^Hello, my dear friends!
Last August a bloggie friend of mine named Jenny wrote a short paragraph on her blog Pushing the Right Buttons that really resonated with me, and with a lot of her other friends. I asked her at the time if I could have a conversation with you about it and share her post and her words. Jenny generously said yes and encouraged me to share her thoughts with you:
August 6, 2014 ... A short story to explain where it all started - do you ever get those days where you wonder if what you're doing is any good? I think it's because we put so much of ourselves into everything we create that it matters so much what others think. Or do you get those tiny pangs of jealousy, wondering why other people seems to be getting recognition whilst you feel a bit ignored? Go on, admit it, I'm sure we've all felt that at some point. Don't get me wrong; right now I feel anything but ignored but the trouble is, when these thoughts do come they can be very self-destructive. I figured it would be a good idea to have something I can reach for that would remind me about those times when I've got a great reaction to something; it's a bit like having those 'credits' or 'challenge win badges' we have on our blog sidebars/pages but in a physical form.
And here is the tangible physcial form that Jenny created:
It's an amazing album of Jenny's creative journey, made just for herself, a book of love that she can refer to during those times when her self-image needs a boost. You really need to click on the above link and read her full post and see all the other detailed photos of this breathable and breathtaking album that can grow with Jenny through the years. Thank you, Jenny, for sharing and for starting the conversation!
Isn't that a wonderful idea for keeping feelings of self-doubt and negativity at bay?! I call those feelings, "Old Man Undermine." He is insidious. Always lurking nearby, ready to pounce. Always close enough to whisper in your ear:
"Sure, 11 people commented that your project was amazing, but why didn't you hear from Mary Gayle or Elise? Hmm?"
"I know you sold all of your birthday cards at the craft fair, and the director made a special point of telling you how fabulous your booth looked, but why didn't anyone buy a single Christmas card or decoration? Hmm?"
"Yeah, you got two awards during July, but what August and September? And what about that Great Challenge? Why do you keep entering that challenge when you've never even received an honorable mention and they obviously don't like you? Hmm?"
Right? I wonder sometimes if the self-sabotaging voice of Old Man Undermine is in our heads to keep us from becoming arrogant and obnoxious, but even so, there must be some way to find a happy medium between conceit and self-flatulation (pardon me). I think that Jenny has hit on a creative and personal way for us to help ourselves find that middle ground to where we consistently feel good about ourselves and our works of art and can consistently banish Old Man Undermine!
Whether you create a scrapbook or album, or a simple hand-written notebook, or a digital document, or a Pinterest board, or a tab on your blog, I hope you will give yourself permission to make a record of some of the compliments and proud moments you've enjoyed. Jenny's point is well-taken, with me, regarding having something to hold and behold, but if the computer can do the same thing for you, that's great, too. The point is to have something to go back to again and again in order to silence Old Man Undermine every time he comes to call with his pessimism and his determination to derail you from enjoying the journey.
Enjoy the Journey
I made the above card to keep on my desk to remind me that this is all for fun and friendship and how very blessed I am to be accomplishing those two things, thanks to all of you! Sadly, I know too many hobby bloggers who stopped enjoying the journey and gave up blogging because of little or no positive feedback. As Jenny said, we put so much of ourselves into our creations, it's tough when we feel that our creative works are not being seen or valued.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on enjoying and maintaining a positive approach to the journey of blogging your creations and your ideas for banishing Old Man Undermine.
I made the above card to keep on my desk to remind me that this is all for fun and friendship and how very blessed I am to be accomplishing those two things, thanks to all of you! Sadly, I know too many hobby bloggers who stopped enjoying the journey and gave up blogging because of little or no positive feedback. As Jenny said, we put so much of ourselves into our creations, it's tough when we feel that our creative works are not being seen or valued.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on enjoying and maintaining a positive approach to the journey of blogging your creations and your ideas for banishing Old Man Undermine.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
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Wise words Darnell... thanks so much for sharing and being part of my journey!
FABULOUS post Darnell! If ever I feel like I'm heading down the mines, I remind myself to do what you love and love what you do... and anything else is a bonus :)
Love, love love it
gorgeous Darnell
hugs Tamara
A thought provoking and very true post Darnell! I absolutely adore you're froggie - too funny :)
Di xx
Oh my goodness. Best. Post. Ever.
Pretty much every single work of what you and Jenny said could have been directly applied to me!
Especially "Why do you keep entering that challenge when you've never even received an honorable mention and they obviously don't like you?"
There's one challenge I keep entering, chasing that elusive top 5 spot, but I'm always passed over (and several times undeservedly so, IMO, and that's saying something, as I normally am not at all happy with anything I make, lol).
I've decided, instead of letting it get me down every single month, to instead distance myself from said challenge (and the company it represents) somewhat and stop making them the main focus of my crafting endeavours.
I don't have the time, or the creative energy to go on hunting white whales!
either way, I think a book like this is a fabulous idea, and it's going on my "to do" list. x
I'm so pleased you wrote this because it sums up how I feel most of the time. I don't craft for the praise but I do get disheartened especially if I like a card and no one else does, I most often find the ones I think meh people seem to like.
im going yo pop my favourite card on my desk to remind me of the fun and smiles a card can bring.
Hugs, amanda x
Very interesting post. Got me thinking, which could be dangerous:)
Hope you have a good day. Sue
I really enjoyed reading this post as everything you said was true! I am always ALWAYS wishing I was better, or that I got more views, more comments, more likes on Etsy and Facebook! I never think i'm good enough and frequently get close to packing it all in but then I think how boring my days would be if I didn't knit crazy hats, cross stitch geisha's, paint vinyl toys, paint mermaids that look a bit too tanned :-P
Very interesting post Darnell (and Jenny). A lot of crafters are extremely self critical and it doesn't take much to discourage us!
LITS to be discouraged in/by ANYTHING/ANYONE . . . if no-one else is gonna do it . . . we should encourage ourselves - and I guess that's what Jenny's handmade journal is all about. TOP MARKS for positivity.
Bah humbug to negativity!
. . . just off to create something and enjoy the process . . . and the journey!
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Great wake up call. Have to hold my hand up to all of that. I love your little tutu froggie. hugs mrs A.
Oh my gosh Darnell, this is a wonderful post. Love all the beautiful thoughts behind it and the lovely little frog card too. Amazing heart in this one girl. Hugz!
Great post Darnell, definitely food for thought, love your froggie card too, Cathy x
Froggie is breathtaking! I have taken in and hopefully absorbed every word of this post.
What a wonderful post Darnell everything that you have shared here holds true for every crafter/blogger I am sure ..I definitely go through periods where i doubt my ability and wonder if its all worth it ..But somehow the positive always over rides the negative in form of appreciation from fellow crafters and that keeps me going:)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post :)
Great post, Darnell! I think that it's very easy for us bloggers to get caught up in the competition of all the challenges and Design Team Spots, etc. and to loose sight of why we started stamping in the first place: because it brings us joy! I do remind myself that the main purpose of this hobby is to have fun. Jenny's book and your fun card are great reminders of that! Love your expertly colored froggie!
Wow Darnell what a great and insightful post. One that I'm sure many bloggers need to here. How often I've thought about throwing in the towel. But I do love crafting and sharing even if it feels like 5 people read my blog. Thank you for the time you give of yourself either blogging here and making us all laugh or for rhe time you spend leaving uplifting comments. Big hugs! And your card is super cute. I love the frog.
Darnell, as always I appreciate you so very much. Your card is coloring perfection and the message of your post is 100% on target. My head needs to be reminded regularly that making cards is my relaxation. It's hard to remember that on certain days! xoxo
Thanks SO much for this post Darnell! What you wrote here holds true for me. There are many times that I felt low and doubted my abilities. I think we are all there sometime or the other. But fortunately I am still creating and blogging and that's what counts. :)
thanks for the awesome post again! Mwaah.
I love this post. When I make a card I am always thrilled with it. The fact that I can make a handmade card myself makes me so happy. My grandchildren always love them and that is praise enough for me. They save them and my granddaughter took a box of hers to "show and tell". I'm not a professional and this is not my job so I don't expect too much. I love this hobby and it doesn't have to be perfect. I love my crafty blogger friends and enjoy hearing from them. The caring and support that comes through the comments always makes me feel good and I feel as though all of you are my friends and I hope you know I care about all of you, cards and life. I love your little ballerina frog. Our cards should make us happy, not fret because they aren't (what we think) are good enough.
Thanks Darnell and Jenny for sharing your thoughts on this subject. As some of the other crafters have said - I am sure we all feel "down" some days, wondering what happened to the fun of it all, and may even feel like packing it in. We tend to keep these thoughts to ourselves, unaware that others are feeling exactly the same.
"A problem shared is a problem halved", as the old saying goes, and
I am sure there will be lots of blogging crafters thanking you and Jenny for sharing this Post, and opening the discussion.
Huge thanks Darnell and Jenny!
Sylvia xx
PS: LOVE the dancing Frog!!!!
My goodness you've hit the nail, guys. Gals. Flatulaters. There really does seem to need to be a constant social reinforcement when I create - I feel like part of this is because of the (mostly unintentional) belittling of what we do as a REAL THING. I've sold my cards for 11 years, but to hubby & many others it's just a hobby and often a waste of time. That eats at a person. I LOVE this idea - it is important to enjoy the recognition but to also realize that the CREATING JOURNEY is the true gift! ALso, I need a frog wearing a tutu.
Very well said by both you and Jenny!!!! I so agree with it too.
Love your cute card to give you that daily boost and to remind you of what it's all about.
Darnell your post today has rocked me to the core! Old Man Undermine is ever present inside of me. Jenny's words and your word's are exactly the things that roll around in my head. I have been struggling with these thoughts the last couple of months. Why is the accolade so important? I was not brought up that way and the REAL me is not like that and yet I am always checking just to see who came by. It is not a pleasant feeling. I do however, love what you did. That card is an inspiration for each day! Display it proudly. You may have just giving me a reason to put something on my desk to make me remember why I started doing this! Thanks for this grounding post to let me see that I am not alone! ~Hugs xoxo
I'll ditto every comment above, Darnell... and then some. I'm so new to this world, and am so grateful and thankful for all of you who are kind enough to share it with me. I'll admit that starting my blog was a way to enter challenges as that just seemed what everyone did, right? But the friends I've made, and the encouragement you all give me? That is why I continue to share. Thanks, Jenny and Darnell. LOve your froggin' card so much, D =] M
Darnell, I have that "FROG in TUTU" stamp as well. I like to keep it in full view because it always makes me giggle!...and reminds me of my childhood dream of being a DANCING MUSHROOM...That's what I wanted to be when I grew up:) ha!
I adore the passion in which so many people share in creating cards and projects.
It's a beautiful corner in blogland:)
Love your card Darnell!
Your coloring is amazing, love the shading and grey shadow here.
Thank You for a great post and message too ;)
Hi Darnell ..... wise words indeed. And a fabulous idea from Jenny. I need one of those journals right now!!! It's not been a great week :(
One good thing that did happen though was I received my lovely card from you.
Thank you so much ...... I'm very proud to be the owner of a 'Darnell' original!
Take care hun ..... big hugs Linda xx
PS Love the froggy!!!
Bless you my dear friend for re-posting what Jenny had to say and how she overcame the problem. I've been having some of the same thoughts and now I know what I need to do..... first thing is to stop asking "why" and just enjoy my passions.
Great post and truly ADORABLE! card. Wise advice to help keep in perspective the reason we blog!!
I hope you are enjoying your vacation with the sibs and will be back in the Playhouse cooking up more fun for us soon.
BIG (((Hugs)))
What a fab post Darnell! and so true for many of us crafters I just do what I enjoy and if others like it then thats fine it's all worth while for all the friendships I have made on my travels through blogland and totally gorgeous card you have made love the froggie ...huggles Sue xxx
Yes, this sums up us crafters and our self doubt perfectly. I'm sure there isn't a creative person alive that doesn't feel like this at times. Thanks Darnell for passing on this great idea. I don't know if I would ever get around to keeping an album, but this is certainly worth remembering and personally I have gained such a lot of friends and support from being part of this community, and hope that in turn I have passed some back too. I love your froggie and the sentiment says it all. Thanks Darnell and Jenny. x
Hello Darnell
Thank you so much for your thought provoking post. I think this sums us up just perfect. Wonderful card especially the image. Enjoy your holiday.
Hello Darnell
Thank you so much for your thought provoking post. I think this sums us up just perfect. Wonderful card especially the image. Enjoy your holiday.
Hello Darnell
Thank you so much for your thought provoking post. I think this sums us up just perfect. Wonderful card especially the image. Enjoy your holiday.
Ooooooooooooops , sorry Darnell.
Very thought provoking post Darnell (and Jenny). When I first starting blogging, it was pretty thrilling to get a hit to a post and a definite rush to get a comment. It didn't really click right away that others needed/wanted the same recognition a comment brings. Maybe I assumed I was the only newbie out there and everyone else already had lots of friends and support. I was very shy about leaving comments unless someone else made one to my blog first. When I became more comfortable, I started commenting a lot (much more than I was getting back) and started to feel a little like a stalker on some blogs, so then I kind of backed down. I love being part of this card making, paper loving community and realize there is a constant need to actively support each other - lots of stuff to think about here.
Great card! What a profound post! Thanks so much for sharing this! This post has so inspired me to do a post on your post...smile. I can so relate to much of what you wrote...
A beautiful post! And love the phrase "Old Man Undermine". I think I may have to use this with my son!!! Thanks so much as always for sharing yourself and others with us here at your blog. I always enjoy my visits here!
yep. We've all been there but, as for me, it's not in my nature to dwell on that. I'm one of those weird "one & done" folks. If no one likes what I do but me, then I have to find a way that someone would think it has value. So I'll try something new or different. In any case, your card just makes me smile and drool a little. Lovin' that frog.
hihi, super fun card, what a funny frog! :-)
Darnell, thank you for this post ... This is not the most eloquent response you have received or are likely to receive but it comes from my heart, thank you.
My BFF and I have talked about this very thing, Darnell. And I think we have both agreed that we do it because we just love making cards...and of course like everyone else we put our heart and soul into them. We all love the sweet comments to acknowledge what we have made, but when it comes down to it, I do it for myself. Thank you for sharing this post with us!
You were right Darnell, we are not alone!!! Bless you. Just by sharing your thoughts and so very kindly sharing my post you've started that fightback against Old Man Undermine for even more people - how positive is that! I love that darling Mr Froggy will be sat with you letting you know what a super talented and wonderful person you are every day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this out there and giving everyone who reads it a verbal hug. You're one in a million. Jenny xxx
Hey Darnell, I haven't been blogging much of late and it seems ages since I popped in to see you but boy did I pick the right time to come visit. Such a thought inspiring post and yes some of your self doubting points did resonate with me. I did give a little chuckle too, nice to know that others think the way I do about certain challenges! I keep a few of my favourite makes pinned to my workroom wall. I'm quite a perfectionist and very critical of my own work, so I figure if I think they're good enough to go on a wall then they MUST be! Lol xx
How wonderful that you picked up on Jenny's post. I am so lucky to call Jenny a personal friend and I have seen her wonderful album in real life and it is stunning. You and Jenny are two very positive reasons why I keep blogging. I think we all feel a bit down at times even though we say it doesn't matter what others think.....I have already started a little journal myself to remind me of the good things! I love the froggy card, what a wonderful thing to see on your desk every day - and a Mr Holtz quote too, what could be better! Big hugs, Annie xx
So very wise, Darnell ... being as lovely to ourselves as we are to others isn't a luxury, it's a necessity! We're none of us perfect, we're people ... and that's what makes us interesting ... and fun ... and funny. Rather like your tutu toting frog ... he's fabulous! Hugs, Anita :)
What a great post again, Darnell!! Every thing you said is so true!!! In the end we are all the same, hey and we all need to know that what we do are appreciated!!!! We are constantly fighting Old Man Undermine!!! Just love what you do, enjoy every minute and know that your card is going to brighten someone's day somewhere!!!
Your froggy card is soooo cute and such a great idea to have him on your desk next to you!!!
Have a great time!!!
Great card Darnell, super image and another fabulous post.
I must admit there are times when I feel like throwing the towel in. I know that I am not the greatest card maker in the World and there are things that do not float my boat on cards but I do comment on my lovely friends cards that have used these items as there is always something positive on there for me to comment on, I don't just ignore it, thinking, well I don't like that.
When I first started blogging I felt that there were 'Diva's' in card making and they thought they were above commenting on the lower peasants but I think that has passed now.
From your creations I can't see that you could ever not like any of your cards, they are excellent and you have a fabulous sense of humour to boot.
Kath x
Perfect!! I agree and truly believe that you have to enjoy this hobby for yourself and enjoy that others create for the same reason!! That's what it's all about!
What a great reminder that we need to kick that ole man undermine as far away as possible. I love how you're keeping him at bay! You can't help but grin at Miss Froggy Ballerina!
Great post Darnell and so glad you shared Jenny's post with us. I have read all the comments and am heartened to know I am not alone in my self worth and insecurities. You would think doing something that you get so much pleasure from would guard against Old Man Undermine from whispering in your ear, but alas no.Love your Froggy in Tutu card and what it represents. I will be popping over to have a closer look at Jenny's inspirational album too.
Hugs Lottie x
Great thoughts, and great card. :)
Such an uplifting post! Thank you!!!!
Your froggy is so darn cute! And he will be a great reminder of what a wonderful artist you are and your gift to always bring a smile to everyone whoever reads your blog! You are a true joy!
Darnell, your words resonate with me for sure! I am my own worst enemy, and what a froggy fairy godmother you are! Love your card and I read your blog faithfully. It is always uplifting and humorous. Thanks for being the kind person that you are. Hugs.
Fab post. Life is to busy in my house for old man undermine to get his nose in.
Great card - must bring a smile every time you look at it - which is it's purpose :)
Do you know what a treasure you are? This is a post that will hit home with all card maker/bloggers, who have all had those feelings and frustrations. A wonderful post. Thanks for sharing it and for bringing our attention to Jenny's fabulous project. Your frog in the tutu and ballet slippers is TOO MUCH FUN!!!
OMGoodness YES !!! This is just soooo true and I'm sure applies to everyone ! I was uplifted by this post and my smile got bigger the further down I read. Your Froggy is fabulous and I do so enjoy your words of wisdom :-D
IKE in Greece xxxx
This is beautiful. I do wish I had more time to comment on all the cards of the sweet friends that leave me a comment. I know it's so important. I guess that is what would bother me more than me not getting a comment . I can't stand the thought of someone not getting a comment or a word reccongtion. I am just thinking out loud.
I have to catch up and see how your trip was.
HI Darnell, thank you (and Jenny) for this inspiring post, which I know applies to myself and I am sure everyone else, thank you for sharing Jenny's words, I'm going to look at all the photos now as the book looks stunning, love your frog!!! Hugs Carole Z X
With a heart as big and generous as yours, Darnell, you'll never be alone or unappreciated (I'm sure!) Like you said, I do tend to judge myself and count my level of worth by the number of views I've had on my blog and the comments I receive. Really it doesn't matter, because I get benefit myself by making cards - all of the rest can be just icing on the top. Thanks for reminding me that each of us counts in the grand scheme of life - I don't always have to be a butterfly - sometimes it's okay to be a slug! :)
P.S. Love the la-di-da! (It's what we call frogs in our household, as it's what my son called frogs when he was little). :)
What has she put that in the right words! I allow myself 5-10 minutes a day to think like that and the rest of the day I have to leave that. One a month I allow myself to swallow in those thoughts for an evening and normaly that's it.
Think your card is a funny one and made me smile so most of that thoughts are gone for today. Thanks! Have a fun weekend, Gerrina
Darnell, this really hits the nail on the head for most of us crafters. But, then we cant expect to receive recognition if we do not dish it out ourselves first. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Hugs DesĆre {Doing Life}
I must agree with Desire Fourie , if you don't love yourself first then no one else will , having said that I'm super critical of what I make but am so over winning or even taking part in challenges. For me and especially lately it is more about getting to know the other crafters and feeling " the love " which thanks to you I have done so rather than wining competitions.I love your frog she is a real beauty and her message is loud and clear.
Hi Darnell,
such a fabulous post, and as always you have worded it just right.
I loved reading it, and will pop along to Jenny's blog in minute, to have a look at her book which looks fabulous.
I think this idea is great, and something to remind us, of our crafting worth is just the right tonic needed.
Love your card, and your little frog in it's tutu.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
FABUOUS POST!! I agree with Lyndal, but after all these years of card making and having those feelngs in the beginning, I've learned that we need to do what makes up happy and not worry about what other people have. When I started getting the recognition and being so busy, I didn't enjoy my crafting as much...I was feeling the pressure and it was like a job lol....so now I just craft for fun and I'm happy with that. After all , why did we start crafting? Wasn't it for the fun of it and stress relief? Not more stress lol
Old Man Undermine likes to lurk at my house sometime. Thanks for the pick me up and finding such a wonderful project and Jenny's blog! Have a great day Darnell!
Couldn't agree with you more, love the dancing frog and thanks for the thoughts.
Hugs Diane
Great post Darnell, I haven't been blogging for very long but I have my own strict rules which I abide by. If someone takes the time to visit me and leave a comment I will always visit them back, that only seems fair to me. It happened to me so many times that I had visited blogs again and again leaving comments and they never returned the favour. I understand that everyone is busy and cannot get back to you every time but there are people out there who deserve recognition and hardly ever get it. They spend ages going round leaving comments on other people's blogs getting nothing in return and that is very discouraging. I almost stopped blogging until I met one or two blogging friends who visited me regularly and I am working on doing the same for other people, I hope! I try to check the comments regularly and visit the people who have left the messages, unless I am unable to find them, I always leave a return comment.
Thank you for this great posting and have a lovely weekend, Happy crafting, Angela x
What an amazing post Darnell!!! It's true and your friend has it all right as we do get a little down when we aren't recognized the way we think we should be. But I love blogging and if no one would ever come and look at anything I did, I would still be happy. Why you ask? Because I so love giving much better than receiving, so there for I love visiting everyone and making them feel wonderful than I do reading the comments on my own blog! Not that I don't enjoy them, because I do and I love them all!!!! But it is just that you never know what you words might do to a person, heck they even might save another person's life! Love, love that cute card and I think it is certainly perfect for reminding one to enjoy the journey. Hugs, Brenda
You know what, I think this might be my favourite post of yours....! I TOTALLY understand about 'Old man undermine', I do it to myself all the time. I have one challenge in particular that I just can't win and I always think 'why aren't my cards good enough??'. When this happens I tend to step back a bit and take some time off from creating until I can get my silly brain sorted and remember this is a hobby and its supposed to be fun. It can be very crushing when you don't get any comments, thats why I try to leave as many as I can. We are funny things, making all these projects and loving them ourselves but then not as much if no one else does. Strange don't you think??
Great post Darnell, coupled with your lovely humour, which is also important! Frog in a tutu?! Thanks for sharing xxx
I am not a blogger, but my self-doubt pops up quite often. The worst time is just before a craft fair....as in, this next 4 weeks. Thank you for the post, I really needed it.
Great post Dolly. And wonderful project that Jenny shared. I think we all have these doubts at one time or another ... and sometimes it's hard to get past them. Having something close by to remind us that we are doing this to have fun is a great idea --- love your card of encouragement for you! I plan on making something to do that for me. Thank you for sharing this important issues ... knowing that there are so many others that feel the same way and that I am not alone, is comforting. Lolly xx
Absolutely touched by this post, Darnell, these are some of my frequent thoughts too... I would have a lot to say about this theme, since we all know there is a wide range of reasons and/or interests, besides the quality and beauty of a project, for some people to have recognition and others don't... I have seen fantastic works of art in some blogs, that barely reached 3 or 4 comments total... But I won't go that way because that isn't the point here, as far as I understand it.
Like you said, it's sad that some crafters “gave up blogging because of little or no positive feedback” and, even worse, stopped enjoying a hobby that is supposed to make us feel good. However, I totally understand it. Words can be beautiful and encouraging, but we should also remember that they are often far from what people really think and feel, if we consider words vs acts... in any context. Arts are a purer way of communication; small children draw and paint spontaneously just because it pleases them... maybe we should go back in time and just have fun creating. However, everyone feels compelled to share, even children. Jenny also felt that need, for the right reasons imho, with something so personal... btw, love the idea of an illustrated "book of happiness". I think that any strategy that makes us feel good is a welcome one.
In my own experience, I keep telling me to expect nothing... but it usually doesn't work :). So, I invite Old Man Undermine to my home, because misery loves company, and also because he helps me moderating my "conceit and self-flatulation" :), and I hang around with him for a few days. Then I say a good-bye or see you soon to him, it depends, and I invite Young Man Singing in the Rain. Music really helps me, and there is a particular song about what is important in life, beyond periods of light and darkness, that cheer me up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcQwIxRcaYs.
Your card says it all, really fun and appropriate for the post. I’m sorry for the long comment, I don’t even have my blog yet...
What an wonderful read! And one awesome card...love!
Firstly, I love your card, it makes me happy! Secondly, I'm sure you did voice a lot of our thoughts (have you been inside my head?). When I'm feeling in a rut,I like to create for myself, playing with new or nbus stuff. I spend more time visiting my fave blogs and finding new blogs to get inspiration and share the love! There are some challenges I have tried and tried to get recognition from and if it doesn't happen, I think it's best to take a break. By recognition, i don't necessarily mean a win, just getting a comment from the people I admire, is enough to make me feel good!.
Anyhow, just visiting your blog is good therapy - thanks for making me laugh and for this wonderful thought provoking post. I love Jenny's album - wonderful idea!
:-D LOVE the frog :-D so sweet card
Great post, Darnell. This is something we should all think about in our "real lives" too -at work for example. I own a wonderful encouragement card for work Sandie (from London Days) has made me, it was a wonderful gift to receive and I hope to send someone a similar card one day! Maybe that would be a fun idea for a special challenge... Make an encouragement card and send it to someone! Hmm! :) xxx
Great post to remind us to ease up on ourselves! We are our own worst critics sometimes!
Thank you for your wise words.
What a great post and I will defo hop over to Jenny's blog ... LOVE your card!!
This is a wonderful and real post Darnell.
Mr. Undermine does his rounds here too, but I really try to boot him out ASAP !
There are a several of you out there that always bring a smile to my face with "visits" and encouraging words. I feel blessed.
We love our hobby and participate in some challenges. We should remember that we are indulging in something that we enjoy doing. I love mailing a card to a friend or family member. I love selling my cards at an annual craft show.
We have days when we are our #1 critic or fan.
I guess it is about achieving a balance too.
Great comments on this post Darnell. Great project from Jenny. I am in love with your tiny dancer card.
You're smart, Darnell! I think this is a great idea to keep a positive piece of creativity on our desks to remind us we're worth something! You're a dear.
Totally uplifting and soothing!! I have had Old Man Undermine in my head a lot this past year! Once I got him under control then grief from losing my dad took over and I have struggled to create anything. I really want to find my groove again and be able to create again!! If you know of a cure for that then please impart of your wisdom to me!!!
Well Miss Darnell your post has touched so many, sadly we all think this way, but you always remind us our art is just for fun, I keep my thing displayed to remind me how much I love to just create, also all the wonderful things I have received from all the other wonderful artist, thanks for this wonderful post..
Once again thanks again for encouraging words Darnell. For me I am glad to know others share my feelings. There have been several times I feel like I no longer want to do challenges and then I receive a kind word. A quick comment to someone is really important and I like to think of it as giving one a "smile." You wear many hats and your new one is Cheerleader.
Old Man Undermine has been living in the corners of my mind for a while now - I have been very time and creativity poor lately and so every time I manage to squeeze five minutes out of a day to craft it's been nigh on impossible to come up with anything, let alone anything that I am even mildly happy with!
Having been off the scene for a while doesn't help either - going form a regular participant in challenges to a 'any time I get a minute' participant has resulted in a dramatic fall in comments even when I do post which is especially when Old Man Undermine rears his ugly head!
I love the idea that it's OK to have an ego boosting session now and again - sometimes it's nice to look through my Pinterest at the cards I've made and think, 'I actually quite like that one!'
Thanks for the reminder darling, and if you ever experience any doubts yourself, drop me a line and I'll give you a well deserved boost! ;)
PS - LOVE your card, enjoy the journey indeed!! ;)
Adorable card, Darnell. Someone else has thought this?!--LOL! My way of dealing with the self doubts is a friend I can be honest with who totally understands & I was finally able to stop "hitting my head against the wall" by entering that challenge that never picked me. This is art & everyone has different taste, so I move on to other challenges. And most of all blogging friends give me such positive feedback on cards that didn't win I choose to accept their opinion! Thanks for sharing, Darnell!
I'm late in commenting, however, reading what the others have shared has been enlightening. I've gone over to do some visiting...Everyone needs a little word of cheer and appreciation. Old Man Undermine has taken up residence very much, of late, and I'm tiring of his presence. I need to remember that the # of comments I receive isn't an indicator of my 'worth' or the quality of my cards. That's a challenge, sometimes, but I'll work on that. I make cards because I love doing so. Your froggy is fabulous!
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