Hi Everyone!
Welcome to Monday! Please move your game pieces back around to the start of a fresh week. Before we dig in, let's give ourselves a round of applause for being alive and healthy enough to start a new week!!
I particularly say that because we almost keeled over from a skah-orcher on Saturday! Yikes!
It's only the beginning of June. There are places where that might be an expected tempture, but it's very unusual for this time of year in a location that is less than an hour outside of San Francisco. Add to that, our power went out three different times, for hours each time! Oy. We took turns hosing down poor ol' Duke and soaking our heads in buckets of ice. On the bright side, it was a good excuse to eat all the ice cream in the freezer. There is always a bright side!!
Between dunking and slurping, I made a card. After thinking all those deep thoughts on my last post, the least I can do is follow through on my big-mouth meanderings. BTW, the results of my question were tallied-ho and the consensus is that there is no consensus over which comes first for you card artists, the cart (product) or the horse (challenges).
I always did love that very visual expression, "Well, hold on there, youngster, you've got your cart in front of your horse!"
[Sorry, I'm very digressive today.]
Back to my new processi, this is Day Two. (I'm nothing if not a superb Title Writer.)
First, I picked a product from my never-used-schtuff in the Playhouse, which was a sheet of chipboard banners and buttons from Woodland Park.
Armed, I checked my usual favorite challenges and I found two that I could use! I started to build my card using this terrific sketch by Danielle over at retrosketches.
I smile every time I see one of these fun sketches! They are so adorable on the torn paper with the hot cocoa stains. They might could be coffee stains, but my experience has been that coffee drinkers are usually pretty careful so as not to waste a drop and whereas, hot cocoa drinkers get so becited about all that whipped cream they crash into their concoctions with their spoons, erupting cocoa missiles up and over the sides of the cup. I'm just sayin'.
Since the sketch had a banner, I knew if I used one of the cute banners from the chipboard array, I could also enter my card in the "Banners and Flags" challenge over at CAS-ual Fridays. The generous sponsor this week is ellenhutson.com. (BTW, I've purchased from this company and the service has always been excellent.)
Here is my take on the sketch:
Using ribbon, I snipped and added two background flags behind the sweet spring robin flag. I placed my sediment on a punched snippet of matching card stock paper to give the card extra dimension. Oh, hahaha, you know better! It was done that way because, yep, when I stamped it directly onto the card stock, I stamped it crooked. Nice save and a tip o' the day!
All that talk about snippets reminds me that I can also enter this card in Pixie's Crafty Snippets Playground, where we are happy to have our beloved Headmistress Di back on duty!! In Spelling I learnt that the word "headmistress" is compound and it takes on a whole new meaning if you add a space and uncompound it.
Here are all the products I used. In the end, I was able to use two items of never-used-schtuff (NBUS) on my card because I also used a previously unopened packet of sweet bubble embellishments from Reflections.
~~~I've been wanting to capture a photo of one of the sweet yellow-bellied finches that flit down out of the trees for a drink and quickly dart back. Finally, my camera happened to be handy:
I'll keep working on trying to get one to smile for the camera. The birds and the Duke and the peeps were all very happy when the temps plummeted twenty-seven degrees on Sunday! That's more like it!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*!
And thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short!
Paper: PTI vintage cream and spring rain;
unknown DSP, but I think it's DCWV
Stamp: unmarked
Ink and ribbon: SU! certainly celery
Unmarked jute thread
Bling: Reflections
Corner Chomper and SU! punch
What a sweet card...loving the banner and the pretty bird...not quite as pretty as the IRL bird at your bird bath...but almost!
Fabby concoction from you, as always. Sorry to hear of your swelterings near S.F., we're all having some majorly FREAKY weather already this year!!!
Pretty card and great pic of the finch. We could do with some hot weather and sun (cloudy again yesterday and cool) but not quite that hot!!
Gorgeous card and such a pretty bird in your photo! Try and stay cool! xx
Fabby card Darnell - as always! Love the sweet little bird - and the real one is so cute too!
Sheesh, trust me, this country would grind to a halt in those temperatures!
Hugs, Di xx
Oh my goodness Darnell, that is SO hot!! How awful for you and for poor Duke. Ever thought about getting a paddling pool for the garden? Not surprised you ate all the ice cream.....
Your card is a real beauty, I love the patterned paper and the little birdie is sweet. Love the real life birdie too, very pretty.
Please stay cool, if you can. Hugs, Annie xxx
You nut! Bad-mouthing cocoa drinkers! (But you may well be right.) Anyhoo - gotta check out what you're up to here. Did you give people the option of fessing up that the challenges drive the horse and cart?!?!?
Lovely card, Darnell. Wow, your Saturday was the complete opposite of mine. Ours temp dropped to 13 degrees (celcius) and rained all day. We got the leftover edge of the hurricane that hit the coast. As for hot cocoa drinkers, I'm one of those and I think my spilling it is more from being a complete spaz than from being so "becited". LOL! Your too funny!
Gorgeous card Darnell, hope things cool down for you soon! :) Cathy x
Love the cute little bird banner! And the photo of the finch on your birdbath - seems like you would be competing for dunking rights in that heat loL!!
Debs x
What interesting never-before-used schtuff you have in your playhouse - and what wonderful ways you have of giving them light of day! Lovely card; the bird banner is pretty and a 'good call' for the challenges. Yet again you bedazzle with your cleverness! And for the record: your site = first stop on this morning's google reader feeder - and my day has been substantially brightened from doing so! Have a marvellous Monday!
Beautifully designed card. Love all the snippets, especially the little flags. This must be the year for strange weather. I'm hearing about strange weather across the US. Stay cool!
Oh my that is hot, we moan in this country if it goes over 30 degrees!
Your card is gorgeous. I love the papers and the way you have added the thread.
The yellow bellied finch looks beautiful.
Sue xx
Sweet card and sweet birdie Darnell. Happy Monday!
Fantastic card and great way to use up supplies! Very pretty.
I had no idea y'all got as hot as we do here in Texas! What a scorcher for sure. Glad it's cooled down a bit now.
I love this new adventure you're taking! Such a sweet little robin banner and love it with the ribbon banners.
Beautiful card & you are too funny!!!! That is definately hot. I can't take the heat especially when humidity kicks in a well. We are having a coolish/wet Spring here but our plants are happy. Enjoy sticking your head in buckets of ice water :) Cheers, Shirleyxx
Looks like your system is working! Love the little birdy banner.
Gorgeous card Darnell, love the banners and that sweet Robin.It's freeeezing here in the UK send us some sun pleeeeeeeze! hope it cools down for you soon:)hugas ( hugas??)hmmm better than hugs I guess! Viv xx
Wow Dippy, that was some ska-orcher you had.....no wonder you sucked up all the watermelon juice over at Loll's! lol Still trying to get round the idea of the the uncompounded headmistress meaning something else altogether...hehe. Love your card, it's so pretty and love your little birdie. Great photo of your finch - looks just like what we call chaffinches over here.
Karendipity x
The bird banner is so sweet! And if you ink around the edges of the punched sentiment, it really looks like it's what you meant to do. Ask the ladies that stamp with me and all want to punch and ink their sentiments without even stamping crooked! That's a beautiful finch. We have a house finch that comes to the feeder and I'm not sure if he's blind or just impetuous, but he gets all around the seed and knocks everybody off the perches and usually goes with them. It's almost as much fun as watching the squirrels sliding down the pole because DH put Vaseline on it. Such entertainment!
Vewy pwetty card there Missey and well done on getting your birdie to stand still for you. A frontal piccie would be good.
Now about your weather....can you send a teensy weensy bit of it over here please? Not too much as it would be too much of a shock to use over here but just a lickle would be nice.
Feel for you on those hot temps! We're not there yet, and I dread it. Got the a/c on awready though. Loved your soft hues on your card. Enjoyed the read (as always) and chuckled about the crooked sentiment. (You know I understand that one!). Your banners behind the main image was an inspired touch, and really liked your little birdie at the bottom. Great card. Stay Kewl and tfs. Hugs
Yay for using previously unused stuff. I love that background paper. Your yellow-bellied finch is a goldfinch, relative to the purple finch of empty nest fame. I have had as many as 20 at one time on my feeder.
Hi Dolly! LOVE that flag with the bird - that is so sweet! Great colors and love your patterned paper. Always good to pull out some unopened packages to use up stock ... not only fun, but also makes room to buy new schtuff to put in it's place! :) Lolly xx
Darnell, I hope you have had a chance to cool down before you head over the cooler section of the bay! Your card is stunning...so pretty and those colors, soft and sweet. Don't you just love to find goodies that have been hanging out and you finally find a use for...that little bird flag is so sweet, ready for spring to be over and summer to start! See you tomorrow.
Hey lady, you sure got some nice schtuff in that thar playhouse! Great save on the sentiment! And how about those awesome Chip 'N Dip stickers!
Perfectly placed bling paired with the funky twine & bow really create an 'artsy' look to your card! Your creativity is endless!
Your card is gorgeous Darnell and your little bird is such a sweet touch - hugs xx
Pheeewwie-that is hot ! Poor Dukey,not much escape when the temprature rises that high is there ?
Another gorgeous card today Darnell-and what a cute little bird(the real one and and the pretty little one on your card)
Have a great day,Nessa xx
Gorgeous colours, Darnell ... that bird flag is such a delight! Anita :)
Dear sweet Hannah, that is not a temperature for humans. Once it hits 85 I'm done in! I can just imagine the power usage during that...no wonder there were outages :/ Yuck!
BAHAHA - you KNOW we know better ;) Many a card has been saved at my house that way :) And I'm giggling at the headmistress diversion...sheesh, Darnell. You are too funny :)
Awesome that you got a picture of the finch! I haven't been able to capture any of our visitors - they are just too quick and I, alas, am not.
Wow, Darnell that is some hot weather. Lovely card! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
Hi Darnell!! I always feel like I'm visiting home when I come here. You give so much of your personality that it's so easy to connect with you, and that somehow translates to a wonderful feeling of comfort.
So glad you got to use some never-used-schtuff on this beauty! What a great, self-imposed challenge! And your hot cocoa suspicions and subsequent analysis had me laughing at 2 am! Thanks so much for playing in the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!
Such an elegant cad and using previously unloved stash too, double fabby. Wow that is some temp you had I would have melted lol. Hugs, amanda x
YEAH . . . I with Sam (Hettie) above . . . can you PURLEEZE send some heat to the UK? We are meant to be in summer, but someone hasn't informed the weather yet!
Your card is fab and fits the sketch well and snippets for the playground too! Head Mistress . . . hmmm!
OMG Darnell, I love your card with the bird on it. Very darling. Just blog hopping and I follow u so just stopping by to say hello.
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