A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 27, 2015

DJKASEing Kleenex

Hi there!

Thank you for whooshing through another week to get here ~ whoops, don't look now, but you also whooshed through the second month of the new year already! Gulp.

I have a card for you today that I've been wanting to make since Kleenex brought out this pattern in several colors. Yesterday Comcast, our cable company, had a major malruption of my computer and phone services, so with all that time on my hands, I finally did this:
I mean, I just HAD to make a DJKASE of that Kleenex box pattern in one of my favorite color ranges.

The papers are SU and GKW and PTI. The angles that look black are really navy. The little flag banner is a Framelits die from SU and the sediment is by Waltzingmouse. The die I used to cut all the patterns is this one by Lil' Inker. It's called "Cover Up Die: Pieced Chevron."
I even remembered to do the inside. The sediment is an ancient stamp by Penguin Parade and the bricks are by Lawn Fawn called "Interlocking Backdrops."
And this is how my desk looked after wards:
As you can see from the large pile, I will be making LOTS of pieced cards, which my empty stash desperately needs. And, yes, don't judge, there are still items under the pile from the cards I made in my prior post. I gave Hammy the day off clean-up duty after he helped me come up with that idea to heat emboss my cover plates and dies.
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New Friends Corner

I am so pleased for you to meet these new friends:

Lili Sulastri of One More Take. Lili started blogging in 2012. In addition to being a wife and mother, Lili works in an office. Lili loves photography as a major hobby and she uses her beautiful photographs to make outstanding scrapbook layouts. Her attention to details and bright and vivid colors and patterns really accentuate her photography talent!

Kamila Routsis of Life in Moments. Kamila lives in Denmark, where she moved from the UK, but she was born and raised in Poland. She started blogging in 2013 when she discovered the art of card making and card-making blogs while checking out You Tube videos. Kamila now makes her own card-making videos on You Tube, participates in challenges, and serves on design teams! Her colorful card art will inspire you!

Tracy of Small Smackerells (love that name!). Tracy started blogging in - are you sitting down? 2005!! That makes her a founding member of The Online Stamping Community! (I just made that up, so don't go Googling it.) Tracy's cards are CAS, delightful, and impeccably made. Needless to say, you will find enormous inspiration so take a six-pack of something along and get comfortable!

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life Is Too Short!

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Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel! Mwah!
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me your email address so I can respond. Thank you! 


kiwimeskreations said...

Love all the drama and texture in your paper piecing Darnell - what a labour of love, but it has resulted in a stunning card - or dare I say cards, in anticipation!!

sandie said...

Of my goodness, patience was needed here but well worth it. I have a couple of tissue boxes that I want to CASE but haven't got around to it yet! Great to see you join us at Uniko x

Hannelie said...

I think this is my new favorite Darnell card!
Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday!

Jane Willis said...

I've never thought of taking inspiration from tissue boxes before - and looking at the one perched on top of my printer I can see what a great idea it is. Also I've never thought of simply turning a card inside out to show the inside - my inside photos usually involve a lot of balancing at strange angles. Doh!

Sazzle Dazzle said...

What super duper inspiration from the tissue box! Not seen that one in the uk but it would match my craft room decor perfectly so I'll be buying then all if i spot it! 😀 your card is AMAZING Darnell and you are soooooo clever. Thanks for sharing it at Uniko studio. Sarah xx

Vanessa said...

I love how your card turned out!! So much work, but so worth it! Ha, your little pile reminds me of me :o)

Sue said...

Fab cards. I love the colour mix on the blue/lilac one.

Hope you have a fab Friday. Sue

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Amazing Darnell
have a lovely weekend
hugs Tamara

Suze Bain said...

Wow, this looks fab Darnell, just don't accidentally blow your nose on it! Lol! Xx

Sammy said...

Oh wow Darnell, that is an AWESOME card! LOVE those colours and the chevron design is perfect. That die is sooooo going on my shopping list. x

Redanne said...

Now that is what I call a labour of love... your card is beyond beautiful! It was so worth the time and effort it took to complete and I can see that Hammy will have fun helping you to create lots more variations too! How clever to find a die that does the job so beautifully too. Stunning card my friend, this has shot to the top of my favourites now!! Big hugs, Annie xxx

Milka Gubo said...

AWESOME!!!! Love it! Great job Darnell. :-D
Have a fabulous weekend.

Nannie4 said...

Hi, Darnell! I love those colours ---you've probably read that before on my blog, on other peoples' blogs.... you must have the patience of Job! It's such a gorgeous card!
Thanks for your visit. Visits and comments are always much appreciated.

Diane said...

Wow...what a fun and fabulooooous card!! You are going to make me want that die and i ma broke now..thanks!! This card would fit in the challenge at "The Sisterhood of Crafters" perfectly, as it is paper piecing!!! also, maybe you have this, but if not it has YOUR name written all over it.
There is a matching die, too!!!!

Anonymous said...

You did a fabulous Casing this Kleenex Box. I love it and the colors are spot on. We can tell that a lot of love and work went into this card, but well worth it. Just lovely. Enjoy your weekend.

Lizzy Hill said...

Only YOU could thin of case-ing a tissue box. And ROCK it. Looks amazing. Can't wait to see what you do with the left overs *winks* !!!!!!!!

Lynette said...

Oh wow - is that cool or what?!?!? What an awesome CASE of a Kleenex box - and a fabulous card.

Jeanne said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so relieved to know that I am not the only one who wanted to case a design on a box of tissues. We use Puffs and some of the designs of the boxex are so very pretty. But while I have wanted to do this, you have actually gone and done it! And have done it gorgeously! Love it!

Marilyn said...

WOW!! That is awesome!

Pat said...

Fantastic Darnell, and that die replicates the pattern perfectly! I love the colours too. x

Hettie said...

Good on Kleenex to come up with a design that you could case. Brilliant. Love the colours too. You could make one for my birthday with some of the scraps if you like! LOL!

Leslie Hanna said...

This is GORJUS! I've attempted to CASE my tissue boxes in the past, but none of them made it from my brain to paper.

Oh, and prepare to be CASEd!!!!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, it's amazing!! I love, love the design and colors!! You should sent a picture to Kleenex - they would love it!! The inside is fabulous, too!! Have a great weekend :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Sandy said...

Your card is beautiful Darnell. I love that range of colors. It's funny, I did the Simon Says blog hop last week, and one of the DT mentioned that she likes to look at Kleenex boxes for inspiration. You've surely proved that it works.

Unknown said...

Beautiful card and what a fab tissue holder! I love the idea of die cut piecing.. Great way to mass produce a set of cards, I think! Xx

designbydonna said...

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp! That is the sound of me running to check out the design on my Kleenex boxes. What a great source of inspiration and a great job of interpreting it.

Shelly said...

This is SUPER DUPER AWESOME! Love that a box of Kleenex gave you inspiration for a card! Funny at times where we find inspiration, yeah?! ;)

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Oh my word... your desk is too dang funny. Now that is what I call a project, Darnell! Love the colors, and so glad that you can be inspired by Kleenex! It's the little things, right?

dottielottie said...

There is no doubt that die's are a crafters best friend (imho) and here is the proof in your beautiful card Darnell! The results are so well worth all that fiddly time consuming effort.Love this colour combination, you so nailed your DJKASE of that fab tissue box. Hugs Lottie x

Susanne Vargas said...

Oh my, this cool card of yours just took my breath away! It is seriously awesome - love those colors! And it looks like you will be able to make "a few" more...

adele holcomb said...

Your card is fresh and lovely and what a great way to use up scraps! I just recently noticed how attractive tissue boxes are. I've used one for card inspiration already, and saved two others to translate into cards. Great minds...;)

Laura Norris said...

WOW what a great CASE of the Kleenex box! Your card is fabulous.

Jerrie said...

Darnell, you have recreated that kleenex box spot on!! I love it!

Lisa Petrella said...

AWESOME CASE of that super fun Kleenex box! Love this, Darnell!

Taunya Butler said...

Darnell, you are so ingenius in the things you do - this Caseing of the Kleenex box is among some of the most awesome work I have seen you do!!I, too, love this color scheme and find it to be very soothing!!! And in answer to your ? - yes this is masculine!!! Great card, great lady and just a great blog!!! So fun to see this today!!!

Julia Aston said...

what an absolutely perfect case of that darn kleenex box Darnell!! I was going to say you must have made a big pile of partially used die cuts - and there it is sitting pretty as you please in your photo! Great idea to make a bunch of them while all the supplies are out on the work desk! have a super weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I love this card! The pattern, the colors, the clean design. Gorgeous. Hope Comcast is behaving itself today! Happy Friday, happy almost-March, and sending a virtual hug. ~ Laura (who appreciates your sweet comment on her blog)

Nancy said...

So creative to be inspired by the Kleenex box! Your design is fabulous!

Jean said...

A fantastic Card Darnell, what a great case of the Kleenex box with a fabulous design. I love the colours and I think it would make a super masculine card.
Jean x

Tracey McNeely said...

Whoa Nelly! Ii had to rush over as soon as I saw this on FaceBook. What a fantastic card and yes tissue boxes are totally a source on inspiration for cards. I love this so much I just want to copy it! xoxo

KT Fit Kitty said...

Awesome card, Darnell! It looks exactly like the Kleenex box! So impressive! I like how you showed the pile of leftovers too!

Birgit said...

This is so cool! I love the colours and your inspiration! I was wondering how you did this so thanks for showing all the pics.

Jacee said...

How clever Darnell, love it!
hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

KandA said...

Love this card Darnell, those colours are gorgous and it must have taken you forever xx

oldpunca said...

What a wonderful DJKASE of Kleenex box! I can understand the mess on your desk after inserting so many little pieces into the card :-)) I like also the inside of the card. Great idea.
Have a nice weekend,

Kara Lynne said...

Love the way your brain works! That's a perfect cover plate and wonderful colors to use! Fantastic card (and the ones to come, I'm sure)!

Kath said...

A fabulous card and I love that die - I must put that on my wish list!
Kath x

Carole Campanile said...

Oh how I love inspiration cards. This is a great one and I love the display of the simple sentiment. With such a beautiful background it could be used for several different types of sentiments.

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Its snowing here so we have all left work for the day. I should be back in my craft room by next weekend on a regular basis so you will be seeing more of me on your site again. Thank you as always for the great posts and stories.


!neke said...

Great cards !
Just love them !
Thanks !


Irene said...

A beautiful and stunning card Darnell, the colours are so striking gorgeous.


Carol said...

I love this Darnell a fabulous DJKASE of the tissue box...they don't do them like that in the UK! When I first looked I thought you'd cut the box up and used it as backing paper! Carol x

Vicki Dutcher said...

AWESOME colors! This turned out fabulous!

Heartwarmers from Vicki said...

I am in awe of how you cased that Kleenex box! I actually thought maybe you had cut one of them apart until I read the detail. What a fun idea!

Kristie Goulet said...

I LOVE this, Darnell! Great colors and take on the tissue box! Perfect!!!

Pia S said...

Super case, super colors, love that die and all those colors!

Willeke said...

Lovely idea ... perfect made !
Greetings from Willeke

Clare said...

Hahaha, this is so cool! I've noticed those boxes too and was thinking about CASing them, but I'm pretty sure you've got that base well covered. ;)

Sarah said...

Sooo brilliant Darnell, you must have the patience of a saint girl!! xx

Elizabeth S. said...

Wow! This is stunning and love how you did this.....wonderful card and so genius of you!

Kathleen said...

Gosh, those chevrons look stunning, a lot of hard work thought, couldn't you have just cut up the kleenex box lol.

Kath x

conil said...

A tribute to the designers of the Kleenex box...lovin' those colores.

JoAnn said...

Wow, I love this, love the colors too. You did a fabulous job on copying the Kleenex box design. Of course, you always do fabulous creations.
Yes, it is masculine. Thanks for sharing with us at Seize the Birthday.

Becca Cruger said...

Sometimes I think the universe places beautiful things in my path because I notice! HAHA - I'm glad to see this is true for you, too, and that you will have a big batch of really cool patterned pieced cards!

Anonymous said...

Fab case. Looking forward to seeing what you make of the leftovers you shared.

Chris Dring said...

This. Is. Amazing! That is all. ☺

ionabunny said...

Fantastic idea. Love the colours. Hugz

ionabunny said...

Fantastic idea. Love the colours. Hugz

Verna Angerhofer said...

I love the card that matches the Kleenix box. I have one in my home that I am contemplating trying to match too. They have some of the neatest patterns on them.

Rubeena I. said...

Omg the fact that it looks JUST LIKE THE BOX is AMAZING!!!!! You blew my mind away!!!!!

Darlene said...

WOWZA Darnell ... look at you go! What an AWESOME idea and it looks FABULOUS!! LOVE the colors. I actually just tossed an empty PUFFS box in the recycle and as I was folding it down flat I thought "hmmm I bet I could use this as background on a card" and pulled it back out of the bin! LOL! I LOVE this idea ... thanks for always inspiring me and lifting my spirits! YOU ROCK!!
Thanks so much for joining us at The Sisterhood’s ‘Paper Piecing/Paper Piercing’ challenge and please come back again soon!
one of the 'Sistahs'
The Sisterhood of Crafters

Bobby said...

Inspiration is where you find it, but who would have thought on a Kleenix box? It is a beautiful design and you replicated it perfectly, Darnell. Now where's your twofer? With all those extra pieces, it shouldn't be difficult to make even a threefer.

JD/ Jill said...

Amazing job on this card! So nicely done!

Donna Nuce said...

What a fun way to get more creative. What else can I find around the house to spark my Mojo!

Diane said...

Very fun colors and love the design Darnell.

Hugs Diane

Sharyn Polesel said...

How creative you are! What a fun card, and I love your beautiful masculine colors. Thanks so much for joining us at Seize the Birthday!

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell....this is just too darn cute and just too clever too. Love that die too, so happy I have it too. Might need to check all my tissue boxes now for inspiration! Enjoy your weekend.

Cheryl W. said...

Wow - you nailed that Kleenex box pattern, Darnell. Kleenex came up with it first. :) Have a great weekend.

Kay Miller said...

Darnell, this is FABULOUS!!! Oh I love the colors you've used and that's a fun die! I have it :) And now I know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow! heheheh!! I want that tissue box too! :D

Jeanne H said...

Some of my favorite colors! Super well done card, Darnell. Just had to add my comment to the loads you received! :-)

Cat Craig said...

Fantabulous card Darnell, and yes I do think it has a bit of a masculine bent. Great use of your near by inspiration!

Lisa Elton said...

Shazam Darnell, this is a perfect match!! What a FUN card, love it!!

Chriss Blagrave said...

What a gorgeous display and arrangement of colors and textures! Your case is...perfect!
And, lucky to have all of those extra parts to create variations!

Janelle said...

Fantastic card, Darnell. What a great colour combo. I love the cutting die. It looks like you could make another 10 cards just like this one! :)

Greta said...

I "need" that die now! LOVE this beautiful card & your inspiration--so fun, Darnell! Yes, I have won a couple random drawings. Now if I could just have a card actually picked by someone other than Mr. Random--LOL!

Karren said...

Oh wow! Absolutely nothing reactive about this comment :) This card is just plain stunning - those colors all work so beautifully and the graphic look is perfect (and definitely qualifies as masculine).

Sandra said...

Such a lovely card! Love the colorful pattern you've created! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

Ros Crawford said...

I love your card!! Looks like you can make 100 more with all the left overs!

Leslee said...

How conveniant to have a die so you could copy the tissue box! Very cool! It is so pretty.

Inkyfingers said...

I just love that colour combo Darnell and I think that chevron thingy has leapt to the to of my wishlist - love it.
Have a great weekend.
Carol x

Bonnie T. said...

Oh, this is so pretty! Love that your inspiration came from a Kleenex box. And the colors are amazing! I am going to need to purchase that die for sure.

OH Babs said...

Are you kidding me? Masterpiece.

Terri's Cards N More said...

Wow, Darnell! This is awesome. Well worth the time it took to put it together. Aren't you clever re-creating a design from a Kleenex box. You go girl!
Thanks for joining the Sisterhood's "Paper Piecing/Piercing" challenge.

Nancy said...

That is super cool Darnell! Love the bold bright colors! Well done!!

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
Sadly, the Kleenex boxes over here are not that exciting to CASE. Love the chevron die. Best of luck tidying up your bits (ooooh, errrr!)
Ang x

Colleen said...

Darnell, you my friend are ONE CREATIVE gal! that box surely was pure inspiration for you! the card is fantabulous!! (couldn't decide between fantastic and fabulous!!)I love it! And I love that die!! Thank you so very much for linking it up to Seize the Birthday!

Marie Bingaman said...

Hehehehe...this post makes me giggle, as I have been asking my co-workers to save their tissue boxes for me to make ornaments out of! The patterns are so pretty, and the boxes so sturdy! :) I love what you did with your tissue box, Darnell! :)

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
oh what beautiful creations.
Love the super designs of these.
Great colour choices too.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Katherine said...

Terrific that inspiration can come from ANYwhere! You did a great job on this!

Bonnie said...

That's a lot of piecing, but it's so worth it! Love these colors! It's a gorgeous, flat card!

Sue said...

WOW! I love this Darnell, such a fabulous design and those colours are gorgeous.
I hope you are well and having a good weekend.
hugs Sue xx

Rocky said...

This is just brilliant, love the colours too.

Sharon Underwood said...

I love all the colors and the design of this card! Way to go creating something from your beautiful Kleenex box!

Craftychris said...

Wow, this is awesome! A fab take on the tissue box - I really love that die! xxx

Claire said...

I can only imagine how long it took to put this one together Darnell - what a fabulous CASE of that box...it's almost identical!

Janeen said...

oh my, i can't imagine the time that went into this. it is really cool though. i've been seeing a lot of tissue boxes in close proximity lately. bah!

Lorraine said...

Awesome card. I love the colors. Great idea to use the tissue box as inspiration.

Unknown said...

Lovely card Darnell! you paper pieced this perfectly!!
Nina-Marie :)

Carol L said...

OMG, I LOVE this card!!! The colors are perfection, and the die has now gone on my growing wish list!! Awesome sauce!!!

Tracey said...

Before I read your post I thought you had cut up the tissue box! LOL...your card is gorgeous, well worth all the paper piecing, love the colours...my favorite! Have a great week!

Gerrina said...

That is a super colourrange! One that could be easily fit in my craftroom colourrange... I love the pieced cards! And that you make the inside as beautiful as the outside is super! Enjoy your sunday, Gerrina

Anita in France said...

LOVE THIS! Darnell ... here are all the loves I have for this stunning card ... the colours, they are among my faves ... the white contrast, it's so crisp and clean ... the shapes, they're so gorgeously graphic ... the sentiment banner, as the ends mimic the chevrons so beautifully ... that die, which will need to come and live at my house ... and finally your genius, in using a mouchoir box as inspiration! Yep, LOVE it! Bisous, Bisous, Anita :)

Joyce said...

Love this card--I am laughing because I cannot tell you how many times I have wanted to CASE my Kleenex box--they honestly have some of the best color combos and patterns around. You have inspired me to finally get around to doing one of my own. Stay tuned...

Geri said...


Lee Ann Barrett said...

It is amazing where inspiration can come from! This is just magnificent, Darnell! The colors are gorgeous!

Nora Noll said...

What an awesome inspiration!!! Kleenex box? Fabulous. I LOVE the fun design. You could make a nice set of cards with all those pieces. A nice gift!!

Mandy said...

Fabulous card Darnell! I love the pattern and the colours they are so striking.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx

Maura said...

I love this, Darnell! And so fabulous that it was inspired by the kleenex box. Amazingly, I had just decided the day you posted this, that I wanted to CASE my kleenex box! (Before I saw your card - great minds...) I haven't done mine yet, but yours is amazing!

Caz said...

Those colours work so well together as a card! very nice :-)

Petra Swart said...

Oh, I love your Kleenex inspired card, Darnell!!! And those colours are yummy, hey!!! I would say you loved jigsaw puzzles when you were young, and still do!!!! LOL!!! You surely did need a lot of patience to fit in all the little pieces, but it was all worth the effort and time, Darnell!!! Beautiful!!!

Shona Chambers said...

This is so awesome!! Tissue boxes certainly have come a long way since being plain all those years ago. I don't blame you for CASEing this, the pattern is fab and love the colours. This just has to win somewhere!!!!!

Beverley said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! The colours and design are simply FABulous! Thanks for linking up at Uniko Studio. Hugs Bev x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

First off I thought you decorated the Kleenix box too which I found to be terribly ambitious, but really good looking... then you made a card to match. But D'oh then I read your post and see that you were inspired by the Kleenix box. You did a fabby job.

BTW, is Hammy aware of the new Lawn Fawn set "I Wheelie Like You?"

Nicki S said...

What a super FUN card!!!!! I LOVE the colors and that die is so perfect for this! Thanks so much for linking up to the Uniko Studio Challenge this month!

Brenda said...

How do I get so far behind?! I'm playing catch up here Auntie, but I shouldn't have to in the future because I have sign up for the email notices! lol OMGosh, I so love that die, that card and the kleenex box! At first glance I thought you made the box to slip over your kleenex box, but no, you didn't! How perfect of a match you made with the card and the box! I love, love, love that die, so cool look and I am loving the color combo-gorgeous! Looks like lots of cards for your stash will be in the works! Now you have made me want this die and Kleenex box. lol Hugs, Brenda

Glenda J said...

Gorgeous! Great use of the die and I love the colour combo. Thanks for playing along with Seize the Birthday!

cm said...

I was sure I'd commented on this card (perhaps on FB?), but apparently not. Having a lot of 'thought I did but turns out I didn't' moments (I wish I could think my way into vacuuming!). I have this die, which hasn't seen much attention of late...and your kleenex box inspiration is brilliant! Going to see what sparks might come from ours right away!