To all my What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW) friends, it's good to be back! To bring you up-to-date, my sister got all moved and settled in. (If you'd like to read a lovely heartwarming story about the move, please click here. It'll make your day, I promise.)
I've been trying to catch up on visiting blogs and various challenges and making cards and working at the office and sitting the granddog, all the while dealing with Mister who has been furloughed due to the shut down of the United States government, so this is my hot mess of a desk:
You know, what can you do? Pretty soon I won't be able to find my favorite scissors or my glass of wodka or the top to the glue bottle and the whole operation will come to a screeching halt while Nellie the Neatnick puts every tiny particular in its proper place. It's what we do.
In other news, I made a silly little card for one of my favorite challenges, one already familylar to a lot of you, that being Less is More. This week our charming hostesses want us to create the dreaded one-layer card featuring witches and wizards and little monsters. My little monster is a grown man, and my only wizard or witch consisted of a witch sequin, so ...
Since it's a one-layer card, I couldn't attach my little witch sequin. Therewithal, I stuck it on a card and sponged black around it. Meh. Next I added some glossy ink. Big huge puddly mistake. But it gave me an idea. So this is what evol.ved:
Whaddya think? I did that by holding the witch sequin onto my card with the index finger of my left hand and drawing lines with my right hand which came out from the sequin. I used my black glitter Sakura pen (which looks like silver, go figure).
When I finished walking all the way around with my pen and lifted up the sequin, the silly thing did not look like a night sky around a witch at all. Instead, to me it looked like a flower, so natch I sketched a stem and a coupla leaves.
It was quite nice in a black 'n white way, but I couldn't help but wonder what a little Halloween orange would do for it. Followed by a little color on the stem and leaves.
It does look like a lovely California poppy now. Here is a close-up of the shiney sheenness of it:
Not quite done evolving, my little flower wanted some splatters of color. So I took a misting bottle, added a wee bit of water and some pumpkin pie SU! reinker drops, and spritzed my card. This was a first-time experience for me and I'm kicking myself that it took me so long! Talk about EZPZ!
I gotta go. Mister won't stop talking to me from the other room so I hafta go see what the deal is. If anyone isn't using their Patience, I could sure use her. And if anyone knows where the brains of our government politicians are buried, we could sure use a map to the location. Thank you.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!
If you'd like more information about WOYWW, just click here and Ms. Julia will give you all the deets. Well, actually, Herself is currently in Spain, but she's put the deets on her salad bar for you. Please let me know you stopped by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
Sorry to hear that your family has been affected by the shutdown. Happy crafting #49
You crack me up! I feel the same way about so many things...{sigh}
Lovely card Darnell!
Sorry your husband was affected by all the govt. mess! Give him a couple of stamps and ink and let him have some fun.
Cute card and super creative! Love that bit of orange on it.
I LOVE that big window in your studio and all the bright sunlight you get. Your card is so cool too, with the witches silhouette within the flower petals. Happy WOYWW and Blessings! #27
Fabulous evolution of your card, my dear friend!!!
I am saddened to hear that Mister will be crawling up your wazoo if you don't get him back to work, ASAP!!! LOL!L! How do you like those fun letters?!? :) :)
Your "sequins" silhouette card came together fabulously and it yet again shows me your ingenuity !!!
Probably about to go carve some pumpkins with a wash tape knife, right MacGyver?!?? :0 ;) :) :)
I swear ~~ I will play the work desk game one of these days... Looks so fun!! xo
...quite a scary situation in your neck of the world! It really is frightening to think that something like this is actually happening in the USA...and that DH is affected by it!
Mister is likely going to drive you nuts...better get him busy doing some about fussy cutting the flower on your witch card...that'll keep him occupied for hours!
Amazing post - loved seeing the evolution of the Black Sequin Witch (hey, sounds like a movie title!) All the variations are awesome but I love the sheen of the last card!
Unfortunately, it's taken years to get into this mess, and who knows if we'll ever really get out of it.
Government aside, your one layer witchy poppy is evolving quite nicely!
#21 this week with a
tiny peek at a tiny make
glad the move went well will check the post out next,sorry to here mister is under your feet due to the madness! hopefully will be all resolved sure yu willcome up with a dastardly plan to keep him busy !.. As for the card what a fab idea and a cute witchy .. love the shimmer have great week hugs Andrea #65
I see Nellie the Neatnick does the rounds. She is often found here as there is always mess to clean up. Pleased your sister had a good move and hoping your government gets their act together. Have a great week! Danie #54
What fun I had visiting you
take care!!!
Morning Darnell :)
What an imagination you have! And you just kept tweaking till it looked just right-It's a fun card-clever you!!
I am sorry to hear about Mister-sending both of you a hug :)
Nessa xxx
Hi Darnell! Long time to hear - I've been catching up on your blog and your sister sure did find some guardian angels with her house move!
Love your card and how you Percy Veered with it - great result :)
Now, hear this, in the UK when folk are sent home with pay for various reasons - we often refer to it as 'gardening leave'. Soooooo, why not send Mister out into the garden to sweep leaves etc.?
Here's hoping the mess is sorted out soon - we've had tough times here in the UK when folk worked a three day week and it wasn't fun at all.
Hugs, Di xx
Amazing post
love your card
stay positive
hugs Tamara
Wow!! Wish I had imagination to create like that!! Great card. Think Di's suggestion for Mister is a good one. Hopefully he'll be back working soon.
Your card turned out just great!! A really different type of Halloween card, not so scary !
Get hubby doing jobs I'm sure you have a list you can gin him to do
Jackie 10
Super card and a fab desk pic as always. Take care Zo xx 86
Stunning card and your workdesk looks quite like mine while working! Inky greetings, Gerrina
I didn't see the little witch to start with, then she started to evolve inside the flower, how beautiful. Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 98 x
That is amazing! Love how you turned her into a flower. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #29 xx
Looks like you need to get out into your playhouse, shut the door and pretend to the mister that you've gone out! And then clean it up, lol! Loved the story of the good samaritans, it's nice to hear things like that in this day and age. Love the card, that's totally outside the box, lol! As to your government, let's face it, it's not really brains that the problem here... it's one side choosing to screw up everything just because they can. Not for a good reason, just because they can. I'm very glad I'm not an American citizen so I don't have to vote and chose between these idiots!
Brenda 47
Hi Darnell, love your witchy flower, it looks like embroidery to me. Beautiful work! Your post is funny as usual, thanks for my morning smile :) Have a great day, Shirleyxx
Hello Darnell,
It was fascinating to read how your card evolved. It's fabulous ;D
I hope your hubby gets back to work soon. The events we're hearing unfolding certainly sounds worrying.
Keep positive.
And to end on a positive note I adore your fantastic ♥Playhouse♥
Have a great week and enjoy WOYWW
Neesie #80
That's a great card Darnell. It looks as though you spent hours stitching it, rather than hours designing it :-)
You really do crack me up sometimes with all your story telling, I didn't see the witch at first and wondered what the hell you were drinking and wanted some then bingo, wham, bang it hit me. I think the flower looks great. Love the story of the frogies too and your sister.
Eliza & Yoda 58
What a totally genius idea with the witch sequin becoming a flower head! :::high five:::
You can have my Patience for the day today, but I'll need it back for the evening when it's time to help my blondie with her 4th grade math homework. :-)
(I haven't posted or linked up to WOYWW yet. Maybe later, if we get through the math homework in a shorter time span tonight.)
Happy day,
Heya Misses. Glad your sisser is all settled in now and you can go back to playing. Love the Witching Flower! Brilliant!
Your witchery flower is fab. I can see the witch. Loved reading how it evolved. Glad your Sis has got settled at last. All worth it in the end. Hugs Mrs A.
That flower is bewitching.... ;-). Actually it's one of my fab Halloween things I've seen today. It's a bit zentangly, that's why I like it so much!
Hugs, LLJ 3 xx
That witchy flower is just stunning, Darnell, I don't do Halloween but that's just fab!!
Glad your Sister moved OK but hope your poor Hubby isn't affected by the shutdown for too much longer. We have been hearing about it all here in the UK.
The best thing about your industrious desk is that lovely open window, oh if only we had such beautiful weather here. Enjoy!!
Hugs Lisa x#110
How absolutely fantastic!! I would put money on the fact that this is the ONLY Halloween/Witch card in the world that features a great big flower!!! You are just too cool for school missy! ;) I'm so glad you shared the story behind the evolution too, it made much more sense of the flowery witch than my imagination ever could ;)
If I had a map my darling, you'd be the first to know...I hope the whole debacle gets sorted sooner rather than later :)
PS - my DOH talks incessantly to me from every other room in the house as if I'm standing right next to him and as if I am not right in the middle of something! Why do men do this?! I mean wanna talk to me, move yourself!! ;)
Oh Darnell, I love visiting you. You are like Ellen - you make me laugh every time you post. Unlike Ellen you don't make me cry. If I had a map I would hand deliver it as fast as I could. I would love to send you patience but mine is almost used up. Hubby has been retired for many years if that explains it! Seriously, love that card. I can't imagine thinking like that to make something as great as that card. You never cease to amaze me.
Hi Darnell
your sisters story brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat there truly are some very amazing people out there that touch your lives forever.
I now hope your two sisters can live together beautifully and be the best of company for each other.
Loving your card such a pretty flower
Happy WOYWW have an enjoyable week hugs Ria #22
Darnell, that is a truly heartwarming story about your froggie and the new friends that helped your sister move. Love the poppy card..Happy WOYWW, now go hunt for that wodka. Cx #63
I have to call it, Darnell ... winner, winner!! Having a witchy sequin in the first place is astonishing ... doing what you did with it is wayyy beyond that! Awesome, awesome doodling and colouring and spritzing! Hope the mess (government not Playhouse) is sorted soon. Anita :)
Sorry to hear your hubby is among the furloughed. I do not understand the government at all. Here in Arizona we sent the feds a bunch of money to keep the Grand Canyon open. We paid for a few days and are now considering paying for a few more. If we had that money just sitting around to spare why are so many in Arizona without services? Why weren't we helping people with it? Or paving roads? Or funding education? or improving services for the indigent? I say put a piece of plywood over the Grand Canyon and call it done. Sorry, I just had to say it.
Thanks for sharing your hot mess desk with us. I understand that the mess can be made and then it hits some critical point and then you have to stop and pick it up. You just HAVE to. I get it.
I admit that I did not see the witch in the flower at all until I read your words and realized what you had done. That's so brilliant and subtle. I really like it. It is a very creative idea.
Sorry to hear your DH has been affected by the shutdown, although I agree with Geri: he could be your crafting side-kick (hmmm...maybe not...perhaps he can take grand-dog for walkies). Your card is brilliant, as in BRILLIANT - in the 'how it came to be,' in the shimmers, in the entire concept. Another wonderful post - you always see the bright side of everything; the creative side of everything!
Darnell, this is SO clever!
I love it. I've also joined in with WOYWW this week too, the first time for ages... I spend so much time commenting on LIM!
So many thanks
Chrissie # 84 and Less is More!
Trying to think of something snazzy to's ....that's one poppy little witch of a card. ;) It really did turn out cool. No hubby on forced furlough but my refi has been flushed. Good luck to us all. On a brighter note... Happy WOYWW! Nan G #25
I don't feel a bit sorry for you. LOL My mister is working in town for YEARS! Surely the US government will open again someday. ;-) So my patience is all used up! :-) Your card is adorable - what a great interpretation of the task. April #61
Holy quap it's amazing how that card developed on it's own. Very interesting and totally uniquely Darnell...Send Mister out to wash the car or something equally important and time consuming.
Be well Carole #40
Great card. Very worrying - the shutdown of USA Gov. Hope it gets sorted soon and DH gets back to work. Happy WOYWW Anne x #81
Oh Dippy, I just love the way your brain works! This is an a.m.a.z.i.n.g card; only you could come up with a flower out of a witchy sequin.....but it just works so well. Don't worry too much about your desk as I'm sure your wodka will always rise up from the detritus! Sorry to say my patience is being used 24/7 otherwise I'd sent her on over, but I'll see what her twin sister (impatience.....) is doing!
Karendipity xxx
LOVE this card!!! One of your best! I'm using my patience and my firends' as well; my husband is newly retired! Isnt it amazing how they just start talking to you whether you're in the room or not? Sometimes I pretend to be deaf. Hang in there!
What a great evolution of your card ~ I love how it turned out! Sorry to hear about Mister. I wish I had some patience to send you, but I usually find myself with a shortage by the end of the day with my ADHD son.
What a perfect Halloween flower! I love the way you think! Patience flew out the window here about 5 yrs ago when DH retired! And I sure wish they could find the map to the brains in Washington! They've evidently been hidden very well!
Fabulous hand drawn card Darnell - what a clever cookie you are - so sorry to hear you are personally affected by the idiocy of bureaucracy - had to use spell check for that one - I know how pittikular you are with your word thingy's LOL - have a great week - happy WOYWW Mxx #72
Hello Miss Darnell, lovely to see you back for WOYWW, you've been a might busy since you got back, ahh the Queen of Less is More, see how you think it's a mistake, but it was all in the process, brilliant idea that popped into that wonderful brain, I thought it was a stamp and I loved it, nope your won beautiful creation, and it looks so Kool with the witch in the middle. I have a lot of patience to lend you, I live alone, LOL, but as for the rest, one of those idiots probably miss place the map, lost in the shuffle, sadly governments are the same in Canada too, I'm off to bed, early swimming tomorrow, visitors all day so no time to craft DANG, got the rest of the weekend, and lots of things in the plans :O) (((( BIG HUGS)))), a couple for the Mister too..
oh my! what a clever idea!!! i can't believe you thought to do that with a witch shaped sequin!!! AWESOME!!! and you are so funny too....i like reading your blog, thanks for sharing!!! have a great rest of the week ;)
YOU my friend are stinkin' brilliant! I am imagining you holding that stick pin with your left while the right is making a fantastic free form drawing. Holy smokes Darnell, this completely blows me away! Love it.
We keep hearing about the shut down over here in the UK, let's hope that everything is back to normal soon. Love what you did with the witch sequin.....genius! Hugs. Pam#68
Love love love how you came up with this!! Isn't it fun to just be creative and see what turns out, and boy did it turn out well :-)! Happy WOYWW.
Janene #46
How creative and artsy of you. Your card turned out fabulously. I don't think you really want to know where the political brains are. lol
Amazing creativity--love it! Let me know if you that map!
Wow! I'll just start calling you "Ms. Creativity"! Darnell, your card is amazing. I really like the black/white version. You just rocked this challenge. Awesome!
Hi Darnell, I just love how your card evolved, you are so, so clever adding the touch of orange and the spritzing, well you are braver than me! Your card is beautiful.
So sorry to hear about Mister, could you get him to do some die cutting maybe? Hope the Govt sorts itself out soon!! Big hugs, Annie xx
now that is clever darnell!!
my desk currently looks a bit likes yours already!!
Thanks for joining us this week
Jen xx
"Less Is More"
Incredible card and as always, I love seeing what is on your desk, nice to know I am not the only one with a mess.
I so enjoyed reading all about the evolution of your card and loved reading everything that you shared with us! You had me in stitches at one point...really! Thanks for visiting my blog and after finding you, I will be following your clever blog!
Thanks for the blow-by-blow evolution of a card. I actually think it was kick butt cool when it was born B/W, but that's just moi. (Hope Mister is done furloughing. Some crazy people in those white houses.)
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