A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

November 6, 2013

Showman Snowman ~ DD#77; MM#82; NBUS#69; PP&M

Welcome and Good Day!
It's just so much fun this time of year with all the challenges I want to play in, especially when I'm making autumn, Thanksgiving, and Christmas cards anyway.  Why not, right? 

If our lives were sandwiches, our card making is the bonus slice we sneak in whenever we possibly can. 

So here we go.  Like a lot of you, I took advantage of two challenges with similar schemes this week.  First, over at Dynamic Duos (which I've missed for way too long), the two colors are real red and Bermuda bay.
And, second, over at Merry Monday Christmas Card Club, we are to use red and aqua and white and circles:
Also, over at Penny Black and More there is an "Anything Goes" challenge going on, which I get to play in because I used a Penny Black Stickeroo on my card . . .
. . . and I made this:
I just love aqua and red together.  And snowmen.  Would you just look at the happy face on that guy?  I just want to pinch those fat cheeks!  He is two circles and his hat ball is one circle and there are five circles in the circle, if anyone's counting.  BOTH of the embossing folders I used are NBUS!
Our newest friend is Monika P.  Welcome, Monika!  Unfortunately, when I click on your name, I just get an empty Google+ profile (other than your name), so please email me your blog link and I'll be happy to pass it on to everyone.  Thank you for joining us!
I keep forgetting to ask all of you, do you tweet your posts after you add your photo via the linky tool pop-up page that pops up?  I always click on "skip this step."  Should I be clicking on the twitter button instead? 

I'm personally not a tweeter, but I have been called a twit more than twice.  I save my tweeting for my visits with my backyard bird friends.  Actually, in truth, they do most of the tweeting, I just try to mimic them back.  Then they fly into the next yard and double over with laughter at my pathetic attempts. 
Plus, anyway, as you know, I'm already too easily distracted by squirrels and hamsters.  I can't imagine how little I would get done if I was hearing little tweet beeps ~ beep tweets? ~ coming in every few seconds. 

Plus, further, I don't totally understand about the hashtag.  Something to do with threads.  If I do start tweeting, I would want you to use "hashbag" for my threads, okay?  Bag, not tag.  Coz the sound of that makes me snigger.  Okay, thanks.
Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 

*Life Is Too Short! 
Paper:  SU! Bermuda bay, real red; PTI white
Penny Black Stickeroo: "Joyous Season"
Stamp:  SU! unknown set
Ink:  SU! Bermuda bay
Embossing Folders:  Lifestyle Crafts and Tim Holtz
Punch:  SU! circles
Ribbon:  SU! Mistletoe


Hannelie said...

If someone educates you about the hash tag thingy... please fw the info to other uninformed ones like me!
What I do know however ,is when I see a great design!
Love your card Darnell!

Craft-E-Place said...

Beautiful card - the snowman is so cute. I love the effect you have created for the background just beautiful. I would also like to understand Twitter!!

Shannon J said...

Love the impressionist look of your image panel - it is beautiful! I'm the last one to ask about twitter! Just like you all I know is a tweet is the sound a bird makes - and that's all I know! Haha!!!

Colleen said...

Fun card and funnier story, Darnell, you always manage to get a smile and a giggle from me!

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Darnelle, I love the jolly snowman and wonderful embossed background.
I am relieved to read that I am not the only person who isn't part of the Twitter community.
hugs Sue xx

Sue - said...

Great fun snowman Darnell! I always skip that step too - I don't "get" twitter - why do people need to tell the world every little thing they do? As you say life is too short! Much more fun looking at crafty blogs!
x Sue

Jessi Fogan said...

Hashbag. LOL! I don't tweet either but am also a twit. I always hit 'skip' at that step. I figure with my Facebook addiction & blogging I am out there annoying people quite enough thankyouverymuch!
I LOVE the Penny Black stickeroos - they make it so easy & they are just so dang cute/beautiful :) Gorgeous embossing & I love the red & aqua together too!

Sammy said...

The second cutest snowman ever! The cutest being my son's favourite cuddly toy. He's had him almost 10 years and he's rather worse for wear - and grey! - but we still love him nonetheless. :-)

And I don't have a twitter account. I refuse to be a twit! Ok, ok... I refuse to be a Twit on Twitter at least :-) x

Kathyk said...

I don't twitter either .... and have no rash plans to!!!! However, if I did then I would surely tweet about your super snowman!!

Happy Thursday, Darnell and readers


Craftychris said...

What a cute and gorgeous card! I so adore it and feel Christmassy now! Twitter confuses me! xx

Kristie Goulet said...

What a cute snowman! Great card, Darnell.

I do not tweet or twitter, haha. Sorry!

Unknown said...

I tried twitter. I don't see the fascination with it, so I skip that step. I love your card and appreciated the giggle I had from reading your post!

Lisa Elton said...

What a cute snowman Darnell, this is such a happy card!! Can't help you with the tweets, the only tweets I'm familiar with are the kind from birds!!

Di said...

Brilliant Darnell - LOVe that little guy :)

I don't tweet ot twitter although someone here does say I witter too much :(

Hugs, Di xx

Anonymous said...

So sweet!! Love this card Darnell & saw it @ merry Monday even before I clicked my feed today... Your designs always pop out at me!!! :))
The hashbag is a way to search on twitter so you can quickly look up what everyone is saying about a certain topic. For me, twitter moves too fast & has too short of messages... I'm too wordy for twitter & I kind of enjoy that fact. ;)) ;)) Tried it for a while & it's not my thing... Luckily, the younger generation is all about twitter -- so they seem to be the ones who dictate what is "trending" on twitter each day. The -#hashbags that are "trending" are the ones that are being used most often. Confusing, isn't it...!?! Lol !!
Have a great day & enjoy those tweeters in the backyard!! Xo

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

How cute snowman
love your card
hugs Tamara

Hettie said...

Gorgeous snowman there Darnell. I have a twitter account but don't use it very often. Bit like facebook - you either do it or you don't! Frankly it interferes with crafting time so I don't often!
Can I ask you someat? Are you ever serious?
Don't be!

Penny Ward said...

So loving your watercolor look of your snowman. I always get a kick out of your poist...I don't get the hastag thing either, even though I sometimes tweet my post. Yes I set up an account, but I guess I am just too old...I don't get it! Poopitz!

jimlynn said...

I've never tweeted in my life - so probably don't need to start now. I figure I'm doing good to sorta figure out Facebook!
But......I DO love this card! The red and agua are so pretty together and that snowman is adorable! Love it!

Mervi said...

hi Darnell
so cute card, lovely way to use PB stickeroos!
Thanks for sharing at Penny Black and more;-))m

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell love your card, that sketchy snowman is so fun! I love the ribbon too. I have Twitter, but totally do not get it or it's purpose. Sad to say I only got it for entering contests--wow that makes me sound bad {insert shame here}. I always skip that step. I use Facebook to post my cards. Happy Day!

Redanne said...

Love that cute snowman and like you I love the turquoise and red together. Twitter? Just getting used to Facebook and don't really enjoy that.....so will be a while before I consider Twitter. Hugs, Anne x

Kim M said...

That is über cute snowman! Love the card, Darnell! I don't use twitter either. I don't really feel that it warrants my interest or time. I think blogging and Facebook are enough for me. :-). Maybe I'm just getting old. LOL! Hugs!

Julia Aston said...

Love this snowman stamping! he looks great framed in the embossed snow flakes - no tweeting here - I'm WAY too old and way too busy!

Jacquie Southas said...

Love the red/aqua combination too & the great embossing on this cheerful card! I am a "skip this step" and haven't jumped into the land of tweeting.

AppleApricot Wen said...

LOL, hello there Tweetie, Sylvester here... (My last name is Sylvestre, no kidding)
I'm not on twitter to be honest, so the answer to your question would be a no. BUT, I do have facebook and I do sometimes add my link to facebook if that's an option in the linkytool too.

Anywayzzzz, love love your happy snowman, totally love it! Him. (It's a him right?) And love the colour combo too.

hugs and miaow miaow

Sue said...

LOVE your cute, smiley snowman Darnell, fabulous card!!

cm said...

Yoursnowman is darling and yes - pinching his chubby cheeks popped into my mind, too. Actually, I initially wanted to give him a hug, but that likely wouldn't wind up well! Being the cause of snowman melt just isn't nice...so pinchy cheeks it is! Your twitter discussion has resulted in people looking at me strangely, as yes, I burst out laughing. Twitter = #doesn'tworkforme. I skip that step, and same for the FB one. My blog is enough for me (and the rest of the crafty world, too!). Fabulous post; you've de-dulled this dull day!!

Cindy Brumbaugh said...

Oh my dear, love your plump little snowman. That is a great Stickeroo and goes so well with the red and blue. The colors in the stickeroo really pop! Thanks for playing along with the Dynamic Duos this week.

Benzi said...

Oh, I LOVE a snowman and this one is absolutely fantastic. I'm with you and love the Merry Monday and Dynamic Cuo colors this week. Circles, circles, and more circles. We'll all have our heads spinning before the MM challenge is over. LOL But, I do love it.

I don't twitter my cards and the hashtag thing is driving me nuts. Ha

Linda Callahan said...

Love that snowman and the background behind him......so,wonderfully artsy! Sweet holiday card! #love it!

Anonymous said...

So sweet, Darnell ... your snowman is completely delicious! I'm a skipperer rather than a twitterer ... like you, for me twittering is for the birds! Anita :)

Anonymous said...

I skip the tweeting too, I have enough trouble just blogging , linking and facebooking my posts let alone making bird noises.Love your smiley snowman I guess he doesn't know he is going to melt real soon and those two colours together are sublime. Thanks for coming over to say congrats on my mention you are such a lovely lady much appreciated.


Happy Dance said...

I'll admit to having a Twitter account, but really don't know much about it. Not a fan whatsoever. I am, however, a big fan of your little snowman card! He is just about the sweetest thing ever. Awesome dual embossing too. Where ever do you come up with such amazing ideas?? This looks like one giant PING! Bev

Nan G said...

You are a riot Darnell. LOL ROFLOL
Now, love the cute snowman card. No, I don't hashtag tweet. No interest in it either. I growl and chip at the squirrels in the park when they drop palm nut debris on me. :) Hugs and still chuckling!

Karen Davis said...

Hi Darnell, I did have a giggle at your Twitter conversation. I have Twittered but???? Too long in the tooth I think.
I love your very textured snowman and his background. He looks so good against the gorgeous card base colour. Thank you so much for joining us at Merry Monday.

Carol L said...

Twitter....I love your take on it :) I follow a few of my favorite people on there, but don't tweet. I'm just not a good tweeter, although I can be a great twit now and then too! Hashtag? No thanks, I don't care for the stuff :)
Fun snowman card - I'm loving the aqua colors and artsy-fartsy look of the image!

Kay Miller said...

Oh that snowman is adorable!! Love the way you have colored him! And yes, I too am a sucker for anything with a snowman on it :) I'm not a Tweeter. Never signed up for that. It's all I can do to get my stuff posted on my blog! haha!

Susanne Vargas said...

You are too funny, Darnell! I love reading your blog! I can't believe that I have so much company in that I always skip that step and don't use twitter! So glad to see I am not the only one!
And I agree also with everyone else that this is one cute snowman card!

Greta said...

What an adorable card, Darnell!

Joyce said...

Such a cute snowman card. I love it. And, no, I do not tweet either. I might want to, but I don't know how.

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...you crack me up, seriously you do! Before I get to your card I wanted to discuss your bag of hash and will you be sharing this? Usually the only time I get offered things of this nature are at the rock concerts I go to with Ashleigh, LOL. I do tweet and it is not to the birds like you, it is fun and sometimes I just use it to vent and then feel better...
Your card is just about as cute and sweet as they come, I love it!

Unknown said...

Great card Dippy - loving the aqua and red.....not a colour combo I'd have thought of, but it definitely works. Glad to see you're still using your NBUS (that phrase is rocking blogger world at the minute!!!). As for tweeting all I can say (to borrow your phrase) LITS!


Karendipity xxx

Jules said...

Hi Darnell

No tweeting or facebook in the House of Hearts .. .. does that make me boring I wonder LOL!!!

It takes me all my time to keep my blog up to date without anything else coming along to interfere.

Loving your gorgeous snowman with his embossed background.

Hope you are having a good week.

Love Jules xx

shirley-bee said...

Fabulous card, Darnell! You forgot to count his buttons (sorry, OCD kicking in). I love the two-tone background.

Twitter only serves one useful purpose. No2 son plays football for his local team in Australia and someone usually tweets a running commentary of the match, so we can follow it while we're having our Sunday morning cuppa in bed in the UK! I'm definitely a read-only user.

Karen M said...

I love this sweet snowman Darnell - he looks so happy:) I don't understand tweeting either - I will leave it for the birds! Hugs xx

Carole said...

Happy Snowman... funny post...I look forward to hearing what you learn about twitter..maybe I should buy some stock.Be well C

Bobby said...

I think tweeting is for the birds, both literally and figuratively, although I've never tried it. My phone is not glued to my hand plus I don't care to share everything I'm doing, nor see what everyone else is doing. I have enough trouble keeping up with my email, blogs, and Facebook.

I love your jolly snowman and all the texture on your card.

Bonnie said...

Penny Black sure makes gorgeous stickers! Way beyond the Spiderman stuff we have around here! I don't twitter or tweet or whatever. I'm clueless about what all that is about and have a dumb phone as opposed to a smart phone. (What's really sad is that I can't do all the stuff on the dumb phone!) Just don't stop posting on your blog or I'll lose you!

Oh, and thanks for bringing all these circles and gorgeous colors over to Merry Monday to share. It's quite a party over there this week!

Karen P said...

It is stunning Darnell, the colour scheme is so striking and I love the two different embossing textures you've used - what a fab idea x

Anonymous said...

What a cute little guy Darnell-fabby and fun card.
I cant tweet or twittering whatever!! I can barely turn on this computer,so not much hope for me in the Land Of Tweet is there LOL!!
Have a lovely weekend,Hugs,Nessa xx

Viv said...

Oooh Dr Arnell, just love that snowman...and card of course :) Viv xx

Whisper said...

Oooo what a fabby Stickeroo and i love with what you have done with it too.

Thanks for joining us at Penny Black & More this month and good luck,

luv Sam x

Geri said...

You totally rocked my afternoon! Your post made me laugh out loud (yes, sent poor old sleeping kitty flying off 'her' special craft chair!)

Twit - not tweet, Hash bag..you're the best at making a cold, snowy day warm & cheery!

Yep, definitely gorgeous colors and great embossing folders.

I just gotta' know how you made the snowman and that amazing background...is it the Penny Black sticker? It's awesome!

Miriam Prantner said...

So cute! I love his expression and the great texture of the coloring/painting on his background. Fantastic!

Lindsey said...

Love that chubby snowman, too, and your twit comment is still making me laugh. Thanks for bringing a giant smile to my face.

Dianne said...

Well Miss Darnell, you are too funny, I don't know much about twitter, being a bird I tweet al day in my nest, you have some rude birds visiting you, we aren't suppose to be rude to humans, I will have a talk with the Parliament to give a talking to those cheeky birds, and twit your not... I just keep looking at the beautiful snowman, it's brilliant how you created him, only eight circles hahaha, brilliant card thanks for everything..

Notes by Nina said...

Such a lovely card Darnell, you happy snowman is so cute. Thank you for playing along with Merry Monday

Nancy Penir said...

Hi Darnell! Not that you'll ever get around to reading my comment, as you have taken over the blog world! But I'm in love with this sweet guy, and also want to pinch a few cheeks! Also the tweet thing, it's a way to check out my grandkids! And yes, I punch "skip this step" every freakin' time!

Lesley said...

Wow, cool design and background for that snowman. Love your unique style, Darnell! Thank you for joining us at Merry Monday!

Jean said...

Love the super cute sticker and the embossing on your card. I don't tweet or twitter, but I do Pinterest ;).

Kim S said...

I'm so relieved to read that so many people don't twitter or tweet! I figured I was way behind the curve on that one. I can't even understand them when I read them - it's a foreign language!