A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

November 3, 2014

Froggie Eyes and Turkey Necks

Hi There!

Happy Fresh-Smelling Monday Morning to you! What will your week bring?

I've got a cutie of a card for you today. Several months ago, my good friend Di stamped off some sweet LOTV Annabelle images for me and I used one of them on my card. (Thank you, again, Di!)
I colored her with watercolor pencils and fussy-cut her to make her work for the current CAS(E) This Sketch challenge. Here is the fun sketch by the talented Gayatri (which I flipped):
I had an apropopo vellum sediment for this cheery card so I stapled it to a pink panel and it put on the inside:
I'm also entering:
Pixies Crafty WorkshopSimon Wednesday Challenge Blog
You can click on any of the challenge links for details about the rules, sponsors, and prizes. I hope you can play along!


Aging is Not for the Vain at Heart

Even if we manage to forget our ages (sometimes to the point of embarrassing our children), there are some aspects of living our lives that can interfere with living our lives. I thought I would share with you that there is one consequence of aging that I'm having fixed this morning. Genetically, I've always had heavy eyelids and I was advised a couple of years ago that they were impacting my vision. But I let it go and walked around with my eyebrows metaphorically pinned to my hairline so that I could see. When I went back to the doctor a couple of months ago, my eye test results were, of course, even worse with the passage of time and the falling of gravity. 

So I'm having a blepharoplasty today. Doesn't that sound like one of my made-up words? It snot. But I think some Greek might have had a cold when he decided the word for "eyelid" would be "blepharon." Guzhunhidt.

I did ask my lovely surgeon if she would suck up my neck while she was at it, but all she did was laugh so hard she nearly fell off her stool. Darn it.

It isn't the first time I've tried to get an easy neck lift. A few years ago, I was seeing a lot of commercials for a laser treatment that lifts saggy necks and jowls without surgery and the results looked amazing.

So when I was at my dermatologist's office for a six-month checkup, I told her I was interested in the procedure. She is Asian with a heavy accent. I'm not making fun of her accent; in this case, it was her delivery that made her brutal honesty so funny!

She came around to stand in front of me, took a look and said, sternly and firmly, "You too late. You need knife."

All righty then. That's using your words!


ENJOY your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life Is Too Short!

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Sue said...

Such a gorgeous card Darnell, I love the sweet image and pretty colours.
I hope your surgery goes okay.
hugs Sue
Just in case you didn't see my Email (I sent it to you whilst you were away) thanks again for my gorgeous card. I really love it and have it displayed on my shelf next to me for everyone to admire.
take care, Sue xx

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Gorgeous card Darnell
so great sentiment
fingers cross for your health
hugs and blessings Tamara

Milka Gubo said...

Hello Darnell
Lovely card :-D That patterned background paper is so pretty.
Good luck on your surgery today :-D

Sammy said...

BWAAHAA! I know I shouldn't laugh, but your dermatologist cracked me up! (I shall have to find me one like her... My current one is an exceedingly dull man!)

I love your card too! There was a time where I would buy up every LOTV stamp under the sun, and this was one of them! Great use of that little strip of vellum! x

Julie B said...

You crack me up Darnell, I'm just greatful the skin genes have been kind to me. The eyes well thats another issue. I take mine off to read!!!!! Great card and sentiment by the way!:)

Linda said...

Fabulous card Darnell .... she's sooo cute!
Hope everything goes well today ..... big hugs Linda xx

Hannelie said...

I can hear her say that... living here in the uae with so many Asian people... just love their accent and short and sweet English. I am starting to sound just like that!
Love the carefree girl on her bicycle... Fab use of the sketch!
(good luck for the procedure!)

Liz said...

Lovely card and such a cute image.

Had a chuckle when I read your post - good luck with the surgery. Hope it all goes well. x

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! I love this stamp! Fab design
Lucy x

Carole Pollard said...

Great story today and I hope the eyelid surgery goes well. I love the card as I do like LOTV you have made the image into a stunning CAS card enjoy your week Love and hugs Carole x

Carol L said...

Adorable little bike rider, and I love the split panel with vellum too. Best of luck with your procedure - I'm sure you'll be happy wit the results :)

Michele Kovack said...

Your card is cute! Your story cracked me up! Good luck to you and hope you have a speedy recovery!

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous happy and uplifting card! Your colouring is fabulous. I hope your surgery goes well and it helps your eyesight, will be thinking of you all day long! Take care my friend! Big hugs. Christine xxxxxx

I Card Everyone said...

Don't forget the before and after photos, Darnell! and be well! Love the card... what a cutie!
=] Michele

~amy~ said...

Such a fun card! That girl is adorable!

Good luck today and are you sure your dermatologist isn't my Momma? LOL...she's brutally honest too. I always cringe when she starts the convo with: I'm only telling you this because nobody else will...

Kim M said...

What a super cute card! Adorable image and great take on the sketch. Well, I hope your surgery goes well. I don't think you need a neck lift. You're beautiful just the way you are! Big hugs! :-)

jimlynn said...

Cute, cute card! Love that image.
Um......I'd probably need a chain saw instead of a knife!
Good luck on your procedure!

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Darnell, I thought you were talking about me when I saw the post title, the joys of aging...... arghhhhhh. Your card is is beautifully whimsical, I love it. Good luck today, you are going to look amazing as you already look young. Hugs, Shirleyxx

Leslee said...

Very cute card! It could have been me your were talking about!!! Getting older does suck at times. All the best with your surgery.

Inkyfingers said...

What a gorgeous image Darnell - reminds me of my daughter when she was a little girl! Love the design with the vellum too. Sorry to hear about the surgery and hope it all goes well. Take care and look after yourself.
Carol x

Hettie said...

Great card there and wonderful sediment inside.
Hope your surgery went well. I am a little squeemish about eye ops...jeesh you think I would be ok having had 3 years working in opticians!
I too had a blunt Asian lady doctor tell me last night that I had large "bulky" legs, though she did admit I had alot of muscle!! At least they don't pussy foot around like some! I would rather they be straight!

Brenda said...

This is one cute card Auntie! I am so loving that little girl and how you have colored her. Love, love the sentiment on the inside too. Nothing wrong with embarrassing our kids either, cause they have certainly embarrassed us a time or two. lol Funny I never notice that your eye lids were heavy. I know a person who has one eyelid that is like this and had surgery done on it. You can't even tell it was done now. So I hope your surgery is a better success than my friends. He had something different though. I had to laugh about the dermatologist though. But I like direct and to the point! lol I will keep you in my prayers today that all goes well and is a success. My eye lids have gotten pretty droopy over the years too and I hate it since my eyes were my best asset! Hugs, Brenda

Becca Cruger said...

Sometimes you just see a card that was clearly intended to burst your little face with a smile - this is one of those times! That girl is so joy-filled. What a sweet image!

I am sorry that you can't get a free neck lift, and that your eyelids aren't playing nicely. I hope the doctors will figure something out for you. Until then, just keep making them laugh, right?

Nancy said...

Such an adorable card, Darnell! What a sweet image. Your post made me laugh. Keep up the sense of humor and take care with your surgery! Thinking of you and wishing you well!

Cat Craig said...

Sweet card, great story. Hope you are recovering quickly, and that your improved field of vision is delightful.

Loll said...

Hi Dolly. LOVE this card ... such a fun image and your colouring is awesome. Perfect sentiment for the inside too. How nice of Di to send you some images ... aren't crafters the best??!! :)

Good luck with your eye lift today ... I'm sure everything will go smoothly! Lolly xx

Redanne said...

I love your card, that image is so sweet and you have coloured her beautifully.

Hope the procedure goes well and it really does assist you in seeing better! Will be thinking of you whilst I am at the Tower of London - not being be-headed, just looking at the 1000's of World War I poppies.

Take care my friend! Hugs, Annie xxx

Geri said...

Well pal, if your eyes are looking as good as this card, then I'd say success on both counts! Hopefully all went well.

Fabulous coloring! That's a really cute image that works perfectly for this design layout.

Love the chicken/ostrich/emu or whatever type of avian it happens to be!

Thanks for making my morning with another great post!

Jacee said...

Lovely design Darnelle, really like how you have placed that sweet image.
hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

oldpunca said...

What a wonderful card, Darnell. :-) I like the image.
You made me laugh with your conversation with the dermatologist. :-) Thank you for the amazing post. I enjoy reading it.

Marisa said...

ADORE that sentiment and live it to the full :) My hubby says there are three kids in the house LOL!

My MIL had that eye surgery done and it did AMAZING things for her vision! Had a chuckle at your dermatologists comment - only because I got told the same thing when I was asking about laser surgery for my eyesight. Apparently after a certain age it doesn't work and guess who is at that age LOL! Now all I can hope for is cataract surgery before I don't have to worry about corrective lenses on my face (or a bank account that can support contact wearing again). Sure you will love the results! Hang in there.

Carole said...

Joyful and fun with a great sentiment...very cute

Carole said...

Joyful and fun with a great sentiment...very cute

Susanne Vargas said...

Oh, that card is just adorable and the saying is perfect!

Jean said...

A super card Darnell, I love the LOTV images and this little girl looks so full of life. The soft colours and lovely backing paper perfect.
I hope your surgery went well today and that the result is good.
Jean x

Happy Dance said...

Sweet little card, Miss D. Love the wee schmick of vellum you've stuck behind Miss Pedal Pusher... By now, I'm guessing you are all done and are recovering from your surgery. You are in my prayers sweet girl. Let us know how you're doing. Bev

Karen P said...

Beautifully colour image Darnell and a gorgeous card. Hope you don't get too much ouchie huni! Take it easy and rest Karen x

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Indeed a cutie patootie card, Darnell. I typed a book about necks and jibs, and erased it. Hope your eye procedure goes smoothly.

conil said...

Well, have a good bleph-achoo. I'm sure it will be everything you hoped. If, while you're in there, you find someone who's in need of some extra skin, neckwise, I'm willing & eager to share mine (I've a lot to offer). Anyway...fun, happy card. Great coloring.

Anita in France said...

So completely sweet and fun, Darnell ... I can imagine you doing this on a bike ... p'raps erm, not so long ago? Hope it all went well today, that you're being lavished with tender loving care ... and that the Mister is reading your comments to you! Take care, my friend! Hugs, Anita :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card.
All the best with the op. The honesty of your dermatologist! Cheers and hope all is well.

Kathleen said...

Mmm, I have of course had to scroll down to look at photo's of you and your eyelids, well I have to say that yours do not look as bad as mine .... were. Yes last December I had my eye lids 'done' I had begun to look as if I had no eyes and I had what I used to describe as a black sun strip across the top of my eyes. I finally plucked up courage to go to the Doc's and she said this is not cosmetic but necessary and she referred, me to a Plastic Surgeon and he took one look at me and said have you any holidays booked?
I only wish I had gone a couple of years earlier, the bruising wasn't as bad as I expected and everyone has said what a differnce it has made, even though I do have small eyes anyway.

When I'd had my op, I went round singing "I can see clearly now, the lids have gone!

Sarn sent me a card which I would also send to you but no idea where you live but this is what it was .


Two lovely black eyes.

Oops the card is fabulous with a great sentiment so Enjoy life with your new vision.

Kath xx

Pat said...

This is a cute image Darnell and love the way you have coloured it. The wordy background is perfect and I adore your little enamel dots with the vellum - so pretty. Hope you are not feeling too poorly this evening and that you are soon back to your fun self and get lots of TLC from the Mister. x

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
My, you have a steady hand to cut out that stamp. All the more amazing when you can't see!
I hope they don't pull things up from too far below as you don't want eyebrows from other regions, ahem!
Seriously, best of luck with your blasphemyplasty . . . . . Will you be allowed back in church again?.
Hope all gives well.
Ang x

Jeanne H said...

Love and hugs to you, Darnell. You sure do wonderful cards with poor eyesight...can't wait to see what you do now! Best wishes.

Lisa Elton said...

Such a cute image and a sweet card!! Sure wish we had some kind of built in crank to turn when things begin to sag and droop!! Hope all goes well :)

Carol Cel said...

good luck with your surgery -- I had this done about 2 years ago -- takes a bit to get used to seeing myself in the mirror -- have your mister get you some Bromelain and Arnica Montana from your local vitamin / health store -- these help with the bruising . .. really!! my dr told me to take them -- worked wonders -- and ice too! Although you probably won't be reading this for a while -- feel good!

dottielottie said...

Love your LOTV image she is very sweet and sits very well on her bike and on the front of your card Darnell. I really did LOL (as they say in txt speak) at your dermatologist's forthright assessment of your condition, talk about plain speaking! Hope all went well for you today, sending hugs.
Lottie x

Bonnie said...

I love this little bicyclist with her pig tails flying! And the sentiment fits perfectly! My eye Dr. keeps telling me that same thing. I'll be interested in seeing how it works for you. I never noticed it myself. You do a remarkable job of holding your eyebrows up!

Janelle said...

I'm sure Darnell that your eye surgery will be an eye-opening experience! :) Mwah ha ha ha! No, best wishes for a speedy recovery and a spectacular result. I agree with one of the other commenters, that it will be amazing to see what you can do with good eyesight again. Wahoo! Cheers!

Sharron said...

Your card is adorable, Darnell! I love little images like that and you did an awesome job with your coloring! She's so sweet, with the perfect sentiment! Your post made me smile, as always. Best of luck with tomorrow's procedure.

Petra Swart said...

Hi, Darnell, hope all went well with the procedure!!! Couldn't help but LOL for your story on your neck and the dermatologist!!! I can see the picture in my mind!!!! Oh, and I love that photo of the bird - looks like he is going to attack the photographer any moment!!!

Your card is sooooo cute, Darnell!!! Love the cheerful little girl on her bicycle!!! Beautifully coloured and what neat fussy cutting!!! Great use of the sketch!!!

Have a lovely day!!!

Aileen said...

Love this card. I particularly love this stamp and have been pondering getting but have to control myself at the moment. Went on a bit of a spree and need to use use use.
I love your post, you too late, need knife. Nothing like being brutally honest hey.

Donna Nuce said...

Hi Darnell! Hope your eye surgery goes well. Loved the coloring on your image. Such a great card. Your doctor sure is funny!

sandie said...

I hope the eye surgery goes well and your attempt to get a neck lift gave me my early morning giggle! Adorable card and what a cutie image x

Canonbury creations said...

Fab card Darnell love the image! Good luck with your surgery, will we see a before and after?
Val x

Ros Crawford said...

Great card Darnell! And I'm wishing you luck with your surgery even though I already think you look stunning ... which of course you will see yourself once your eyelids are fixed! Have a good week!

Di said...

Oh Darnell! First off, I adore your Annabel card of course :)

And hate to say I howled with laughter about 'Too late. You need knife''.

And here's hoping you're doing OK after your eyelids nip and tuck and will soon be bright eyed and bushy tailed - we'll have to call you Snowflake :)

I'm so please Kath 'fessed up in her comment - I know about it beforehand last Autumn but didn't know whether I could say anyfink. It was almost a year ago and she ain't looked back - no pun intended!


Di xx

Shelly said...

Such a cute card, Darnell! Best wishes with your surgery! Hugs! And oh your dermatologist is too funny! ;) Take care!

Pia S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pia S said...

You can take comfort from the words of my oldest nephew, aged 18. I was on a visit, he wanted me to join him for some event and I said I didn't have the right clothes on me to do that, neither did I have any make up on. That's no problem I was told, because once you've passed 30 nobody's noticing you anyway. So, we're invisible!!! At least for some percentage of the population! But I was told he finds me really cool to be so old. Bless him.
Loving your card and the piece of vellum detail and enamel dots. Super girly card!

Bobby said...

That little girl is just darling, Darnell. I wanted that surgery but the good/bad news is my sight doesn't warrant it. Why is is that surgeons don't want to do double procedures? I wanted a tummy tuck when I had my hysterectomy but "no". :( Good luck with the lift.

Patti said...

Great card!! she looks like she is really enjoying life!! She also looks like she could use some eyelids maybe you could help her out! ; )

Just kidding! I really hope all goes well with your surgery!!


Desire Fourie said...

First of all your card is so fun and I love where you placed the girl on the card. Hope your eye op went well and things are very clear now re your neck lol. Thanks so much for stopping by on my side and taking part in my 1000 Follower give away.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Joyce said...

Wonderful card, and I love how you used and rotated the sketch. Good luck with your eye procedure, and just imagine what you will be able to see once you are all recovered.

Lyndal said...

LOVE this image for your CAS(E) this Sketch card Darnell!

Leigh Penner said...

Firstly, I love your super sweet card -- that stamped image is so fun and your sentiment is perfect! Great take on the sketch!
Secondly, oh, you made me laugh this morning! Thanks for that! I've tried to get my doctor on board for some botox injections for my one frown line between my eye-brows, but she's just laughed at me as well.... I love the comment that you're too late and your need knife! Too funny!

Greta said...

Oh how funny! The only plastic surgery I actually want is a bleph! Even when I was young there was no reason to put on eye shadow since you couldn't see it unless my eyes were closed! If I ever qualify for insurance to cover it, I'll be scheduling! Hope it goes well, Darnell. Your card is just adorable & perfect for the sketch!

Marybeth said...

You too late....that is too funny wish I was with you when she said that.... I missed the card again...I will go back and look.
I thank God every day that as we get older our close up vision is not very good. My husband only sees a blurry face.

Kim Heggins said...

ok....I had to call my hubby in to pick my up off the floor from all the laughing I did while reading your post...just too darn funny! Your doctor sounds just as funny as you are my sweet turkey neck friend. Your card is just as cute and sweet as your post. Sending hugs your way.

Jen W. said...

That really is an adorable image. I love her snazzy pink bike and flying pigtails. She reminds me of Pippi Longstocking. :)
And as for your eyelids I know from the above post that it went well and you're now working the very trendy smokey eyelid look. :) I loved the pictures with your post - they really cracked me up. (Why are turkeys so funny?) And your dermatologist? I love her. Really. She rocks.

Shona Chambers said...

This card so reminds me of what I looked like back in the day. I had very long blonde hair and always had it in side plaits or pigtails. Those were the days.....I'm a bit late with my emails at the moment so I hope everything went well with your little procedure. It will be interesting to see if you notice any difference with your vision. I'm sure you were looked after very well and waited on hand and foot. Hope your able to see well now without too much pain!!

maria f. said...

Stretch out your hand. Now help me up from the floor and pick up my stool. The four-legged kind.

donna mikasa said...

Darnell! I always get a nosebleed by the time I scroll all the way down to comment! LOL! Such a fab take on the sketch--love that happy image! Thanks so much for joining us at CTS!

cm said...

I'm here, late as usual (I'll be standing in the corner again...), and by now, I hope you're healing well from the blepharoplasty experience (that's a mouthful!). I've been having eyelid issues recently, too; I've been 'prescribed' Omega 3. Great. Fish Oil. Yum (bleph...er, blech!). As you can predict: love, love and love your card! A little girl enjoying a bike ride: right up my alley!