I've made a card for the current Less Is More challenge of "Round and Round" using the colors of the current Dynamic Duos challenge of "Pool Party and Black," whiff a dessert option of embossing. Since I used scraps for part of the card, I am also taking my card to show my friends at Pixie's Crafty Snippets Playground, where we are all becited to have a new mascot named Parsnips!
If you are popping in from the hop at Seriously, What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (SWOYWW) (formerly known as WOYWW), you'll want to see what my desk looks like at the mo:
Sorry to say that I didn't make any forward motion in the Playhouse revamp since you were last here. The way I organize, which would be in an organized fashion, I need a few uninterrupted days in a row. I'm hoping that will happen this coming week.
Here's a close-up view of my card, sitting on the sill above:
When I was ruminating about the stamps I had with wheels, or things that go round and round, I thought of this old stamp I got for the twins (blue-handled item in the desk photo) with an image of a rocket. Rockets go round and round. You might say they orbit. They sometimes even go to the moon, so it seemed only right to have Mr. Moon waiting there!
The twins have used the rocket stamp on cards before, but I never have, so it is today's NBUS (never-before-used schtuff). I accomplished the dessert option of the DD challenge by heat embossing both the moon and the rocket images in black.
We like to show our critters, too, on our WOYWW hops, if we have 'em. As some of you have shared, hummingbirds seem to be growing in population everywhere. For several years we have had a confirmed bachelor at our feeder affectionately called "Hitler" because no other hummers were ever allowed to drink from HIS feeder.
Until recently. He now appears to have a wife and a young'n or twin young'ns out of wedlock, we can't tell. It's extremely difficult to get in close enough to see if there is a wedding ring. All we know is, there are now three mouths to feed and we have gone from filling the feeder every two weeks to filling the feeder every two days!
I was able to capture this picture of Hitler:
He has the classic bright red neck of an Anna's hummingbird. And here are a couple of pictures of one of the new family members.
(Robin, notice how orange his downy underfeathers are!)
I think this is a male youngster. You can just make out the beginnings of the red neck feathers. (Ha! Never thought you'd find "red neck" on my blog!)
They are a blast to watch and they are even making polka dot patterns on the deck! Here look:
You can't do all that drinkin' without doing a lot of peeing!
Wish me luck with the revamp. I'm having outpatient surgery on Thursday morning to replace my defibrillator/pacemaker. It is six years old and the battery has run its course. I will be housebound and on limited activity for a week, so I'm thinking it will be the perfect opportunity to TDK my schtuff. Yay! I'll take breaks for blog visits, so please let me know you came by and I will return the flavor!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*

*Life Is Too Short!
Paper: SU! pool party and black
Stamps: moon by Inkadinkado 8907M;
rocket unmarked
Ink: Silhouette black EP; Sakura
clear star glitter pen
Corner Chomper
I like the card with the sparklie color. It is so nice to find and old stamp and make it work wonders again.
Ok I really need a new hummingbird feeder. I like that there is room for multiple birds. I have never caught mine on film but I love watching all the birds in my yard. I recently decided to learn more. So thank you so much for sharing the bird photos.
Have a blessed day!
Belinda (15)
Your bird photographs are stunning
Have a great week
Candace #14
Love the little rocket Darnell, fun card! FABULOUS hummingbird photos! Aren't they amazing little creatures!! A special prayer coming your way for your revamp. Take care ;)
Oh, Darnell...I'll be thinking of you! Hugs!
What a cute rocket. Of course, I am in love with the hummingbird feeder. Had to laugh about the wedding ring, though. You took some excellent photos. Very impressive.
Hope the surgery goes well. I'll be thinking about you on Thursday and wishing you the best, even as you revamp your space. Happy WOYWW from #10.
all the best for your upcoming surgery. i hope all goes goes well and you recover quickly. i just love the hummingbird pictures. we don't have them here in the Philippines. wonderful pictures thank you for sharing and happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS @ 12
What a wonderful peek at your workdesk and beyond today Darnell. I am totally loving your pics of the hummingbirds and you cracked me up with your story to go along with them. I hope everything goes well with your surgery. Happy WOYWW! Danie #17
You have been very busy. Love the card and the hummingbird photos. Happy crafting #7
Do take care, Darnell with the revamp and surgery n all. Love the hummers! Sans wedding ring, hey?! You crack me up, that's why I enjoy my visits with you!! Hugs Nan G #1 on WOYWW this week! eek
Please be careful and take care with your surgery it is serious surgery after all. Maybe you should be grounded and made take it easy, stamping and crafting is relaxing and perfect for re-cooping, so you are allowed to do that.
Thanks so much for the humming bird photos as I had never seen one before it has been an enlightening read and that little baby so beautiful. You have captured them perfectly, now only to see one in real life.
Eliza & Yoda 24
Well hello, Im back. I had to come see after last week when my daughter sent me to your site. What a great play house and all those goodies and things going on and the humming bird! Just love a real photo of them ;-} Have a great day and Bright blessings to you and yours Roberta 26
Hi Darnell. Firstly and most importantly, good luck with your surgery - and yes it is the perfect opportunity to spend some R&R time in your playhouse. Thanks for sharing the hummingbird pics - love it that you name your birds too. We have a huge wood pigeon which follows us whenever we move home (yeah right!) he is (obviously) called Fatty Arbuckle and I've got to say he makes WAY more mess than your really quite artistic hummers. Hope you have a speedy recovery. MMx #33
What a great card and a fabby idea for LIM Darnell!! I love Mr Moon :)
I hope all goes well on Thursday,i will be thinking about you-get your feet up and relax afterwards :)
Big hug,Nessa xxxx
What a great card and a fabby idea for LIM Darnell!! I love Mr Moon :)
I hope all goes well on Thursday,i will be thinking about you-get your feet up and relax afterwards :)
Big hug,Nessa xxxx
hope all goes well with the surgery, at least you can sit and watch the hummingbirds... great photos. Helen 8
What a fun post!! I love the birds...but Hitler. How did he come by that name? I am smiling from ear to ear. Thanks!!!
Have a great week.
Sara j #42
Yip, sounds like a brilliant thing to do while recovering. Don't overdo it though. Love your critters. Mine are camera shy. I too have humming birds and love their song. #46
Love the card Darnel but the hummingbirds steal the show!
The baby one was so pretty and I could see the red ring on the neck developing!
Good luck with Thursday and the replacement being out in... Make sure you take your weeks rest and do a little blog visiting! Love the card
Jackie 44
Fabulous LIM card Dippy - love that you've used a stamp only the twinks have used. I'll try and get a photo of my desk today........looks like a bomb's hit it as I was finishing off my advent tree before even attempting to put my new stash from the weekend away! Adore your hummer photos - they're amazing; wish we had them outside on our patio. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow - please take care.....and tell the doctor to take even more care! Let us know how you are please so we can stop worrying.......
Karendipity xxx
Fab card I love the heat embossing. good luck with the reorganising I hope you get your few days together.the bird photos are stunning what an ace shot of the cute hummingbird well done you hugs Andrea #51
Oh to see a hummingbird in real life........ they are so beautiful and your photos are amazing Darnell! I will be thinking of you when you have your op, do take care afterwards and do as you are told please? Take care, my friend. Big hugs, Annie xx
Love the pale blue card. And your hummingbird is even more beautiful.
Chris #69 possibly
Great card Darnell and I love seeing your photos of the hummingbirds. Hope your op goes well and make sure you don't overdo the tidying of the playhouse afterwards!
Like the card. Just think your photos of the hummingbirds are lovely. Well done - 'cos they don't exactly sit still for long, do they??!! Trust all goes well with your surgery this week - and that you get the opportunity to simply be quiet at home and do your sorting - plus, of course, lots of blog hopping!!
Take care.
Margaret #55
Darnell Birds in the garden are always so special...I loved your card, please take care next week and go easy with the organizing in your craft-house...do you want me to come and help??Zeffy #76
Hi Darnell
your card is fab and I am with you rockets do go round and round.
Loving your little bird family how amazing and great photo's shame about the fall our from all that drinking but needs must.
I am sending you gentle hugs and get well wishes in advance of your surgery, but you have me worried as I expect that trying to tidy the crafting space is not the resting that you should be doing following surgery.
I will be thinking about you so take care
Have and extra special WOYWW and week
Hugs Ria #138
I love that card! I have a 'thing' about the moon with a face - ever since I was a little girl, if there's an image of a crescent moon with a friendly face I have to have it! And the humming bird pics are a joy!!! I am loving all the images people have been sharing of these incredible little critters! Do you think Hitler will be a little less of a dictator now he's become a family man??? Julie Ann xx #35
Love the rocket card, superb in monochrome. Sometimes it's nice to make something different. Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 98 x
Hope your recovery goes well. Love your space and the little red necked hummers are amazing!
Glenda 93
lovely desk, and super cards. The critter pics are fab, must be so hard to photograph these birds, I do envy you all.
Wishing you all the very best with your surgery.
Lynda #96
Great card and a productive desk. Love your pics. Take care Zo xx 93
Great round and round card Darnell, , love the card colour. Your hummimg bird photos are wonderful, we don't get them in GB, I've seen them a couple of times in France but on PEI a couple of years ago we had a feeder on the window of our B&B and were inundated everyday with these glorious creatures:) phew, that was a long sentence! I managed to pick up a humming bird stamp in Michael's so that was my souvenir of a wonderful holiday.
Good luck with your op :)
Val x
So glad Hitler has a family now and he is sharing his feeder he's a good fellow must have mellowed with age. Take care with your surgery and know that we will all be thinking of you..
Big (((hugs)))
Sandy :) #64
Cute card. Good luck with the surgery and recover quick. Some people will do anything to find extra time to stamp! :)
Great card Darnell. I will be praying for your safe recovery. Enjoy your crafting recouperation.
Hi Darnell, fab pics of the humming birds - love that you nicknamed him Hitler lol!
good luck with the surgery - really hope it goes well
Debs #98
First: prayers and best wishes with your surgery! Hope you heal quickly and have a most excellent 'organization party' as you mend! Your card is darling; perfect for the challenges! I LOVE that your grandsons craft with you!! Hummingbird photos are marvellous! We don't see them in my Rocky Mountain town; poor things wouldn't be humming at all. Beak-chattering would be more likely, along with some 'too dang cold' muttering under their birdy-breaths). FAB post, as always! Thanks for commenting on my party favours and cutie-pie niece! Maybe she'll meet one of your twinks down the road...
Love the card Darnell. Hitler and his brood are really cool - I like hummingbirds. Good luck with the surgery and don't overdo it whilst you are off...I know how easy it is to do that. Cx #29
good luck with the re organizing of your play house, I too need to have a few days to just get on with it! Love your hummer pics, I love to watch them!
HOpe you recover quickly from your surgery enjoy some nice quiet cardmaking while you recuperate!
I'd say you made the most of less is more. Good job. Love the humming bird. We have quite a few too. I'll try to take a photo. Love the name of your bossy one. We have one that hides in the plant and waits for the others to show up. I've put up two feeders, but he just races between the two. Silly birds. Fun to watch though! Happy craftin...see you next week.
Fabulous photos and lucky you having a visiting hummingbird - I've never seen one in real life!
Happy WOYWW. Susi #66
Sending positive vibes for your chesticle rearranging on Thursday...shall be thinking of you!! Think of all the blogging you can do when recuperating..you're probably going to wear out the Interwebz...leave some for us, wont you ;-)
Hugs, LLJ 63 xx
Seriously? I didn't notice the seriousness had been added. I don't think I can play being as I'm against being serious. 'Tis such a bore. I like that you organize in an organized fashion. Not me. I make a great big pile of chaos and then try to take it from there. I hope you get it done in a timely manner. I also hope you surgery goes well. Thanks for the photos of the hummers! I've been missing them here but they'll be back in the winter.
How do you keep up with all your fans and followers? We all look forward to your posts and comments. Always a chuckle, some interesting stories, or great pictures of flowers and birds. And oh yea some really wonderful cards. Snoop on! Carole #111
Love the pictures Darnell! and that card is gorgeous, my husband is due to get his batteries changed soon sounds like he has the same ICD unit as you. Lots of hugglessssss hun Sue xxx
Cool pictures of those hummingbirds! Hope your surgery goes well. I think your crafting space is pretty organized - you should see mine....
Great card and I love the photos of the hummingbirds. Hope all goes well for the op. Hugs Anne x #90
Seeing your adorable Playhouse always makes me smile!
Great pictures of your visiting hummingbirds, too!!
Wishing you the best on Thursday and the days following as you rest and heal!
Have a great Wednesday!!
Lynn #19
Best wishes for smooth sailing with your procedure tomorrow. I know all the healthcare folks want to do an A #1 job, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to mention that you're a WOYWWer and very special to us. :) That'll get a V.I.P. sticker put next to your name lickety-split. Good luck with your organization project. Why is it so fun to puddle around with our schtuff? Who knows . . . it just is. Hugs from Laura #116
For goodness sake, do you realise hw long it took me to,scroll down to add my comment :) a super rocket card and lovely birdie pics. All the best for your little appoint tomorrow. Take care. Xx
Aren't hummingbirds just the neatest? I got a feeder one year for Mother's Day and my son even put it up on the front porch for me, but then the ants found it and its impossible to keep filled now! Ooh, just had a thought...I could spray ant poison around the wood where they climb up and that would solve that problem, huh? Duh! Some days are just like that! lol I hope your surgery goes well and your recooping goes even better and your reorg/TDK goes much more smoothly than mine did! :) Hugs! Deeyll #126
Awwww your birdies are so cute. Good luck with your pacemaker replacement. And good luck with your room reorg. April #106
Hey Darnell! I love the rocket to the moon card, how clever especially if you can use it for two different projects. I'm not sure how you can handle it all. I will be sending out lots of healthy healing thoughts & prayers your way. I'm sure all will go well with your pacemaker.
Thank you for the pics of the Anna's. And the orange is the same orange I am finding on three of mine here. I think that is too cool! Big healing hugs girl, Robin (Rasz #123)
I don't think it will be a fine chance to TDK your stuff at all...you must take it easier than that for goodness sake. Do some colouring in or something! the hummingbirds are just amazing, what a thrill!
Beautiful take on the challenge, and I love the hummingbird photos! You take good care of yourself now, ya hear?! Just sit and enjoy that beautiful view from your playhouse!!
Adorable card! Loved your hummingbird pictures and little story--definitely made me SMILE!! We have only ruby throated here except during migration when we're lucky enough to spot more varieties. All the best with your procedure tomorrow and then take time to enjoy your rest! Hugs!!
Brautiful card and stamping Darnell - that moon stamp is lovely and the rocket is fab!
Thank you so very much for sharing the photo of Hitler and family. I have always loved hummingbirds and never seen one in IRL before so seeing these photos is wonderful for me.
I have a mould and I must make some new paper clay hummingbirds to embellish my creations with again!
Please take care of yourself huni, will be sending positive vibes to you next week Karen x
I'll be thinking of you as you get yourself recharged. Sometimes a little down time is good for the body, and the creative mind. Take care.
I love the hummingbird pictures.
Me too, me too! That is, wishing you well and a speedy recovry. Was your chest "beeping"? My husband's was when he needed a new battery. I find it is good to smile when remembering the past!
Great card for the challenge! Great pics of the hummingbirds. We used to have them in our backyard but they stopped coming, even though we still keep the feeders out and also make sure their favorite flowers are near them. Hope all goes well with your procedure tomorrow, and please take care after...
I love how your world has come out of the space just a bit! You are out of this world, my friend and I'll be you run your battery out quicker than anyone else. Are you sure rest and limited activity means cleaning out the playhouse? Making more mess would probably be easier on your body if not the mind! I'll keep you and the battery replacers in my prayers. xxoo
LOOOOOOOOVE that pic of your desk-- I'm in awe of studios and crafty spaces! I hate to say it, but I'm a bit of a neat freak...so my desk is always clean.....I wonder if it would help me be more creative if I was "messy" once in awhile! LOL!
LOVE this card--that pool party paper is AMAZING! I MUST get me some of that! LOVE the way you set the sentiment to the side almost making your own little moon to the circle-- LOOOOOOVE the bold black! This card ROCKS <3 It's outta this world <3
ps... THANK YOU sooooo much for your sweet comments on my blog! Your love and encouragement always make me smile <3 Blessings!
Your rocket card is definitely "out of this world!" Love that shimmery black with the aqua...secretly a favorite color combo of mine. :)
Love your hummingbird photos! I tried photographing one that got stuck in our garage for a while one day, but they are such a blur of motion, it didn't work out and it escaped before I could follow it around anymore! What beautiful creatures they are!!! How fun to have the free polka dot "deck-orations" too! :)
I hope your surgery goes smoothly and you're back up tickin' around quickly! Hugs!
Awesome pics...getting a hummingbird to sit still is no easy feat!!! Seriously, amazing!
Love your card, especially how you offset the circle! The heat embossing sure makes the color and images pop!
I'm sending a whole whack of healing love your way! I'm sure the procedure will be textbook perfect...and the doctor will be a hottie!!!
Brilliant card Darnell! I love the traditional moon stamp - the way is was pictured when I was a snip of a girl :)
And your bird piccies are amaaaaazing. So pleased that Hitler has seen the light and 'settled' down with a loving lady wife or friend and a little family.
Hope all goes smoothly today honey - you do keep these things quiet. I just showed Len your birdie piccies (which he think are super) and mentioned the medical bit (which surprised me). I also added that you're a gal whose glass is always half full - the very best of outlooks.
Hugs, and do please post right away how it went, Di xx
You certainly rocked it with the challenges...perfect for all!! Fun to see the hummers, they are so fun to watch...good luck on your surgery today...hope to see you back soon!!
Precious card!!! Love that moon idea too.
That's a favorite pastime of ours....to sit around and watch the hummingbirds drink and then pee! LOL! They really are a beautiful little bird and you do great pictures!
Fab card my darling! I love your clever take on the LIM challenge and the colours are just perfect for DD ;) Also, a clever use of what was previously a child only stamp - love it!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has planned to get things done this week and yet have managed to achieve almost NOTHING!! How does that even happen?! I am on it today though and hopefully I can speed through all the things on the to-do list before the week is out :)
Have yourself a marvellous weekend!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Darnell !!! :)) :))
I hope all went well w/ your pacemaker procedure !
I just said a quick prayer for you !!!
Rest & recovery sounds perfect for organizing some of your schtuff --- just don't go overboard !!!
Make sure you follow doctors orders....!!
See you when you are back up & running about !!
Roberta again.. Thanks and your so funny,.. nope didn't have Tera till I was 21 but she just chuckles every time someone says something like that. silly kid. Got love her. Have a great one! Roberta 26
You will be in my prayers Darnell.....please rest!
Love your NBUC ..what a sweet image.
I am so glad you get to enjoy more hummingbirds. They are the best...
Thinking and praying for you.
Gracious, took me a while to scroll down your comments to be able to post! As always, loved your round & round card. Great thinking on your rocket-y motif. Indeed it does round in the orbit, and the moon image - yep, they went well together. So enjoyed your hummer pics, and delightful name on the possessive one. On the East Coast, ours do the same. We have the ruby red (male) variety, but diff color from your pics. They are downright aggressive. If we have more than 1 feeder, it has to be placed where one is not visible to the 1st one. Hope your procedure goes as planned, you get a good restup, and I'll keep you in my prayers. Always enjoy my visit here. I leave with a smile. TFS & Cyber hugs
Great card and I love your hummingbird pics! My desk looks a lot like yours at the moment. When you are done organizing yours, want to come do mine? ;)
Red neck & hummingbird pee....and these things would be why I try never to miss a post, Darnell :)
I wish you all good things & smooth sailing with the reboot. Fresh batteries are a good thing!
Hi Darnell, Hope you are recovering well -- we need you back up to snuff!! If you get a chance, take a look at my WOYWW - you will appreciate it, having a grand dog and all. Wishing you well! http://crazyforcardmaking.blogspot.com/2013/08/woyww-seriously.html#comment-form
Super card, super bird and you're a super woman!
Wishing you a speedy recovering once you have your outpatient visit.
Sarn xxx
Just read this post. So HAPPY your surgery went well! THX for sharing the bird photos and the pee photo! Made me laugh OUT LOUD!
This is just fabulous Darnell, fab pics, fab card and a truly fab workspace. I would love to come and play!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"
Great card Darnell, fabulous hummingbird pics! Hope all goes well for you with your clean up/out :) Cathy x
Good grief 81 comments never thought anyone would get that many LOL - still it is you I suppose... [not jealous or anything!!] Hope all goes well with the battery exchange - hugs for WOYWW [very late} Mxx
Hey Darnell! I haven't had much time in the last few weeks to hop around to my fave blogs, but so glad I had a chance to come visit today! Big hugs to you for a speedy recovery from your surgery. I say, don't take the recovery time to TDK - milk it for as much TLC as you can!!! Love the card too - I always have a tough time with DD - it's always a true challenge and you rocked it! Birdies are so sweet too - I couldn't believe my eyes last weekend when I saw a woodpecker a tree in our backyard! I snapped a photo of it, and will post it on my next blog post...if I ever get around to making a card!!!
Awesome take on the round and round challenge and I especially love the moon stamp.
Your hummingbird pictures are stunning! We don't have any here and I don't recall if I ever saw one in person in the years I spent in the US. They really are amazing and great entertainment I'm sure!
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