A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 18, 2013

PIN CASE #1; cQc #194; NBUS #7; WOYWW #211

Hello to All!
It's Wednesday, or close to it, which means it's time for the weekly desk hop conducted by the fabtastic Julia Dunnit at What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW).  I've been having a crafty good time this week which is a parent on my desk.  I hope you get a chance to join in the fun!
For those of you who only pop in on Wednesdays, you should know that I've started to get serious about using my virginal stamps and paper and dies and so forth and so as not to have to say that on every post, especially the word "virginal" since I don't want pervs visiting this space, I've coined a term for it:  NBUS which means "never-before-used-schtuff."  Some of my crafty friends have picked up the gaunt let (poor dear, so thin), so you may see that acrononymim on other blogs.  Feel free to use the term and use up your NBUS!
Here's my desk:
 No, wait, that's my embarrassingly dirty window.  Here's my desk:
 Taking center stage is this beauty:
 It's not an antique.  It's some cheesy foe fone that one of the twins found at a yard sale.  The wire cradle was broken so Papa brought it home to sodder it.  (I'm sorry, I know it's spelled solder, but seriously, it shouldn't be.)  The twins are coming over on Saturday for a sleep-over and Henry will want his phone back, so I had to grab this picture of it with this NBUS (stamp) I knew I had lurking about.
I mean, what are the chances?  Is that cool or what?  I wish I knew who the manufacturer of the stamp was, but I don't because the set was cut apart before I knew I should be making note of manufacturerers for you guys.  And when I say, "what are the chances," I mean what are the chances that I remembered that I had this tiny little NBUS in my Playhouse at the same time I had the phone in my possession and not two days after the phone had gone back home to Henry.  You see what I'm saying?  It's a miracle.

Naturally, I couldn't just take that picture and not make a card!  So I made this:
I not only used NBUS, I actually CASEd an inspiration card that is pinned on my Pinterest board.  THAT is a firstThe inspiration card comes form the uber-amazing-CASly-creative hands of Laurie Willison of Soapbox Creations:
I'm also entering my card in this week's ColourQ challenge.  Here are the delicious colours:
And glory beans, I cleaned my windows and about darn time.
Thank you all for hopping by for a visit!  As always, please leave me a comment so I know you came by; I will return the flavor! 
[For WOYWWers:  On previous posts, I've mentioned that I'm compiling data regarding printers and I will share the results sometime next week.  If you are interested in the results, please participate by letting me know in your comment what brand/model you use, and whether you like it or don't like it.  Thank you so much!  Mwah!!]
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*!  Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower!
*Life Is Too Short!   
CASE=copy and share everything
CAS=clean and simple
Paper:  Neenah solar white;
  SU! colors listed in challenge
Stamp:  unknown
Ink:  Versafine onyx black
Washi tape:  Freckled Fawn
Die:  Parker Lower Alphabet Set MB


jimlynn said...

OMGoodness!!! That's an exact replica of your stamp! Awesome for sure. Oh, also, love your card! The different colors for "hello" are so cool looking.

Unknown said...

Your cards are wonderful. Love the fone. happy crafting #26

Claire Grantham said...

I love the stamp and the 'real' phone. The card is really cool. Since the move, I am loving hello cards. NBUS is great and I will be using it! Happy WOYWW Cx #33

Nan G said...

Awesomeness is right! Really cool faux fone. Love the stamp and your CASe card. And you washed windows!! Come do mine please. :) Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3 p.s. nbus fab term...may borrow it.

RosA said...

Love the antique phone, and the phone stamp. Someone will know who the manufacturer is, I'm sure.
I like the NBUS acronym. Might have to borrow it, and put it into action too :)
RosA # 24

janelle said...

Love your card & that is a great phone stamp!

Jackie said...

That stamp is so like the phone!!!
I was surprised you having a dirty window, then you showed it clean!!!!
made me smile
Jackie 30

Claire Grantham said...

Oh I forgot to tell you about my new beauty - printer that is..Brother® MFC-J430w Inkjet All-in-One - it is AMAZING - it has a paper tray and a feeder for scanning and copying, it is most excellent and currently on sale at Staples - worth every penny. It is wireless and took under 5 minutes to hook into the WIFI and the best bit is you don't even have to turn it on to print - SWOON. Cx #33

Ali H said...

Great card! Always good to give something that hasn't seen the light of day before an airing! Ali #36

Loll said...

Hi Dolly. LOVE your card ... seriously - in love with it! :) Love the phone image, love the black and white chevron panel ... love the multi-colored hello. Perfect! Lolly xx

Cathy said...

Wow, even finding the old phone is amazing let alone it matching your stamp! Fantastic card too :) Cathy x

shirley-bee said...

Fabulous card, Darnell! Who'd have thought that inspiration could come from a garage sale?

Suzie McFloozy said...

Gorgeous card - love the clean crisp look - the colours really "pop"x I also have loads of NBUS craft booty that I just had to have at the time and have just not got round to using so I will be jumping on your band wagon (!) and getting some use out of them ! Thanks for the prod !!
((Hugs)) Suzie xoxo

Redanne said...

Really loving that faux fone Darnell - I can almost remember back to when they really did look like that too! Love your phone stamp and your card is just fabulous, I love the vibrant colours - they just pop! Love it. Happy WOYWW, Hugs, Annie x #51

Claire said...

Now that's a phone! Shame you couldn't keep it... but you have the fun replica stamp!
Great card btw!
Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 32

Anne said...

You make me chuckle!! great phone and stamp. Love the card - those colours look great - mmmm got an idea - got all those colours. Happy WOYWW Anne x #65

Anne said...

Fantastic card! Superb! AND clean windows?...Yus! I need to clean mine too...excuse is it keeps on raining....can I get away with that?....:OD

Helen said...

oh I love that phone. don't give it back... lol!! have a great week Helen 31

Sandy said...

What a great phone stamp and love the funky colours on your hello..
Sandy :) #59

Jessi Fogan said...

Oh man, I am not taking any pictures of MY windows ;)
I cannot BELIEVE how alike the stamp & the phone are! Seems like Henry & my Connor are into the same stuff - Connor wouldn't have passed that up either. I love the fun bright HELLO on the b & w background - it totally pops!

Silvia said...

Oh Love the phone! And fancy having a stamp just like it!!!! Keep the phone...I would...lol

Maisie Moonshine said...

As you say - what are the chances! Great phone, great stamp, fab card and WHY oh WHY don't my windows look as good as yours when I clean them? Have a great week MMx #70

Julia Dunnit said...

Glory beans, I may have to go clean my window now - what an enabler you are! I have about five NBUS items..all of which will go through their paces this week..I cannot stand getting a new stamp and not playing with as soon as possible. Like the real phone very much, and love the kick start of inspiration...it's a great sketch too, bet you make loads of phone/ofiice-y things now.

Bridget Larsen said...

That is a cool stamp and replica and I couldnt see any dirt on your window at all just a light shift.
Thanks for the ATC which arrived tonight
Bridget #1

Karen said...

Love the phone stamp, I see lots of cards coming with that image on! Sorry can't tell about my printer as it's a borrowed one and is on it's last legs - am looking for a new one soon - so will check out your data report with glee! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥

CraftygasheadZo said...

I'm loving the phone and matching stamp! Great card too, like the NBUS saying too! Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 77

Andrea said...

wow they almost identical and that a cute card you made .You do make me LOL only you would take a pic of your dirty window! ...looks good clean too;-).
have fab week thanks for another fab post

The Taming of the Glue said...

What a great find at a yard sale and even better to find the stamp!
The card is stunning, I love the colours. Might have to use the NBUS acronym as I have quite a lot of it! Hugs. Pam#38

roffeycreations said...

AAAw that little stamp is very cute... ok you wore me down - I will use NBUS as well - just so I can fit in with you trendsetters... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #110

sandra de said...

The phone is amazing but to have the exact stamp is incredible.
Sandra @105

ria gall said...

Oh my days just look at that phone, I love it and my daughter says she needs it. One of the best things I have seen in a while and then you pull our a matching rubber stamp
Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #47

Tammy said...

Well, antique or not, that is a very cool phone. So funny that it matches your stamp to perfection! Happy WOYWW! Tammy #118

stampwithsandy said...

Great card! Love the phone stamp and how cool that old phone happened by your craft room!

Kara Lynne said...

Well that's a favorite for me!! Great way to use the colors and love the design and the phone.

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell the perfect NBUS! How is possible to find the perfect stamp to replicate that very cool phone. Enjoyable post, lovely clean window and fabulous card and CASE. Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at the colourQ!

Monique said...

That's so funny, my windows "never" look like that. In all thruth, they do, all the more joy when you cleaned them...how else are people going to see you cleaned the windows....

Love the phone and you made such a lovely card.

Have wonderful week, Happy WOYWW. xx

Marybeth said...

Yes it's a miracle that you have a stamp to match the phone! I love it! What a find and that you remembered!
Love the card and CAS design of it ! Maybe, just maybe we have too many stamps!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Darnell, good for you for using NBUS and to top it off, using a Pinterest pin for inspiration! *** (imagine that those are gold stars) I love clean and simple cards. That phone is cool (even if "faux") and how perfect that you had the matching stamp. And yes, I *did* manage to link to last week's post in Mr. Linky, drat it all. I've remedied it with a note on the top of #210 linking to #211. I'll stop blathering now. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #6

Krisha said...

Hi Darnell, thanks for visiting Betsy this week. Of course we love the phone and the matching stamp! NBUS is great, will be using this in the future. My GD usually tries out all the NBUS when she comes for a sleep over...LOL
Krisha #4 who will bare all next week!!

Sylvia said...

Fabulous card, Darnell, love that phone image! Your photo of the phone is wonderful as well, wish I had ours from when I was little as I used to play with it! So happy to see you at the colourQ this week. Happy Wednesday!

Lisa Elton said...

What a fun phone and a matching stamp to boot! I think your little twink needs this card to go with his phone! I have a particular window currently showcasing Max's nose prints!!! It is "his" window after all ;)

Happy Dance said...

Love the phone and hearing all about soddering it all back up. If you come here, you can look out my E & S windows, but not the others...wonder why?!! Love how your stamp matches the real phone. This is a great card, and I love where you've put all that color. Oh!, and check out Mama Elephant stamps. They've got one of your perfect words, MWAH, but they've spelled it wrong...still worth a look though. Bev

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

Oh, I love the phone - reproduction or not!! What a great find.

I'd be interested in hearing the feedback you get regarding printers. I have one but don't even know what type.... it doesn't scan and I really would like to have one that does that too.

I'm not participating this week but wanted to pop in to visit.


Harriet Skelly said...

I loe your card and it is getting pinned - to my board not to a guy! Your humor is rubbing off on me - I like it! :o)

OH Babs said...

Cool phone. Cool stamp. Cool card.

Queen Lightwell said...

Love it, dirty windows, clean windows, oldy looking phone and all! Especially the card, though. :) Nice, simple, but graphically very pleasing to the eye. Thinking of CASE-ing it myself now...
And please take note of how *early* I am making it around this week!!! lol :)
Hope you enjoy the rest of WOYWW and thanks for the term "NBUS", though now its making me think of incubus...well, hugs anyways! :) Deeyll #141

Joyce said...

Awesome card awesome phone. Love your case of Laurie's--she is a favorite of mine to case, too. Your vertical word with colored letters adds to the whimsey of your card.

Dianne said...

Hello Darnell love that stamp and the phone both a very kool, make a lovely card too,love the card on your desk and you clean window looks fabulous letting in all that beautiful sunshine on your desk, I'm HONOURED you're following me, Namaste to you and have a wonderful day in that sunshine..

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How funny that your grandson took to that phone! It's funny what grabs their imagination, isn't it? What serendipity to find that stamp as well...I bet you use it loads!
Hugs, LLJ 43 xx

Unknown said...

This is definitely a serious case of FATE.....what on earth are the chances of Henry taking such a liking to the phone and then you remembering you had an exact replica in a stamp! Just love what you've done with your card; the chevrons, the coloured letters of the sentiment and the three layers on the actual card. Gorgeous Dippy.


Karendipity x

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Darnell
yes indeed a happy coincidence, how amazing and you made a great card...... can I come and play in your playhouse, it looks fun ... even with dirty windows
janet #42
Ps I should be sewing!

Geri said...

Seriously, what are the chances of finding a phone like that at a gargae sale.....and then to have a stamp in YOUR stash that exactly matches? Yes, a miracle for sure!

What has my heart all a flutter is your card! Without a word of a lie (weird saying)this card needs to be published! Honestly, it's what I see when I open my Papercrafts magazine! Absolutely perfect in every way possible. Modern, sleek, cool, vibrant, trendy...you totally rocked this card dear friend!

SandeeNC said...

Oh lah, if I have to start showing my windows then I am in big trouble! lol LOVE your card, it's awesome!! Thanks for visiting my "floor of shame" today, lol Waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Annie said...

Fantastic desk Darnell and boy do I love that phone. It would be perfect in my home.

Have a great week and happy WOYWW

Annie x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's a fabulous phone AND stamp. And apparently you DO WINDOWS (grin).

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

OOPS, hit the send button too soon. I have an old HP printer I bought in 2000. It only prints, nothing else. I don't like the multi-function printers/scanner/fax/copier machines. And I also forgot to leave my number: #17

cm said...

Darnell - I'm in awe of the 'miracles' you've experienced with the phone+stamp and the dirty+clean windows. Those old phones (real, stamps, either/or) are awesome; my grandparents had one, but its whereabouts are a mystery. Still, your showcase has dialed in (oops..) some memories - warm, fuzzy ones! I'll cheer-lead with Geri about the publishing! Such a trendy, modern, crisp, cheerful card should not unnoticed by the masses, go! And speaking of volume - holy smokes on the # of comments! Your awesome is a magnet, drawing in quite the following! Glad to be included in the group!

Shannon J said...

Ooooh, I just love your card, Darnell - it's so modern and fun and such a paradoxical tribute to the old phone! It's just so eye-catching!!

April said...

That phone is too cool - even if it isn't old. And your card is too cute. I'm going to have to CASE that one. April #143

Daniella said...

You always crack me up!! I wish my windows were as clean as your dirty one!! The phone is fab and the NBUS stamp a wonderful coincidence!
That card is SWEET!!

Greta said...

That is one amazing card! Great CASE! You know, I need to actually use some of my pins--thank for the reminder.

Diane said...

Cool phone, and what a fun card!!! Amazing how much the two look alike!! I just came off pinterest and cased a card...now just to do it!!

JoZart Designs said...

Super post Darnell... how amazing a find the phone is and a perfect match for your stamp too. If you are looking for more windows to clean you are welcome to practise your expertise right here in my house! I have window cleaners who come fortnightly and do the outside but the insides need to catch up!
Jo x

Anonymous said...

Ah DJ, there you are. I would have been here earlier but I seem to be suffering from concussion!! That phone is an amazing find, along with that stamp too. But what's even more amazing is that you remembered you had it! Great card. Bet you'll find even more NBUS that you never knew you had now the windows are actually clean and you can see what you've got!


Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, another great post :) The little phone stamp is fabulous and perfect with "Hello", of course. Your window looks much better, doesn't it feel great when they are clean? Everything is much brighter. Your old phone is fun. I like NBUS vs the other word that could generate unwanted traffic, it was my thought immediately. Thank you for all your kind words, they are very much appreciated !!!!!! Have a great day, Shirleyxx

Emily Keaton said...

Love, love, love this awesome telephone card, Darnell! The chevrons, the rainbow letters, that awesome vintage telephone. Hello, indeed!!!!

Laurie Unger said...

Great phone card! I agree with you on how to spell solder! LOL!

Robin Cooper said...

I love your card!!! That phone is beautiful!

Karen P said...

I love, love, love that stamp! Seriously cool phone too - your twinks will love playing with that. Beautiful card, lovely CAS and such a gorgeous mix of colours Karen x

Cazzy said...

Hi Darnell, thanks for visiting and telling me how you visit too, sounds like a plan.
Anyway Happy WOYWW, I love the phone, love that you found the matching stamp and love your card! I just bought a little wood cabinet for £5 in a charity shop, thought it was a bit much but went back for it because I would regret it if I left it there, hope to customise it if it doesn't have woodworm (hoping it is just dirt).
Anyway printer, mine is an Epson stylus photo R800, don't think you can buy them any more but I could be wrong. I did love it but it ain't printing properly anymore despite me applying Magic Bullet twice so I think a new one might be in order, if I can afford it. I chose it based on good reviews and because it has seperate ink tanks for each colour, if one colour runs out it won't print though. Ink is expensive, I always use Epson original, and is getting hard to find for this printer. Would love an A3 one, don't like that the Epson requires you to change black carts every time you want to print a photo though, or maybe that will be less wasteful of ink! I usually end up buying Epson, they get the best reviews for performance but happy to look at others.
Cazzy x

Vicky Hayes said...

I have been hopeless at commenting lately Darnell but that doesn't mean I haven't appreciated the fact you haven't given up on me and also that you leave the best comments ever and they often make me giggle for the day as well! I love the old-fashioned phone and love that you found the stamp too and made that fab card. I also have an old-fashioned phone which is also pho and will have to show a pic on my blog soon (as soon as everything stops happening and I get a minute to myself!) My printer is an HP 5510 which isn't much of a singer and dancer but was as cheap as chips. The ink cartridges are pretty expensive too but I just assume that's what printer manufacturers do these days - flog you the printer cheap and make their profit on the ink. Sorry to write a novel... Hugs, Vicky x

Craftychris said...

I adore that stamp, its fabulous and how cool it matches the Twinks phone! Your card is wonderful xx

glitterandglue said...

Hi Darnell,
Love the phone. Great fun! And what a card!! Fabulous.
Have a great week.
Margaret #100

VonnyK said...

How cool is that phone and to find a stamp just like it, amazing. I love the card you made with it, so bright. I'll remember the NBUS, so funny. Going shopping for more art supplies on monday so I will have plenty of NBUS to play with (he he). While you're in the mood to wash windows, I have 50 of them and they are all dirty, so you're welcome to come on over :)
Have a great week.
Von #27

Bonnie said...

Now that's a fun find for a yard sale! Lucky that Papa could sodder it! Love, love, love the bright hello! If you like washing windows....Have fun with the twinks.

Bobby said...

I love your phones, and even better is the darling card you made using one of them.

Winnie said...

You made me chuckle with your personal abbreviations! Very clever idea! As a receptionist, I just love your old time phone, and the stamp! Great card too! Thanks for the kind visit! Enjoy the weekend!Winnie#93

Eliza said...

Goodness me you have so many comments from others wow that is a lot of comments, goes to show how much everyone likes your blog. Hey that term NBus brilliant, I just hope you don't get programming geeks visiting now, because it is a programming term. Anyway, nice window, but that phone totally awesome as soon as I saw it I enlarged the picture.

Thanks for sharing and a wonderful card to blend in with the foe.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 25
Belated WOYWW greetings

Kezzy said...

NBUS love it lol, I certainly have plenty of those. The old phone is awesome and your cards are amazing. Lots of lovely crafty bits on your desk and I'm so loving the phone stamp. Eeek I bet my windows need cleaning, but it uses valuable crafty time! Happy woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

Viv said...

Fab card Dr Arnell ( see later post),how amazing you found that phone stamp too, so like the 'real' one too. My windows need cleaning too, hate that job....would much rather we making cards.Err my printer is fabulous, takes cheap compatable inks, prints on all thick card I have tried etc etc, it's an Epson Stylus Photo P50.He he feels like 'Printers anonymouse', my name is .......and I am a printer....or maybe that's just me :) Viv xx

Georgia G. said...

I am jumping around the web looking at peoples' cards, found you, and am loving reading yr entries!I think I have met a kindred spirit!The fone bs. was so cool-super job on the card.I have an HP printer. That's all I know cuz Honey's bee equipment is piled all around it. Have an awesome Friday, girl!

Hannelie said...

Wow comment no 83 this is me:
(never had so much comments even with my "bestest" card!)
This is one awesome card!!!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Dang girl! Talk about raking in the comments!! I aspire :) -- Personally, while I liked your card and that awesome phone - your clean window got me! LOL - have a great week end!

Julie Lee said...

Wow! Darnell you got 84 comments! I don't know if you'll ever see this but thank you for stopping by my little blog on Wednesday, as I'm only a magpie new to all this blogging. Please come again, though I can see you're some busy lady! I love your blog btw! I absolutely adore that telephone stamp and the card you made with it. Have a good week! Julie Ann xxx

Julie Lee said...

Me again! I'm following you now. In a good way - not a creepy way, you understand!!! Julie Ann xxx

Kim Heggins said...

I must be losing my mind, I would have bet the farm that I has already left you a comment on this fabulous card but I guess I must have done it in a dream. I love, love your card! That sweet little phone is so wonderful and it looks fabulous with the all the white and the little pop of colors, just wonderful. Ok, so this must have been the part in my dream, I had asked you if you would please stamp a few of these amazing phones for me and pop them in mail. I will be happy to pay for your card stock and postage too, if you don't mind.

JD/ Jill said...

Cute and clever card that you made! ( as always!!!) I think I better start remembering if I remembered to comment or not. You sure have a long list of comments to scroll through when I need to check...LOL!
Jill <---who doesn't have the greatest memory these days...

Michelle said...

Darnell, if you've finished your own windows, would you please pop over here and do mine? And while you're here, why not stay for a cup of tea or ten? ;-) I love that you had a stamp to match that phone! Fabulous! And what is even MORE fabulous is your card!! What a super CASE. You made Laurie's design all your own. I'm in awe! Wow!

Karen M said...

I love how your stamp was a perfect match to the phone and your card is just wonderful too:) hugs xx

Marion said...

What an awesome phone! I want one. And your card is super. I love it! Wanna come and clean my windows by any chance?

maria f. said...

Ha - saw that number 91 and hit the "jump" button ;) I LOVE THIS CARD! Nuff said.

Kim Heggins said...

This is one amazing card and congrats on your Colour Coutier honor over at ColourQ...this phone is just fabulous and thank you so much for letting me borrow it!

Joyce said...

Right back atcha, cowgirl. No place else I'd rather be than in the Royal Court with Her Highness Darnell.

Anonymous said...

WooHoo, lady! How fun to be in court together- I loved your card the minute I laid eyes on it! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

WooHoo, lady! How fun to be in court together- I loved your card the minute I laid eyes on it! Congrats!