A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

March 9, 2014

The Lesser Known Patrick ~ NBUS #111

Happy Funday Sunday peeps!

I hope your weekend is going well! Last night in some parts of America we sprang our clocks forward an hour in the interest of daylight savings. Some of us always get miffed that we lose an hour which we could have spent crafting. Of course, we get it back in the fall, but it's too late by then to come around saying your sorry. 

I love old olive SU paper and may have purchased an indecent amount of it in the event it was ever miscontinued. I swooned when I saw this was the current Colour Me ...! challenge.
And I recently ran across a new-to-me challenge called Twisted Tuesday Challenge. The brief is to make a clean card and include the color green.
Grab our badge!

So, let's see, green. March. Green. I didn't even need Hammy for this one, not that he would be of any use all lovesick and daydreaming. I haven't done a St. Patrick's Day card yet. As it happens another fairly new-to-everyone challenge called the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers is having a challenge that's perfect to play in and I happened to have just the stamp for it.
When I saw the word "Paddy," the first thing that came to mind was that time I spent in a padded cell. What happened was I was this close to missing a sale at a stamping store so I jammed over to the store in my unnerwear. (Oh, please, like you never did that!) Well, wouldn't you know I hit every red light on my way to the store and the po-po saw me run that last one and when I wouldn't pull over, he flipped on his full regalia of lights and sirens, but I didn't care, no siree Boob, I was not going to miss the sale! I caromed into the parking lot on two wheels, and braked hard right in front of the stamp store.

Unfortunately, I guess because I wasn't wearing clothes, the sudden braking made me slither down in the seat and under the dashboard. Just before my chin hit the bottom of the steering wheel on my way down, I turned my head to see the store clerk flip the shop sign over to "Closed." You can imaginate what happened next. But I was only in the padded cell for three days that time coz the Mister got me my own personal 50% off coupon and so I snapped right out of it.

Sorry. The train down the memory track just comes out of nowhere sometimes and whistles through my fingers.

In all seriousness, the Mister is half Irish on his mother's side, with his mother being full Irish. I'm very familiar with the well-known and well-loved Irish quotes and prayers and proverbs and the history of St. Patrick. I especially love the proverb with the line "may the sun shine warm upon your face" and I have that one on a stamp.

For today, however, I have prepared a QACAS card using an Irish proverb written by St. Patrick's lesser known Uncle Patrick.


I used my NBUS die from My Favorite Things called Blueprints. I doodled the white frame with my white gel pen and using my scoring pad, I scored lines around the framed panel to make it look like soft Cord U. Roy.

I hope you find the quote to be as moving and inspiring as I do! 

Remember to click on the links for the challenges to find the rules, sponsor, and prize information. I hope you can join in the fun!


New Friends Corner

I love the fact that folks are driving up to the Playhouse in car pools these days! I'm pickled to introduce you to six more incredible card artists!
Pat K of Paper, Markers, Ink, Oh My! Another fab blog banner name! Pat has been blogging since 2011. I love that she put on her profile that she is a wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. That is an important aspect of our view of ourselves. Being a good friend says a lot about a person! You are going to enjoy Pat's lovely layered works of art!
Leslie Turner of Love to Scrap. Leslie has also been blogging since 2011. She is a certified hippie girl who loves to ride motorcycles with hubster Ed and by her own admission, she's a "rubber girl." I love that label and can relate!! From CAS to layered and elegant, Leslie has plenty of cards to inspire you!
Julie Beech of Crafted by Jules. Julie has only been blogging since 2013, so please leave her some love when you visit to introduce yourself. Julie's style ranges from CAS delights to multi-layered delights, each one impeccably executed!
Becky of A Diamond in the Rough. Becky has been blogging since 2008. Yes, that's right, 2008! Needless to say, she has been/is on many design teams and has won many, many awards and, in my opinion, rightly so! You will need an uber tall beverage and plenty of time to enjoy all that Becky has to offer!
Jackie C. of Get the JC Look. Jackie has been blogging since 2012. In that amount of time, her list of awards is staggering! Jackie's cards are classic, layered, and so sharp. Her work will charm you and her positive attitude will uplift you!

Welcome, ladies, and thank you for joining us!

In closing, I wanted to share the annual return of hawks to our neighborhood, which always amazes us considering where we live. I haven't been able to get a photo of the baby red-tailed hawk yet, but I did get one of a baby kite.

It's a pretty good photo considering it was taken by zooming my little pocket point-and-shoot camera from a half a block away and he was at the top of an exceedingly tall evergreen tree. They are so majestic. It's hard to believe this is only a baby!

Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
PaperPTI white; SU olive green
Stamps    Sediment: by River City Rubber Works;
shoes by All Night Media
 InkVersafine onyx black
AccessoriesDienamics: Blueprints
SU Scor Pal
Sakura white gel pen

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Click CTL + Home.
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Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!


vic said...

Ha ha that's soooo funny :) gorgeous card and love the greens they look amazing! Now to try and stop laughing about your sale story :)
Vic x

Vanessa said...

I know that I just have to come to your blog to raise my spirits! Thank you for the good laugh! You make my day better! And your card is gorgeous!
Vanessa x

Petra Swart said...

Oh boy, I enjoyed this post of yours, Darnell!!! It brought a big smile to my face!!!
Your card is so cute - loving the sentiment and the shoes and the lovely bright green colour!!! Great!! TFS
Have a great Sunday!!

Kathyk said...

Lovely card, KERazeeeeeeee story and a lovely photo of the big budgie too!

Happy Sunday


Cathy said...

Love the sentiment Darnell and the soft cord u roy looks fab! Great story too, Cathy x

Anita in France said...

Fabbie quote, Darnell ... and I love that soft Cord U Roy ... imagining fingers running over it! Thanks for the chuckle ... bet that 50% off voucher was all worth it! Anita :)

Kate said...

Great card and that sentiment is just hilarious :)
Kate xx

Sian Ridley said...

I love shoes and I would hunt down and kill anyone who tried to steal them!! ;) This is a super QACAS card and another fabulous story to accompany it ;)

Inkyfingers said...

That colour is pretty gorgeous Darnell and the quote is so funny!!! I like the design, and the doodling really frames the quote beautifully. Like the Mister, I am half Irish too - there are lots of us around!

Hannelie said...

Tee-hee-hee! Clever saying!
And gorgeous in green Darnell!

Ros Crawford said...

I don't know what s funnier ... your 'story' or your sentiment ... either way you made me laugh my socks off! Great card ...

stampwithsandy said...

Darnell, your stories are just too funny! Love the sentiment on your card too, hysterical!

Unknown said...

I write this as I am still giggling over your story! I do always get such a kick from reading your blog. Oh yeah, I also get the best inspiration from your beautiful cards and this one is just gorgeous! Darnell, thanks for the visit to my blog and your sweet comments!

Deepti said...

That quote is fabulous n ur post as always brings a smile :)

DonnaMundinger said...

Fab card, Darnell! I'm all for shoe nabbing and lucky you with Mister having that 50% off coupon to get you out of the padded pokey in no time flat. Much longer and your undies might have turned green. LOL Hope he brought you some clean ones. Took a spin around your playhouse and gotta say I'm totally GREEN with envy. WOW! xxD

Benzi said...

Wonderful Irish card, Darnell. Love the quote...ha

How dare that store clerk flip that closed sign out there just as you arrived!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Too funny.

Unknown said...

You have such a constant source of amusing tales to tell and certainly bring sunshine into anyone's weekend. A fun, fun sentiment for your card - I love Old Olive too - goes with just about everything.

Alanna said...

LMAO about your story. Just hilarious. Your card is ao pretty. I hope you enjoy those blueprints dies.

Kim Heggins said...

ROFLMAO! You are just too funny, I can just imagine you sitting in your car in your "unnerwear" heading to a craft store running each and every red light! Maybe you could make a card showcasing your red light running ticket...he he he. I love your card and that sentiment is fabulous, just hope you have the same size feet if you plan to walk a mile in someone else shoes....

jimlynn said...

Isn't it amazing what we'll do for a SALE! LOL!! Too funny - but I do love that cute, green card. Precious sentiment too!!

Gerrina said...

Green is not my colour, except in nature...but I like this card! good to see the sentiment take the show! Enjoy your sunday, Gerrina

Linda said...

Darnell, great quote and wonderful card full of creativity with the scored lines and the white gel pen doodle.

Alycia said...

And my first thought was cow paddy! Ha!! I'm sure soon enough I will meet that padded cell. My kids were so close to driving me crazy yesterday, maybe they'll succeed today. :)

Donna Nuce said...

Darnell, are you sure you didn't kiss the Blarney stone somewhere along the way? Your story makes me suspect there's a little Irish in your family tree too! Love the sentiment on your card.Have a great day.

Redanne said...

You do tell a good yarn! Thanks for the giggle (again!). Love the card and the sentiment is fabulous! Hope you remembered the clock - I wonder why the daylight saving time is not the same time over here too.....must cause the airlines a nightmare. Hugs, Anne xx

Pia S said...

This is such a fun card, Darnell! LOVE the sentiment!!

Karin said...

Cute card and I love the text! Lovely photo of the kite, I've never heared of this bird, but he's beautiful!
Karin x

Laurie Unger said...

Love the sentiment on this! Great pictures of the bird! I've been seeing a lot of eagles lately and that is always a treat! spring is in the air!

Nan G said...

Do you also write a comic strip?! You should...ROFLOL great pic of the Kite and no strings attached! Hopefully the shoes fit so they won't fall off as you run for cover. :) Hugs p.s. love the card

Kay Miller said...

I always have so much to say after reading your post Darnell, that there's not enough room in the comment box! haha! LOVE the quote on your card! That is so funny! And I LOVE Old Olive too! It's my favorite green and I have quite a bit of paper and a reinker for my pad just incase :) Enjoyed reading your walk down memory lane too! Have a good one! :)

Joyce said...

This is fabulous. I had seen that quote before, and laugh every time. It's perfect.

Bobby said...

The sentiment on your card is so funny, but not as funny as your story. If you keep up with the craziness and they may put you in a padded cell longer than 3 days. (wink). Another crazy thing is you're at NBUS #111. That's a lot of new things unless you count each and every piece of a stamp set individually.

Janeen said...

now that was the funniest write up i've ever read. whoo-hoo and i love the scoring you did, i have never thought of that and i love my little scor buddy and i also am in love with SU olive green. was just wondering if they still have that in their catalog.

Bonnie said...

This is a totally new Irish blessing for me, Darnell! This is the best advice ever, if that person wears the same size shoe! Love it! Thanks for the chuckle!

April said...

So you've got a record do ya? lol If it happened because you were going to a stamp sale - it doesn't count. Love the quote in your card - so cute. April

Carole said...

I'm tired just scrolling through all the comments...Hilarious teller of tall tales...with arms wide open to welcome all that enter her web.Great picture of the hawk. Hugs C

Unknown said...

I just love reading your posts, they make me smile. :) Great card too!

Shannon J said...

Ha ha ha!!! I nearly split my gut laughing about your run in with the po po and the subsequent landing in the padded cell!!! But who would any of us be kidding if we said we wouldn't do the same for a sale!!
Love Irish quote, and LOVE how you made it the focal point of the card! I agree with you, the SU colour is gorgeous!
Now, what are we going to do about our two love struck hamsters?!! Miss Thing has not stopped talking about her new beau since Friday! Ahhh, young love!!! ;)

Lisa Elton said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...YOU ARE A HOOT!! Love the funny story love the card!

Unknown said...

Dippy, you just have to stop this malarkey.........I've just worn myself out laughing and for ladies of a certain age this can lead to a whole lot of stuff you don't want to talk about......no, not NBUS!!! This is stuff you've definitely used before! You're so not good for my health. Fab card and I just love the sediment....perfect.


Karendipity xxx

Susanne Vargas said...

Now that I have wiped off the tears off my cheeks from all the laughing your post caused, I can tell you that I love your card, quote and corduroy included! Your are something else!

Barb Ghig said...

Good heaven's, Darnell...you really know how to make my day!!! Your post had me 'screaming' with laughter...and my fave was your announcement that folks are driving up to the Playhouse in car pools! Well, HELLO!!! Of course they are! And, the sentiment on your card says it all! It's so 'You', and so perfect in every way! Thank you so much for making my day...You're the BEST!!!

Happy Dance said...

Another funny, fabby card, Darnell! The cords are perfect...remember back in the day when we actually wore them, and didn't sound like crickets when we walked? I digress... Our son and dil are having a baby boy pretty soon, and have thought about the name Patrick. Granddaughter Kelly says "no, the dog is already Paddy, how about Ham Sandwich instead? That's a good name." Again I digress. Sigh. Great card, great post, and you're a great friend! Bev

Vicki Dutcher said...

Leave it to you to find this TO FUN sentiment! I love it~

Pat said...

What a fun sentiment Darnell, and a great way of showing it off, especially with the shoes too. I love the idea of outlining in white gel pen, and also the embossed lines. x

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

I so enjoyed your story! I don't think it was true. Was it???? haha! Your card is adorable!

Jacquie Southas said...

I just sat watching my daughter run red lights & stop signs while playing her brothers video games, so have a great visual to go with your story. Hmm, maybe this is an untapped video game market - after a long day of crafting, women of a certain age huddled around the video console taking turns out running the po-po to hit the sale before closing time. You have completely distracted me from commenting on your wonderful card & the clever, clever sentiment :)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

DARNELL??!?!?!?!?! Did you truly not use the old Irish proverb about frogs in your underpants???!! Well, about NOT having frogs in your underpants. I expected to see it right there on your card. Maybe that was from Aunty Patrick and lord knows, it isn't her holiday coming up. Love your card! Love the saying! Love that you can joke about that time in the padded cell. My Irish warning will be up and at 'em at 5:30 am my time, for realsies because now my blog and my time zone match (Arizona = too lazy to change time, blogger = does not have an Arizona setting).

JD/ Jill said...

I've always loved this quote...but never thought to make a cute card like you have with it. Adorable! Your posts always make me smile...Thank you for the JOY you bring into my life...(Joy...my motivational word for the year!)

MaryH said...

Well, Our Darnell, I just got my Sunday laugh! Love this quote. Poi-feck. Like the cord effect you did with the scoring too. Just a totally cute card to go with your story, and yez, we all done did that kind of thing too. Bravo for you on 'fessing up to it online though. WTG. Thanks too for all the new links..will check 'em out when I get done with chasing you-know what again! Hope your wkend was lovely, and TFS the card, the pretty bird and making me laff too! Always love it here. Hugs

sandie said...

Ccol card, love the doodle edge and I think I spend most of my time in that padded cell!!

Jules said...

Hi Darnell

I love the quote on your card .. .. it made me smile!

Great colour too!

Many thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I do appreciate them.

Just catching up with the world a little whilst I have chance.

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Love Jules xx

Claire said...

That quote is hilarious Darnell! I love your green creation and look how many challenges you did in the one card!

OttawaMom said...

Lovely CAS creation with a super fun sentiment! Thanks so much for joining us at Colour Me…!

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

Darnell, I just LOVE this card. Simple, but packs a punch with that quote.

Chelle (PhotoArt/MaybeCreative) said...

Love the sentiment and the story and the card. Great job. Thanks for joining us at SoSS

Erica said...

OH MY GRACIOUS, you're one gal who packs a lot into your blog posts. Too fun. Loved the hawk photo. We enjoy several species here in Arizona, USA. I almost was in an accident once because I was struggling to watch one for as long as I could. Thanks for the tip on the new Tuesday challenge. I have a card and will post sometime today. I'd love to join your site. I have pinned you on my Pinterest board a time or two. I recognized your Imagine the Possibilities card right away. And finally, thank you for your LIM comment. I love it, she is Carmen Miranda and Chiquita Banana too. I'm excited about being a regular of yours and thanks for joining up with me too.

Mau xx said...

Could anyone be down and depressed after visiting your blog Darnell....lol not that i am mind you! but you really are a tonic :o))
Love the card..the sentiment is fabulous!
Hugs Mau xx

cm said...

Hahahha...another ab workout accomplished simply by reading your blog and laughing until it hurts! Your padded cell story is brilliant; where crafting sales are concerned, a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do, po po's be darned! Hiliarious! Your card: speechless with laughter on that little gem of wisdom! And the 'baby' kite: so majestic! Nature certainly knows how to create stunning 'art'! Hugs~c

Katie Melhus said...

LOL, that sentiment is snarktastic perfection and just what I would expect from you! (In the best way :)
So glad you're playing along this week at Colour Me...!

Anonymous said...

lol, you are toooooo much Darnell lol!! I so enjoy visiting your blog you always put a smile on my face!! Great card!!!

Jenni's Jems said...

You never fail to cheer me up on the most downcast days Darnell and today was no exception! Love! love !the cord u Roy texture and must give it a go and that sentiment is pure genius :-) xx

Karen P said...

Fantastic sentiment! Love this very cute and naughty card x

Meg said...

That is too funny Darnell - I will have to ask my parents (both Irish) if they remember that inspirational quotation!

Hettie said...

Remind me NEVER to tell you I need a wee wee when you are driving! Unless you have leather seats!
Lovely card there to be sure, to be sure!

Carol L said...

Hah Hah, now that is a real sentiment with some wise advice! I love it!!

Greta said...

Wow--that really does look like corduroy! Funny quote--thanks for the laugh, my friend! I love the hawks as long as they don't come to my yard hunting my little birds. Spring must be here as they're mobbing my feeder!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness that made me lol!!! Awesome use of our colour this week :) Thanks so much for sharing with us this week at Colour Me...! We sure hope to see you again soon!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so freaking funny! Stitches. "Unnerware"??! Quote is perfect. I call your adorably sassy card "green on green" kinda like Dylan's blond on blond, but not!! LOL. xo

Sheila H said...

Your story is hilarious - I'm still laughing. Darling card!

Jeanne J. said...

Gotta tell you girl you sure know how to tell a story - I couldn't wait to read the next line and the next! You crack me up! Rock on! Next time you want to hit the craft store I'm totally there!

Leigh Penner said...

Oh, that sentiment & your card totally made me smile, Darnell! Wonderful!

Lindsey said...

I regularly live my life by that maxim. :) Except I often find slippers more comfortable -- shoes and clothes do tend to be better for going craft shopping, though. :D Your card is terrific, and perfect for the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers challenge! So glad you joined us. (Love the hawk pic, too.)

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Darnell, you are like some really good medicine,and I love they way that mind of your works,I love olive my self just got some new Tim's Olive oil ink, it's wonderful. Beautiful card, with a hilarious sentiment, love your tiny heels, get you with your fancy doodling, looks perfect on the card, thanks for sharing all the wonderful card makers...

Dianne said...

Eeekkksss, love the Kite, lucky you guys, aren't those big birds beautiful, great photo...

Chris Dring said...

It's a good thing I started putting on Depends before reading any of your posts, Darnell, because I pretty much peed myself at reading your story! Love your card, and that sentiment is perfect for our St. Paddy's Day challenge! Thanks for joining us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

maria f. said...

Besteht St. P's day card yet.

Brenda said...

You always crack me up Darnell, love your sense of humor! I also love this card and that sentiment-how perfect does that fit?! lol Hugs

Karen Schroeder said...

Awesome story! I think your card and snarkiness are fantastic! Thanks for partying with Paddy and the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

Donna said...

Hee hee your post made me giggle some!! Love your card, that sentiment is all kinds of awesome!! Thanks for joining the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers for the "P is for Paddy" challenge :)

Lynne said...

Gorgeous card!! Thanks for joining us at Twisted Tuesday!!