A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

January 29, 2014

Warm Washi ~ ATCAS#30; ATSM#80; JUGS#225; NBUS#98

Happy Wednesday to yee!

I've got introductions and a public service announcement and I've had a prolapse of my darn cold, so let's get right down to beeswax.

Still in the love card mode, I had a PTI sediment on my desk that I used on a card a few days ago, and some NBUS Washi tape and I started fooling around and made a QACAS card.
No sketch or color challenges fit my card, but both of my favorite "Addicted To ..." challenges lined up nicely.

First up, in Alpha Betty order, is Addicted to CAS where the "New" theme challenge is still on for a couple more days. The Washi tape from SU is new.
Next is Addicted to Stamps and More where there is a photo inspiration challenge just starting.
I thought my card resembled the pink stripes on the sweet box of hearts.

And over at Just Us Girls (JUGS) there is a LOVE photo inspiration board.
JUGS Blinkie
They are on challenge number 225! That's remarkable and so appreciated by all of us!

I hope you can join in the fun! Just click on the links for the rules, sponsors, and prize information.
Originally, I just laid the tape strips down with torn edges (as one does) in rows above and below the sediment. It sat that way most of the day and it bothered me and the hamster. We act like we are all free-love-and-let-it-all-hang-out types, but it turns out, not so much. He kept yammering on his wheel until I took a rooler and a craft knife and trimmed the tape all straight-laced-and-buttoned-up down both sides. No wonder I'm multi-personable and cray-cray. I stand by the power of my conflictions.

Anywiz, I found out that Joe is not my sister, she is PJ's husband (that was a shock! ~ you'll meet PJ in a sec), so I'll just say that after I trimmed the tape, I popped on an itty-bitty star and couple of butter fly sequints made by Darice (I don't know her) and the hamster grinned his toothy grin of approval.


In Our New Friends Corner, coming in again two-by-two, please meet:

Princess Judy Palmer, known to me as PJ, of Blog This! Princess Judy has been blogging since 2011.  She has attitude and cattitude, fabulous card-making talent, and a wonderful sense of humor. You will definitely enjoy the carnival rides at her place!

Sue Rose of Sue's Stamping Station. Sue has been blogging since 2012, but only a few times a year. Her cards are really fantastic so maybe your visits and comments will encourage her to post and share her work more often!

Welcome PJ and Sue and thank you so much for joining our party!


Too Much TV For Little People

I thought I would close by sharing a public service announcement. Please pass this on to anyone you know who has young children. It's a warning about what can happen if you let them watch too much television.

On Sunday a young pastor was presenting a children's sermon. During the sermon, he asked the children if they knew what the resurrection was. Now, asking questions during children's sermons is crucial, but at the same time, asking children questions in front of a congregation can also be very risky.

A little boy shot his hand into the air. The pastor called on him and the little boy said,

"I know that if you have a resurrection that lasts for more than four hours you're sposed to call the doctor!"

Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!

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Click CTL + Home.
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and the pop-up box opens.
Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!
Thank you, my friends!


Sue - said...

Think I must be like you Darnell I would have had to straighten the edges too! Had a giggle at your little story too!!! X Sue

Meg said...

I love your card - as always! I think your hamster and mine must be related - mine likes things buttoned up too - however, she does always pester for blingification!

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Darnell. I love the layout and beautiful sentiment.
Thanks for the smile again.
Oh, I must just explain! I really don't own that much stash! As I am lucky enough to be on a Design Team that sells craft supplies I get to borrow lots of stamps and dies and get sent papers to use too!!
I hope you are feeling better soon.
Take care,
hugs Sue xx

Karen M said...

I love your gorgeous card Darnell - the washi tape looks amaazing and the sentiment is fab! I hope your having a good week - hugs xx

Anne said...

great card Darnell - love it. Your story made me giggle and brought back memories of my teaching days. Kids say some hilarious things. Anne x

Anonymous said...

Love your card, Darnell! Great use of washi tape and the butterflies are a nice touch, too!
Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!

Viv said...

Story made me smile on a really grey day here Darnell! Great card. x

Gerrina said...

Think your card is a great one! So CaS and still a lot to see! Love it! Have a creative day, Gerrina

Benzi said...

Great job with the Washi tape, Darnell, and I'm so glad you made that hamster happy. You don't want a sulking hamster to look at and live with all week.

Super card! Hope you feel tip top very soon.

Colleen said...

What a great design with the washi tape, Darnell...I think I will CAS this card sometime...I just have to remember it!! Sorry your cold is giving you bothers...fortunately it is not stopping you from creating and sharing delightful stories with us!! Hugs...

Pat said...

So sorry your cold has staged a comeback Darnell - hopefully this will be short lived and you will soon be back to full health. I'm glad this doesn't seem to have affected your sense of humour as you never fail to make me smile. Your card is lovely and great use of the washi tape with the sentiment in the middle, and like you I would have to neaten the edges too. x

stampwithsandy said...

Great card, Darnell! Thanks to the hamster, your washi tape is very impressively aligned! Love your church sermon story, too! Too cute!

Tracey McNeely said...

Love your washi number Darnell--supra impressed that you lined it up so perfectly! Happy Wednesday!

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, great use of the washi tape. Your layout is fabulous. Very sweet card! Thank you for sharing with us at ATSM. xx

Anonymous said...

Super cute card!! :))
That's always been a fave CAS layout of mine!!
Sorry you are ill again -- my girls are back to being icky w/ tummy bug,
So, over. It . !!
Funny story @ the end -- my kids tell me all the time about adult diapers from the tv.., lol !

Deepti said...

Great washi tape panel and I love those sweet little butterflies :) Thank you for joining in the fun at ATCAS n ATSM!!

Redanne said...

I love how you use washi tape on your cards Darnell and like you, I would have had to straighten up the edges. Great kid story too.

Please get rid of that bug soon! Big healing hugs, Annie xx

jimlynn said...

LOL! Ok, the story of the little boy/sermon will have me laughing for DAYS now!!!!! Love it!

Also love your card! Great way to use that tape and nice clean edges to it too. Pretty little butterflies to top it off.


Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Beautiful card with the tape and sentiment, the little butterflies set it off very well. Your joke is too funny, thanks for the chuckle :) Have a great day, Shirleyx

Shannon J said...

I LOVE the card! Especially with those beautifully clean cut edges ;) !! Oh that hamster! I nearly fell over when I read about "the resurrection"!! I think I'll be giggling for the rest of the day!!

OH Babs said...

You are sooooo silly and I love it. I would straighten the edges, at least on this card. Washi tape is so much fun and my stash is growing. When you mentioned kids and TV I thought you were going to talk about Jay-Z and Beyonce thankfully your story brought a smile to a senior citizen's face. :)

Sheila H said...

I like how you used the Washi. I tend to only use a single piece. Thanks for showing me another way. Your design is so pretty - love the placement of your sentiment.

Sheila H said...

I forgot to say your little story cracked me up :)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Joe, the one that isn't your sister, says if he happens to have a "resurrection" that lasts for more than 4 hours, he's calling EVERYBODY he knows, not just the doctor.


Princess Judy Palmer said...

Thank you for the welcome! Only I've been here a lot. I was surprised to learn I wasn't an official follower.

I didn't realize that your pattern of loveliness--the one that is cut perfectly straight because anything else would have been disturbing--was washi tape. Now then, me likes it very much. But yes, straight, it had to be straight.

It makes our crooked brains happy to be straight.

Geri said...

..no jumping to the end for me cuz I LOVE reading all the comments! You are one heck of an awesome lady, love to bits by all your followers!

You & Hammy cooked up a great card! Yes, I likley would have been Yammering about the tape too...the torn edges might have distracted from the nice clean lines or distracted the attention away from the pretty butterflies!

Great card! Love the joke! I wonder what the Pastor's reply might have been ???

Karen P said...

Hi huni, your lovely and wonderful comment brought tears to my eyes hun - but good ones so thank you for your lovely beautiful comments!
Now I have a bit of a stash of Washi right now and may be pinching your card design - as I love this card, woulc also work with ribbon, right hun you have inspired me I'm going to hobble to find some card and my box of Washi tape xx

Mrs A. said...

You just Qwack me up with your Qacas and yer jokes. I got highcups now! hugs Mrs A.

Julia Aston said...

a lovely card with the super straight Washi Tape Darnell!! (I have issues with torn edges as well! I like them on other people's cards but have trouble leaving them on mine!)

Dana said...

I love love the layout and the butterflies are sooo cute!!!

sandie said...

your card is adorable but hubby and I are still giggling at the Children's semon...this made my day! Thanks for joining us at ATSM and ATCAS XX

Sharyn Polesel said...

Adorable card, Darnell! I have to agree with the straight laced washi tape. lol That's the way I would do it too. I enjoyed reading your post. It made me smile! Thanks so much for joining us at Just Us Girls!

lostinpaper said...

It took me a while to work out that your pattern was 'washi' it looks fabulous!! I'm totally inspired Darnell

Unknown said...

Love this card Dippy. You're certainly rocking this washi tape. Love the sentiment and the cute butterflies. Totally refuse to comment on your last statement......laughing too much! Thanks for playing along at A2CAS.


Karendipity xxx

Sharon Underwood said...

Oh, I love what you've done with your Washi Tape! Your card looks GREAT! I appreciate the Public Service Announcement, too. Way too much TV for the little ones! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today! Sure hope you feel better soon.

Irish Cherokee said...

I was reaching for my stamp with the circle and diagonal line but I was laughing so hard I couldn't see it. Har de har har. Oh, love the card. har de har har.

Marisa said...

Fabulous use of the washi!! Lovely card. Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls.

Vicki Dutcher said...

Fun use of the washi~ Thanks for joining in with ATCAS! Always fun to pop over and read your posts - cute church story!

JD/ Jill said...

Lovely card...and we're are kindred spirits...I'm working on a cold too...Please spring...come...(but then I'll probably get hay fever...can't win...LOL!

Joyce said...

Fabulous card. And, fabulous joke! Great use of Washi--and I like the straight edges, too.

Bobby said...

Crooked washi has it's place but I can see that this wasn't it. It looks like a stamped image when you cut it off like you did and frames the sentiment beautifully. Heard the joke before but it was just as funny the second time. Out of the mouths of babes. lol

Carol L said...

OMG, a 4-hour resurrection!?!?! That's too funny :)Love your card today and I wish it would warm up my body as well as my heart! It's COLD in my neck o' the woods!!

Lisa Elton said...

That's Washi tape!!! Holy smokes Darnell I though it was paper when I first saw it. Terrific card1

Loll said...

Sweet card Dolly! Love the colors and the design! Thanks for joining us at ATCAS! :) Lolly xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah do love the card Darnell, so like tidy straight up and down washi tape too :D
.. and often think of you now crafting with NBUS .. and could add my own acronym "Not Much Used before Schtuff".. am on a crusade there!
had to chuckle at alpha betty! Shaz in oz.x

Sue said...

Fab card Darnell and as usual your blog post had me chuckling love it LOL huggles Sue xx

Ros Crawford said...

Hahahaha!! I can just imagine the Pastors face ... not to mention the little boys parents!!

Great card ... I thought it was stamped ... the washi tape looks amazing ... and yep I do that ... trim and tidy ... what works for others doesn't seem the same for me ... Off to visit your friends ... Have a good day!

sue t. said...

totally get the straight edge thing!! love your card!! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!

Geri said...

Oh, this IS a cute one Darnell...but I know you've got more red sweetness up your sleeve for FUSION...come ON, girl!!!

alexandra s.m. said...

Brilliant use of washi tape my Friend!
Love your card!!
Thank You~

Diane said...

Greetings Darnell,

Love the Washi tape with the fun butterflies. Makes a really cute design.

Hugs Diane

Barb Ghig said...

I really love the 'Funky Pattern' (that's a compliment) you created with your Washi tape...very cool! And, even though I'm a self-proclaimed 'Leftover Hippie', I think it looks perfect all trimmed out neat and tidy! LOVE your gorgeous butterflies, too! As always, your card is really fabulous, Darnell!

Thanks so much for another great post...love the joke, too!!!

Georgia G. said...

I love reading your blog and ADORE the way you use the language. Thank you so much for making me laugh. I just had the worst year of my life, (don't get me started!) and I really appreciate the joy you bring!

MaryH said...

Darnell,I'm sure the torn edges looked fabby, but I'm liking the straight & narrow The Hamster gets my vote. He's got a good eye. Like your idea of the washi tape border as you did it. Very fetching. I'm off to visit one of your new buddies, I awready know Judy & Dio. Bfn & TFS & Hugs too. Hope your code geds beddah soon.

cm said...

Your post - and especially your hamster-partnered card and hilarious joke - is the perfect pick-me-up! Crazy week at work, missing mojo, disorganized to the nth degree, feeling 'blueish' - but a visit here has planted a smile on my face, and a sparkle in my attitude! You're awesome!! Hugs~c

Alanna said...

Your card is gorgeous. I love how you've place the butterflies.

And now your story about the pastor and the resurrection is seriously the cutest and funniest thing I've ever heard.

Anita in France said...

Simply splendid, Darnell ... I'm so with you and the hamster on trimming those edges straight! Thanks for the Saturday morning chuckle with the childrens' sermon! Anita :)

Karin said...

Hi Darnell, I'm always very pleased to visit your blog, you always make me laugh with your stories and now again with the story of the little boy! Your card looks fantastic, as always.
karin x

Pia S said...

I love washi tapes and got loads of them, but I need ideas for how to use them. Thanks for the idea, I really like how this design turned out!

Kim Heggins said...

fun fun fun! I love how you used the Washi Tape, this has to be one of the best craft inventions of all time. Really makes for a sweet card!

Bonnie said...

I'm looking at these rows of Washi tape and I'm thinking my tower of Washi would be leaning! This is so bright and pretty and I love the little butterflies!

Lindsey said...

Tag...you're it! :O ) I just popped over to my email for a sec between comments on your blog just to find that you had been commenting on my blog at the very same time. Good times. :) Okay, back to the matter at hand...I do love this card, Darnell, super lots.

Sherrie M. said...

I am shocked that this card uses Washi. Never would have guessed. Its so pretty!! (Not that washi can't be)

Greta said...

Your use of the Washi is great! Good to listen to the hampster!

Deborah Frings said...

Love the way you've used the Washi tape, goes perfectly with the sentiment. The little butterflies are so sweet! Thanks so much for playing along with ASM this week!

Jacquie Southas said...

On this card, the washi definitely needs a staight edge - looks fabulous! I'm glad I finished my tea before reading that little story or I might be wiping off the computer screen :) We were reminiscing the other day about how the most embarrassing ads when watching TV in mixed company were for Kotex/Tampons back when we were teens and now those all seem to have been replaced by ED ads to embarrass my teens.

Loly Borda said...

I love visiting you and always leaving your place with a smile, but today laughing out loud! Thank you for that, of course I come here for your lovely cards too.