How's it going?
I hated making the card I have to share today. It's for a very sweet couple from our blogging community. Never having children of their own, they doted on their beloved pooch. A few days ago, their pampered pooch was in her own backyard, minding her own business, when two hulking dogs broke in with murder in their hearts. It doesn't bear thinking about.
While it pales in comparison to human tragedies, of course, it is so very heartbreaking for this wonderful couple. I made them a card of sympathy.

And I made a Note to Self about the color deception between various devices.
The circular sediment stamp is from Stamps of Life "Four Circles." The daisy petals are trimmed from a NBUS Close to My Heart "Sunsational Flower" stamp which I've had forlikever. The tear drop is a rain drop cut from the Designs by Ryn "Raindrops" stamp and glossed with Dimensional Magic. The inks were a combination of PTI and SU inks.
I'd like to turn to happier news. I got together with my blogging friends Kim and Harriet yesterday for a field trip to the Hero Arts Factory Store! I must say the location was a bit underwhelming. Here is entrance:
The inside was, well, also a bit underwhelming. A couple of tables and behind the door was a very tiny room open to the public. The products available were all fabulous, so that was good, and our husbands were happy to learn there was only a small supply of them.
The nice lady cashier got up from her desk and let us get behind there so she could take our picture!
![]() |
Harriet, Kim, Darnell |
The good news about visiting a small factory store is that it allowed us time to have a leisurely lunch and continue to get to know each other. We'll be getting together next time at the Playhouse to work on holiday cards.
Tilting at Windmills
Tilting at Windmills

Sometimes innocent comments uncover rampant unfairness. We discovered that the annual rates we pay for the same exact newspaper, subscribed to for the same length of time (over 35 years), vary from $96 a year to $465 a year! So far I've asked seven people and all seven of us pay different rates.
Does that seem right to you? Me neither. I think we Baby Boomers need to keep our consumer activism wits sharpened and ready for protesting inequities and inequalities like we did Back In The Day, so I'm putting some razor-sharp words where my mouth is. Wish me luck!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*

*Life Is Too Short!
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Hi Darnell, Sorry I haven't been around to visit for a while. I'm just starting to play catch up.
I love this wonderful card with the fabulous design and colours but it is such a pity it is for something so sad xx
Darnell, your card is beautiful, so sad about the pooch.
I am jealous of you having a Hero Arts factory shop there!
Cazzy x
A beautiful card, Darnell. Hope the factory shop wasn't too much of a disappointment - at least you had a good lunch! I am getting so much more militant as I get older - you go girl and show them you want equality! ;)
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friends' dog. Your card is lovely.
And how fun that you could get together with crafty friends. I so wish that there were some in my area.
And as for the newspaper and different rates, good luck with it. It doesn't make sense to me but I am in no way surprise. Band together and stick together is what I'm thinking.
How sweet from you to make such a beautiful card for that couple!
That's a beautiful card, and so thoughtful of you!
Lucky you to get to visit the Hero Arts store! Looks like you had a fun day with friends, and hopefully found some goodies you couldn't live without.
Hi Darnell
A terrific card but what awful circumstances for its creation. I think I would feel quite murderous myself if something like that had happened to my pet.
Yes , the shop does look rather minimalistic so hope it wasn't a mammoth road trip to get there.
Have a great day.
Ang x
What a tragic thing to happen to that sweet couple, it's made me so sad :( But what a lovely thoughtful card you created.
What a shame the factory store wasn't what you expected, but it's still more than we have in the UK! lol
Hugs x
Darnell this is absolutely stunning, a real shame for the reason it has been made but it is so wonderful.
Kath x
Hi Darnell, Since I too don't have children of my own my two babies are on 4 feet aswell. So therefore I understand the pain this couple must have especially because theire sweet heart is taken out of life in such a brutal way. Please give them my heartfeld condolences.
As for your card that is so beautiful, I really love it.
Have a nice day Darnell. When I am writing this it's tuesday evening here 22h22 nearly bed time since I have to get up early tomorrow. Hugs, Veerle xxx
Such a beautiful card.....Oh I cannot imagine the heartache that poor couple are experiencing right now. Hugs to them both.
So sorry to hear about your friends dog. Though, your card is so pretty and thoughtful. <3
And thanks for sharing about your Hero Arts experience! I would have thought of it being more 'grand' as well. ;) Though, at least you had a good time with friends! Also, Congrats on taking on the little newspaper! Sounds like fun! :)
Beautiful, sad card. Sad, horrible story. Glad you played with OLS. Love the photo with Harriet and Kim - looks like fun (in a limited way! lol! It seems a bit optimistic to call that a 'store'!)
Oh, I'm sure that poor couple is very sad. Terrible situation. Your card is so sweet and I'm sure they will appreciate it.
Hmmmmm....big building...should be stuffed with crafty things. Sorry it wasn't. I've sure you three had a good time together just the same. And, that's a good thing.
Fab card and I'm sure it was greatly appreciated.
Sounds like you had a great day out.
Avril xx
Hi Darnell - what a gorgeous card. I love the petal as a tear drop and it's Just perfect for such a sad situation :( Your poor friends and their beloved pooch.
Oh my gosh - your factory outlet trip was looking a bit grim but at least there were things to spend your pennies on in the end :)
Good luck with the newspaper - I finally gave up my five years doing the old school newsletter. An oeuf was an oeuf as the chicken used to say :)
Hugs, Di xx
What a lovely card, Darnell, I'm sure your friends will be comforted by your thoughfulness after such an awful event. HA shop ... mmm, looks a bit ... empty! Still, the three of you wouldn't have been after a good lunch! I can't think of anyone better to take on the newspaper! Hugs, Anita :)
Beautiful card Darnell. What a horrid reason for you to have to make it though. Poor pooch. I have just given mine an extra hug.
Wish I could have gone to the fwactowy with you.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friends' beloved dog. They must feel heart broken.
The card you have made is so thoughtful. The delicate design and colours are beautiful.
Glad you had a good time with your friends.
hugs Sue xx
What a beautiful, delicate card Darnell, it's a shame it's for something so sad xx
No one ever should lose a pet like that. Where are the people responsible for the other dogs? Shame on them. the card, however, is sweet and lovely. Says it all.
How does the newspaper get away with chargind different rates to different people. I need a placard to carry around, immediately.
The center of your flower is so very nice, Darnell. And your color combo is quite pleasing, even if it's not the same as the challenge colors. Your friends will surely appreciate your thoughtfulness. What a terrible way to lose a beloved pet. Glad you had a nice lunch with your friends. The Hero Arts factory is very surprising. But at least you enjoyed time with your friends.
A lovely card Darnell, very poignant with the petals missing and the teardrop. How awful for that couple to loose a dog under those circumstances. It is bad enough when a pet dies through old age or health issues, but to happen like that is awful! So glad that the very unpromising start to the shopping trip still ended well with some new stash and a meeting with friends. x
What a lovely, thoughtful card Darnell and I hoe it brings some comfort to your friends. Such an awful thing to happen.
Good luck with your newspaper campaign. With your way with words they will probably offer you a job and they will then have to put the prices up to pay you. Go girl!
Carol x
A beautiful card which your friends will cherish. I feel so sorry for them as we too don't have human babies but have had fur babies furlikeva! Four different times my heart has been broken and when my Eddy goes it will be in pieces, oh gawd must move on cos I'm starting to mist!
My heart quickened when I saw the Hero Arts sign, oh my, but not much there - how sad! And yes you must take on those paper peeps - that sound serious dishonest and blaggardedly!
Please excuse my words my mitts aren't typing well now! A really beautiful card Darnell and you are a really beautiful lady - inside and out! Have a lovely day sweetie! Karen x
That's such a beautiful, thoughtful card for such a heart-breaking situation :( How awful for that couple. I'm glad you got together with friends again for some shopping and lunch! Great pics! And those newspaper subscriptions are outrageously unfair to some! Keep up the good fight!
I'm so sad for your friends to lose their dog in that heartless way but your card is beautiful and heartfelt. I wish the Hero Arts store was up to your expectations, that is a shame. I'm sure lunch with friends made up for it. Good for you taking on the newspaper! We cancelled ours on Thursday and decided we still wanted it, so I called on Monday to reinstate it and it was going to be $38 more a month. I couldn't reason with them so we don't get the paper any more. You would think they would rather have the customer, but I guess not.
This is beautiful! I love the simple tear. So touching.
Oh Darnell, that is horrifying to hear about your friend's dear dog. Your card is so heartfelt and I'm sure they will appreciate it greatly . And what in the world about the newspaper prices? that's worse than cable rates! Holy cow.
Beautiful sympathy card for a heartbreaking situation. That tear for a petal is perfect. Love the pics from the Hero Arts store. Even though it is small, I still want to go there.
Oh my word Darnell this new just breaks my heart. I"m so happy we have a fenced back yard for Max. I'll say a special prayer for your friends, they must be devastated. On a happier not the card you made is just perfect. CUTE picture of the Hero Arts crew too!!
Your card is perfect for that sad occasion! Love that shiny tear drop!
You are the perfect person to write that letter to the newspaper because you are the master of words! They might want hire you as a reporter...!
A lovely and caring card for such a tragic situation. I'm sure that your friends will appreciate your condolences at the loss of their 'baby.' Good luck with the newspaper. As my granddaughter, who at 21 thinks she knows it all, said last night, "well grandma, you know that money talks and bulls**t walks." Yeah, yeah, yeah... But you are much more formidable than some kid. Go get 'em Miss D! Bev
Beautiful card for a sad situation. Now you got me thinking about my newspaper rates. I am in love with that tear on your card. Have a great day Darnell.
What a sad story about the attack on your friend's pet : ( I am sure they will love that beautiful and thoughtful card.
Let us know if we should the picket signs ready ): (
Your card is beautiful (love the tear) but so sad to hear of the need for it. It was so sweet of you to send this to a friend. Having two fur kids, I know how devastating it would be to lose one in such a tragic way.
Your card is perfect to show your love and support for the couple suffering such a horrific event.
Oh no, how dreadful for those poor people and beloved dog :0( Our darling Suzy was mauled by a client's "pack" of German Shepherds who tore the fur and flesh from her elbow to her neck. Thankfully (amazingly) she survived and is still with us today. Your card is beautiful and will surely let them know you are thinking of them at this dreadful time xx
Beautiful card for such a sad reason, Darnell! Losing a dog is devastating, even more so under those circumstances. Your friends will be heartened by your thoughtfulness.
What a disappointment with the Hero Arts factory shop but at least you got more time with Kim and Harriet. And well done for tilting at windmills - go, baby boomers!
Hello Darnell
A beautiful card, perfect for such a sad occasion.
Meeting up with your friends sounds perfect.
Lovely card and I am sure it will be very much appreciated.
To that couple they have lost their baby. It doesn't matter that it had four legs and fur.
Since I know the couple, I also know they will be pleased that you cared enough to send them this beautiful card. From me, a huge thank you dear Darnell.
I am so pleased you are writing about the papers, there is so much injustice about and good for you getting on the case. In the UK we have several TV providers, one is called Sky and they do the exact same thing but you have to phone them up and threaten to leave before they will give you a fair rate. It is so wrong....
Hugs, Annie xxx
Beautiful card but what a sad tail they must be devastated. Hope you enjoyed the factory shop and got some bargains. Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x
Home for a couple of days so am just playing catch up Darnell... a beautiful card, love it. x
A beautiful card for a sad occasion! I hope it helps ease the pain a little for your friends. Hmmm- I've been to factory shops that look like that- at least you got some nice goodies - didn't happen for me but then they weren't crafty ones either!
What a horrifying thing to happen! (My dear friend lost her dog the same way earlier this summer - but at the beach, and the three dogs that attacked were on leash. It's utterly devastating to lose a pet to violence.) Your card is sure to bring comfort while they begin to recover.
Hurray for crafty meets - and friends - and ganging up to right wrongs. That newspaper business sounds absolutely ridiculous! We had a similar situation with our print paper here & ended up canceling our subscription over it.
What a very sad situation for that dear couple. I am sure that your lovely card will help comfort their souls.
Such a sad occasion for this beautiful card! I love the how the petal changed to a tear drop falling from the flower. Looks like a good time for you gals even if you didn't have a big selection. Must be HA doesn't make many boo boos! Good luck on the newspaper. That sounds way out of line!
Lovely card Darnell. I think you made it with beautiful thoughtful elements(the teardrop) and it really conveys your heartfelt feelings. I know it will touch them.
As for the HA "shop"...I hope you found something inspiring to take home :)
Good luck with the newspaper investigation!
Hugs, Chriss
How sad, my heart goes out to them for losing their fur baby!! A beautiful card though, one I am sure they will appreciate very much. I did the same thing with a color chart last week, mine looked like it had lavender in it, but I think it was suppose to be pink...ack...oh well it was what I had, and for a GD spot no luck with the paper, should be interesting!! Of course if I were the one paying the lowest rate, I wouldn't say a thing..LOL!!
I'm sure your friends will be very touched by your thoughtfulness and caring with this beautiful card. What a sad, sad tale. I hope they will be okay. Happy that you got to have a fun outing with your friends, even if the store was underwhelming. Maybe it'll get better? And finally, wowza on the price differences for the paper. Hope you get that all squared away to your advantage. That's incredible!
Your card is amazing...the purpose for it is so sad...ugh.
I've been wondering about the HA factory store...thanks for sharing. I bet that was a fun field trip!
What a sweet card you made for your poochless neighbors, I love the little teardrop you place there too. Glad you are speaking up and bringing the newspaper practices into the light where they belong too. You go girl! ~Diane
Beautiful card, Darnell,
I am sorry for your friends dog, sad story.
Where is the HA factory?
I quit taking the newspaper many years ago. It had gotten SO expensive and just chucked full of advertisements, that it just wasn't worth the price. I do miss the comics and the puzzles.......grin
Very pretty card for such a sad occasion.
It is a sad reason why you had to make this card, but a beauty it is! Hope you can make lots of yummie cards with your new HA-stamps... Very strange to pay all different prices for the same thing? Never heard of that before. Good luck with your mission on that! Hugs, Gerrina
HI Darnell, I was so sad and angry to read about your friend's loss..being someone who loves animals and also doesn't have kids, I can appreciate how they feel. Your card however is beautiful and I am sure cheered them up. Hugs Carole Z X
Oh Darnell what a terrible thing to happen to your friend's dog ... my heart goes out to them... Your beautiful card will surely comfort them ... Good luck with your expozay ... not that I think you will need it!
How sad... It's always hard to loose a pet, they're part of the family. And what I love about pets is that they seem to love you no matter what's happened at work, how much you weigh or if you're having a bad hair day.
It's really nice of you to show them you care with this beautiful and very appropriate designed card...
Srsly?! Y'all pay different rates for the same paper? I heard that Victoria's Secret got popped with that as well. Their catalogs had different prices when sent to different cities. Very interesting. And hey, you still read a newspaper? I thought those things were extinct?!
Anywho... so sad about the neighbor's dog. That's tragic and pets are people too, especially when they are someone's "kids." Your card is wonderful, albeit sad. That teardrop is amazing. It captures so much.
I know what you mean about the colours on different screens. I have had the same experience. Who knows what that beach really looked like when the photo was taken; it could have been orange! The important things is how beautiful your pretty card is, lovely colours and an appropriate design for a sad situation.
Heather T
I know what you mean about the colours on different screens. I have had the same experience. Who knows what that beach really looked like when the photo was taken; it could have been orange! The important things is how beautiful your pretty card is, lovely colours and an appropriate design for a sad situation.
Heather T
So sorry to hear of their loss. Terrible tragedy. Your card is perfect for them. I would have been pretty bummed about HA factory, too! What a let down. I think cable companies do the same thing. We get bills for the same service at different price points...not fair at all! Good luck.
That is so sad about your friends' dog. It seems like I've been hearing more and more stories lately about vicious dogs, which is really worrying. I do think that your card will bring some comfort to your friends.
That breaks my heart about there dog :-(..The same thing happened years ago with a cat of ours...two BIG dogs came in our yard and we had to put her to sleep. But I do love the sentiment in the center with the tear drop....wonderful card! Thanks for the share of Hero Arts! And good luck with the unfairness of the paper...its probably like the cable people....we give different deals for new customers, and at different times of the year. HA!
How awful for your friennds. I can't imagine.... Runt oshop, bummer it wasn't more to get :)
Though ur card is for very tragic thing but I am blown away by the idea :) superb! Great pics of ur shopping spree :)
I am sorry that you had to make this card for your friends! It is one of beauty and sincerity and caring!! So touching!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
How tragic for your friends Dippy. Can empathise with what they are going through. I hope something is being done about those savage dogs. Your card is beautifully in sympathy with their feelings. Looks like you had a great day at the Hero Arts factory shop. I'd love to see your letter to the subscription department of the newspaper and would also love to be a fly on the wall when they read it!!!
Karendipity xxx
My furbabies are my children so my heart goes out to the loss of their dear one... your sympathy card is genius in design. I have seen many pet sympathy cards and your design is a first and I LOVE it. AND you go girl in outing the discrepancy in the way they are charging everyone for the paper. Hopefully THAT will be the end of that! I LOVED reading about your outing and seeing pictures of Hero cool you have a local place even if it is small now, it looks like it may GROW with the room that they have!
I am so inconsistant with commenting but I really love your blog and I soooooo enjoy your sense of was number one on the qualities I looked for in a mate. My husband and I laugh a lot...and it keeps a lot of joy in our life to be able to see life with humor.
How sad for your friends and under such horrendous circumstances. Your card I am sure will help ease their pain.
Okay where is the Hero Arts store? We may be in your neighborhood in October.
Darnell...such a sad, sad story and you are so sweet to take the time to bring them a bit of joy with such a beautiful and sweet card.
As for shopping with you and much fun and as always lunch was so good. Good luck with your newspaper story, can't wait to hear the updates. See you soon.
Aww Darnell, what a lovely thoughtful thing to do. They say a picture paints a thousand words and that is just what your card conveys, love the little teardrop too. Hope you sort the newspaper pricing issue
I'm with you on the consumer activism front,so good luck.
"yeah sister, you go girl"!!
Enjoy your day, hugsx
Your card is lovely, and I'm sure it will bring them comfort knowing you care. I don't have any pets at the moment so my daughter's puppy
(not a puppy anymore...(I call her that to me she's still lively and cute as a puppy...) It would definitely break my heart if something would happen to her...
What a wonderful sympathy card. that falling teardrop/petal is just achingly touching.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of that couple's dog - so sad. The card you made for them is wonderful. How fun you had another outing with Harriet and Kim. Let us know how your newspaper "expozay" turns out!
I think you conveyed a heartfelt sympathy with this card, Darnell. The tear is just so touching. So sorry to hear of their loss:(
I am so upset that the notice that you posted to your blog just now came into my email inbox! I don't understand what takes so all!
You are such a wonderful person, Darnell! I love, love your sympathy card, and really love the tear drop that you added! Your poor neighbors must be sick over what happened...I hope they find some comfort in your thoughtful and beautiful work of art!
How fun that you got together with your crafty friends! Too bad Hero Arts doesn't live up to its' reputation when it comes to their warehouse! Well, you got a great pic and a nice lunch, so all is not lost :-)
As a fellow baby boomer, I'm appalled that a newspaper actually gets away with charging people different prices like that! OMG!!! Give em' hell, Darnell! And, I know you will! No one has writing skills like you, so I'm sure they're going to be sorry they got out of bed the day they meet with your wrath! Cheers for rallying on everyone's behalf...and thanks so much for another great post! Hugs,
hard card to make Darnell but it will be appreciated. How fun you got to meet Harriet and Kim and such fun you will be meeting at the Playhouse. I am meeting Marina for Inkspirational on Sunday at her house to craft. We have met before but haven't crafted excited!
And you keep your campaigning up girl and good luck x
Just tragic. Your card is so beautiful and will be so much appreciated xx
Darnell, lovely card for your friends who lost their beloved dog.
I think it is so neat that you, Kim and Harriet get together so often for lunch, shopping etc. Colleen and I think it would be fun to come down sometime and meet with you guys. Maybe a planned trip next summer....You always look like you are having a great time.
the perfect sympathy card Darnell.
It seems inequities are a way of life anymore. It certainly is rampant. - Jim
Wonderful design for a sympathy card Dolly. I'm sure your friends appreciated your kindness and support.
Too bad about Hero Arts factory ... lovely big warehouse that they could have filled with product for their customers ... they missed the ball on that one. Luckily you were with two wonderful friends and took advantage of more togetherness time :) Wish I could have joined you! Lolly xx
Your poor friends, what a horrible thing to go thru. Had to admit I had a few tears (still do...) reading about their baby. Just horrifying, can't imagine how they are feeling. Your card is so lovely and I'm sure they appreciate your support. Shopping with Kim and Harriet, how hilarious would that be!!! Talk about a lack-lustre store but as long as you found a few goodies it was worth it. And not to scary for your bank balance too!! And as for finding out about all those differences in prices for the paper, thats outrageous!! Are they stupid enough to think that people don't talk to each other?! Would love to hear how you get on with this injustice!! Its Friday lunchtime so better feed my sniffing Phoebe. She is gradually getting better but its been a long week for her. Roll on a healthier tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend!!
Oh my that is so sad! I can't believe those other dogs came over and....well you know. I hope the owners were reprimanded! Nothing can take the place of losing a beloved pet, especially one that is like a child to a couple, but your card is so beautiful Darnell that I think it will bring comfort to this grieving couple. How fun to get together with blogging buddies!! Looks like you ladies had a great time and how nice that you also had time to do lunch together too. Here's to new friendships!!! Hugs, Brenda
What a beautiful card! Love the sentiment made floral! Love the tear drop petal.
A factory outlet? WHAAAAAAATTTTT???
Wow, what a card! Brought tears to MY eyes! You did a wonderful job on this, and I'm sure the dog's owner will appreciate this. Her grieving must be tremendous. So horrible! So glad you got to meet up with some blog friends. Sure wish I was closer so we could finally meet. Maybe one day...
Such a sad thing to happen to your friends. That tear on the card really gets the message across. You go gettum, those nasty newspaper people. If anyone can make them listen, you can.
You got to visit a HERO ARTS STORE? (Upper case is Deliberate!) You lucky person, you. I know you had fun. Your card is pretty and it's perfect for the occasion. Pets become part of our family (or should) and it's heartbreaking to lose one. To lose one in a violent way must just be so awful, and these folks will be so comforted you recognized the depth of their loss with such a sweet card. TFS
I'm sickened by what happened--makes it hard not to hate. I know they will be comforted by your lovely card. That is certainly not like any factory outlet store I've been to, but maybe they're going to add more stuff. The ones I used to have around here are gone now--better on the wallet! Good luck with the community activism--what are they thinking?!
Hi Darnell, I am sure your friend will appreciate your beautiful card and the thought behind it. It is lovely both in presentation and sentiment.
Who knew Hero Arts had a factory store! As to the newspaper -- I believe we have the same thing going on here on LI, NY- yech!
So sorry about your blog friends dog..... very hard to lose a member of the family.
The card you made for them is perfect and I love that teardrop.
Sounds like another fun get together... I get to see Kim in a few weeks. Maybe you will be in her suitcase.
Beautiful card - the little dew drop is amazing. You had me at the Hero Arts sign - disappointed that there wasn't' much inside the place.. and then BAM - a photo of you with Miss Kim!! Made my day and totally jealous - life is good - a day with crafty friends!
Running late - again! Your card is beautiful; a thoughtful, heart-warming gesture to acknowledge your friends' tragic loss. Sadness! The HA outlet...hmmmm on the skimpy selections and lack-lustre surroundings. Then again, time with those awesome gals makes everything A-okay! Tackling the newspapers: YES!
Darnell, your card fits what my computer screen says the colors are...soft blues, grays, and tans...just like a gentle beach on a cloudy day. And that color combo fits perfectly with the theme and purpose of your card. Oh, my. I read once that losing our pets is often harder than losing people in our lives. Our human relationships tend to be complicated, but our pets are very simple, pure love. My heart breaks for this couple and their violent loss.
So envious of your time with Kim and Harriet at the HA factory...even if the store was a bit small. And you tilt at those windmills, Lady Darnell. Sounds deeply fishy to me, if you'll allow me to mix metaphors.
So wonderful of you to create a sympathy card for the loss of their pet. The feeling of loss over a pet is often underestimated, and for this couple, the dog was their child. How horrible for them. Your card will bring them a smile and a moment of piece, even if briefly.
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