have got a new set of pens and storage for them on order, and more excited about having a fab stack of pens on my desks than the actual pens!! I dream about when I get my permanent craft room over at the farmhouse - and finally proper storage. Ali x #72
Oh, your comment on my post made me laugh. It all sounds so plausible!! Perhaps you could start a new blog on the Psychology of Crafting, Storage and the Effects on the Brain...*grin*
You may not have heard of 'Professor' Stanley Unwin - do google him, he used to do monologues of spurious scientific jargon, but really cleverly. Your kind words today just reminded me of his :D
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx
PS That suirrel really IS cute..sorry...
You are so well organized, Darnell! Do you think Squirrely has a tummy ache?
Darnell, right now anyway, your linky at WOYWW links back to Julia,
just letting you know! Which may be why you only have 8 comments, because everyone likes to visit with you!!
#101 this week
poor squirrel I think you malign him. Look at him laying there so angelic! I know what damage they can do though if they have half a mind. I kept getting them in the attic and had to have electric company come out and shield a line so they didn't have a direct access into the house. Love all the organization. I need to get some done too! Have a great week. Vickie #22
Great you fixed the link, hope you didn't mind me sending the email saying so. LOL
Would you like a possum or 3 they are cute too and eat all sorts of things, I am sure your garden will be filled with a banquet of yummies for them.
But then again you could have some cats, there are 4 of them here atm. My 2 originals, 1 adopted and Dads hunter he kills possums, but he isn't doing it here.
Maybe if you leave food for him he will leave your vegi patch alone, but then again he might invite his cousins over for a feast. Ah the wonders of nature and your loving being.
Eliza #53 whos getting younger
Hi Dippy - do you find yourself getting visits from increasingly like-minded folk? I'm now having almost as much fun reading their comments as I do reading your posts (note the almost!). I'm with Lunch Lady Jan - please go see if you can find some footage of Stanley Unwin........think he might be a ong lost relative :o) Great storage idea. I store my spellbinders etc on magnetic sheets on hanging folders in an A4 metal box file like Redanne but all my MB dies are hanging on hooks on the wall in various categories but think your idea may work better so will have to see what I can find over here. Love your impy squirrel - we have a pair who visit us regularly but they don't do any damage - just chow down on the bird food/nuts etc.....mind you we do have bats in the attic so perhaps that's why! lol
Karen x
I understand, you are in the right company. You get as much fun from the organising as the crafting. But I must say, I think you might be teetering on the edge of being able to add an E to the front of your OCD. E for Extreme!! Love it, wish I was the same!
So now, how you gonna persaude squirrely to let you cut his grass? Look up British chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (really. He has a TV series and books set in his River Cottage). I caught a ten minute piece on cable this very week in which he served squirrel offal as a hors d'ouvre and squirrel stew as a main course. Ugh. Better not let squirrely know about the fate of his british cousins!
Like the storage, I am using magnetic sheets for mine. I'm with you on the organising/reorganising thing- silly bit is I am the worlds untidiest/most disorganised person usually- but I still know where everything is. Tidy up & I lose all sorts of stuff. Find most of the stuff I lost last time though, so I suppose it works.Have a great week, Shaz #58
I love your storage solution!!
I don't have a Cuttlebug or die cut machine, but I am keeping that in mind for something else :)
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Jo #93
I just had a nose around your playhouse ....wow. It made me smile about your version of OCD.xx38
I love order but hate to see everyone's order as I realise how few dies I actually have myself - sigh.
As for squirrels, I don't think I'm as calm about them. We have 2 who come in our garden and scoff all the fat balls out of the wire holder. It makes me so mad so I have a jug of water at the back door and leap down the grass after them................aaaarrrhhhh! I'll just have to NOT put out fat balls for a while again as we just saw him/her climb up the other wire "squirrel proof" feeders and then just go away as the fat ball one was empty - phew! BJ#6
Oh I do love your dedication to organized crafting LOL I want the same but rarely want to spend the time on it..might get there! Love your lil critter too... many cousins of same visiting here! Sandi 114
I love that you are so organised and can identify with spending a ridiculous amount of time organising! However, think of all that time saved trying to find your dies! Loving that squirrel:) Looks like our dog outstretched in the undergrowth just chillin'. Now, if you could send 50 degrees of that heat to the UK methinks we would all be a little happier! Hugs, Buttons #57
I admire your industry and being organized! It always is just an idea in my head!!! Patsy from
HeARTworks and
I love it! I definitely have your kind of OCD myself!!! I cannot create in clutter! I may have to do something similar with my enveloped dies too, as they are outgrowing the drawer I have them in.
Happy Crafting!
Sorry I'm late returning your visit but it has been a hectic weekend for me. Three family birthdays and big family get-together at mine and I'm not used to having three children of varying ages sleeping over. Still it was lovely.
Great organisation there for your dies, I could get mine in one pouch as I only have a few dies - more of an ink girl myself.
Thanks for visiting.
Ann B
Laughed at the redo of the redo! Seems something is always coming along that is a good idea for organizing! I think all of us crafters have a touch of OCD! Happy late WOYWW!
Hi Darnell!!
I totally have Organizing Crafting disorder!! I organize myself into not remembering where I put things!!
Your folders are a great idea!!
As for the squirrel, I have a problem with them too. My problem is I think they are awesome and feed them dried corn every day!! I even have names for them. I know, I'm insane O_o
xxDaniella#11 (a week ago!!)
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