A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

January 27, 2014

Let Your Heart Be Your Umbrella! CCC #2; DD #87; LIM #156; Paper Smooches; Pixie's #109; SCT #53

Greetings! It's a wonderful new week, untraveled!

I wonder, is there a song entitled, "Let Your Heart Be Your Umbrella?" It would be rather silly, I suppose, in a litter real sense. What next? "Let Your Toes Be Your Foundation?" Well, actually, that one does make sense. I realize it's spose to be all about letting a smile be your umbrella, like that's going to keep you dry, but today let's be equally silly and use hearts as our umbrellas. 

It all started with my desire to participate in the current color challenge at Dynamic Duos
I haven't been able to play with their colors in a while and this week's melon mambo and black are favorites of mine, so I really wanted to play.  The dessert option is umbrellas.

I also wanted to play in the current challenge at Less Is More which is a sketch. I missed last week and this is one challenge that I do hate to miss. Chrissie and Jen are so talented and are such wonderful hostesses. Their cards, and the cards in the gallery, are always inspiring!
Because my card is another Valentine and it uses hearts, I'm linking again with the fun Simply Create Too challenge.
Simply Create Too
And, I'm linking again to The Card Concept Challenge (texture) after Ardyth suggested it would fit in the Clean and Graphic category. That's beciting since that's outside the box for me!
I used snippets of card stock on my die cuts, so I am trumpeting off to play with the other talented crafters at Pixie's Snippets Playground. Di, the lovely headmistress keeps promising to make a challenge logo, but she doesn't do it. She's forgiven because of her tender back and blown-down fences, but that doesn't keep me for pasting her lovely counterspace as the Pixie logo every once in a while to nudge her about it. (Thank you for all you do, hun. Ya know I love ya!)
I don't normally wear a flower in my hair.......

Finally, I see that I've missed the Anything Goes Paper Smooches Stamps SPARKS challenge, but the new Designer Drafts challenge is a very similar sketch, so I hope it's all right to play along.

Remember, for all these challenges you just need to click on the links for all the details on rules, spoonsors, and prizes. I hope you can join in!


Wake up!  Here is my make and take:

Now, I realize that my heart umbrella is not down on the panel like it should be ala mode the sketches, but it's not my fault that the wind came up just as I was taking the photo! Thank goodness my heartbrella hooked itself on the letter ell or it would have been blown right off my card!

This card is a simple-dimple, EZPZ, QACAS, Joe's-your-sister kinda card. Okay, that's a lie. It only has three ingredients, but it did take a bit of time cutting the dies and layering and gluing. That sort of thing. It was very satisfying to me in the end and worth the time it took to get this CASlicious result. 


In Our New Friends Corner, I'm happy to introduce you to:

Susie Lessard of Summerwalk Designs. Susie has been blogging since 2010 and as the wife of a retired naval officer, she has lived all over the world. You will love her wonderful writing as well as her talented works of card art!

Kristine Porter of Merry Heart Creations. Kristine is a Kindergarten teacher and CTMH consultant who has been blogging since 2012. Like a lot of us, Kristine is addicted to pretty paper, which is soon obvious when your see her beautiful patterned paper card art!

Welcome, Susie and Kristine, and thank you so much for joining!!


I'm a story teller, which means I'm often economical with the truth ... wait, what? Okay, fine. Which means I often lie, so I thought you might appreciate this cartoon illuminating what might happen to me:


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
Paper PTI white and true black; SU melon mambo
Stamps    None
AccessoriesDie: Paper Smooches "Love Word" FBD021
Die: Memory Box Petite Umbrella (handle)
Punch: SU heart; Simply Scored


Hannelie said...

Darnell... This is such a striking and original design... Love the way you did the LOVE!
Have a great day!

Sue - said...

Qoh that is really clever Darnell!

Suze Bain said...

Ha, ha, love the cartoon and your card is stunning! Perfectly CAS! Thanks for popping in to see me, I have been a very lax blogger of late! Xxxx

Redanne said...

I wonder if you have any idea how very clever this is...... you really do have the most creative mind! Your design is beautiful and the card is very striking and thought provoking - I love it!! The cartoon isn't bad either... Hugs, Annie xx

Kathyk said...

Love (love, love) your creative LIM card and your cartoon's pretty funny too, Darnell

Happy Monday - may your pants never smoulder!!!!


Craftychris said...

What a cool card, I love it! Love the cartoon too, it made me laugh! xx

Irish Cherokee said...

Something the world could use more of. strikingly elegant and playful at the same time.

Karen Dunbrook said...

love it!!

Sue said...

Your card is wonderful Darnell. I love your heart umbrella and the way you have hooked it round the letter l looks fabulous.
Thanks for the smile, I can always count on you to cheer me up!
hugs Sue xx

Gerrina said...

Your card is stunning!! An umbrella has to be in the air and I went of of the line from the sketch aswell... Have a fun week, Gerrina

Marcia Hill said...

CAS perfection Darnell! Absolutely LOVE the heartbrella and how it's hooked around the "L"...very clever! :0)

Diane said...

Love it, love it...super duper cute umbrella.... good laugh at the cartoon....have a great and creative week!!

Anne said...

Wonderful, stylish and understated card, love it!
PS Great cartoon too :)
Thanks for joining us at Less is More this week
Less is More GD

Hettie said...

Great card there Darnell. May I borrow the brolly as it is sheeshing it down outside right now. Better still I will stay in this lunchtime and look at some pretty blogs.

Robin K. said...

This really popped out at the DD pool! Love your creativity!

stampwithsandy said...

Your heartbrella is genius, Darnell! Also love how you layered the colors on the sentiment. Great card!

Ros Crawford said...

This is such a fantastic card ... I wouldn't even bother to enter the challenges now ... Great post ... have a lovely day!

Tracey McNeely said...

Fantastic card Darnell! I love the heart umbrella in bright pink!

Happy Dance said...

Awwww!!! Such a clever card, and beautifully CAS too. Love this idea, and love that the umbrella handle is hanging onto love for dear life! Perfect scoring, perfect colors. I {heart} this card! Great joke too... had a good chuckle. Happy Monday, and btw, how's retirement going??! Bev

Sian Ridley said...

What can I say - I LOVE this card!! ;) Those colours are just perfect partners aren't they and the heart 'brolly is pure genius!!

I should be getting back to my desk soon to torture you some more with my cards...make the most of my absence! Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments whilst I've been away, I really appreciate them :) I sure hope I didn't make you cry with the last post though, that was not my intention! DOH is waiting in the airport in Australia RIGHT NOW and I cannot wait to have him back home :)

Sheila H said...

That heart umbrella is pure genius! The cartoon makes me LOL :)

Ardyth said...

I'd think about entering this in the clean and graphic area of the Card Concept, too! - Love this - it's high-contrast, vibrant and stunning!

Katie Ann Brooks said...

brilliant idea using the heart as an umbrella!

Angi Barrs said...

Love this clever card design!

Shannon J said...

Isn't it funny how sometimes the "simple" cards take much longer than they may appear once all the fiddly diddly work is done?! But isn't it the best when the end result proves that it was all worth it?!! This is beautiful, Darnell! Perfect CAS, and I LOVE that the umbrella handle hooks onto the "L". <3

Pat said...

Such a clever idea Darnell, using the heart with an umbrella handle hooked round that nice large 'love' die. A really great interpretation of the sketch. x

Lisa Elton said...

CUTE idea Darnell, love the heart umbrella hooked onto your layered die cut!!

Sue said...

Oh Darnell you always make me smile I love reading your posts LOL your card is fab really fab!! lots of huggles Sue xx

Mrs A. said...

It was well worth the wait to get to the end of your post and find your super snippety heart umbrella card. Stinking cute it is too. hugs Mrs A.

Mau xx said...

You really do have a fantastic imagination Darnell. So love the card, its stunning!!! and your posts are the best entertainment in blogland xxx
Hugs Mau xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Hearts as umbrellas would be messy, just floating above your head, beating, dripping blood everywhere.... And I admit that I was doubting your veracity about the easy peasy bit (and Joe is my hubby, not my sister, ya weirdo) what with layering those dies. I know it is all the rage these days but certainly I can't own the only pair of renegade hands that do whatever they want especially on fiddly bits. If only liar's pants really did catch on fire... oh, nevermind, we'd all be pantless and I shudder to think of that world.

Laura said...

Hi, Darnell -
You always kick my day up a notch! Your card is one of the cleverest I've seen - so cute! I sent the cartoon to a lawyer friend.......
Hugs -
Laura Holt

Kathleen said...

Just fabulous, love it.

Kath x

Linda said...

Right back at you Darnell ..... congrats on your Honorable Mention too.
Love your cute little umbrella card ....really sweet. Have a fab week. hugs Linda xx

Robin said...

What a great post Darnell. Your card is PERFECT, I love it! That would work for anyone, really anytime not just Valentines Day. It was a good thing that the wind blew just in time to put the umbrella positioned perfectly :) Oh I can also relate to the cartoon, how cute! Have a great day; Hugs.

Bobby said...

A heartbrella. What will you think of next? Such a unique idea and I love the way the word holds onto the handle.

Jenny said...

The heart makes such an awesome umbrella and i love how it's hooked onto the sentiment..great use of both challenges :0)

April said...

Lovin your Love card. Very clever. :-) April

Lynne said...

Darnell I love your card. Love how you`ve used the dies and your colours are yummy. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I`ve been a terrible blogger lately but I hope to put that right in the future. All the best for the new year to you and your family.
Lynne xxx

Unknown said...

cool heart umbrella!

Lee-Anne said...

Darnell, this is just so clever...love that heart umbrella and your wonderful sense of humor!

dnisme@blogspot.com said...

I've been a little "blue" these days. Thanks for perking up my day with your witticisms and fun attitude.

Unknown said...

Must admit to forgetting why I popped over Dippy........got so engrossed in your lies..oops story! But then I saw your amazing card. It's absolutely gorgeous and definitely one I'm going to CASE!


Karendipity xxx

Claire Broadwater said...

Hi Darnell! I LOVE your card! The heart umbrella is fantastic! SO clever! X

Lindsey said...

I'm just gonna write exactly what popped into my head when I first laid eyes on your card..."How do I love you....let me count the ways!" Seriously, I adore this one, Darnell!!! Pinning it, wanting to CASE it, wanting to look at it all day long. It's maybe my favorite of yours ever.

Lindsey said...

Oh, and your comic cracked me up. I love when you share those.

Kay Miller said...

I can't believe you combined that many challenges and came up with something this glorious! I love it! And you do CAS awesomely!! This is so pretty!! So glad you joined us at The Card Concept again and that comic is hilarious!! Thanks for the laugh :)

JD/ Jill said...

Great card...so clever!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

I am so glad the umbrella handle caught the L in that puff of wind! Or we wouldn't have got a chance to see this very pretty CAS card!!!!

dottielottie said...

Oh I do love your card Darnell it is beautiful in its simplicity, very clever. Love that colour too think I might have to get me some of that card. Love your "funny" reminds me of Judge Judy she says this a lot lol
Which reminds me, I'm going to post something on my blog which puts me in mind of you !!
Hugs lottie x

cm said...

Another 'give me the giggles' post, accompanied by another delightful day-brightening card, featuring the most charming whims of your imagination! Heart as an umbrella? Works for me, especially when it's a heart buffeting about with Love on its handle. LOVE this!! And I'm telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; proof you may ask? My pants aren't on fire! You're a gem, dear D, a real gem! Hugs~c

Jen W. said...

I'm so glad that gust of wind came up because it made your fabulous card even more fabulouser!! Love the layered love and your brilliant mind. (And the cartoon gave me a good chuckle!)

Sharyn Polesel said...

This is so wonderful and creative! I didn't have an umbrella either, but never would have thought to turn a heart upside down. lol It really is a great card!

Carol L said...

Definitely one of your best cards Darnell! I love your umbrella and how it's hooked onto the word Love!! GREAT card!

jimlynn said...

Super duper and Fantastic with a big capital "F"! LOVE IT!!!!

Susanne Vargas said...

You did it again, Darnell! Made me laugh with your story telling! "Economical with the truth" - I like that! Only you would think of a heart for an umbrella! Love how you hooked it on the word so that it doesn't fly away. Can't be careful enough! Also love two colored word! Have to try that some day...

Julie Gearinger said...

What a wonderful CAS design and love the sentiment as well as your heart umbrella! So thankful it did not fly off the card and hooked the "L"- lol!! Thanks for playing along with us at the Dynamic Duos :-)

Joyce said...

This is absolutely fabulous. I love the design, the way the pink and black echo each other, and your score lines. I can see that this would take a long time to get the layout just right, but, BAM, when it is done, it is perfect.

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...this is just too darn cute and so stinkin' clever! I love that you turned your heart upside down to make an umbrella...so sweet! Now here is my favorite part, thank you so much for joining us at Simply Create Too!

Mynn xx said...

This is beautiful!!! LOVE the bold graphicness (new word!) of it and the beautiful use of the heart shape! HUGS! :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, you did the double love trick!! :))love it !!
I used a triple love recently on my blog w: that very same awesome ps die !! It's the bomb diggity bomb bomb for it's fabulous size !! ;))
Your card is too fun w. The umbrella & CAS themes !! :))
Looks like a winner to me!
Enjoy your week Darnell !
Hope it brings you all good things!!
(& hopefully your voice is back!)

Anonymous said...

Oh!!! That heart umbrella is so creative and love this CAS card!!

Greta said...

You've outdone yourself, Darnell! This is beyond fabulous--LOVE it!

Di said...

Oh you clever little sausage Darnell! Brilliant card :)

And Missie, I'll have you know I spent almost all of yesterday morning, trying unsuccessfully to create a grab button, sigh :(

Hugs, Di xx

Karen Davis said...

What a fabulous design Darnell, so clever. I love the hooked umbrella heart, and the scoring containing the 'Love'.

Karen Davis said...

I forgot to say, Thank you so much sharing your card with us at The Card Concept.

Kate said...

Brilliant card Darnell - simple and striking !!!

Inkyfingers said...

Oh wow, I love this design Darnell and will be pinning for sure!!!

Carol x

Claire said...

What a fabulous idea Darnell! Looks fantastic!

Irene said...

Hello Darnell, What can I say but BRILLIANT, I love your take on the subject especially the upturned heart. Just stunning.

Vicky Hayes said...

I almost stopped breathing when I saw your card Darnell - it's PERFECT! (Oops, sorry for shouting.) Borrowed all your funnies to make my daughter laugh (she's revising for exams and the laughs are for medicinal purposes so I thought you wouldn't mind.)
Hugs, Vicky x

maria f. said...

It appears you not only have wind but also sunshine in your neck o' the woods these days. Yippie. I LOVE this. Swept away be a heart umbrella (I used to have a pink umbrella when I was working - making a statement I was). And I'm with you on die cutting and glueing layers... need steady digits.

Julia Aston said...

Hi Darnell! first - can I just tell you that I LOVE seeing your cute little craft house every time I drop by - I was a playhouse kind of kid - making mine out of blankets hung over clotheslines in the backyard, not having a sturdy wooden one to play in - You must LOVE creating in there!! You have a great way with words - and although I often just scroll down peoples long drawn out musings to get to the card (Did I really say that??!!) your musings made me laugh today!

LOVE your wonderful CAS card with your creative heart umbrella!

Sherrie M. said...

FAB card Darnell!! Simply perfect. And thanks for the cartoon - gave the family a little chuckle to start our day!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Hi Darnell, your card caught my eye on Simply create too - really pretty. (And you are not on my official comment assignment). Funny cartoon, ha ha.. Thanks for playing with us at Simply Create Too - I hope to see you there again soon! Hugs, Cornelia - DT

Chrissie said...

You say the nicest things Darnell!
This is a fab card, the use of the black layer makes it most dramatic!
Thanks so much
Less is More

shirley-bee said...

LOVE your heartbrella, Darnell! Only you could think of that!

Pia S said...

Love this, Darnell! What a fab looking heart umbrella, you're so creative!

KandA said...

Perfect CAS card Darnell, the colours and design are so striking. I love it xx

Sarn said...

Hi Darnell - very striking heart card you've made . . . LOVE it.

I think the only type of buttons we have in the Playground are chocolate ones! Nothing to do with a logo!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Sandy said...

Liar, liar pants of fire - now that is funny!! Your card is right up my alley - clean and simple and so very pretty.
Sandy xx

Anita in France said...

Delicious, creative as ever and rather perfect, Darnell ... love the heartbrella! Thanks for the giggle too! Anita :)

MaryH said...

Only you could come up with this most adorable take on that Smile Umbrella song. How perfectly you followed thru on the fantasy & I was smiling all along the post. Great simple clean bright lovely card. Did I get all the adjectives covered here? Liked the card! 'nuff said. Now I suggest we post Miz Pixie on our sidebars, so how kin we do dat? I think that little smiley face would brighten up everybody who came to see us, don't you? You think she'd mind? She's awesome, & so kind & helpful to everyone. I'm so thankful I got to know her, and you...and ...and...so many folks at the Playground. TFS & Hugs Oh yep, those owls do sorta look like us'n. I'm the one with the scarf, in case you didn't guess.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Totally inspired me. I may have to borrow this idea for some of my Valentine's Seattle city scenes--I will give you credit all the way!!

Aileen said...

Love your design and cute heart umbrella. x

A Consuming Passion said...

what a fabulous post!!! Love your super card.....I'm feeling inspired so thanks for that too :)

Teresa Kline said...

wow, great job!

sparkle & shine *~*

Miriam Prantner said...

This is so clever! I love the umbrella you created and how it is hooked to the word die!

Bonnie said...

Love, love, love this windblown umbrella, Darnell! Thanks for the heads up at ATSAM. I had no idea!

alexandra s.m. said...

Brilliant Darnell!
You are too good!!

Barb Ghig said...

You are so popular, Darnell! If I had to scroll down any further, I'd be in the next county!!!

Another wonderful post...Fabulous card, and of course your sense of humor 'kills me'! I adore the way you hung your heartbrella on the letter 'L'...so fun, and so much dimension! Not to mention perfectly CAS! Love it to pieces!

Thanks so much for the cartoon, too...you always make me smile :-)

OH Babs said...

I think you may be voted "most popular." This may be one of my favorite cards of the vast number you have created. Everything about it is perfect and I especially love the scored lines.

Geri said...

Wow - 92 comments and counting! You're the best dear friend XX OO

Speaking of XX's and OO's...love this card! Beautifully clean and simple with lovely texture in the card stock and debossed lines! Layering the die cuts - AWESOME (great job lining up the layers - perfectly smooth edges!)

Now, I will put on my DT hat to tell you that we are thrilled to have you back in the gallery at CCC.

Karen P said...

Forgive me if I have already commented on this gorgeous card Darnell - I love it so much and it has also been why the Rhianna song has been going round my head for the last twenty four hours - you are making your umbrella, ella, lol! xx

Canonbury creations said...

What a fabulous design, Darnell, it really brightened my day! Love the use of black card to make it all pop:) I needed that brolly today, in fact nearly every day since Christmas!
Val x

Geri said...

Gee wiz, this is both clever and so cute, Darnell...not to mention striking! LOVE!!!

Unknown said...

This is adorable! I'm loving how your images pop on the simple white background.

Michelle said...

Now this is awesome!!! Love the design, Darnell! Thanks for joining the DD!

Janelle said...

Love, love, love this card, Darnell! Those pesky umbrellas do play up at the most inopportune times, don't they? ;)

shirley-bee said...

Hey, we're neighbours in the Dynamic Duos HMs - congratulations!

Sharyn Polesel said...

Congratulations on your Dynamic Duos HM. Turning that heart upside down for an umbrella was genius! Great card! Have a great weekend!

Casandra Bennett said...

Thank you for your sweet comment today on my blog, and for signing up to follow. Of all the comments I received recently, your's was the most heartfelt and really made my day. I appreciate that so much. I am going to sign up to follow your fun blog, too! Have a happy weekend.

Viv said...

Beautiful CAS card Darnell, love it :) Viv xx

scrappymo! said...

Brilliant idea to turn that heart into an umbrella! Great card!

Katie Gehring said...

Darnell, using the heart as an umbrella is pure genius! I love your card; it's so striking! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge this week!

Sue said...

Congrats on your DD Honorable mention. Very cute card!

Kristine Porter said...

Love your card! What a fun idea!! Thanks also for the intro! I am so happy to be following you!

hollybeary creations said...

I love how the black n pink pop against the white background.. Your umbrella is so cute! Thanks for joining us at Dynamic Duos.

Greta said...

Congrats on the HM at DD--this one dropped my jaw & was the winner to me!