Like anyone is going to see this post today. I know you are all cyber shopping. I'm going to be doing a bit of that myself here shortly. I read in the paper that Cyber Monday is passe. Really? Sounds like that's a rumor being spread by the still-standing brick-and-mortar stores, but I may just be suspectious.
My card today came about via round-about. I was at our local crafty store, sort of a small Michael's, and I found this scrummable ribbon in the cheap bin o' ribbons:
I bought it because it's like a finely textured sweater with impossibly thin threads of gold weaved into the material. Also, I remembered I had some ancient Christmas tree paper in the same sagey colors. I hoped I still had some. This morning I found it, one tiny piece a bit larger than the front of an A2 card. It was, indeedy, a perfect fit with the ribbon.
So I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew because I was going to use that last snippet of paper, that I could enter Week 48 over at Di's fun playground site, Pixie's Crafty Workshop. I so appreciate having found that site because it serves as a reminder to me to reach for my snippets paper drawers, instead of my uncut paper drawers. I could say something ear reverent . . .
I next looked to see if any of my other favorite challenges might fit my card, instead of the other way around. I was pickled to find the perfect colors over at The Play Date Cafe:
This week's
suggested colors are ...
and they have a brand new sponsor:
who is offering a fabulous prize!
And just for fun, I went over to Splitcoast Stampers where I found a thread for Holiday Cards for 2012.
Now that you are all suspended, here's my card:
This is definitely going to be a custom one-of-a-kind card now that the paper is gone, but I seem to really be loving using ribbon lately, so I'll make more cards with this design. I usually avoid the hard-to-mail cards, but at Christmas we send a family photo card to everyone out-of-town. As a result, all the cards you see on my blog will be cards that will be hand-delivered. It's fun to be able to go wild and shut up that incessant, insistent, practical voice in my head! I'm kidding. I can't shut it up because I am unable to extinquish it from all the other voices in there.
I didn't tell you yesterday because I was already running long (read boring), but Mister woke up Friday morning with a terrible sore throat, which then blossomed into a cold. Last night, it jumped through all the precautions we were taking and came to visit me. Not only that, but I had the added pleasure of waking up to find Lar N. Gitis had snuck into bed next to me during the night. Rat bastard. Let's be honest, the Mister is okay with that. It's so blessed quiet around here!!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy your day. And enjoy my blooming camilia!
As always, thank you for stopping by to visit.
Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a

Paper: PTI vintage cream;
unknown bp; PTI autumn rose
Stamps: SU! unknown set
Ink: Vivid! cobblestone
Ribbons: leaf label says: Ribbon,
Sold-by-the-Spool 79856 58554;
and Offray Au Rouge
SU! tag punches and eyelet
Beautiful card! I LOVE that ribbon and that paper is just so perfect. I'll send you my address for it, ok!! Hope the cold runs thru quick. Oh, I've just seen that you're visiting me while I'm visiting you! Finish decorating the tree for me would you!!!! The only thing I'm finishing at yours is all the left over turkey I just found int he fridge!
One thing that you are NEVER - is boring! A cold is boring, I accept that but not you. Your card is stunning, that bow is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. It did make me smile, I make lots of big cards too but they rarely, if ever, get mailed. Get well soon my friend. Hugs, Annie xx
Simply adorable dahling! Hope the cold etc. clears up soooon, better now than on Christmas Eve huh?!
Hugs, Di xx
That's an impressive bow! Goes so well with that last piece of paper.
Fab card, Darnell, and such an astonishing bow. Hope the sneaky bedfellow and cold passes soon and you're blooming with health again (like the Camelia!) Anita :)
The ribbon works beautifully with that paper - a really pretty Christmas card.
Hope you and Mister soon feel much better - very sneaky are those germs.
Gr8 ribbon, fab card, bummer about the laryngitis - feel better soon!
The ribbon is a perfect match to that paper! Isn't it incredible that we have so many papers and scraps in our possession, yet we still know exactly what we have? LOL The pink is a great compliment to the sage!
Get better soon now :)
Ooooo...yes, I was in suspense to see the card with the ribbon, and it definitely didn't disappoint. The card is beautiful!! The big bow is just gorgeous.
I hope you're feeling better--yuck. The flower picture is very pretty. :)
Thanks for playing along with us at The Play Date Cafe!
Ohhh that ribbon is beautiful and makes a fabulous bow on your gorgeous card, Darnell!
Beautiful card! That paper is just gorgeous and love the ribbon! xxx
This really deserved a big fat WOW Dippy - it's gorgeous; and how lucky were you to remember you had a snippet of paper that matched the beautiful ribbon? Half the time I can't remember my own address!!!! lol Stupendous bow as well. That Lars character is a seriously bad dude so hope you kicked him to touch pretty darn quick. I know Mister appreciates the quiet but at least you can still type...........hmmmm! Must dash, just off to source some yummy craft storage units!
Karen x
I LOVE that you've reposted the card at the end so we don't have to scroll back up - that made me laugh! This card is so dreamy and gorgeous and I really love the pops of pink! Hope you're feeling better soon!
Cold, cold go away. Let Darnell come out to play. Good thing Lar N. Gitis can't stop you from typing.
That sure is pretty paper. What a shame that's the last of it. I'm glad we'll be seeing more of the ribbon. It's gorgeous! And I am enjoying the camellia. It looks like what we had at our old house. The bush would be totally in bloom about now and look like a Christmas tree all decorated.
I LOVE your take on the challenge!! Your card is BEAUTIFUL!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)
Wow...this is just so beautiful and that ribbon, amazing! I know what you mean about the "hard to mail" cards but I have to say that I have really enjoyed making them and seeing if I can actually find an envelope to put them in. I love the photo of your camilia too, so pretty!
Gorgeous bow and and gorgeous paper. They're beautiful together. Hope your cold doesn't last long. ann
Oh wow Darnell .. .. that ribbon is super-duper scrummy.
I have a very big soft spot for ribbon and this one would have definitely jumped into my shopping basket.
It matches perfectly with your backing paper. Shame there is no more :-(
Great use of your snippets!
Love Jules xx
A beautiful and stunning card Darnell, and what a brilliant bow, the match is perfect.
WAHOOOOOO . . . I'll do some SHOUTING for you Darnell, just to keep the Mister in his accustomed place!
Lovely card by the way! Nice BOW!
Hope you feels betters soon xxxx
PS: There's a bit of mulled wine being passed around the playground this week when Miss is outta sight! Shhhh! It'll help your throat, honest xxx
Stunning card! that ribbon is amazing and goes so beautifully with the paper. I hope you are both feeling better now. Take care xx
Gorgeous card!! Love that big beautiful bow! Thanks for playing along at The Play Date Cafe!
Congratulations - this is a beautiful card!
Hope you are feeling better by now. Love how your ribbon and paper go beautifully together!
Perfect partners indeed. a marriage made in heaven even. so you hear voices too. Thank goodness for that. Thought I was the only one!!! Lol.
Are you coming across for the concert we are having on the pond in the park?
Hugs Mrs A.
Hey, congrats on the Play Date Cafe Cream in Our Coffee shout!
Just checked out the PDC sight and BIG CONGRATS for the shout out! Told ya' that this card is a stunner!
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