A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 23, 2014

True Friends II

A Happy Monday Hello!

Aaaah, that's right, the start of a fresh new week with the aroma of new beginnings in the air!

If you hate your job, that prolly made you throw up a little bit in your mouth. Sorry. But, let's be Frank, you really do control your own attitude about the whole thing. Did you know that smiling takes less energy and burns more calories than frowning? And dentists have discovered that people who smile have stronger teeth which are more resistant to decay than the teeth of frowners, whose teeth never see the light of day!

You're welcome. I love doing Public Service Pronouncements.

On to my card which is very familiar with yesterday's card. 

This time I watercolored a scrap piece using SU reinkers and lots of water and just picking the paper up to let the drops go yither and hon. I mean hither and yon. There's a huge difference. One way involves ink drops on the floor, so I don't want to mislead you.

I think the rest is self-exploratory. The embossing folder is SU "square lattice." No NBUS on my card today! 


I am entering this card in the Less Is More challenge where the theme is, appropriately "watercolour."
We'd love you to display our banner
I'm also entering Simply Create To where the brief is to let the "sentiment be the highlight" of your card.
Grab Our Badge!

Please click on the links to find the challenge rules and information on sponsors and prizes!


New Friends Corner

I am delighted to introduce you to five more new friends who have been patiently queuing up outside the Playhouse to meet you!

Anne of Stargroves. Anne has been blogging, serving on design teams, and winning awards in card artistry since 2008! She makes the most excellent CAS cards and I see her often in challenges that I enter. She lives in the UK and besides making cards, she enjoys quilting, and horse jump racing. You'll be happy to spend hours visiting her!

Karen Hasheck of Karen's Kreative Kards. Karen likes k letters like I do! Unlike me, Karen has been blogging since 2009 and has had hundreds of cards published! She holds cardmaking classes at her home in central Wisconsin USA and even started her own blog charity called Send a Smile 4 Kids! So there are two worthwhile sites for you to visit! On a personal note, I have to share that Karen has really made an effort to visit, follow, and comment on her fellow participants in my NBUS Challenge and she has gained over 20 followers from doing so! Thank you, Karen for being an enthusiastic sister blogger!

KT Fit Kitty of KT Designs. KT has been blogging since 2013. She is a design team member and award-winner whose card art has been published. She is the Queen of Challenges! KT makes such fun and happy cards, mostly with charming critters on them that will make you smile all over your face!  

Britt Casey. Thank you for following me, Britt! I have been unable to find a blog for you, but I think I have located you on Facebook and messaged you. If you have a blog that you would like me to mention, please let me know!

Theresa Krout of Inky Fingers. Theresa has been blogging since 2011, but only sporadically. She shares my love for organization! In addition to making wonderful cards, Theresa loves scrapbooking and her work as a home health aide keeps her busy. She is hoping to get her craft room back up and running and I know a visit and an encouraging comment from you will go a long way in making her feel welcome in this wonderful community.

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!


Addendum to Yesterday's Post:

I mentioned that I wasn't that keen on the ribbons on my card yesterday. A lot of you thought it was just great as it was, but I had to experiment. I liked reader Carole Pollard's suggestion that I try a white ribbon, so I did. Which do you like better, now that you see the before and after shots?


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling:
Click CTL + Home. 
Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post.
Click Page Down to reach the end of the post.
Click Comments and the pop-up box opens.
Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!
Never-Before-Used-Schtuff (Stamps, Dies, EFs, etc.)
June 6, 2014 - June 27, 2014
Thank you for your overwhelming support and enthusiasm!


Lynn said...

Okay...seriously think I needed that little public service announcement to adjust my attitude...been a little grumpy girl at work lately. Love today's card...liked the rainbow ribbon, but thinking I prefer the crisp white.

Susan said...

Definitely the white ribbon. It doesn't compete with the colors behind the sentiment.

Alanna said...

Your card is so pretty. I love the background behind that fun die.

And thanks for the PSA. It made me smile. :)

Karen P said...

I love it - I have recently won a new die and have not been sure what to do with it - thank you huni!!! Karen xx

stampwithsandy said...

So pretty, Darnell! Love that gorgeous die with your beautiful watercolore background!

Aileen said...

Love the die and both back grounds, especially the watercolour one. Must admit I like the white ribbon better. Love ya cards petal

Krisha said...

Very pretty cards, I like both ribbons, but I think the colored one is prettier. But, Hey! You know me....I like color....grin.

Glad you clarified the difference between hither and yon and yither and hon......LOL

Kay Miller said...

Oh goodness!! Your card is stunning Darnell!! I love the watercoloring underneath! I have been dabbling with the watercolors too, but my paper is so warped that I can't get it to lay flat on my card. How do you get yours flat?? Any help would be so greatly appreciated! I smile all the time, so my teeth should be real good! haha!

Rita said...

Fabulous card Darnell. Never seen anything like this before. Enjoy your Day. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xxxxx

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell...these are just amazing and I love that die and your watercoloring is so pretty. Really makes for sweet cards. Thank you so much for playing along with us at Simply Create Too.

AB. said...

I love your card.....the die cut over the watercoloured background is perfection!! :)

AB. said...

I love your card.....the die cut over the watercoloured background is perfection!! :)

Rahmat said...

Wow Darnell! stunning! I love those pop of color in the background.

Helen F. said...

Beautiful effect with the reinkers hither and yon as your background with this fab true friend die!
PS: I'm casting my vote for the white ribbon :-)

Unknown said...

Love that gorgeous watercolor background! So very pretty and you are so very funny. Too!

Shannon J said...

Ack!!!!! I am a million years behind on my commenting!!! Dumb job!!! Honestly!!! It's ruining my crafting and commenting life!!! And it's not even sorry!!
I have to say I flipped when I saw the water coloured background!!! Talk about impact! Wowza!!! The card is just stunning! And the retakes are equally as stunning!!! Both ribbons are lovely and they add their own pretty character to both of them!
Oh and don't worry even though my job is completely messing up my blogging I'm still smiling - got to keep those chompers healthy!!! ;)

Sue said...

Another stunning card using that fabulous die. The water-coloured background looks wonderful and the embossing sets it all off perfectly.
Thanks for the Public Service Pronouncements. It good to know that when you make me smile not only does it help my mood it also helps my teeth!
hugs Sue xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Darnell your card is so pretty..such a lovely technique but so effective...


scrappymo! said...

I prefer the white ribbon... It gives a totally different look!

scrappymo! said...

Back again forgot about the first card!!!

I love that inky background... It looks fabulous with this die.
beautiful card.

Kathyk said...

GLORIOUS watercolour background, Darnell, you've really ACED this technique of yours

GDTM Simply Less Is More

Gerrina said...

This is a BG more in my style...Great card!
I like the white better... Have a good day, Gerrina

Cathy said...

Great cards Darnell, love the watercoloured background. I like the white ribbon version too. Cathy x

Redanne said...

I love your watercoloured background on this card, it is equally beautiful! I did love the rainbow ribbon but I think the white one has a slight edge... so I am opting for that one. You have reminded me that it is time for my six month check up at the Dentist - thank you (I think!) Hugs, Annie xx

Sarn said...

Morning Darnell . .. me likey the white ribbon bestest on the card you added ribbon to.

Me likey today's one even more sans ribbon!

There . . . just saved you a fortune in ribbon!

Totally agree with your wise words . . . attitude, and the way we physically THINK about things, changes our world.

I am a great believer in the Law of Attraction. There, I said it, I've outed myself and I don't care if everyone thinks I'm a freak now (they prolly thought I was a freak before anyhoo!!).

Hugs, Sarn xxx

shirley-bee said...

LOVE the watercolour background! No surprise there, then ;) And for the remakes, I'm sticking with the cricket jumper ribbon.

Janis said...

Brand-new here and new follower, too. Love your vivid colors on your card and the laughs all through your blog.

I saw your blog mentioned on Judy's Card Corner.....couldn't resist finding out more abt your NBUS challenges. It's so funny...cuz I was just the other night thinking that would be the perfect theme for a challenge!! Of course, I hadn't thought of the shtuff part! Ha!

Thanks for the smiles. I'll be back!!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Canonbury creations said...

Oh no Darnell I obviously didn't smile enough last week!!! Love this card the background colours are stunning. I prefer yesterday's card with the white ribbon:)
Val x

Sheila H said...

The watercolor background is very cool. And I do like the white ribbon best.

Carol L said...

Thanks for that informative PSP! LOL
Your water-colored card is just beautiful, but I'm drawn to the first version with the colored ribbons! I just love all the wild colorful elements to feast me eyes on! Well done on all of 'em!

Marilyn said...

Love your card!! I think I like the white ribbon better

Jackie Rockwell said...

Oh, yes, this is just what I needed to hear!!! We all could use an attitude adjustment now and then. Thanks for the "Public Service Pronouncement!"

Now for that card, it's BEAUTIFUL!!! The background is so artistic. Reminds me of an abstract flower garden.

Shelly said...

Such a sweet card! Love the watercolor!

Diane said...

Wow...I am lovin' that watercolor background, so pretty and "happy"...love that die, too...my list is ever growing it seems!! I like both ribbons on the cards....so there you go!!!

Kristie Goulet said...

LOVE the watercolor background, Darnell! Very pretty!
I do like the white ribbon on the other card, though the rainbow one was pretty cool too. Have a great day. Off to visit your new followers. :)

Sue said...

Well I've been walking around with a smile on my face. I can see my neighbours trying to work out why I am so happy;)

I love the card. Mixes of colours are so uplifting.

Sue said...

LOL Darnell!! your blog posts always make me chuckle fabulous cards lots of huggles Sue xx

Linda said...

Such pretty watercolor cards. Love those die cuts. I still might have to get me one.

Sazzle Dazzle said...

Thanks for entering this superb watercolored card into this weeks challenge Darnell.
Love those fantastic colours
Less is more

Brenda said...

Truer words were never spoken! We make our own happiness and smiling is way better than frowning anyway!! Now I love that it makes your teeth even stronger too. lol I know now why my teeth are great! What a card Darnell, I love how you did your background, that is so cool looking, but I really thought at first it was just a nice piece of designer paper. lol Then I kept reading and was blown away that you made that with the inks! Love, love the sentiment die too. That is very true too! Hugs, Brenda

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

Love your card! The die is very cool too. So, about the ribbon. I can see why you like the white ribbon. It doesn't distract from the background.


1CardCreator said...

Actually I like it best without any ribbon like the water-colored one. ~Diane

Vicky Hayes said...

I smiled as I read your post Darnell and it's so good to know that I'm working out as I do so! This is my favourite of these designs - it's brilliant! Vicky x

Kathleen said...

Missed this yesterday as I am one of those who's reading list is playing up.
Love the die and the colours you have used, I like the one at the top of the post without the ribbon best.

Kath x

Carole Pollard said...

Hi Darnell Yes that white ribbon I think looks better but I also like the design with no ribbon. It was so kind of you to try my suggestion Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

Anita in France said...

Gorgeous watercolour background, Darnell ... so lovely with the crisp white! With/without the coloured ribbon? For me, without ... although I loved the colours yesterday! So true about smiling ... the other thing about a smile is it's free ... yet has so much value for the giver and receiver! Hugs, Anita :)

dottielottie said...

Well I have to say I love this card even more than yesterdays card Darnell. Your watercolour background is beautiful. Thank you for your public information knuckle rapping, I shall endeavour to smile more ( I am a frowner and have the creases to prove it) if it means I don't have to worry about the calories. I vote for the white ribbon.
Hugs Lottie x

Brenda in IN said...

The watercolor made a pretty background for this die. I forgot to say I love the sentiment of the die. I think I like yesterdays card with the plain ribbon and I really like this one with the embossing folder you used.

JD/ Jill said...

Your card is so pretty! And I also like the white ribbon it really makes your words pop!

Geri said...

Great call with the SU embossing folder - it totally 'works' with this die cut and the gorgeous watercolor background! Love thee wee peep of green matting too!

My vote: Definitely the white ribbon! The colored ribbon seems to steal the thunder from the background colors!

I like to smile...and haven't had a cavity for ages!

Petra Swart said...

Oh, Darnell I love this 'no drops on the floor' watercolour bg you created!!! Looks stunning behind your die cut sentiment!! Can't decide which of yesterday's or today's cards I like best - think I'll go with today's one, but for yesterday's one I think the multi-coloured ribbon looks better!!! (hope you're not confused now on which card is which day's card and which day it is today!!!!)

Smiling all the time - that's me - no dentist would retire rich because of me!!!!

Keep on smiling and have a great day!!!!

Cris G. said...

Being Frank (this one kills me :D), I love your watercolor background. It really makes the white die cut sentiment pop. The embossing folder is beautiful.
As for the other card, I think I'll go with Geri's opinion... the white ribbon leaves more space for the background to be the star of the show.
Thank you for leaving me sweet comments and for the tip about Less is More challenge.
Tip(ing) myself - To enter a paragraph and not posting the comment, in Flickr, you'll have to press shift+enter ;).
Have a great day! Hugs, Cris.

Pat said...

Hi Darnell. I love the watercolour background with that great word die, and as for the last card, I think the white ribbon has it by a whisker. x

Claire Grantham said...

Love this card Darnell. The watercolour background is fabby! Cx

Chrissie said...

That's a gorgeous watercoloury background Darnell, a perfect backdrop for your yummy sentiment! It's altogether a beautiful card... I like it even better than the ones with the ribbons!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

I prefer the white! Love the watercolor hither & yon!!!! Looks fabulous!

Loll said...

Wow ... LOVE that watercolored background. Perfect behind your bold white text. Gorgeous!

I like the white ribbon version for your card from yesterday. Definitely it puts the focus on your gorgeous rainbow background without any distractions from the ribbon. Great fix! Lolly xx

OH Babs said...

Love this card it has it all - white space, color and texture.

Angie said...

Nice card & love the embossed sentiment! Thanks for joining us at Simply Create Too! Angie-DT


Viv said...

Hi Dee, can you see I am smiling :).......well of course I am as I am visiting a friend!Amazing card AGAIN, how do you do it and keep on doing it ??love the bright colours too, I like it naked ...without any ribbon:)....it's the CAS in me :) hugs Vee xx

Anne said...

Hey Darnell thanks for the welcome!
I do enjoy reading your blogging,must tell you, my friend Clare had a racehorse called Let's Be Frank :)
Love the background you created, totally gorgeous
Thanks for joining us at Less is More
LIM Designer

Ros Crawford said...

Love love love your cards!! Love that die and yes I prefer the white ribbon .. even better no ribbon at all

cm said...

I knew smiling was good for the spirit; but good for teeth, too? Excellent...and your card with the hither and yon water-coloured background has me smiling in mega-watt fashion! Gorgeous! As for your with/without ribbon: I vote with either the white or without, entirely. That image deserves a solo performance! Hugs~c

Greta said...

I love the background for this card--gorgeous work, Darnell!

Kate said...

Hi Darnell,
I love this die cut and your water coloured BG - so bright and cheery. Out of yesterday's 2 cards I prefer the coloured ribbon but perhaps it is a little too busy. I think I would have opted for a red or yellow ribbon.
Thanks for making me smile - again !!!

Kim S said...

LOOOVE this! All the bold rich color, surrounded by beautiful white - LOVE the saying!

maria f. said...

What a yummy BG. Love that embossing folder too (see, some stuff is worthy of being AUS (always used schtuff)). The ribbon dilemma... leave it off and it ain't a dilemma no more ;) Way to let your sentiment take center stage - great to see this at Simply Create Too!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I wasn't aware that was the aroma of new beginnings in the air. I was pretty sure it was a sewer leak. I'm more of the yither and hon type when it comes to messy stuff like ink drops. EEK! Fun card. Love the embossed background with it. It makes a great mat for this focal point.