Welcome to today's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW). We all sat back on our heels in shock and dismay last Wednesday when our beloved leader Julia had the gall to have her bladder attack. No, that's not right, don't spread any rumors! Her bladder bladder is just fine, thank you, but her gall bladder is history. If she weren't in pain when the doctor informed her of what was happening, I'll bet she would have sniffed, "Well! Doctor, I must say, you have a lot of gall!" Then she would have rolled about in peals of laughter. I mean, if she could have done.
But, blessings, all is right with the world, WOYWW is back in business, praise be, and here is my desk:
I took this picture in the early evening as the sun rays were slanting in the window, forming an exposé of my dirty little secrets. All of them.
The card makings front and center are for this card for a friend's retirement:
I'll do a second post for it because I'm entering it in challenges and I want to keep this post short. However, I would like to include this close-up, so you can see how glittery and shiny this cute little "celebrate" charm is.
After I uploaded this close-up photo, I realized that it says:
That's just wrong.
I also have another sensational ATC to share. This one is from my friend Carole of Carole's Creative Critters. Thank you, Carole!
Julia, I hope your recovery is going smoothly and I didn't rip out any stitches. They don't use stitches any more, do they? Oops.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, with your WOYWW number, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
I hasten to add that I've been having grinding problems again with Blogger when trying to leave comments and in some cases, I wasn't able to successfully leave one. Now tonight, I've had error messages pop up nine times while typing this. I even switched from Chrome back to IE and the same thing happened. Ugh. Not again. I'm crossing my ginfers that all will be well again soon!

*Life Is Too Short!
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June 6, 2014 - June 27, 2014 Thank you for your overwhelming support and enthusiasm! Here |
Such a happy and bright card, Darnell! I am sure your friend will love it!
Lol at chocolate theft I'm sure it's because you left your Window open so some windows washer would magically wash them for you. Hope blogger works for you soon and I'm working a little tut on how I coloured the balloon you asked about I'm hoping it names sense when I'm done :) hugs Nikki 6
Ah the trouble with laptops. :) y'all need an iPad ....snorkel chortle and chuckle So while you're dusting, washing and snooping, pass the choccies, please! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #12
I think blogger was being a b*gger last night, lol!! I had the errors too for a while... Love the desk and the retirement rats, sorry card! Helen 11
Was it Hammy who took the chocolate I wonder... hmm, he will be one fat little critter if he did.... Love the card, I think it is lovely, even with the rats. Great ATC too. Off on our jollies now, about to invade Scotland - will try to keep up! Hugs, Annie xx
Fab card and ATC.
My desk is in a corner, so the sun doesn't get to show up the dust:)
Hope you are having a fab WOYWW. Sue 27
What a lovely sunny card Darnell and what a lovely atc you got.
Forget about the dust and grime (which I cannot see) and just enjoy your crafting.
BTW I get that message about 'errors' all the time, a pink background in a line above the writing? I just chose to ignore.
Take care,
Love, Neet 26 xxx
What a lovely sunny card Darnell and what a lovely atc you got.
Forget about the dust and grime (which I cannot see) and just enjoy your crafting.
BTW I get that message about 'errors' all the time, a pink background in a line above the writing? I just chose to ignore.
Take care,
Love, Neet 26 xxx
well rats! I would celebrate with you! Like the look of your desk this week. I am going to DD house tomorrow to work on the NBUS project for this month. Both of us have so much virginal materials to play with! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #19
Such a lovely bright and cheerful card Darnell...
Fab card Darnell! Can't stop windows to wash, dust to remove!!! Not really! :-) Happy WOYWW Anne x # 37
Great bright card! And I promised myself to get out and enjoy the sun a bit today! Happy WOYWW, Gerrina
I think my desk may be slightly messier than yours, Darnell, but not so sunny!!
Hope your pal recovers well
It seems an age since I've been to visit and I've missed having a giggle with you, Darnell.
The sun has a lot to answer for doesn't it, fancy showing up all that dirt. I thought much the same last night when it decided to reveal how dirty my kitchen window had become....must get out and wash it this morning.
Love your card.
Hugs Lisax #39
ah here was blaming Firefox when it crashed cos had opened a whole lot of woyww blogs and maybe it is blogger.. well as long as it returns them to me after crashing that is ok :D
..and yes have had the gall of a bladder attack and removal too Darnell... great card .. aw rats!! indeed!
happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #31
Thank s for sharing your dirty little secrets(if you could only see my key board)! Your post made me laugh today which I thank you for! Amazing card. The various textures and bright colors truly make it. Diane #40
Happy WOYWW Darnell... you're such a breath of fresh air, bright and sunny and a busy lady - living up to "life is too short" and looking at the fun side of life. Thanks and have a wonderful week Cheers RobynO#21
What a bright, happy card Darnell!
This is so bright and sunny Darnell, and just right for your friend's retirement. What I hate about screens is that within five minutes of cleaning them the static makes the dust reappear, so why bother as there are far more interesting things to be doing, and I think choccies are essential to help the creative juices to flow. x
HI Darnell, what dirty little secrets? Can't see any!
That card you are making looks fun, lucky friend to receive that.
I had probs with Blogger as well, it probably can't cope with us all trying to get our posts sorted for WOYWW.
Bless you
Chris #34
Such a bright and cheerful congrats cards...what's wrong with celebrate? There's something to celebrate everyday. I've been having blogging issues too!
Challenging for this foggy brain.
Thanks for the highlight...it looks pretty dull..oh well be well C
It's fun to look at your crafty space! Fab card for your friend!
Oh, I bet you LOVE having that window right above your desk--I'm jealous! Your craft space doesn't look bad, and I love your card! Can't wait for the next post. Love your sense of humor. You keep me smiling, my friend!
Great card, Darnell - wonder what rats do to celebrate?? As to where the choccies went...did the rats have anything to do with that do you 'spose?
Have a great week.
Margaret #8
You are a hoot - I enjoyed this post!!
Rats have feelings too, let them party, say I!! ;-)
I've just drawn the curtains so I don't have to look at the finger printy smears on my windows, so we are in cahoots!
Hugs, LLJ 29 xxxx
a very happy WOYWW to you Darnell lol if you squint your eyes the dust and smears just dissapear... magic...great card and I love the bright colours your friend wil love it as for theft of the chocolate was it the rat!!! ..mmm..think not !....have a fab week I'm not taking part this week didnt have the time and nothing to show ..maybe next week big hugs Andrea x
oops nearlly forgot cute ATC to I receievd another today isn't getting mail just superduper :-)x
What? Wash windows? We're really supposed to DO that???
Hmmmm . . .
Wonderful card, Darnell, a perfect retirement wish! I saw your NBUS on, oh rats, it was another woywwers post a few days ago, what a great idea. I'm going to try and play along eventually, it will make me use my stuff!!!!
Happy woyww!
#66 this week
I don't know...I don't see anything that needs washing or dusting from where I'm sitting :-)
Such a lovely card, Darnell! The color combo is so pretty, and your 'Celebrate' charm is fabulous! I'm sure your friend is going to love it, too!
Love your cheery card!
I could so relate to this post...In fact, you made me get up from my computer and grab a swiffer dust cloth! LOL. I actually like to clean, but anyone visiting my house right now, may not believe it.
Carole's ATC is really cute too.
Thank you for visiting my blog, and always leaving such nice comments. Don't know how you find the time to comment on everyone's blogs with all that you have going on right now...but I do know how much I always appreciate your visits.
Fire that maid!........... and hire a new one : ) Wonderful work space!! so glad you updated us on Julia's condition : )
Celebrate is a wonderful sentiment!! ya done good! : )
Sadly that is the way my back french door glass looks too. I just looked at it tonight at the sun was hitting it and thought, man I've gotta get that thing cleaned!!! lol So glad I'm not alone in the window department. You crack me up Darnell with your gall badder joke. I hope that Julia didn't split her stitches while laughing!! But I know I was laughing hard. I got a kick out of the 'rats celebrate" too. It sure is nice coming over here and getting my laughs for the day!! I love those ATC cards too. Hugs, Brenda
Darnell...you just crack me up! I love that you showed us that Molly Maid had not made her way out to your playhouse. When she is done with my craft room I will send her your way. You are just too funny.
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Hi Darnell firstly re the dust .... Is it a statement or a request I've just wiped my screen so I hope it helped .... As for the chocolate ... Fairies again?\
Lastly I had to laugh at the rats I'm sure they like to celebrate too. It's funny what we see after we have taken a photo, often very revelling\
Have a fun week\
Janet }
Love how you can write on your Blog. The description of what happened last week and how we missed hour hostess. I post such boring Blogs! :)
Hi there missus! Love your card for the rats - really great and so nice to think that you did this for them! lol. Do love it though, honestly. BTW I have just realised that whenever I see your name I say it in my brain in an American accent with a sort of southern drawl - well at least it sounds like it to me. Hugs apologies if I have offended you but this is Soupie speaking!
Hugs to you Soupie. xxxx
The gall of Julia. And you have a lot of nerve too, Missy, showing ups where to wash and dust in your playroom. You don't really think I came here to wash and dust do you???!!! Surely, you jest! ;-)
Hi Darnell, thanks for visiting me and your lovely comments. I can't actually see any dust and anyway the sun will be gone soon and then you wont notice it until next year Lol!
I don't know how you manage to have choccies on the table and there are still some left, if they were mine I would keep them hidden.
Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela #45
Hi Darnell,
Love the card and what's wrong with Rat's they are wonderful creatures. It did make me giggle, that is the sort of thing that I would do. LOL
Have a wonderful week
Hugs Eliza & Yoda
Oh thanks for the ATC for me and Yoda loved his too.
I love this look at your desk - despite a little dust it looks wonderful! My craftroom is such a mess I wouldn't dream of posting a picture! Fun! Hugz!
I can just keep on dreaming on having such a lovely place to be creative as you have, Darnell!!! My desk is never as organized as yours!! In fact .. it is always one great mess!!! LOL!!
Love your colourful card!!
You have me in peals of laughter at your "rats celebrate" observation. Hil-ar-i-oous! Perhaps they do, although I don't want to think about rats. Creep. me. out. What does not creep me out is your card; quite the opposite: it dazzles and delights, awes and inspires! The little charm is such a...well..charming special touch! Your friend will love this, as do I (can you tell: school has finished for the summer, and I'm giddy!) Hugs~c
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