Shine on me sunshine
Skip with me world
It's a jumpity-do-dah day!
If you've been reading this blog for quite some time, you know that I am an active member and former president of our local chapter of the Federal and International Frog Friends Association (FIFFA).
As such, according to the FIFFA Bylaws, I simply had to enter the CASology challenge before it closed because the cue card word this week is JUMP!

Now there are a lot of ways to represent JUMP on a card and you can see them in all the wonderful creativity of the DT and partipant's cards at CASology, including cards featuring frogs!
I had a few ideas in mind, but then two things happened. The first is that I happily won a challenge at Paper Smooches (PS) and my winning stamps arrived which changed my ideas. (I was hoping to play in the Anything Goes challenge, but I missed it by a day.) You should check out PS; there are great prizes, but more importantly, Kim's stamps are great to work with.
The second thing that happened was, well, it's sort of a long story and I won't be offended if you skip it. Or maybe I should say: jump past it.
My story brings me back to the introduction. FIFFA is a members-only association and to be a member you have to be recommended, vetted, and withstand a very rigorous initiation ceremony involving ice cubes. You are also sworn to secrecy for as long as you live about everything remotely related to what goes on at the meetings or what you learn about frogs.
So. Okay, fine. Back in 1992, Bennett Chambers was recommended for membership by Jeanette from the bank. A lot of us were opposed to Bennett's membership because Eleanor could see from her attic window that Bennett would enjoy an adult beverage more often than is considered normal in a police society. So we could foresee, don't you see, that loose lips sink ships. But we were overruled and Bennett became a member.
Sure enough, fast forward to last Tuesday week, around 4:30 on a Saturday afternoon (you pick), Bennett got an unexpected invitation to sub for a bowling tournament at Leonard's Lanes. Bennett was so honored to be asked, he forgot he was two sheets to the wind. This became readily apparent to everyone, however, when he laid down his first ball and slipped. When he came to a full stop halfway down the lane, he was sprawled over Kim Bo, and everyone was either horrified or started laughing hysterically. Lucille had to dash off knock-kneed to the ladies loo.
Trying to save face when he was helped to his feet, Bennett brushed off his trousers and sputtered, "Yeah, oh yeah?! Well ... well ... frogs drink coffee and THAT'S why they are able to jump so high!"
While FIFFA sorts out how they are going to recover from this monumental breach of confidentiality (thank God I'm not still president!), I hung up the phone and decided to make the most of the situation by redesigning my card to allow me to also play in the Addicted to CAS challenge where the code word is COFFEE.
Turns out since my focus pocus is m'frog, I can also play in the Simply Create Too, which is St. Patrick's Day [or use GREEN].

The full ingredients are below. Every stamp on my card today is NBUS, making me feel better about not NBUSing on my last few cards. No, wait, I might have used the conversation bubble once before. Four different stamp sets were used to make this OLC. You could prolly tell that the sediment is from Yours Truly. I love how the coffee gives a lovely sheen to his pearly warts.
Speaking of NBUS, I am editing this post to play in a new challenge on the block called The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers. For reals! And their second challenge is "The Letter U" which stands for unused which means they want us to use something unused on our cards. Hello? NBUS!! How could I not play, especially since this card is 83% unused or possibly 94%!

Remember, click on the links to all these challenges to get the details about rules, sponsors, and prizes and I hope you can join in!!
Thank you if you stuck through my story of how my card came to be. I'm like your Aunt Camille who insists on telling a story the long way. She has to start at the beginning and end at the ending and include every single detail. If you're unlucky, she corners you at Christmas with one of her stories. The worst part is that she impales you with her eyes the whole time she is talking so that you don't dare roll your own.
After about ten minutes, you can feel your eyeballs starting to twitch and you know they are going to involuntarily roll back into your head any second. Luckily, you remember at the last second that you know how to fake a sneeze. Unluckily, Aunt Cammie just politely waits until you're finished and then she starts up by first backing up with a recap so you both know where she was before you so rudely interrupted her.
I'm that aunt in my family.
I do have to say, as an aside, that I always wondered why people just want you to tell the ending of a story first, get straight to the bottom line, start with the punch, as it were. Do such people go hell-bent at a dead run right through the whole of their lives, so anxious to get to the end?
Not me. I saunter. I'm even starting to waddle a bit and I can be seen to lolly-gag on occasion. (You know right now I want to start a new story and tell you about the origin of the word lolly-gag. But I won't because my hamster has stopped his wheel and is glaring at me and because it's good to savor our lives, skip with the world, and look forward to another day.)
I hope you enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*

*Life Is Too Short!
Project Details
| |
PTI white, unknown PP
| shadow and cup: PS "Hot Concoctions" coil: Stempendous "Retro Ornament Set" frog: PS "A Little Lovin'" conversation bubble: PS "He Said, She Said" |
| SU always artichoke, gumball green Versafine onyx black |
Eyeballs from Darice
Warts from Hero Arts
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What a funny story! Have a happy day!
Reading your posts are always as much fun as seeing your cards! Great story and a super cute card! :) It made me giggle!
Thank goodness that hamster has saved us ;)
LOL!! Gosh, I really want to be a member too! Can you sponsor me!
CUTE card and perfect for the challenges.
Love it!
I really enjoyed reading today's story and your card is seriously cute!!! I can truthfully say I've NEVER seen this combo of coffee and frog images before - lol!
Give that hamster a medal! Seriously Darnell I love your caffeine addicted frog, brilliant!
Val x
I am still laughing as I type this!
Great card!
A lolly-gag!? Say it isn't so, Darnell! Yep caffeine will do that to you. :) Now with a name like froggy designs and having raised tadpoles as a kid on earth did I miss FIFFA? btw, great card. :) hugs
Too funny! The story and the card! I love all the NBUSing!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Huh! What? Oh yeah!
Nice card Darnell. Did I miss anything? Cute story too. How did it end? LOL.
Sorry, had to run with squeezed knees after reading your post! Can't seem to get that goofy grin off my face either. Now DH is going to wonder why I look even more goofy!! Great card. Love the little hopper. And the story, a whoppper!!! Check out this link....
Not saying that you are, well, an un truth teller or anything.... just thought you might want some new material! You are just so darn funny! And a fantastico card maker too! Have a great Sunday. Bev
Too funny! I am also the Aunt Cammile of my family.
JSYK, I mentioned you on my blog today with a link back to here! Have a good day!
This is such a funny card, frogs and coffee are certainly an unusual combination, but beautifully executed. Your stories are always hilarious. x are the BEST part of our crafting world! I laughed out loud throughout your entire post! Danny came up from the basement where he was watching hockey (yes, miracles do happen) to see what I was laughing at! How do you come up with these stories & ideas?
Your post really was the highlight of my weekend!!!
And so is your card! Don't you just love the frog's under-bite? Sweet 'sproinky' spring!
Thanks pal :)
Funny story, Darnell! Love your stinkin' cute card. Thanks for sharing and have a great day! Hugs!
It's p'raps as well Bennett spilled the beans, Darnell ... otherwise you (as a fully paid up FIFFA member) wouldn't have been able to reveal such closely guarded secrets ... or depict it so brilliantly on your card ... complete with pearly warts and googly green eyes! And we wouldn't have shared the many guffaws currently being heard in the homes of crafty bloggers world wide! Hugs, Anita :)
You did Donna Fargo proud with your intro. ;) Have you ever thought of writing children's stories? I think you'd be a big hit. Not being a coffee drinker, I can't relate to the jumping thing but your card is out-of-the-ordinary to say the least.
OMG, if my husband was reading this, he would have jumped straight to the end as he is ALWAYS asking me to get to the point of the story. I love to talk and to paint a picture of my tale and build up the suspense. Doesn't seem right to say, for example 'Phoebe fell over in the river', I need to explain how she got there, how she fell over, what her reaction was etc. And of course I love to embellish! Life would be pretty boring I think if there were no stories to tell. So please keep telling your stories because I know I love reading them. And I've just realised that I have blabbered my way thru this comment!!!!!!
I just love that your cards often come with a hilarious story, so please keep on telling them, Aunt Darnell! I learned a lot from todays and can't wait until you tell us the lolly-gag one!
And your card is just as fun!
Your blog always puts a smile on my face Darnell and your card has managed this too. Thank you so much for joining us this week at CASology
I'm just gonna say it - Oh, my 'Gaud' (I'm from Joisey, ya know)! I think this was one of your BEST posts evah, Darnell!!!
Loose lips sink ships...Ya think? Such a great story to go along with your adorable card! If you don't win something for it, I'll be a monkey's uncle! It's no wonder 70+ bloggers stop here every time you post a card! Thank you so much for sharing your sweet card with us, and for ALWAYS making me laugh out LOUD!!!
Fabulous card...Since I am a big big coffee lover...I certainly understand this card.
However, I regret to inform you...on the other hand...not a big frog lover...or the bugs they like to eat...etc.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Darnell, you crack me up! I about chocked on my cup of coffee reading your post, I will take this as a lesson to not have any beverages while reading your blog. This is just too darn cute, and the sweet little jumpy frog hopping out of your coffee is just too funny! I can so picture that happening to you!
Glad we are neighbors today. I have been absent but hopefully can play the challenges more frequenly.
Retirement has not slowed you down Iowa girl and that being said I hope you start your book soon as I see you as the next Fannie Flagg - funny, funny, funny.
I love your card, I love the story, and I love your depiction of yourself as "aunt Camille". Basically, I have a whole lot of love for this post! x
I don't know...but I think adult beverages were involved with today's post! Maybe it IS a good thing you are no longer President! :)
However... your card is adorable!!
I know I have already told you how much I love your adorable card but forgot to add...thank you so much for playing along with Simply Create Too!
Rubbitt Ribbitt! Hello Aunty Camille! Or should I say Captain Waffler!
Great card - love that frog. As a fellow frog I can appreciate that one!
Thank you so much for cheering me up again Darnell! I love the thinking and thoughts involved in the making of your fabulous fun card. I would very much love to have an Aunt like you!
hugs Sue xx
Just goes to show that all the nutters are not inside, lol.LOve to live next door to you.
Fantastic card and love the lead up to it.
Kath x
Just goes to show that all the nutters are not inside, lol.LOve to live next door to you.
Fantastic card and love the lead up to it.
Kath x
You are just too funny and witty Darnell. Love the story.
And your card is pretty dang cute.
You never disappoint, with your fun stories, to bring a smile to my face - thank you! Loved the story and love the card even more - a very inspired take on the word 'jump'. Hugs, Annie xx
Fun story fun card and Ooooooh my goodness you need to write a book or something! You're hilarious!! Love to visit your blog, it always gives me a smile Darnell!!!
Love the spring idea - such a great wait to capture the movement and fun of the cue card! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!
A wonderful card and your story made me laugh out loud! Thanks, my friend! My aunties were all very boring compared to you! Hugs xxx
Darnell, your jumpity-do-dah enthusiasm and written meanderings are a constant joy to read! I'm loving your caffienated Froggy too, right down to his shimmery warts!
Have you moved to Lake Woebegone when I wasn't looking? You really crack me up and I LOVE your cute froggy card. Does you club include toads too?
Carol x
Oh Darnell, you are a hoot! What an adorable card :) Thanks so much for joining us at CASology this week!
You're a member of the FIFFA...a frog friends club? Now, that's too cool.
Love the frog and what a fun card you created!!!
Poor Bennett.......hmmmmm.........
Oh my goodness. Is this too adorable, or what? Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.
I love how you relate your card to your story -- and how you found and used 4 different stamps to create your vision! Great card.
Hello Aunt Darnell:O),you are TOO MUCH,fabulous story, and a fantastic card, I like your hand writing, I think there is a challenge using your own hand writing, just saying, I also gave a shout out to you for inspiring to make my tag.. Hope you have a wonderful week, hope the little hamster have a good sleep and is ready for another day.. ((( BIG HUGS)))..
Glossy accents, googly eyes, "spring" loaded with fun!!! So much action packed fun-ness and wonderful stories as well!!
Love seeing your energy in all that you do! Thanks for being such a wonderful supported of CASology!!!
Love seeing you join us!
Thanks for the giggles today, Darnell! This is just too cute :)
Hugs, Debbie!
Love your froggy in a coffee cup card Darnell, only you could marry those two images together, but loved your er "story" even more. I was ribbited right to the end. My daughter is an Aunt Camille type of person lol
I need to know what a lolly gag is, just in case I bump in to one, one day!!
Hugs Lottie x
This is just absolutely hilarious! I absolutely adore your card! Thanks for linking it up with Simply Create Too, but I wanted to comment on it anyhow, when I saw it on my blog list. Big hugs,
Cornelia - Simply Create Too DT
You know I have the expectation of a great story every time I come here - and thankfully, I'm never disappointed :) Clever card - great take on the cue word!
I love the idea behind your card Darnell... it put a BIG smile on my face!
You can be my Aunt Camille any day!! Oh how I love coming to your blog! Isn't that PS froggie just adorable?! And such an appropriate choice for the Casology challenge, what with you being an active member and former president of FIFFA and all!!!
Darnell this is absolutely adorable! I love the sentiment and the spring!!
Super cute!
First, I must say, that song is a favorite of mine! :)
Second, this post and the included card crack me up! What a story! I think with a good cup of coffee I could settle right in and listen to your stories for quite a long while myself! The only thing working against me would be my lack of sleep, but that's not your problem! :)
Thank you so much for playing along with us again, Darnell! You are lovely entertainment! :)
I love to know where inspiration for cards comes from so I am glad I stuck with the story and love how it eked you to join in with is at ATCAS!!! X
So funny
happy Monday
hugs Tamara
I am speechless! That is the best post I have ever read, ever!! You are BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I'm so glad that I now know where frogs get all their energy's something that was keeping me up nights, but now I shall sleep like a tadpole! ;)
This is an awesome card and you have to promise me that it goes to the twins with this story attached ;)
Congratulations on your PS win too - every loves a prize! ;)
It was fun to read your post again! The card is also so funny! (tought that frogs found coffe too warm) I keep asking if you are a writer aswell? If not, maybe you should give it a try! En joy your day, Gerrina
Hee hee, great card and great story!!! Thanks for joining the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers for the "U is for Unused" challenge!!
Your care is just too cute. Love the little froggy.
Another super post Darnell. I've said it before and I'll say it again .... you always make me smile. What a fab story ..... I must admit frogs are not my favourite thing, but this little guy is so cute ..... coffee has that effect on me too :) Take care and have a lovely week. Linda xx
I always knew those Frogs had a secret! Love the kids say I am a story teller, and I am sure it will only get better (or worse) as I get older! TFS your cute card, Darnell.
Lovely to read your ramblings Darnell, always makes me smile, thank you! Love your card, a cute frog and funny story, who'd a thunk they liked coffee, certainly not me LOL Gay x
p.s Frogs are my favourites :D
Oh my! I'm still laughing Darnell, such a pleasure to visit you, and the more I read the more I enjoy your stories, You are a born story teller! Love your fun card too!TFS
It's gotta be fun living with you ... Terrific story and card!
Hi Darnell,
thank you for all your wonderful comments on my work.
This is a super card. Love the image
and your creation.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
OMGee Darnell! Where do I even begin?! Dare I say that frog is not the only one, er, 'hopped up' on caffeine? (pun totally intended!)LOL! I adore your story and the winding road leading up to your adorable card! Thanks for joining us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!
Give that frog a little more caffeine will ya?!!?!
Snort! I can't stop laughing long enough to think of an appropriate comment. Or an inappropriate one for that matter! I do love this frog. And I'll be checking my coffee before I lift it to my lips!
Super cute card, Darnell!
Great story Darnell, that must be why frogs kook so smug! Cathy x
Love the fun, whimsical look of this cute froggie card!
I'm rather afraid to become your follower as I'm not sure where you will lead us.... "drink the Kool Aid, it'll be fine."
I once was going to write a post about a coworker who like that aunt at Christmas can only take the long way through a story but then I got exhausted just thinking about it.
I very much like your card being fond of green and most green things (green boogers are not on that list).
And all this time I thought it was miniature pogo sticks.
Cheers to the saunter-ers ;)
Thanks for gracing the walls at Simply Create Too with this green lovely. And for making me happy, once again, that I'm a one-cup-a-day-er.
Reading your posts Darnell just make me laugh. Love the little frog card.
Hugs Diane
Seriously, I don't know which I enjoyed more, your card or your post! Brilliant card -- love the perfect froggy eyes and how well the card size suits the design. Thanks for joining the Sisterhood of Snarky Stmapers for our U is for Unused challenge!
Yes, I'm also the Aunt Camille in my family, and in due course, my little miss niece will figure that out! Until then, she appears to quite enjoy hearing Aunty C stories...including re-runs! Your post had me in hysterics and your frog card is beyond delightful! Those pearly warts are simply the best - and the 'bubblish' background paper perfect! Such a joy to visit you!! Hugs~c
Hilarious story and super cute card!
Fun and funny card! Yes, I do color white satin ribbon with Copic's. They work wonderfully and I've been able to pare down my ribbon collection! LOL
You really know how to make me smile! I think this is one of my favorite posts! And I love your frog card!! I even read this to hubby!
Love the early morning laughs you always give me.
Congrats on your win at PS .
LOVE ,love this card and your very creative idea to have him jump above the coffee! I never came up wit anything for jump:(
Hilarious! Both the card AND your post. BTW, I'm my family's Aunt Camille so I fully appreciate every detail. xxD
Sorry I've not visited as much as I should - been having problems with I.E. - changed to Chrome - don't like it but .... it works, which is an improvement!
Life really IS too short for some stories, Aunty Darnell, but many really ARE worth persevering with!!!
Love your froggy card
All the best
Absolutely love how you (I'm guessing here) come up with a card for seemingly unrelated challenges, and then create an entire back story for the whole thing. That's Hollywood, baby! What a hoot. Awesome caffeinated frog, and, big congrats on your PS win and loot!! you knew I'd be ROFL didn't you? Poor Bennett...he's a dear chap. (bless the Knock-Kneed lady too). Loved your FIFFA tale, loved your card, and had a big smile all the way 'fru it. You can be Auntie Camille to me anytime. Ever thought about doing Stand-Up at the Improv? You'd be a big hit. Hugs, hugs and Happy Froggie too. TFS
Now that is cute! If only my coffee worked that well--LOL!
*snorting in my coffee*
Darnell, I am that crazy aunt too! I'm particularly fond of eyeball-impaling ;) This card is too fun & funky - the pearly warts are my favourite!!
One of the reasons that I love your blog is because of the constant lolly gagging you are so good at it and do it with real panache , your cards are not bad either. I love your caffene crazy frog and the smug look on his face ,it certainly was a huge revelation to me . So thanks a bunch for sharing that with us and also for sharing this fun card with us at ATCAS, I will most certainly look at frogs in a new light !
You are hilarious. I do think Bennett did a good job if he has been a member of FIFFA since 1992 with out incident. Now you have finally been vindicated and can say, I TOLD YOU SO!
Anyway, love the hopped up on caffeine frog! Thanks for joining us at SOSS.
Your post and card are hilarious! Love the frog image! Thanks for playing along with us at SIsterhood of Snarky Stampers!
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