A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

January 5, 2014

POOH! ~ CFC #125; CMCC #1; FM #141 ; LIM #153; NBUS #88; Pixies's #106

Good morning!

This is a new experience for me. The power has gone out and so I'm going to try and publish from my phone! If this works, I'll feel quite technowledgable and there'll be no living with the hamster!

Well, it did work, but the power came back on a couple of hours later, so I am editing on the PC in order to fix up the challenge information.  It was one of those days where a lot of the challenge stars lined up!

  • I wanted to play in the brand new Colour Me ...! challenge, where the featured color is Island Indigo.
  • I went in search of a sketch and found this wonderful design over at The Friday Mashup - Tic Tock.  I chose to just use the sketch this time:
  • Coinkydinkly, the theme this week at Less Is More is "Winter Blues" and Chrissie and Jen would like us to use blue on our cards:
  • The current challenge at CAS-ual Fridays (CFC) is "In a Word" where we are supposed to use a word that represents our hope for the new year.
  • Since I used snippets, I can take my card over to share at Pixie's Snippets Playground!
Please click on the links for all the rules, sponsor, and prize details.  I hope you can join in the fun!

Here is my card:
My NBUS today is the Grosgrain Texture Board from My Favorite Things.  To be honest, I had a hard time getting it to leave an impression, so I lightly inked it first and that not only helped, but I like how it looks like a lighter shade of island indigo.

When I was thinking of the design for the sketch, I realized I could also participate in the word-of-the-year for 2014 that I'm seeing a lot of you doing and then I noticed that CFC has the same idea for this week's challenge.

As you can see, my word is "poof."  You can scroll down to my last post where I explain. Basically it's a reminder to me (again!) of the Serenity Prayer, not to sweat the small stuff, not to beat my hamster's head against the wall about matters over which we have no control, and to let go of any negativity.

Creativity, not negativity! 
Mojo, not Nojo!

Should you decide to also adopt the word poof, I feel it is only fair to warn you that you must be very precise with your enuncification.  Even then, you may notice a few raised eyebrows from those around you when you suddenly declare, "Oh, poof!" 

ETA:  Well, dear, oh, dear, several of my darling British friends are larffing their arses off over my choice of word since "poof" means something else across the pond and not what I had in mind at all! I changed my post title to POOH, not because I'm judgmental, but because I don't want anyone coming to my site and being disappointed that it's just an old lady who makes cards! I don't have it in me today to remake and repost and relink my card, however.  Let's just chalk it up to another "Darnellism" and move along!! 


In our New Friends Corner, I'm delighted to have you meet Cat Craig of Cat Luvs Paper!  Cat has been blogging since 2012 and I think you will enjoy seeing the wonderful card art she has made and shares on her site!

Thank you, Cat, for joining in the fun over here!!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!*  I hope you are snug and warm where it is terribly cold, and high and dry where it is terribly flooding.

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
PaperPTI white; SU island indigo
Stamps    Penny Black 4040K "Sparklers";
Hero Arts "Brush Stroke" alphabet
 InkSU island indigo; Sakura Clear Star pen
AccessoriesHero Arts Hero Hues bling  


Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Hi Darnell
this card in blue is adorable
love it
hugs Tamara

Alanna said...

What a beautiful card and I love the word you've chosen.

Viv said...

Gorgeous Darnell!

JD/ Jill said...

Beautiful card...and I would have never known that you published from your phone...great job!
Okay, as to your word...I must say it is original...but I know you say that a lot on your blog...so It is you!!! And that is one of things that "one word" is about...
Mine for this year is JOY! And already the "word" is working for me.

Geri said...

"Oh Poof" ... made me giggle because our little niece would say this when she 'passed gas'...she would wave her hand in front of her scrunched up and nose and say "Oh Poof, I did a tinky!"

Another fabulous image, so perfectly stamped in a stunning color combo. Love the colors and the bedazzlers!

Well done techie! Mr. Hamster will be strutting like a peacock for sure!

Pia S said...

Poof is a nice choice of word. It can represent different feelings and meanings, it's all up to how it's pronounced and the body language.
Your card looks classy! And it seems that you've had a nice sunny day...

cm said...

"Poof" - may your power be back on! Perfect images for your special word (which I love!), and the colors rock! The sparkles are the perfect special touch. Impressive card - and posting via your phone - extra *wow*! Yet another fabulous, day-brightening visit!! Hugs~c

Anita in France said...

Oh you techknowledge-able soul you, way to go with the phone publishing! I adore this, Darnell ... a perfect balance of gorgeous colour, beautiful images, sparkley jewels and a simply wonderful word that captures all your wise thoughts (I'm busy deleting the image in my mind from reading Geri's note!!). Hugs Anita :)

PS Think I finally figured out how to be an ex no-reply blogger!

Shannon J said...

You've got my vote for the best 2014 word of the year! I love POOF!! And what a perfect image to symbolize the poof! Gorgeous card, Darnell! And poof - who needs power, when you're obvi a VERY accomplished techie posting from your phone!!

Sian Ridley said...

Get you Mrs Technology! I hope hamster is most pleased with himself ;) I really like your word of the year - poof just says it all doesn't it!? This is a beautiful showcase of your word of the year, the dandelion is the perfect image ;)

Nan G said...

Oh goodness Darnell, Geri's comment has been akackling.. You and her GD would get along me thinks. Oh poof! LOL ....btw love the card!

Indy's Designs said...

I LOVE your word! Might need to add it to my vocabulary to help me, too, not sweat the little things! Love your post...especially since you did it on your phone! I still have a dumb phone, so I am veRy impressed. Love your card! Looks like you have a beautiful weather!

Hettie said...

Pffffffffffft! I just showed your card to Hubby before I read the text and said that I don't think I would be using that sediment. Poof means something over here!!!
Your text made me laugh even more. Well done Darnell. I needed a giggle!
Nice card by the way!

Sue said...

WOW! Stunning card Darnell. I love the image, gorgeous colour and fabulous use of the sketch.
hugs Sue xx

Jen Nelson said...

wow darnell this is stimply stunning.. i love the colour blue it's divine

Thanks for joining us this week
Jen xx
Less Is More

dottielottie said...

Well aren't you just the cleverest !! And on two counts too, posting from your phone and choosing such a perfect image to go with your word of the year. There's something about dandelion clocks (as we call them) so love this image, a beautiful card, love it.
Hugs x

Susanne Vargas said...

Even your word of the year is fun! And it makes perfect sense the way you explain it! I will have to remember that when I am sweating the small stuff! Your card is beautiful - I love dandelions!

Sue - said...

Beautiful card and "poof" just goes perfectly with it!

Lyn said...

Go you, so glad you got your card up and a beautiful card it is

Sammy said...

Utterly gorgeous card Darnell! such a stunning colour too.
And the ETA bit made me LOL. I think we have about half a dozen different meanings for the word over here, but yes, I can see people maybe being disappointed that the blog is about cards and not... erm... fairies? lol.

Sue said...

Made me giggle so much Darnell LOL gorgeous card lots of huggles Sue xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Dippy - you're becoming quite the "techie" publishing from your phone..........good job done girl. I love your card and the Darnellism sediment. I know it has a slightly different meaning over here in the UK but it works so well when you use it..........and I love the thought of snapping your fingers whilst exclaiming proud and loud "poof"!!! lol Am going to be utilising this little phrase quite a lot over the next few weeks......


Karendipity xxx

Sheila H said...

You are so funny! I love your sense of humor and your way with words. Your card is fabulous in design and color. Thanks so much for mentioning me on your blog and stopping by with nice comments.

Bobby said...

It looks like I've been following you around. I posted a card today for two of the same challenges and they are next to yours in the gallery. I didn't think to enter LIM because I was thinking of a different blue.

I didn't realize when I first saw your post, or saw your first post, that you used the grosgrain ribbon plate. I too have trouble making much of an impression (take that however you want lol). Your card turned out lovely anyway.

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Lovely card Darnell! Perfectly chosen sentiment :)

Marie Bingaman said...

Well I still like the word poof...even if it means something "different" across the ocean, lol! Your card is perfect! :)

Dana said...

So elegant!! I love the colors and the flowers and esp the the sentiment!!

Bonnie said...

What a perfect image for your "poof". And how bout you and your smartphone! Mr. Hamster should be very proud!

Rosemary said...

lovely card, darnell... not sure i want to know what "poof" means across the pond! thanks so much for playing along with the very first Colour Me challenge!

Pat said...

Oh, Darnell, I'll try not to sweat the small stuff, how could I when I am laughing so much! This word is so apt for blowing a dandelion clock though. Even pooh can conjure up other images, several spring to mind...no but seriously this is a lovely elegant card, and that colour is one of my favourites. xx

Happy Dance said...

Pooh/poof, of you funny girl! I watch enough British TV that I got it right away!!! Yep, don't worry about the problems of life; God takes good care of us. Your card is lovely, and every time I see blowing dandelions, I think of Grant who blew them and loved it as a little tiny guy. So your card makes me smile. As does your post. I think this one's a winner my friend. Bev

Unknown said...

WOW! This card is just lovely. Such a fun stamp set :) Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at Colour Me...!, we sure hope to see you back again soon :)

OH Babs said...

Darnell you have begun the new year with another great card and a couple of laughs. Isn't that color the loveliest?

Barb Ghig said...

What a fabulous card, Darnell! I love that you chose the word 'Poof', and I just can't imagine what our friends across the pond are thinking when it comes to that :-)

I love the shade of blue you chose for the dandelions (sp) and I think it was a stroke of genius to enter this card in so many challenges...you go, girl!!!

Claire Grantham said...

Love your card Darnell...And I am one of the British laughing at your choice of word!! I get it, but I am still cracking up..ah the variations within the English language.Cx

Alycia said...

You make me laugh and I love it. :)

Kim Heggins said...

Ok...you have me so curious...what the heck does Poof mean??? Maybe I should look it up first...ok, I'm back and now I understand why you changed your title. Ashleigh love using British slang and it took me forever to figure some of them out, like sausage wallet...hmmmmmmm
Now onto your card, amazing poof or not, I love those dandilions and they always make the most beautiful cards, your included! Can't wait to hear more about your MTF texture board...see you on Thursday!

Greta said...

Simply beautiful! I love those blooms & the textured piece--fabulous card, Darnell! Creativity, not negativity--I like that! I'm joining you on that goal!

scrappymo! said...

That is a fabulous stamp...love that image. The blue shade you chose is very striking and pops against the white background.

Happy New Year and looking forward to visiting your posts this year.

Kelly Griglione said...

Hmmm, I've had the MFT grossgrain texture plate on my list for awhile now, so interesting to hear that it's been giving you difficulties. What a creative word you picked, I love it! And it goes so well with the dandelions too. Gorgeous card! Thanks for joining the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge, Darnell!

Karen M said...

Your card is gorgeous Darnell - I just love all the pretty blues:) Hugs xx

Gerrina said...

Stil smiling about your choice of word and the great card while typing... Have a great week, Gerrina

Heidi B said...

Love the dandelion images... so of my favorite! Your card has started quite the "poof" conversation - LOL! Very fun! Thanks for joining the Friday Mashup this week.

Kathyk said...

Pooh or Poof - makes no odds to me!! Your blog is so fun and so uniquely YOU. Love your LIM card today too


shirley-bee said...

ROFL!! It's no wonder you get some dodgy visitors to your site!

Having said that, it's the perfect sentiment (in its other meanings) for your card and your current frame of mind. Love it!

Di said...

I'm with Kathy, Pooh or Poof is fine with me. I thought the use of the word poof died out over here long ago - but don't get me talking about 'Nancy boys' :) And as for a chap being a 'Big girl's blouse'!

Brilliant card - love the simplicity of it.

Hugs, and thanks for a good laugh Darnell :))


Suze Bain said...

Oh Darnell, being on the other side of the pond, this did make me laugh! However, your card is still lovely! Wishing you health and happiness in 2014 (and hopefully I will get back to visiting you on a more regular basis!) xx

Suzanne said...

Gorgeous card and thank you for your thoughts on the MFT plate, Darnell. You make me laugh - thank you for that!

Carol L said...

Poof-sonally, I think your card is stunning with a very clever "word." Well done on all those challenges! Keep on poofin' :)

Angi Barrs said...

Beautiful design! Hope the power came back on! Happy New Year!

Karen P said...

Gorgeous card, love the colours you've used and the puff ball flowers are stunning! xx

Irene said...

Stunning and gorgeous Darnell. thank you for the giggle.

Margaret said...

What a fabulous card Darnell!
Margaret x

Sally H said...

Gorgeous card, Darnell! My favourite colours. Love the sentiment even if it has got several meanings over here. Where I come from it is one of those round stools that you put your feet up on when you are lounging on the sofa... well, that is one meaning!

Redanne said...

Well, I am a bit late to the party and cannot stop giggling. It does have a much different meaning over here and it never ceases to amaze me how we speak the same language but have so many differences.... Your card is gorgeous and your meaning of the word looks fantastic on it! Hugs, Annie xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh Poof on the Poofters! I love how you managed to squeeze so many challenges into one card. I think I'm worn out just reading about them all. I like what you came up with.

MaryH said...

Oh so funny. I needed this chuckle this evening as the temps are dropping. Hey, we Yanks don't always know that Brit terminology, and I erred some time back too. Love the blues on this, and your dandy-lion flowers. To me "poof" was just right, cause that's what we used to do as kids when we'd pick one & poof the seedheads at each other. Love these colors & your new texture too. Gotta check on that supply. TFS & Huggies too. Is 22 at 6:26, so not too far from our predicted low tonight. Brrrr.

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell you are too funny :) I was looking at your card thinking what if 'poof'? A new Darnell word but not to be used over the pond. Your card is fabulous, the seed image is beautiful. You are very creatives to match up with multiple challenges. I hope your week is going well, Shirleyxx

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Poof! It's beautiful!!! They just don't know the proper meaning across the pond!!!!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

ps... thanks for the story about the NY lady :)

Denise Price said...

Ooh, I love that shade of blue, and your card looks great!

LOL, I didn't know about the "other" meaning of poof. Guess you'll just have to be sure to send that card to an American. :)

Joyce said...

Always some eye candy and a chuckle when I come to see you. I love your card, especially that grograin IP you used. And, I am laughing, because I do know the other meaning of poof, but did not think of it until I read your edits.

jimlynn said...

Darnell, you must be a techie genius to get this to post from your phone!! I'm doing good to get a call completed on mine! LOL!
Love your card and that sentiment is perfection!!!! So pretty.

Deb said...

Fabulous card, Darnell! I love your word. Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays! Happy New Year!

carol (krillsister) said...

Gorgeous card. Love those little sparkles. Great word poof! Love your meaning behind it. I think we need more positive in our lifes; the I cans. Great word.

Tara Bourgoin said...

Fabulous card, Darnell! Those dandelions blowing in the wind just look so soft - especially paired with blue! Thanks for joining in the fun of our first challenge over at Colour Me...! :)

Sian Ridley said...

Ha ha! I love your little edit...I wasn't going to mention the English connotation as I knew what you meant ;) there are many transatlantic translation amusements among all of our blogs I think - so far the different meaning of the word 'fanny' across the pond is my favourite! Please let me know if I ever offend because I try really hard to think before I use colloquialisms just in case! ;)

Lesley said...

beautiful card - best wishes Lesley x

Karen Davis said...

Darnell your posts are so entertaining. POOF indeed! Good luck with that. Great advice. I love the card. That blue is divine.

Inkyfingers said...

Oh Darnell, I think this card is wonderful - just my style and I hope it will be ok to case it at some point! Being from England your Poof still makes me smile!!!!

Carol x

Sarn said...

Terrific card using one of my all-time favourite colours Darnell.

As you know, I'm from across the Pond, so whilst I thought your word went well with the image, it still made me smirk (because I am about 6 years old really).

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Anonymous said...

Darnell thank you so much for your lovely visit and your kind words they made me smile . As did poof !!!!
Yep I think I should give this a go and use that word in the Darnell context of course. A brilliant card from you , superb design and fantastic layering its adorable. Look at you publishing from your phone I can't even do it from my iPad so hats off to you !


Benzi said...

Oh, what a gorgeous card in those pretty colors. Of course, the dandelions remind of being a child and blowing them to determine how many children we would someday have. It would be what was left after the big "poof". Of course, I am afraid of that word now that I hear it means something else across the pond....and I don't know WHAT. :-)

Vickie Z said...

Fun card....love it!! I had to go look up "poof" whodathunk!!

Laurie Unger said...

OMG - ROTFLMBO!!! I read the ETA and then had to read all the comments to figure out what Poof meant across the pond! oh my goodness!!!! Too funny! Good job posting via your phone! Love the card!

Mrs A. said...

Extremely worried about the hamster stop
Place in cardboard box stop
Punch holes in top sop
Send by airmail stop
Hugs Mrs A. Stop

Sylvia Blum said...

Beautiful card, Darnell!!! And I love your explanation of YOUR word *poof*... you are SO right!!!
My word is "Breathe"..it will be ok, but I pretty much mean the same with it... but *poof* is -of course- a lot more fancy and clever .... and it's so YOU :) :) :)
Thank you so much for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!
Sylvia xx

Cathy said...

Gorgeous card Darnell, love the pretty blues and texture, Cathy x

Jen W. said...

"I changed my post title to POOH, not because I'm judgmental, but because I don't want anyone coming to my site and being disappointed that it's just an old lady who makes cards!"

And now I have a tummy ache from laughing so hard!! Brilliant! And your card is gorgeous too… :)

maria f. said...

I'm on THIS side of the pond and I don't know what it means (gotta google). But I'm thinkin' I'll give it a try next time DS is annoying me. "Poof" and a snap of the fingers and maybe he'll disappear ;)

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
what a really fab card. Love this creation.
You are one clever person uploading from your phone, I wouldn't know where to startv
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
what a really fab card. Love this creation.
You are one clever person uploading from your phone, I wouldn't know where to startv
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Miriam Prantner said...

Such a great image! Love how delicate it is and also the monochromatic scheme!

Mary said...

I like this card, oh yes I do. Very clean, and oh so pretty.

Marybeth said...

Gorgeous card! Too funny about the double meaning of word poof ...great job from your phone?!

Linda said...

Hi Darnell,
I love reading your posts .....You really do make me smile.
It always amazes me how we speak the same words but they mean something so different.
Stunning card too - love the stamp and the colour is just fab. Hugs ....Linda xx

Chrissie said...

This is terrific Darnell... I wouldn't have taken your POOF out of context... and I'm from across the pond!
It's great.
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

Cat Craig said...

Darnell, I grew up in Europe so I had to laugh at the poof...your card dandelions are so perfect for the colors. On another note, thanks for the shout out!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee hee!!! I know what that means.., lol !!
No need for any of that here, huh,,?!!
Great card !! Fab color -- best in the world !!! Lol !! ;))

Kim S said...

You are the creator of trends - NBUS and Poof! (Yes, I'm sticking with poof, I looked it up and I will be cautious using it.) I just love the idea of letting go of the small stuff with a physical signal of farewell. Your image is just right with it!

I do wish the MFT Grosgrain Board were a little deeper. I've had good results by lightly misting my paper with water before using it.