I'm baaack!
It could have been worse, so I'll not complain. My warm thanks to all of you for your good wishes, including those of you who I can't personally email back or thank via your blog. You're all so kind! It made a difference and was/is much appreciated!
It could have been worse, so I'll not complain. My warm thanks to all of you for your good wishes, including those of you who I can't personally email back or thank via your blog. You're all so kind! It made a difference and was/is much appreciated!
I was hoping to be back up and running before now, but that's okay because this way I can catch my friends along the WOYWWing trail today. So for those of you in a hurry, here is my desklet:
And that it's for our play today at Julia's charming Stamping Ground, What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday, where we've gone a full 180! Way to go, Julia! There's lots to see over at WOYWW and brevity rules the day, so off you go and thanks for stopping by!!
Yesterday I was The Amazing Rubber Woman, happy to sit on my ample behind and catch up on my "Gee! Mail!" Today, I'm back in the Playhouse fondling my arts and crafts. Aaah.
Naturally, I missed a few challenges while I was in a disposal, and I have to say I was truly shocked to find out they went on without me! Wait. What? Move on.
This week the delightful Chrissie (with the help of the talented Jen!) over at Less Is More week 93, threw down the challenge for us to make a one-layer card with the theme of "house." I haven't looked at the thumbnails yet, but I do wonder if someone has stamped a doctor to represent "House," the TV character, played by the beloved Hugh Laurie (known forever in our house as the amiable twit Bertie Wooster.) That was a whole new level of digression. See what happens when I'm off the keyboard for a few days?!
For me this LIM challenge was a happy 'duh' moment when it came to any ideas. We have all kinds of houses in the world and right in my backyard I have a Playhouse! Of course! But it had to be one-layer, so I couldn't make a photo card ...
Gotta love those drugs ~ I dared to draw my Playhouse with my own little hands:
Still in British mode, it's rubbish scratch work and really rubbish lighting. It looks like it's walking off the edge, so tomorrow I think I'll cut an inch off that left side and make it a note card, but it'll do for now. No other house would do, you see? All my dreams came true and I wish the same for you.
I won't regale you with what you can only imagine are some wild stories of my en hospitale, but I have to tell you this. I tell you because I am in my sixties and have lived with Crohn's Disease for over 30 years, so there aren't a lot of indignities I haven't already experienced. Like a lot of you, with your various inevitable crosses, I mostly handle it quietly and with as much humor as I can mustard.
So, the doctor wrote orders for me to be released in the evening after doctor's hours and pharmacies were closed. Too late, we discovered that he neglected to write up a badly-needed narcotic prescription for me. Home we went, knowing me and the Mister (ever The Rock through these things) would have to venture out in the morning because this particular prescription could only be filled by me, the patient.
Well, morning dawned as mornings do and not to put to fine a point on it, I began to suffer some gastric distress, not unusual given the circumstances. This distress meant that I was in no shape to go gallop venting all over town without appropriate adult protective wear, of which I had zero. Thanks a lot, doc, I thought to myself. Okay, yes, I used stronger words.
Well, morning dawned as mornings do and not to put to fine a point on it, I began to suffer some gastric distress, not unusual given the circumstances. This distress meant that I was in no shape to go gallop venting all over town without appropriate adult protective wear, of which I had zero. Thanks a lot, doc, I thought to myself. Okay, yes, I used stronger words.
But I showed him! Being of grit and not without imagination, I girdled my loins with a kitchen-size white plastic garbage bag out of which I cut two leg holes. Yup, I did. The fact that I have followers under the age of fifty is the only reason I am not sharing a picture of this festive outfit for your viewing pleasure. Actually, no one needs to see that. Some of you girls are laughing harder using your own imaginations, I just know it!!
And yes, please, I did put pants over my designer wear and away we went and mission accomplished. So if your wagon train is ever in need of circling and you can't find MacGyver, I'll do for you!
And yes, please, I did put pants over my designer wear and away we went and mission accomplished. So if your wagon train is ever in need of circling and you can't find MacGyver, I'll do for you!
Thank you, if you're still here. I'm tired, so I can only imagine how you feel! (Amused, I hope.)
Enjoy today wherever you are! No, seriously, enjoy today.
As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Paper: Bigger Jr. watercolor
Stamps: "Welcome" masked from
SU! unknown baby set; inside:
PB "Your Dreams" 2958H
Ink: Various SU! colors, Marvy
markers, water brush
Sounds horrific! I am sooo glad you are able to weather this all with a lot of humor! Sadly lacking nowadays in the young! Your playhouse is charming and you should draw more! Adorable! Patsy
What a trouper you are Darnell, venturing forth no matter what the obstacles in your way!
Ingenious! The product of a creative mind. Well done you and exceptionally well done for drawing your playhouse...it's made a terrific card!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"
You are a star Darnell, I did giggle at your exploits with the plastic bag but I know it is not funny at all dear lady. Your picture of the dream Playhouse is fabulous, I really love it, you should do more drawing. It is really lovely to have you back in blogland but take care too....please. Crafty hugs, Annie xx #65
Cooo Darnell-you are a hardened crafter that's for sure !Only the toughest would have been making challenge cards after the week you have had-hats off to you lovely lady :)Hope you feel better very soon-and love your Playhouse card :) xx
I'm with you, Darnell - you either laugh or cry and I prefer to do the former. Idiot doctor, not giving you what you needed for the drugs....grrrr
I hope you are recovering speedily at home. That drawing of the Playhouse is really gorgeous, you should take prints of it and make it into cards!
Sending best wishes, my deario, hope you're gallumphing around in two shakes of a tail :)
Hugs, LLJ #68 xx
Your drawing of the playhouse is adorable, just like it really.. Hope you are feeling better... Sandy :) #50
Oh Darnell, how awful, but if you didn't laugh, you'd cry! Thankfully (I'm assuming) you made it back home with your dignity intact! Your little sketchy house is so pretty. Take care. xx
My imagination is running riot . . . you are a hoot Darnell!
Excellent autistic skills there for the house (obv. I mean ARTISTIC really).
No, really, I did!
Sarn xxx
PS: Hope you feel better soon.
OMG, I laughed so hard, I almost need adult protective wear myself! FANTASTIC card ~ and you drew it yourself!!! It is surely a winner!
It's 3: am couldn't sleep .....came right to your blog. I had to laugh out loud very quietly shhhh hard to do.
Glad you are home and sorry you have to deal with CD.
Love the drawing of your play house and the bits of lightly stamped flowerbeds. Paired with the perfect font and sentiments . Great job! Hope you are feeling better,love your post. Hugs.
YOU are WONDERFUL and an inspiration to us all! (I've been grumbling all week about a dead furnace, the replacement of which is going to involve knocking out walls to bring things up to code...which takes weeks. But I have a gas fireplace in the room with my craft corner. Life's not so bad and I don't have to resort to garbage bags!!)
And your card...oh my gosh you are talented! A perfect rendition of your haven and a wonderful sentiment to go with it!
Wow! Another talent - I love the feel of this drawing and the little flowers around it. I think you're awesome!
Oh my goodness - I've had some "problematic" times but never had to resort to the lengths you have!! Had to laugh and admire how you managed!!
The card is charming and so much more special because you drew it yourself!!
The playhouse is darling-you have real talent. I just checked my blog and saw that you left a comment. Thanks so much. We have been in a good place and I have not posted in a while. The trash bag is very ingenious idea. I can imagine you crackling when you walk! Wish I had thought of that when I was dx with IBS years ago! I could have used something like that. So glad you're back.
Your playhouse was certainly a dream come true - great sketchwork.
The picture you have conjured up in my mind of you going out in your designer underwear has had me in stitches.
Enjoy the rest of the week can't wait to see/hear what you get up to next week!
Darnell my friend you have such amazing spirit even when you are now feeling the best. I watched the Hot Glamour Pics yesterday on Ellen, she is so funny. You drew such an amazing picture of your playhouse--I can't draw a straight line. LOL Keep feeling better. Hugs
Glad you are back at home! Love your card, better than any stamp!
Hi Darnell, desk looks lovely and busy and I still can't get over your gorgeous shed! The little house card is also dead cute... Happy WOYWW!
Alison x
The play house drawing is darling my dear Darnell. Darn it all that you have to go through all of that! But lady you got GRIT, if not intestinal fortitude. So happy to hear your back delighting your fans with tales of woe, and happy to hear you're improving:) Thanks for your visit and encouragement...
you da best! giggle and chuckles!
I can only admire your inventiveness, Darnell! (Both with the crayons and the plastic bags!) You should make it into a sign for the door of your playhouse. The card, I mean, not the plastic bag...
I am in awe of your fortitude and your inspiration, Darnell ... for the wonderful dreamy card (the kind of place I aspire to have one day) and mostly for the designer apparell ... you are one amazing individual. So pleased to know you're back in the playhouse and recovery is on it's way ... take care ... Anita :)
Oh Darnell So sorry to hear you've been thru all this while I've been away. After all we went thru with Jim this summer I am in awe of how you manage to keep you wonderful sense of humor. I am happy to hear you are back playing in your lovely playhouse, I'm sure it's the best place for you to recover. You drew such an amazing picture of your playhouse, better then any stamp. Be well my friend.
I very nearly had to resort to your plastic bag remedy when reading your post Dippy - I reckon you could make a fortune with this new invention....mind you it might need adapting a tad for the worldwide market! Seriously I was so glad to see you're back and feeling better. Can imagine your language when you realised the doctor hadn't prescribed your medication.......what an idiot. Love the photo of your WOYWW entry this week.....I can't even see mine as we've started the relocation and you need to climb over all kinds of things to even get to my desk......still, it'll be worth it in the end! Onto your gorgeous card - I agree with LLJ earlier - you should definitely make prints of it it's lovely.
Karen xxx
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune, but your determination and downright bullish approach to remedy a less-than-pleasant situation with a plastic bag just brought me to my knees with laughter! I have a mental picture of this and it ain't purty! LOL Whatever works, right? :)
BTW, I almost forgot to tell you how pretty your CAS card is! Beautifully done!
oh Darnell I love your sense of humor and determination! I too have issues with my disorder and I can see myself doing something similar if I need to and have in the past. Not funny but you do what you have to do to get by! Have a great week and thanks for sharing and visiting my desk. I love comments! Vickie #62
OMG! got so wrapped up in the white trash bag story I also forgot to tell you how awesome your hand drawn cottage picture is. WTG! Vickie
OK, you have left me speechless! lol wtg, not letting anything stop you! You are my hero! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
What a fabulous little card...thank house is just amazing! Now on the rest of your story, I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard...it even made me pop a rib, just too darn funny and for some odd reason I can see you doing just what you described! You have just the best sense of humor...feel better soon!
This is the best post I've read in a long time!! Love your sweet little house, but especially love your positive attitude and ability to laugh through your pain. You are inspiring!
sorry I am very late I had no time to visit anyone yesterday.I do am admire your bravery and humour and hope you feel better soon.. I dont think I would cope quite so well as you do your inspirational . thanks for a wonderful post and your house is delightful i hope you have a great week x Andrea #60
Hi Darnell,
You really are a star!
Love the drawing of your Playhouse, and it's perfect for this weeks challenge. xx
I love your humour and creativity! Your little drawing is so gosh darned sweet! And of course you figured out a way to deal with the situation - that's what women do. And then to share it with us, so that we laugh along with you ..and remember our own potholes! Hugs, Sandi @29
LOVE your house card ! What a great drawing. The theme for LIM this week is a great one and I don't have any 'house' stamps and didn't think of drawing one ! For some reason I'm drawn to the one layer cards. (opposite of my 'regular style'). Glad to read you are back home again. Too funny walking around with underwear of a garbage bag. Well it's really not funny, but you made sound fun somehow. I hope you heal, Shirleyx
Glad they let you go home, even if it was without drugs. Your drug induced playhouse looks very much like the real thing. Wish I could draw like that! I'll remember the garbage bag trick. I never know when I may need such. Especially thanks for the laugh. I've missed you!
Oh yes I was definitely chuckling about your hospital saga but not really funny huh, glad you can look at it with humour - not sure I could.
Also, thankyou for your condolence re my dear Mum, it's been around 3 weeks now but I still occasionally go to ring her before I remember.
Take care,
Elaine #17
Thanks for visiting me this week. I love the little peg stamps despite not really being a stamper at heart. Love how you can use lots of colours on the same piece, so much more versitile to me. BJ#36
I love your playhouse!! I had to see the whole thing, so I clicked the tab at the top. AMAZING!!!
I'm glad you are feeling better!!
xxDaniella#28 I was, I think?
Love your bag story! I'd like to steal that idea for my oldest boy. Every day he comes home with green grass stains on his knees. Maybe I could rig up some sort of plastic covering around his legs to keep me from running out of Oxyclean so quickly. I'm amazed at your artistry with drawing your craft house. So well done, Darnell!
Glad things are moving along for you now. :)
Thanks for visiting me earlier in this WOYWW cycle...I'm apparently running about as late as a person can be without completely missing it! lol Anyways, your drawing is awesome! I think you did a really fab job. I didn't even notice it sat a little to the edge, until you pointed it out...but I've done that sort of thing, too. You know what it means? Other than your idea to turn it into a note card...it means you can put ribbon or some such on that side to prissy it up some! :) Although, I guess that would have to be after you entered it in the challenge, and won of course. :)
Really glad you are, hopefully, feeling much better this week and hope you have a fabulously super fantastically amazingly wonderful Thanksgiving! Deeyll
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