Ah, the start of a fresh new week, a week for us in the States that includes Thanksgiving, so I will keep this short and sweet. Bye.
Ha. Ha. Not so fast.
Today is the 25th and that means it's time for this month's Papertrey Ink {capture the moment} challenge. Here is the precious and breathtaking inspiration board:
When I first saw the challenge for this month, I wasn't going to play, considering I don't have little Christmas villages, or a lot of extra time to start one. But curiosity took over and just for fun I printed out the template and folded it together.
And suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. How could I not play? After all, to my mind, the little template was not a Paper House, it was my Play House!!
I added the evergreens and the wreath, but that's it because where I live in California we rarely have icicles dripping from the roof line or snow on the ground. Where Christmas really happens at the Playhouse is on the inside! Inside it looks like Santa's printing company, oozing with Christmas papers and ribbons and glitter and gloss!
I'm glad I'm a curious person ... I see you nodding your head! Okay, ahem, let me rephrase that. I'm glad I'm a person with curiosity, coz this ended up being a fun challenge!! I can't wait to see your charming creations!
Oh, hold up a sec. I thought you might like to see how my day started today. We have our microwave above the stove. I enjoy a lovely bowl of oatmeal with blueberries every morning, cook one minute, stir, cook another minute. Apparently, I've shrunk again, because this morning as I was taking the bowl down after one minute, I clipped the rim and had an oops. Yes, sir, it's all glitz and glamor up in the Big House!
Oh. Well. The rest of the day was bonny!
Enjoy the hop and enjoy your bonny day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
Paper: PTI white (roof)
Oh I so want to step inside this playhouse! So inviting. Love the sweet birdie on the roof!
Love your darling little house. The birdie on top is so sweet too!
I love your mini playhouse it is really sweet. Darnell, I have a question: when you're not too busy.. haha.. could you please explain to this computerly challenged person how you put a little message just above this box, because I have tried and failed to find the right way to do it. xx
This is just adorable! Love the summer cottage and the beautiful flowers creeping up the back. Makes me long for warmer temperatures. Wouldn't it be great to have a playroom like this out in the backyard to go create in?
Oh course you made the playhouse....it's adorable! Love the added trees!
Oh boy do I know about one little mistakes in the kitchen.
Oh Darnell - this is adorable! Sucha super copy of the real thing too - do you hang a little Christmas wreath on the Playhouse door I wonder? bWhat with Mrs A's garden and your Playhouse, think of the fun we could have if we drank the 'shrinking' potion like Alice did.
Clever you - not so clever dropping the dish huh though :) I thought it was me who did things like that!
Hugs, Di xx
A "mini-me" playhouse!!! Very sweet. I just might have to try this. I could make a village, and give them to the little ones on Thanksgiving.. Hmmmm. Girl, you are brilliant. You tried and more than conquered!! Love your little playhouse. Have a great Thanksgiving, dear friend. Bev
Love your replica of the playhouse. Cute idea. I know all about dropping, banging and running into things. Welcome to my world!
This is so cute Darnell and it really IS just like your playhouse. Love it.
This is the sweetest house right down to the detail of the little birdie on top. Right now where I am it is 18 degrees at night. Wishing for a little California weather!
Well your playhouse is adorable!! Oooh no on the oatmeal mess! Microwaves over the stove are great space savers, but they sure weren't made for us short people huh!!!
Wow this is great!! Thanks for sharing the template that you used...I may have to make one myself :)
So, so CUTE! Yes.... you HAD to play! Love the CAS black/white with the pops of color.
Your house is just darling. I love all the details.
Darnell you know I dream of one day coming to play in the Playhouse. I love this sweet little replication. I wrote the book on kitchen mishaps hahaha.
Your replica of your playhouse is bonny beautiful! Love the vision of the inside being like Santa's factory, filled to bursting with creativity, energy, happiness and joy - that eventually spills out to be shared with the world. You have that magical effect: bringing joy to us all! Your kitchen oops reminds me of my blunders...daily...Have a great Monday!
WOW! I love your little play house suited for the Californian winter season! The colors of the flowers pop so beautifully from the white painted cottage. Fab!!!
Isn't that the cutest little house! We have it really cold here today and a major storm coming up on Wednesday - keep warm!
A baby playhouse!!!!!! Brilliant, Darnell!! Your stove looks like mine does every time my husband cooks. He no longer cooks. Ha ha!!!
Did Nicole ask of she could use your play house as a model? :) The perfect challenge for you for sure!!
I'm glad your playhouse was an inspiration because this is the cutest little "house". I may have to break down and play, too. You and my husband would get along fine, as far as the oatmeal every day goes, and the way you cook it. Not so much the mess, though, but it happens to everyone.
Great use of the template Darnell, I recognised the playhouse immediately!! Good job :D Gay x
Aren't you the most creative, Darnell! I am curious how the inside of your playhouse looks like!
Darling little Playhouse replica! I'm with above, let's drink some and and have a play inside. :) seems everyone has little house fever. Hugs
On Sunday morning while I was checking my dashboard, having my first cup of tea of teh day, my Grandson came into my craftroom at the point when I was looking at your blog, he spotted your 'playhouse' and asked if that was where you did your crafting, I said it was, and he said "wow, how cool is that?"
Well how cool is your little paper playhouse, very cool.
Kath x
I love it!! Love the flowers and all the little details!!
I love your miniature Playhouse, looks like it was great fun to make.
Oh dear, I bet your oatmeal was not so much fun to clear up!
hugs Sue xx
Happy Monday Dippy - and Happy Thanksgiving. What an amazing array of houses/villages and I love how you've made your playhouse.....perfect. Hope it takes pride of place in your "real" playhouse.
Karendipity xxx
I LOVE how you created your little paper house to look just like your craft house...it's just perfect and makes me smile! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Darnell and thanks so much for the kind words you have left on my blog many times during this past year...so appreciate them! :0)
Okay...if this AH-mazing wee house doesn't win a red ribbon...then I'm going to come over and eat all the spilled oatmeal (complete with the odd burnt piece of spaghetti that might be lurking in the drip bowl!
The hand drawn siding, windows and door is beyond fabulously fun! The flowers are GORGEOUS...just like in real life!
Yep, a fine, FINE example of your ingenious creativity dear friend!
Oh, your little house is fabulous, Darnell!
I love your mini playhouse - so cute.
Oops to the start of the day but at least it got better for you. Have a great week and enjoy your thanksgiving celebrations.
Oh, I'm so glad you created a replica of your playhouse, Darnell! And, it's perfect...I LOVE it!!! Complete with pretty flowers and trees...you rocked this challenge!
I showed my hubs the photos of your 'real' playhouse and asked him to build me one...that's called a joke in our house! He's never lifted a hammer or a paint brush in his life...that's my job! Sigh...someday I'll have one built for me :-)
Glad your day improved since that really was a big oops!
Precious little playhouse! So cute and love the flowers all around it.
Hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Oh, so cute. I love the little replica of your playhouse. The little birdie on top is adorable.
Caroline xxx
Well of course it's your playhouse! Hope they are paying you royalties for it!!. Hugs Mrs A.
I printed the template, but that's as far as I got. Glad to see you didn't stop there as I love your playhouse version, Darnell--complete with California flowers!
Oops! Sorry your day started with the oatmeal spillage, but wow!!! the house you made is so cute! I'm glad you talked yourself into going ahead and making it. You did a lovely job! Sounds like it's a Christmas wonderland in the playhouse! I love that! :)
Love your mini playhouse. So cute. the bird is definitely the finishing touch.
Love your fun take on this challenge...
perfect! :)
Such a CUTE house!!
Have a GREAT day!!
Darnell....this is just too darn cute! I love that you turned your paper house into your play house, so fun. As for your stove mess, it had me laughing out loud, sorry. The reason I had to laugh is my husband has done this many times with oatmeal and grits and for some reason always leaves the mess for me to take care of.
This is such a little sweetie...I remember making Christmas villages...first with milk cartons...half pint, pint and quart...remember those...what fun to sit and cover them and then decorate!
Thanks for the trip down memory lane today...Your house is beautiful!
Omg!! Loving this and so glad you're a curious person too!! ;) you sure put a SMILE on my face with your mess pictures so glad to know I'm not the only one whi has things like that happen too!! Anyway, LOVE your Playhouse!! Thanks for sharing and have a Fabulous Week!! ;)
F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. Love the little bird, wreath & FLOWERS :)
Well of course you had to make your adorable playhouse! Duh!!! And you did a great job! Love the little birdie on top!
OH, Darnell, this is just SO adorably SWEET! Beautifully done!
What an absolutely sweet little house!! All of your details are are perfect!!
I what to play at YOUR house!! Love all the flowers growing on the side of the house.
Oh no! That's not a good way to start the day!
Did you feel like going right back to bed after that?! ;o)
I love your house!!
Thank You~
Your model playhouse is adorable Darnell! Great job with the challenge! I hope you didn't burn yourself with the oatmeal!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
How things come together...this is really looking like the playhouse! Beautiful! Hugs, Gerrina
Love your little house Darnell, so cute! Would love to see inside!
Val x
I'm glad you took the playhouse challenge, because it turned out totally CUTE! I love the little bluebird on the roof!! Is that a new breakfast item on the menu I see? Blueberry Oatmeal Crunchy Chips & Chunks? YUM! LOL I hope your Thanksgiving turns out a lot better than this! Keep smiling :)
Adorable & sooo fun!! I can see why you just had to play along!! :))
Your little playhouse is always a constant delight!! :))
Thanks for sharing !!
Sorry about the oatmeal spill -- that's always such a mess ... But, it's my fave winter breakfast, as well !!!
I like "peaches & cream" -- mmmmmmmmm!! Xo
How fun! The hand drawn elements are wonderful.
Your 'play'house is darling.
How cute! You did a fabulous job with the challenge!
Your house is so much fun, Darnell! Love the extra touch of the bird on top!
What a great little playhouse, and you are so lucky to have a real one, too! Thanks for sharing your oops moment! It's nice to be reminded that we all have those kind of days and it's okay to just laugh about it and move on. Happy Thanksgiving!
Sorry to be so late to the party. I love, love the mini playhouse! The flowers are just beautiful on the side and I love the little wreath too. Oops to the spilled porridge... that's the kind of thing I would do.... Hugs, Annie xx
Oh would I love to step into your playhouse after seeing your mini-house, and knowing that all that Christmas magic happens inside. (My husband's aunt had a room in her big farmhouse, just for wrapping presents, and I could have been happy living in there all through the holidays.)
Your welcome mat is a cute detail! Your flowers are great. Did you print them on the paper house pattern before cutting it out? They're a clever addition, and an intriguing one.
You are a very funny woman! I really appreciate it when someone takes time to blog about those pesky little moments in life. We're having Thanksgiving at my house, so I'll keep your light-hearted remarks in my head while making my messes in the kitchen. You can be my 'Muse of Chaos'.
Thank you for playing and taking the time to leave a very lovely comment on my blog...and for being one of my muses now. Have a sunny warm Thanksgiving.
Love your fabulous mini playhouse!
So happy you decided to play along, Darnell~ your little house is too adorable and very inviting :)
Sorry about your mishap in the AM, but like you said "things can only get better as the day goes on" ;-y
What a very sweet little house! Love it!
Super cute! Your real playhouse is wonderful too. I wish I had one like that.
Your playhouse is so cute - perfect for your California Christmas!
How sweet house
love it
hugs Tamara
Oh what fun! I love your playhouse - looks suitable for Aussie Christmas too!
Awe...what a cute little house, it's perfect!xx
Oh Darnell ... your Play House was the first thing I thought of when I saw this challenge ... and I'm soooo amazed that you've made such a fabulous replica! Love all the flowers and plants around it, the cheeky little bluebird on the roof ... and that little wreath posed perkily on the door is perfect! Is the inside the same as the real thing too?? Granny nightgown ... ha ... not in a million years my friend ... more like magical, fun, charming, delightful ... just like it's special inhabitant!! Anita :)
How fun to have a challenge to make your playhouse! It's adorable and I can't imagine it with icicles instead of flowers! Love that little bird on top of the roof!
What a delightful replica of your famous & fascinating playhouse, all decked out for the holiday. We don't get much snow in SC either, and if so, usually in Feb-March. Definitely not here in Tmapa, for sure. I'm so glad you let your curiousity get the better of you with this project cause you sure turned it into a wonderful little house. Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy your family if you are lucky enough to be with them for this special day of Thanks. Oh I do hope your oatmeal cleaned up without too much aggravation. Been there, done that...couple of times! Hugs
What an adorable house...it is so dang cute....I want one....how fun you thought of your own playhouse and came up with this sweet one!!!
LOVE IT!!! So very, very cute, and so you, beautiful work xx
Sheesh - you consider yourself curious, I consider myself astute - but I sure didn't see this one coming. Of course (smacks head), THE playhouse. I didn't play this month (for the reasons you mentioned!) but you darn well better win!
Oh my goodness! What a wonderful little house. It's darling!! Thanks for posting the template too. I have a feeling that it may come in handy someday. :)
Of course you had to make the Play House - so cute - love the bluebird on top! Hope you are having a terrifc Thanksgiving weekend - my peeps just headed out shopping, so I'm heading to craftyland for the first time in a week!!
THEE most charming playhouse I have ever laid my eyes on! Simply adorable, Darnell! And one day, I'm going to be one of the top 10 commenters so I don't have to scroll all the way down to leave you a comment!!
Fabulous playhouse Darnell with those beautiful flowers and the gorgeous birdie on the roof.
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