A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

May 5, 2014

Happy Celebrations! OCC Day One. NBUS #128

Hi There!

Along with a lot of you, I spent today AWEspired by the teachers of the Online Card Class on water coloring! If all goes well, I will be posting every day for the next several days, as will a lot of you, so I will try to keep my posts uncharacteristically short. It took me longer to type uncharacteristically than anything else I did today.

So far I made two of the three cards taught to us today via excellent videos by my card artist heroes!! So without further a dew, here is my homework from Day One, Cards A and B.
Traditional with Stencil.
Day One, Card A
Video by Jennifer Rzasa
I only have a couple of ancient brass stencils and this one giant 12x12 stencil that came with my cutter, so that's what I used for the design embedded in the wet watercolor paint. Cool, huh? The NBUS tag is by My Favorite Things. If you would like any other product details, please let me know.

I am entering this card in the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, which is "Anything Goes With Sequins." Click on the link for more details and join in the fun!!
Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog


Here is my second card:
Misted Distress Ink on Acrylic
Day One, Card B
Video by Laura Bassen
This card is also straight forward, but if you would like specific product details, please let me know.

I am entering this card in the current Keep It Simple! challenge which is "watercolor."

I'm also entering the Moxie Fab World "Hip on Handwriting" challenge. Actually, either of my cards would work for this challenge! Yippie! There is still a bit of time to play along!!


I love water coloring, but I don't always deploy the color via water in a way that is presentable to anyone other than a preKinnergardner. I am hoping this class will help me embrace my inner water colorist more often and with more consistent results. I have always loved these classes in the past and I already feel like I've gotten my money's worth with this one and it's only Day One! Thank you, ladies!

It's not too late to sign up. Here is a link for registering.

In other news, this morning my thumb on my right hand decided to split right open shortly after class started. I didn't notice it until I was halfway through with my first assignment. Seeing bright red pigment show up on my blue watercoloring made me cock my little spaniel head for a minute. Ern?! 

I am telling you this and showing you photos TOTALLY for sympathy! I think I should get extra credit from the teachers for trying to paint with a bulbous thumb!! I cut the finger out of a cheap rubber glove to help make it less bulbous.

Oh, sorry! I forgot I was going to keep this short! Bye! See you tomorrow. Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

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Tracey McNeely said...

Oh Darnell sending you lots of sympathy, hope it heals up quickly. Who knew watercolours could be so dangerous! Love your cards, hope you enjoy the class!

Diane said...

Greetings Darnell,

Sorry about your thumb, hope it heals up soon. Love the watercolors and card designs. I need to try this with the Memory Box stencils I have.

Hugs diane

Cat Craig said...

Definitely, super lots of extra points for working with that thumb! Such lovely cards, and with an injury...wow. Love your color choices. Looking forward to more of your creations!

Carol L said...

Beautiful cards in spite of your booboo! Get yourself some Working Hands salve by O'Keeffe's and that crack will heal up pronto! Nice bandage work nurse knause :)

JD/ Jill said...

Great cards...I can see that you getting a lot out of that class...maybe one of these days, I'll get brave enough to try one...

So sorry for the boo boo...Hope it heals quickly.

Linda said...

Darnell, both of your cards are simply wonderful. I could not get the first technique to work. I tried three or four times. Yours is beautiful. I am so watercolor challenged that it took me at least 4 or so for each technique before I got one I could post.

Linda said...

Meant to say I'm sorry about your thumb in the post above. Hope it heals fast.

Jean said...

Hope your thumb heals quickly!

As for your cards, you look like a pro at this watercoloring thing! Beautiful job!

Happy Dance said...

Ohhhh, honey girl....hope your boo-boo thumb gets better really fast. You poor thing you. I'll be right out to kiss it and make it allll better. How's that for sympathy!?! Your cards are marvelous. Love the blues and purples, but I have to say that I'm even more enamored with your second card. Don't know exactly why, but there's just something about it! Both are great cards. Later Dudette! Bev

stampwithsandy said...

Oh wow, Darnell, both these cards are just gorgeous! I love the watercoloring on both! I didn't see a link to the class in your post but I'm very interested. Don't you just hate that unwanted red ink on your card? I'm constantly giving myself paper cuts and doing that. Hope the thumb gets well soon!

Lee-Anne said...

Ouch...outstanding cards in spite of that boo boo, missy! Love your color choices!

Sharon Underwood said...

You've got this, girlfriend! Even with an injured thumb/finger, you've created awesome cards here. Hope it feels better soon!

jimlynn said...

Both are bright and beautiful!!
Ouch on the finger! Love the 'bandage' too!

Barb Ghig said...

I think both of your cards turned out beautifully, Darnell! I love the pattern from your stencil on the first one, and your sentiment is gorgeous! Love your die cut title on your 2nd card, too...so crisp and clean against the water colors...very pretty!

I hope your thumb heals quickly...ain't no fun playing with water colors and a bulbous digit :-)

Bobby said...

I am AWEpressed with your cards. Isn't water color fun, bloody mix and all? If you work this well with a handicap, I can't imagine what you'll do when the thumb heals. I was out of town today so haven't had a chance to get into the class.

Shannon J said...

AWE, I am LOVING your water colouring...pre-kindergarten my you know what!! Pretty dang fabulous, I must say!! And AWE, you poor thing...hope your boo boo heals up really soon!!!

Laurie said...

You definitely get bonus points for "playing through the pain"!! Your cards are beautiful!

Barb King said...

Especially love the first card with the ocean colors. I just signed up for the class this afternoon, hope it gets me inspired to get going with the card making again!

Susanne Vargas said...

I can see that I was not the only one having problems with the first technique! I hate to throw anything out but I couldn't salvage that one. I had better luck with the second one but ran out of time before I could make it into a card! Hope I can post it tomorrow...
Yours came out great and you were working with this huge thumb! Hope it gets well soon!

Lisa Elton said...

Wow that must be a dangerous watercolor class to injure you!! Hope you heal up quickly. Love both cards, but the second is my FAVE!!!

ike said...

ACK !!! That's a bugger with your thumb !! Maybe it was trying to get you to put red thumb prints on it ?!!! :-) I hope it heals quick.
Great cards. How did you do the writing on the rainbow one - it looks like icing ??

IKE xxx

Geri said...

A+ on today's assignments!

Gorgeously soft colors paired with an awesome sentiment - love the subtle color changes in the sentiment!

Oh Happy Day...yep totally a card that makes me smile. Fun colors, awesome 'grunge' technique and perfectly placed brads!

These creations will wow the teachers! Hope your thumb feels better soon!

Ellen Bornstein said...

OUCH! but the cards are lovely.

Greta said...

Looks like a wonderful class already! I love both cards, Darnell! I need to work on using watercolors more, but no time for the class when I still haven't finished the stencil one!

Kelly Griglione said...

I'm not sure which is more creative ... your watercolor cards, or cutting a thumb off a glove to hold your bandaging in. You are just that multifaceted of a crafter, Darnell!

Seriously, though, I'm so smitten with your last card! It's perfectly imperfect in every way!

Loll said...

Two beautiful cards Dolly. Looks like you're a pro at watercoloring! Lolly xx

Gerrina said...

Hope your thump will be better soon, so you can get on with this class! The two cards look great, but then I love those colours and I love making my own backgrounds this or even in a grungy-er way... Hugs, Gerrina

Linda said...

Hope your thumb's on the mend Darnell, although it doesn't appear to be holding you back. Love your cards, the colours are fab and seems to me you've mastered the techniques perfectly. Have a good week .... hugs Linda xx

Ros Crawford said...

Oooh! So sorry about your thumb ... Hope that's gets better soon ... Your cards though are beautiful!! Love the die cut words too! Thanks so much for your lovely comments ... much appreciated ... Have a booooutiful day!

Marilyn said...

Love your cards! Hope your thumb heals soon

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Beautiful cards Darnell
and fantastic backgrounds

Sheila H said...

Love your cards - they are gorgeous! Hope your thumb heals soon :)

Dawn @ LilyPinkScraps said...

Definitely need some brownie points for creating with an injury! Love both these cards - you're sorely tempting me to sign up as these look so beautiful :)

Redanne said...

I had no idea that you could sustain a cut with water colour paints....but seriously, I hope it heals soon. I so nearly signed up for the class too but decided I am trying to learn enough new things as it is! I love what you have done on Day 1 though - wow, they are like works of art - stunning work!! Hugs, Annie xx

Pat said...

Two gorgeous watercolour cards, and I like the idea of using them on acrylic and then the white die cut and pretty red brads make those beautiful colours pop even more. Sorry about your thumb and hope it will soon mend itself. It looks as though you managed to mop it up ok as there doesn't seem to be any sign of red on that lovely blue card. x

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your finger, I hope it feels better soon! I was trying to figure out how you watercolored without getting paint on it lol! Spectular cards ! I especially love the design on the 1st one! Have a great day!

Diane Jaquay said...

I completely LOVE your "oh happy day" card, Darnell, it's really fabulous!!

Craftychris said...

Oodles of sympathy coming your way from me for your poorly thumb! Loving your cards, they are both fab! Looks like the course is a winner! I can't wait to see more of your creations xx

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful Missus, love 'em to bits! Ooh nasty thumb, isn't it amazing how we never think we really use some of our digits until we get them bandaged up like that and you then realise we use them constantly!! We had our first camping trip at the weekend, MI is still much cooler than it should be at this time of year, the wind off the lake feels like February, despite the sun being out! I got a wind burn and am also doing a fair impression of Rudolph too!! My friend from Up North Michigan, whom we met up with emailed me yesterday and said there was another 2" of snow when he got back to his house!! He still has snow piles in his yard from the driveway and the bay (Lake Michigan) is still completely frozen over as far as he can see!! I hope it thaws out before the end of August when we go up as I really want to go kayaking, lol!!

Have a wonderful Mother's Day if I don't manage to pop in again!


cm said...

WOW WOW WOW: if this is the result of Day 1 of water colouring, I'm beyond impressed! Pre-kindergarten, my foot - you are well in PhD status with these two lovelies! Your inner-water-colourist must be cheering wildly at the chance for expression (hope that doesn't interfere with Hammy...)Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! Now for your thumb: OUCH! Sending 'heal up quickly' wishes your way!! Hugs~c

Pia S said...

Two very different cards using the same technique! I love the colors of both of them. I especially like how the white die cut sentiment looks against the colorful background and how you added matching colored enamel dots.

Twinks Stamping said...

Stunning cards, colours are so vibrant. Lovely cards xx Jan xx

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

These are gorgeous!! Love this technique! Hope your thumb heals up! Carri~Abusybee

Shona Chambers said...

Who knew that cardmaking could be so dangerous??!! Hope your thumb is feeling better. It certainly didn't stop you from turning out some amazing cards. I loved the colour combos and the second card looks so good with the white die-cuts against it. Look forward to your next lot of homework cards!

Hettie said...

Big owchie wowchie! And they think card making is fun! Glad you didn't mix the red in on your blue card - would have clashed a bit! Though a vampire might have appreciated it!
You need some honey to rub on it to help it heal. Pop over to my blog and help yourself. Seriously!

Brenda said...

Sending you lots of sympathy on your thumb Darnell! I have to say you made some amazing water color cards with that thumb of yours!! I love how the stencil made the design in the water color paint, very cool looking. And I just love those colors in the second card-they blend so pretty! I think I need to get on the band wagon and try this water color stuff cause what I've been seeing is just stunning! Hugs

Anonymous said...

You're the second person I know who split their thumb this week. It's a plague! Nice job on the OCC cards!

Bonnie said...

I'm sorry you cut your thumb, but I'm so jealous that you not only got to watch all the videos but made 2 gorgeous watercolor cards! Seems like the closest I'm getting to watercolors is supervising Jack. I'm keeping his creations to use on cards. He's got a good eye for color and a wide range with his brush!

nancy y said...

Oh poor Darnell, sorry your thumb was injured. Stamping is such heard work! I love your cards, the acrylic block one has such gorgeous coloring on it!

I love your playhouse, and have to tell you I still stamp in the garage! Mine set up pretty nice though, and I have windows ;)

Happy to find your blog, young nancy here waving hi!
I got the name since there was already a Nancy in a group I joined and since my last name is Young they started calling me that and it stuck.,

scrappymo! said...

Hope your finger heals soon. These are two grogeous card! Love the colours and the swirly look of them!

Unknown said...

Beautiful cards for OCC day 1!!!! Hope your poor thumb feels better soon!!!

Jessi Fogan said...

Definitely extra points for gimpy crafting! OUCH! I have so done that - only figured out I was bleeding by bleeding on what I'm making. Icky. I love the pattern in the watercolour - what a neat technique!

Lyndal said...

LOVE the watercolouring Darnell!! On the plus side, at least with one thumb covered that should mean less ink stains on one digit!
So glad you joined in the fun @ Keep It Simple :)

Jennifer said...

Your cards are gorgeous. Your writing is fabulous. And your Playhouse, well, I can't say enough about it. I want to live there.

shirley-bee said...

... the things some people will do for the sympathy vote... but it worked! Extra brownie points for creating two fabulous cards with one digit down. You've definitely graduated from preKinnergarden!

Jeanne H said...

Hope your thumb is better soon! FYI on computer stuff, I use Google to get to the internet, but AOL is my main email. Your blog comes into AOL just fine, tho sometimes Google won't let me get into AOL without a fuss. Keep water coloring - you're doing well~I don't even want to try. ;)

dnisme@blogspot.com said...

I love both of these cards and am curious how they were done. Guess I should just take the course. I hope your thumb is healing nicely and great idea for keeping it dry and contained. I learn a lot from you, including first aid.

Anita in France said...

Ouch, Darnell ... hope the two sides of that split are happily reconciled by now (considering I'm a bit late commenting!). All that hugging and embracing is working a treat for your cards today ... they're stunning! Looking forward to seeing more! Hugs, Anita :)

Jenny said...

These are both fantastic Darnell!! I just couldn't get that stencil technique to work but you nailed it :0)
Poor you and your sore thumb:0(...... You don't get extra points for mixing blood in with your watercolour techniques... Lol :0)
Jenny x

Karen P said...

Evening Mistress!
Hoouge apologies for lack of visits been a rough week or two.

This is one course I have got to get myself on one day! I have enjoyed seeing your daily progress on my blog feed thing.

Lovely these two are! I love the bold colours on the second one and I love the effect you have achieved on the first! I think I am going to be punching/cutting some borders to try similar. Am lucky because I took watercolour courses when we first moved, when I was still 'able'. Going to have a nose at the rest Karen x

Karen P said...

Evening Mistress!
Hoouge apologies for lack of visits been a rough week or two.

This is one course I have got to get myself on one day! I have enjoyed seeing your daily progress on my blog feed thing.

Lovely these two are! I love the bold colours on the second one and I love the effect you have achieved on the first! I think I am going to be punching/cutting some borders to try similar. Am lucky because I took watercolour courses when we first moved, when I was still 'able'. Going to have a nose at the rest Karen x

Marybeth said...

LOL..short? You are a pro already! Love the waves and beautiful colors. The second one is bright and beautiful , loving those word dies.

Marybeth said...

Sorry about your split thumb, no fun. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Brenda in IN said...

Now it is your turn to opt out of housework with that severe injury! Darnell, your watercolor cards are great. I'm loving this class. Both of your cards are so soft and pretty.

Petra Swart said...

This is only day one and you are making these fabulous cards!!! I think I need to do that course as I know nothing about watercolouring!!! These cards are both stunning, Darnell!!
So sorry about the accident with the thumb - by this time it is hopefully much better!!!

Shirley said...

Drooling here and maybe that's what you see on your card!! ;-) Wow on the stencils, etc. that you used on your first card and the colors are lovely! What a keeper for the receiver! The second is just as lovely and straight forward!!

Shirley said...

PS, you do have my sympathy. Working w paper does that. I keep hand lotion by the bedside and at night lather them before I go to sleep. LOLOL

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love the soft purple and blues of the first card and the bright happiness of the second card. What is your secret for gluing down those thin die cut words?