I missed palpitating in last week's benchmark What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW) 200th hop, darn it all anyway. Many belated returns of the wonderful day to you Ms. Julia Dunnit!! If you don't know who she is, or what WOYWW is, you can click over and she will fill in you on the frolics!
I've been working the last few days (a shock for my system, you understand) and so I've not been able to make many cards which means I have a spoon-lickin' clean desk which isn't very exciting for your snooping pleasure. I didn't want to miss another week, so what would be interesting ...?
Then I remembered something I've been meaning to share. A few of you keep saying to me, "You should write a book." (Especially you, Shirley!) Well, it turns out I did write a book back in 2008. A cookbook. I'm not sure a cookbook is prezackly what you had in mind, but perhaps it will do when I tell you that it is a cookbook filled with laughter. A 302-page book of humor and recipes. Don't panic, I'm only going to show you seven pages!
I wrote it special for my sisters, as a gift for each of them.
Aren't we too button-cute? Of course we weren't really that young back in the mid-1900s when cars looked like that. Okay, yes we were. In bumper-sitting order, our names are given above the picture.
I hope your "click to enlarge" button works. I'm the second one from the right. The little imp on the end next to me, Doris ("Dood"), is giving me the hairy eyeball big time. I desperately wish I had put a conversation bubble over Dood's head, saying - to me, "I know you ate all these Cracker Jack, you bleeping bleep." I think she prolly did say just that in real life, because whatever she said made littlest sister Debbie whip around and give me a hairy eyeball just for good measure! I look smugly full of Cracker Jack, don't I?
And then there is poor sad Donna on the other end, who apparently didn't get one single bite. What's amusing about that is that she is the least-saddest-ever sister of all of us! Next to her is Diana, the oldest, so sweet and calm and serenely unpersmirched by it all.
As some of you know, it was just a couple of years later I was put in a foster home (was it the Cracker Jack?!) and I didn't see all the sisters again for forty years. It took a long time, but we've made up for that lost time since.
So about eight years after we were reunited, we were sitting around the kitchen at Dood's and talking about cooking and recipes and I had an idea. When we all got back to our own homes, I asked my four sisters for copies of all their favorite recipes, which they promptly sent me, some handwritten, some typed, some doodled on scratch paper. I typed them all into my computer and self-published them in a cookbook as a surprise to them, using Blurb. (They thought I was just typing them up in orderly fashion, not putting them in a hardbound book with pictures!)
I included amusing and inspirational quotes of other people . . .
I also included lots of pictures I took of food, and of us girls from childhood to adulthood.
Dood and Donna
Our first get-together in 2000
I even put some pretty unflattering photos of my sisters in the book, for giggles, seeing as how the book was just for us. Naturally I didn't feel like it was fair of me to do that to them if I didn't include some unflattering ones of myself, such as this prize-winning early-morning pre-coffee shot:
My sisters, to say the least, were overwhelmed. We all use our own copies on a regular basis both for cooking and for cheering up when we want to laugh out loud. I ended the book with this special tribute:
Donna, Darnell, Diana, Debbie, Dood
We, the willing, led by the unknowing,
Are doing the impossible
For the ungrateful.
We have done so much for so long
With so little,
We are now qualified to do anything
With nothing.
(Author unknown)
So that's what my workdesk is hosting today! I thought you might enjoy seeing it, and it might inspire you to self-publish your own family hardbound or softbound cookbook! There are lots of online companies available to help you with the process. If I can do it, you can do it! A few of those tiny family heirloom recipes handwritten on scraps of paper should be kept for sentimental raisins, of course, but perhaps not all of them, and there is a risk that they will get lost. Or played with by the cat. Or eaten by the dog.
Thank you for humoring me and stopping by for part or all of this mahoosive post. As usual, please let me know you came by so I can return the flavor! I may even get to you first!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short!
Fantastic - what a wonderful gift four your sisters to treasure.
The anniversary is week 208 (4 years, 52 x 4!) you're not late!! Happy WOYWW Helen, 8
Great book now you need the movie LOL no seriously such an awesome idea I am sure they will treasure it forever.
Eliza 47
What a wonderful thing to do and it looks great as well.
What a lovely thoughtful idea to make the book was
A real gift that must have taken along time to put together
Jackie 3
Oh Darnell...what a gift. Not just the cookbook, but the celebration of the 5 of you coming back together. What strong women you all must be! Thanks for making me smile this morning :)
I didn't know that you were separated from your sisters, Darnell. Knowing this makes me feel so sad. :-( I'm so glad that you found each other again. The cookbook is a beautiful idea. Thank-you for sharing.
Just wonderful!!! What a loving gift!
Happy crafting!
Jeannie #32
Wow, Darnell, this is an amazing project and truly a labor of love. I can't imagine how many hours you spent on it. And the picture on the cover is awesome. You girls are so cute and I love the car, too!
ah dear Darnell, that was fun to read!!
.. thanks for sharing some precious bits of your life how wodnerful to have found them after so many years - that must have been a joy tinged with a bit of sorrow for lost years..
God bless, happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #85
What a labour of love, Darnell - over 300 pages! I loved zooming in and reading the pages (I'm nosy like that!). It's a fabulous way to bind you all together again.
You are so awesome. This is a fantastic way to commemorate relationships that have clearly been through tough times, but rebounded stronger than ever.
What a brilliant book. I don't think I would ever get tired of looking at it. Happy WOYWW. Pam#23
What a fabulous idea! I am sitting at my desk about to make a little album-type-thing for my sister so this post was especially inspirational :) Me and my sister have always enjoyed music together and silly quotes, that sort of thing...so, I wanted to put all of those things that remind me of her in one place - I hope she likes it as much as your sisters did!
There's nothing quite like a sister is there ;)
...oh, and when I was little I couldn't say 'exactly' and would pronounce it 'perzactly' so that made me chuckle too! ;)
You are incredible and a special gift to your sisters without the book...with the book, it is just that added double layer of icing on the top! thank you for sharing yourself with us!
Being a new follower I didn't know you were separated from your sisters Darnell :( I was SO happy to read you all found each other again, what a blessing! And what a fabulous thoughtful gift this book was for all of them, you're a sweetheart!!
What a special treasure you made in that cookbook. You and your sisters are lucky to have found each other again.
What a wonderful gift of love to your sisters!
wow! i think that is the ultimate gift to treasure for not just one lifetime, but future generations! what a truly wonderful thing to have done! thank you for sharing :)
happy WOYWW and have a great week!
no. 4
Darnell this is so stinkin' awesome! Wow you are truly amazing and what a fantastic sister you are! I think that it is wonderful the gift that you created and I am so glad you are all reunited!
What a super cool project, Darnell! I'm glad you and your sisters are in each other's lives now and sorry you were separated for so long. My daughter -- almost nine (how did that happen?) -- is interested in cooking and I'm thinking of making an ongoing scrapbook/cookbook as she learns new things, putting in recipes we've cooked together and favorites from the family.
Wow this blows me away...mainly because of your sense of humour about what must have been very difficult years, separated from your four D sisters. The five D's are reunited and Darnell creates the most special book. YES I think you should write a book, and I think it should be short stories about your life experiences/events. Be sure you include the story about why you wish we didn't have to blow our noses. With your humour & writing skills it will be a hit!!!!!!! I guess I say that the most??? Cheers, Shirleyx
What a super idea and something for you all to treasure I'm sure. Take care & enjoy your week. Zo xx 88
What a fantabulous idea! A treasure for all of you!
This is by far the best WOYWW ever posted, by anyone! My heart broke for you, then rejoiced. Sisters rock!
Nothing is stronger than the bond that sisters share!
Wauuu-what post!
Gorgeous I am impressed,
Briliant gift for your sisters-and all are together so beautiful on front picture wauuuu
Hugs Tamara
That is just terrific Darnell..wow what a wonderful collection of pictures memories and recipes. Thanks for sharing and inspiring all of us tro celeb rate our sisters.
Oh gosh, Darnell, that brought a lump to my throat...thank you for sharing your story. I love the thought behind it, the love in the making of it and, most of all.........the Hairy Eyeball moment!!! Lol, I've done THAT a few time in my life :)
Hugs, LLJ 35 xxxx
That's a beautiful gift for each of you. How very special. Well done for thinking of it - and for accomplishing it.
(#143 glitterandglue)
Brilliant thing to treasure! I have now had a glass of wine and I am still trying to visit everyone so my message may be incoherent lol! jenx 129
What a wonderful project, Darnell. Like others I am so happy you were all reunited and able to share with each other again.
Heather T
Wow what an awesome book Darnell! I didn't know you were all separated - so glad you have reunited!!
Well check that one off the bucket list. :-) April #121
You are such fun to read! Being nosy I am very curious about your story??? What a great project, thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful idea. I don't have any sisters, just younger brothers. I should do something like that with my mom's recipes. I look in the cupboard and can't see anything to create into something edible. My mother will have a look and you can almost see the smoke coming out of her ears with all of the wonderful ideas flying through her head. She comes up with the most amazing and delicious creations. Wish I had her talent with food. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful book Darnell !
Such a fabulous mix of history,family recipies and memories.I had no idea that you were apart from your sisiter for so very long-i so am glad you have all been reunited again,and this was such a lovely way to celebrate that.
Hugs,Nessa xx
I love your book how much fun is that to have so many memories.. With your wonderful whimsy writing it would be a fantastic read.
I have all my grandmothers recipe books I love to look through and see her handwriting..
Sandy :) #30
Darnell, this is FAB! I have 4 sisters :-) and we are scattered to the 4 winds, some in touch, some not, so I can truly appreciate what this meant to you and your sisters. what a lovely gift, think I would be overwhelmed too (in the nicest way :-)
Thanks for your kind comments about my daisy paint doodles, not yet been brave enough to put them on anything! And the scalpel cap seems to have disappeared completely - will have to keep a stock of plasters in the craft room in anticipation of future scalpel accidents ;-)
Debs x
Your book is such a wonderful treasure Darnell and I just love how you have made it! You are so clever girlfriend:) Hugs xx
You are such a thoughtful and very special person!
Wow! What a treasure you have created! Fantastic book!
I am so glad I popped over to see your WOYWW! How lovely to have all your sisters, I only have one brother. It sounds like you had quite a life so far, and you are so happy and have come through it fine. What a wonderful book, it will become a family heirloom and probably feature on an antiques programme in maybe 100 years time! It is wonderful, I love your definition of "recipe", sounds 100% right! You have a wonderful imagination to come up with this book, and I can see how your sisters would have been blown away by it! Maybe someone will put it into print and make you all rich!
Cazzy x #114
What a lovely, lovely post. I so enjoyed reading it. I'm sure your sisters (and their descendants too) will treasure your very special heirloom gift. It's a family thing, and something that you can't just 'buy with money'. You put your family memories and a lot of yourself into it. Priceless. Saw the hummingbird cake recipe. Hmm...seems like I had one of those, long ago, somewhere....Thanks for a delightful post, and don't work too hard. TFS & Hugs
Hi Darnell,
Oh, I'm teary eyed reading your post. What a wonderful gift for your sisters! I'm so glad you all reunited and will share the next phases of your lives together.
Snow quit and is melted. Temperatures are supposed to gradually increase through the weekend! Yay!!
This may sound silly -- did you happen to get an envelope from me? I meant to send you one and honestly can't remember if I did..... how's that for memory loss!!!
Kay (12)
What a fantastic and fun book, and what a great way to remember the good times of your childhood. I won't be slowing down until I'm on that plane next Thursday night and heading for Europe!! Then I hope to have three weeks of slowness!
What a wonderful, inspiring story. I was almost in tears. This is so lovely, words fail me. And trust me, that doesn't happen often. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #127 xx
Oh, Darnell, what a wonderful post - I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Your book is fabulous! I am so glad you and your sisters found each other again.
This is wonderful Darnell! I enjoyed reading through this today, didn't have time yesterday but happy I stopped by today. :) Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh….. thank you so much for sharing your book with all of us. What a treat! I am sure your family was beyond excited when they received this book back in 08 . You are amazing and I am raising my glass to you my dear!
What a lovely idea dn gift, I bet your sisters treasure their books
What a fabulous and moving story! The book is an amazing idea - your sisters must have been so pleased to receive them. You are so thoughtful! xx
This is fabulous!! Will be treasured forever!!
Brilliant idea! What a treasure to keep and pass down to your families! Cathy x
What a wonderful idea...what a lot of work...a labour of love for your family!!!
Darnell, your book is amazing. What a wonderful treasure to have to pass down to your families. I loved being able to peek inside and see all of the old photos.
Hello dear Darnell, I am bringing up the rear...just had to say how much I loved reading this post, you are a most remarkable lady - funny, kind, generous and one of the best people to have as a dear friend. Thank you! Big hugs, Annie xxx
Oh, Darnell, how sweet. My mom was at about the same age when she was separated from her four sisters and put in foster care- 8 different homes until at 16 she was adopted by my wonderful grandparents that I posted about a few days ago. My grandpa gave out cigars that day when he got his little girl.
The sisters did reunite as adults, and she is in contact with her nieces and nephews. I always tell her she should write a book...maybe we will tackle that together:)
Darnell, you are a phenomenal lady. I love ya to bits. Thanking cardmaking for our virtual introduction ;)
Totally awesome ... you and the book, Darnell, what a wonderful gift for your sisters and such a special heirloom for future generations! Loved the close up looks! Anita :)
G'day Darnell
I've resigned myself to the fact that I shall ever be running late to get to others blogs due to my work but here I am. What a lovely lovely thing to do. Im sure this book will be passed down over and over for future generations too...just awesome!!
Annette In Oz #109
Well now I want to know more about Hummingbird Cake!! Seriously, what a treasure you created for your dear sisters. What a great story that you were reunited with them. I'm always so thoroughly entertained by your posts. That MUST EXPLAIN WHY I am still reading them at 3:42 am. Now I really must sign off, if my oldest wants to get sent off to school in the morning : )
I want to say something (my mouth is opening and closing like a fish) but I'm speechless. I'm going to have to just say 'Darnell, you are an amazing woman and one of my heroines' and that will have to do - but it doesn't even come close to what I want to say! Vicky x
Oh wow wow wow amazing stunning gorgeous thoughtful and inspiring :-) Kezzy xxx
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