As my first year comes to a close, it is a time of refraction. Like a lot of you, I was an avid stalker of Splitcoast Stampers and when I finally took the plunge to start my blog, I scoured the forums at SCS for advice about how to attract viewers to my blog. Again and again, other stampers suggested linking up to What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW), hosted by the spirited and adorable Ms. Julia Dunnit.
I got up the courage to link up with WOYWW at number 125 and here we are at number 176! That first post, I got zero comments. (Don't be sad, it was a really underwhelming post!) I tried again four months later at number 139, received 15 lovely comments, and I don't think I've missed a week since if I've been home. I now have so many wonderful friends from all over the world living inside my monitor because of WOYWW!
It is hella fun and very addicting!!
During the year I have received numerous comments and compliments from crafters who are "green with envy" over my adorable little Playhouse. I would be, too.
If you've read the back story on the tab above, then you appreciate that I paid my dues before I moved into the Playhouse by stamping for over TEN years in the uninsulated, unheated, and unairconditioned garage. Just to prove it, I thought you might get a kick out of seeing an actual picture I recently found.
Here I was back in 2006:
Wow, does that bring back memories. At this point, I'd been making cards at this desk since 2001. In the picture I'm doing another favorite hobby, crossword puzzling. It was late summer when this picture was taken so the garage north-side door is open (note the garbage bins right outside!), but most of the time that door was closed and curtained so I crafted using a single overhead florescent light fixture.
You can see the weed-eater, the pails, the cobwebs, the hard-backed wooden chair. You can also see my smokes and, just peeking in from the side, narcotics?! I stopped the smokes five and half years back. (CHF will do that and I'm grateful it did.) It was actually a pain to be a smoking stamper because I had to make sure all my papers were always kept covered in plastic. I'm not being preachy, but I have to say I'm so glad those days are behind me. Can't say the same for the meds, which, I know, explains a lot ...
I got up the courage to link up with WOYWW at number 125 and here we are at number 176! That first post, I got zero comments. (Don't be sad, it was a really underwhelming post!) I tried again four months later at number 139, received 15 lovely comments, and I don't think I've missed a week since if I've been home. I now have so many wonderful friends from all over the world living inside my monitor because of WOYWW!
It is hella fun and very addicting!!
During the year I have received numerous comments and compliments from crafters who are "green with envy" over my adorable little Playhouse. I would be, too.
If you've read the back story on the tab above, then you appreciate that I paid my dues before I moved into the Playhouse by stamping for over TEN years in the uninsulated, unheated, and unairconditioned garage. Just to prove it, I thought you might get a kick out of seeing an actual picture I recently found.
Here I was back in 2006:
Wow, does that bring back memories. At this point, I'd been making cards at this desk since 2001. In the picture I'm doing another favorite hobby, crossword puzzling. It was late summer when this picture was taken so the garage north-side door is open (note the garbage bins right outside!), but most of the time that door was closed and curtained so I crafted using a single overhead florescent light fixture.
You can see the weed-eater, the pails, the cobwebs, the hard-backed wooden chair. You can also see my smokes and, just peeking in from the side, narcotics?! I stopped the smokes five and half years back. (CHF will do that and I'm grateful it did.) It was actually a pain to be a smoking stamper because I had to make sure all my papers were always kept covered in plastic. I'm not being preachy, but I have to say I'm so glad those days are behind me. Can't say the same for the meds, which, I know, explains a lot ...
... and here I am six years later in 2012, upgraded to the Playhouse!
I am a lucky lady. Life. Unexpected happiness happens.
Enjoy your happy hoppy tour! I may not make it all the way around again this week, but I'm gonna do my best. If you are new, let us know. There are a lot of us now, so be patient and keep on linking on! Also, leave comments yourself because sometimes we only have time to return the visits of those who visit us. It's a titting and tatting circle, you might say.
As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!
As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

All of that personal insight and I got hung up on the crossword puzzles - i love them!! There is no bigger thrill than putting down a frustrating unfinished puzzle, picking it up a day later and realizing that I actually know the answers!!
You HAVE come a long way in many's been an interesting few years for you, hasn't it?
Congrats on the LIM shutout!!
Can't chat long...I've come in from the "back of beyond" to sit in a bar with wifi cuz I was missing my blog friends...gotta head back to the homestead but I'm hoping for some extended time at a local coffee shop (with wifi) tomorrow!
Wow Darnell what a difference between the garage and your fabulous playhouse with all the great organisation.
Elaine #19
lovely to see you darnell and you havent changed :)
enjoy your well deserved craftroom
have a fab woyww
kay #53
Oh what fun to look back and see you in the playhouse 10 years ago. You don't look a day older in the photos either. Love the peek into the past. Sandy :)
Hey, great pics of you - you've hardly changed at all!! But your work area sure has, very nice indeed.. :)
Titting and tatting, hmmmm - now THAT could be a very different top shelf sorta magazine!!! LOL!!!
Hugs, LLJ 56 xx
OMG, you look exactly the same. and i am so impressed that you can sit on one leg like that! I am far past that!!! My grandchildren do it and i am always amazed!
Your shed is sooooo gorgeous, but I bet when you crafted in the garage, you loved your space there too....Not quite in the same way, but it is amazing how we can make do to have our very own space!
Wow Darnell, you have come a long way since starting out. Love the pic of you, you have not changed a bit in 10 years either! The thing I notice most about the change is the light you have now - brilliant.
A lovely post and so true about friendship. Happy WOYWW, Anne x
Sorry, I am No. 41....
Oh no no comments? wonder how that happened? most people pick a random selection dont they - I usually go through straight from 1 - 70 or 80 and then time gets in the way although I always try and reply to anyone who comments on my desk too. Anyway glad you are still with us! I love your garage craft room but the playhouse does look a bit cosier! I moved out of my craft room when my OH decided it could a joint study as well and work from home! now I live in my dining room - its not ideal but it works! gosh I am waffling arent I! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl no. 57
Lovely workspace! I'm now following you and will be back later to read your entire blog (I'm like that - I think it's called being nosey!!). love your chatty, friendly style. Suzanne #95
Thanks for showing us your old space! It makes me appreciate your playhouse even more! One day (after I have done a few more hard yards) I will have a bright airconditioned space, just like you. ;-)
Hi Darnell,thanks for sharing your lovely area with true,nothing comes easy in life and any crafting area we have in our homes is a luxuary..
I also call my stuff my toys..only i am not as organised as you...wish I was..
keep well
Zeffy 103
Congrats on being Septembers winner on LIM! and boy do you look great and haven't changed at all in 6 yrs!!(must give me your secret)and though my space isn't in the garage it is in 'the dumping ground room' so only another 10 tears of creating before I can aspire to anything as beautiful as your playroom!!x
Super pics comparing you then and now. I often take pics of rooms and my craft room definitely needs making over, though I won't have a playhouse like you I do have a my room so it's all good. Take care Zo xx 78
Hilarious post! I love how you flow so free with your words and are totally unfiltered. How refreshing! It might not have been a perfect condition crafting in your garage, but sometimes when you craft you get lost in it and forget where you are, much less what time it is. I must say that I am one of those followers that are jealous of your studio. I actually showed it to my husband this past weekend and said "This is what I want". He kept saying "Hon, we live in NY. The winters would be hard." Between me and you, I think he was seeing dollar signs! LOL! Is your studio now heated???
Evolution it is wonderful and amazing. I love coming to your place everyweek and having a sneek and a drink with you, wouldn't miss it for the world. Hopefully one day we will meet in person, you just never know.
Eliza 110
How cool to see your old and new craft spaces. Unbelievably different and so much lighter. You haven't changed a bit! You don't look a day older than you did before - how do you do it? xx #108
What a great crafting space, enjoy.
The bears @#105
What a difference in crafting spaces! Love that you are enjoying the well deserved playhouse and here's hoping you get many years of fun playing in it. Happy WOYWW, hugs Buttons #119
Darnell what a fantastic post! I loved that you let us in to see a glimpse of you and your space. Boy it has improved, marvelous!
I love how you haven't aged one little bit in 6 years - must be giving up the smoking! You are a wonderful blogger - it is a joy to read all your posts and get a sense of your zany loveable personality!
Hi Darnell, I've recently found your blog and love it. I can tell from your sense of humor that we would be great friends! Love your playhouse and your cards. Keep up the great work. I would also like to commend you on stopping smoking. I quit in 1995 and it was the best thing I've ever done for myself (other than stamping, of course)!
Wow, Darnell, you haven't changed a bit. Still wearing the same clothes too! I quit the smokes 11 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. Now I have money for stampin stuff and I breathe better too.
Hi Darnell, love this post ! Wow you sure have improved your 'studio' ! As you know I've been one of the 'green eye crafters' envying your space, but I must say that my craft room is MUCH nicer than working in a garage !
I agree with the others that you look great and haven't changed in 6 years ! Love how you created the same 'pose' for the updated photo. Congratulations on quiting smoking. I quit 24 years ago, glad I did, but obviously know it's a tough addiction to kick to curbside.
Have a great Wednesday ! Shirleyxx
Love seeing the before pic...have always been a fan of your playhouse! The natural light by your desk is amazing!
I loved seeing the before and after shots. It is always nice to have any space to craft in, but I bet your playhouse makes it more fun. dani #132
Wow Darnell what a difference between the garage and your fabulous playhouse but not a bit of difference in you. You look marvelous darling! Congrats on one year blogging and especially on quiting, one day I will too.
Love the before and after shot!
Such a wonderful space for you to create!! :)
Mary Jo #115
Loving the fact that you seem to have on the same clothes and in the same pose as your before shot, you've hardly changed at all! You did pay your dues, stamping in the garage, I can't imagine, although I did use an unheated basement for awhile...yuck! I was always worried my papers were going to mildew! Anyway, love the new craft shed, it is adorable! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Wow, your workspace has changed dramatically but you still look the same! Even more so since you wore similar clothes! Loved seeing the before and after!
Saw your message to me, thank you for the encouragement!
What I forgot to tell you is that I also absolutely love how you play with words! Hilarious and pure genius!
Nope I dont feel sorry for you ! Your crafting garage was still a whole lot better than my dressing room with fluorescent light and the windows not opening and darkness and heat and ......but I am happy for you and I love your playhouse and am just a tad envious at your organisations skills. what really stood out in your p;ost though is how you havent changed a bit !!!!!! I mean this is so unfair but maybe the lack of the ciggies has a lot to do with this . Always a pleasure to visit with you. I wish I had time to read all of your posts as they really do make my day.Any chance of slowing down so I can catch up !!!!
You look gorgeous in both photo's
Hi Dippy - well I must admit I stalk your WOYWW post with's a bit like peeking through your next door neighbour's window!!! lol Not sure I would be brave enough to join in cause my desk is normally hidden under many, many heaps..... but - and this is a big but you understand - in a few months time I might get brave enough to join in as I'm getting a new playroom....yippee! It's only next door to where I am but it is a much bigger space and can be designed from scratch rather than growing (and growing ad infinitum) as my passion increased. But it needs clearing out, total redecoration, flooring etc even before we start on units etc. Then comes the frightening job of moving everything! Anyway, enough of my waffling.....did you move from having your right leg attached to your arm to having your left leg attached to your other arm when you moved from garage to playhouse???.........hmmmmmm
Karen x
Oh me too ! I love to peak inside your craft house - it's on my "dream wish list " - so much fun to see your 2 photos ! You haven't aged a day in 6 years ! Obviously giving up the nicotine is good for your appearance as well as your health ! Have a great week Ali #48
Fascinating insight into your world then and now - your new playroom is to die for :) Congratulations on beating the nicotine habit - I stopped about 33 years ago and haven't regretted a day either - I'd find smoking in the rain a total pain :) I hope you have a great week and a happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #40
Patience is a virtue and it has certainly paid off for you with your lovely new playhouse.
Look at you, you look like a cute little pixie all folded up in your chair!! Is that how you craft?? And I'm glad you gave up the smokes, you can afford to craft now!! I like how it was you who got banished to the garage and not your other half! My feet are off the table now, just about dislocated my hips getting that shot! Yeah, I like to eat, and cook and bake and I'm really enjoying doing it all for myself and making what I want! Hence the cake, lol!!
Brenda 3
You've come a long way baby, and welcome to today! Thanks for the step back into yesteryear :)
What a difference in your space from just a few short years ago! I love what you have now, so bright and clean. I have a "craft room", but now have more or less taken over the dining room, too. Good for you for kicking the cigarette habit. I saw how hard it was for my mom to quit, so glad I never started (growing up with 2 smoking parents, I am a militant anti-smoker). Have a great week!
Your workspace is wonderful - I am so happy for you! It was a long time coming! Isn't it fun to meet so many people from all over the world literally! Wishing you a sunshine day!
Barbara Diane
You look like you sound. And that's a compliment. I love the smile and the eye twinkle. It all comes through in your prose and your cards. Here's to many more years of creative journalism and ....well just plain creativity.
Well done for giving up the smoking. From watching my husband give up, I know how hard it can be, but how worthwhile. Your little crafting house is very impressive and so pretty. Have a wonderful time in it. xx Maggie '65
Hard to believe 6 years passed between those two photos... if anything you look younger in the second one!! What a wonderful turn around from the garage to that glorious play house... Belated happy WOYWW!
Alison x
What a great post, Darnell! You look your same cute self, but your creative space, wow, that's a huge difference--and you must appreciate it so much more, having had the "garage experience" first!
Thank you for stopping by, my woyww friend!
#137 this week
I must admit to be a bit envious of your playhouse and I think when we have had to pay our dues first we appreciate it even more. I started on the dining table and then after 4 years of constant moving finally got the office for my craft room, it may be smaller than the dining room but it is all mine lol. Congrats on the lim accolade too, very much deserved. Hugs, Amanda x
Wow, what a great crafting place, Darnell!! So happy for you that you were able to stop smoking! You really look great now!! Have a nice weekend! Hugs
Wow ! What a transformation there Darnell into your lovely Playhouse today !No wonder you love it so :)
Congrats on you Less Is More win too :) xx
So glad to finally find out I'm not the only one to sit on a chair like that! I love your craft house to bits by the way. Hugs Mrs A.
Love your playhouse; glad to hear you quit smoking. You have not aged one bit in six years! Wishing you many, many more stamping years in the playhouse!
I used to sit on a chair like that all the time. I quit when the lower part of my spine started fuse (not because of sitting like that, because it wanted to) so I'm not flexible enough anymore. I even used to drive like that, pre-stick shift. I love the peek back in time to your garage crafting space. I love your playhouse, but honestly I wouldn't want it. If I had a playhouse I'd never been in my real house! I don't mind being in my living room right inside the front door. That way I'm still part of the household. Okay, I'm still jealous of your lovely space. I'll take it if you can connect it to the house.
Thanks for stopping by earlier and leaving nice words about Grandpa Kitty and my test.
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