A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 12, 2015

More Lovey Dovey

Well, hello again!

I've got more Valentines to share. I did get distracted (squirrel!!) a few times in the process, so there may be a couple three people who receive two valentines or one or two who receive none valentines. What can I say?

Every year I have inqueeries about why I make so many Valentines when I only have one husband because in other countries, one normally just makes one Valentine per husband. Here, some of us also make them for our friends, too, just like we did in kiddie school.

So, I made a few of these:
A simple OLC made from triple-tiered hearts over hearts using my NBUS PTI die and stamp set called "Heart Squared." Here is a closer up view of the tiers.

I am entering this card in the following:
  1. AAA Cards, "Love, Love, Love."
  2. Addicted to Stamps and More, "Anything Goes."
  3. City Crafter Challenge Blog, "You Matter."

GRAB OUR BADGE!Take it, it's yours

I also made several of these really QACAS OLCs:

This was made by simply embossing my NBUS owl e/f and then adding a die-cut heart balloon made with on-trend fun foam. The NBUS Marianne Design heart balloon die was given to me by my friend Ike. Thank you, again, Ike!

  1. Happy Little Stampers CAS Challenge, "Embossing."
  2. Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, "All Creatures Great and Small."
  3. The Male Room, "Valentine."

Grab our button for your blogSimon Wednesday Challenge Blog

Just click on the challenge links for details on rules, sponsors, and prizes!


To make the owl card above with the die I received from Ike, I first ran both the die and the owl e/f through my BS one time to make sure I liked the design. I did. So, then I went ahead and did an assembly line for a dozen thirty cards using the e/f for the card base. When that was finished and I was ready to run off the balloon hearts, it was nowhere to be found. And I mean noflippinwhere.

Luckily, I had recently excavated and put away a months' worth of desk Deb Ray, so it was fairly clean, but I still spent two hours turning over ever inch of the crap craft schtuff on the desk and the floor.

Have you ever turned over your die-cutting machine and looked under it to see if a die was clinging to the underbelly for dear life? I know, really? Yup. I did that six or ten times. And, yes, I checked the trash can seven or twenty-two times. Fortunately, I had also recently emptied it (before I opened the die), so there wasn't much to paw through again and again and again.

I finally gave up, figuring it would turnip inside my address book or some other strange place. And, no, Hammy the hamster is not dead, but he might as well have been for all the good he did me searching!

Sure enough, two days later, I pulled my embossing folder binder off the shelf and as I opened it, I heard a twinkling sound as something hit the wooden floor. Peering over the binder, I could see it was the balloon die! It is a miracle that it actually appeared before it was too late to make Valentine cards with it!


New Friends Corner

Christine Harrop of Christine's Cards and Crafts. Christine is from the UK and she started blogging in 2012. As a child, she loved to embroider and cross-stitch and she followed that with dressmaking, crocheting, and knitting. She added memory albums and card making to her hobbies over a decade ago. Christine's design team positions and the awards she has received from challenges are a testament to the wonderful works of art she creates!

Kate Currie of I Love Socks and Cards. Kate is also from the UK (the Highlands of Scotland) and she also started blogging in 2012. When Kate is not making cards, you will no doubt finding her either singing in the Inverness Choral Society or knitting. Kate's blog is warm and cozy, like her socks, and her cards are always brimming with inspiration!

Lolo of Handmade by Lolo. Lolo is from beautiful British Columbia. Although she has been making card art for about eight years and she is a "fully committed paper craft addict," she only started this blog in November of last year, a mere four months ago! Please do make a special effort to go and meet Lolo and welcome her to our wonderful and supportive corner of Blogland. I can tell by her enthusiasm and passion, her generosity of spirit, and her desire to learn new techniques that Lolo is going to shine in our community with a little encouragement from you!

Birgit of BB Creations. Brigit has been blogging since 2009. She lives with hubby Michael, a woodworking artist, one dog, and three cats. She loves nature, fairies, critters, and glitter so you will often see these reflected in her card art. She is also very kind, a humorous writer, and a movie critic, so there is lots to love about Birgit's blog!

Wiebke Kommerell of KomMa-Designed. Wiebke started blogging in 2013. She is a mother of three active children and the entire family enjoys games of any kind. Wiebke loves taking classes and entering her adorable CAS cards in challenges. At present, you can only comment on Wiebke's blog if you are a Google+ member, but I'm hoping Wiebke can change that. Even if you can't comment, you will still enjoy a visit to see her fun and inspiring cards!

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
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Liz said...

You do make me chuckle, Darnell, reading your posts. :-D I was trawling through the waste bin yesterday for a pair a tweezers. I blitzed my craft table, then discovered my favourite tweezers were missing.... I mean the tweezers I've had for years and are the one pair I can't function in my craft room without! Where did I find them? Neatly laid out next to my computer, nowhere near my craft table - how they got there, I've no idea. So back to your cards, two great designs, I especially love the owl one. I've got that embossing folder but it's part of my NBUS. Thanks for the inspiration to use it. Love your balloon die, so glad you found it in time. xx

Gunsan said...

This just might be the cutest embossing folder I ever saw!!!! I looooove it and the whole card design.

Gerrina said...

After sunday I throw myself on stamping anything but a heart, but now, seeing all the hearts on your cards I am enjoying myself...
The design on the first and the balloon-heart on the second are beautiful! Have a fun day, hugs, Gerrina

Caz said...

I love that owl card! It's so simple but the pop of red is fab! I do like a good pop of red :-) Thank you for my card by the way, its so fab!!

Sue - said...

I know exactly what you mean about the die. I had exactly the same problem with a rubber stamp. It eventually turned up where I had looked a dozen times but not till I'd replaced it! Love the cards!

Jane said...

Such a clever technique for making a one layer card look multi layered. And losing things is a speciality of mine, and it amazes me how it always turns up exactly where I've looked several times already. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards.

Sue said...

More lovely cards.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Hope you have a good day. Sue

Lizzy Hill said...

Phew! Least you found it!!! And that balloon looks fabulous against the white. So do the little hearts, actually. Actually both cards look fantastic!! I don't really 'get' the USA attraction to all things Valentine, I must say....but it's interesting looking in to a different cultural thingy;)!!!!

Inkyfingers said...

These are such sweet Valentines Darnell and I think it is a great tradition to spread love whenever the chance arises. I could go on for days about the stamps and dies I am missing at present. I even had John emptying our large wheelie bin before Christmas but nothing was found. I thing there may be a mischievous sprite living in my craft room because things go missing whilst I a still using them sometimes.
Carol x

Stamps and Paper said...

Your post made me smile Darnell...I've lost a couple of dies over the past two years and think they possible went out with the trash...Just love your card especailly the little owl and THAT balloon die...


joy said...

Hi, Darnell! These cards are adorable - that owl e.f. is the cutest I've seen! I think we all spend a LOT of time looking for SOMETHING as we are crafting. So glad you found your balloon die in time to make the cards.

BTW, I just hit the button to follow you on Bloglovin' - previously you were on my old reader that I sometimes forget to check for days. Now I won't be missing your fabulously entertaining posts.

Have a great day!

Julie B said...

Such a clever card, not thought of doing that with a frame before, may have to tuck that idea away for use later!
The second is so classy and clean, gorgeous. :)

Unknown said...

Your top card just reminded me of red gingham with all those little red hearts like that! And I am partial to a bit of gingham lol, beautiful card, I absolutely love it's sophisticated simplicity, I just don't know how you do it xx

Unknown said...

Love the new cards Darnell! The frame of hearts is so bold, striking and beautiful!
Nina-Marie :)

Sarn said...

Well I'm glad you found it in time!

I confess I had wondered why you made a lot of Valentine's cards. Now I know! But I will prolly forget again by this time next year, so you'll prolly need to splain it all again.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Lynn said...

Glad I'm not the only one losing things over here! Love your sweet CAS valentines Darnell!

Anonymous said...

Two very nice cards. Love those layers hearts, just sharing more love. I don't think I've ever seen that Owl embossing folder. It is quite nice. Have a fun day.

Carol L said...

These are such wonderful Valentines, and that heart balloon is one perfect die! I've never tried die-cutting foam, but it looks sensational! I love that you embossed the entire card - not just the front - which makes for a fancy inside too! You've made Valentine's day special for so many - including moi! Heartful (hugs) and thanks, and a very happy Valentine's day to you too!

Jeanne said...

Oh I know the feelings you had while looking for your die, Darnell. So very frustrating! I'm glad you found it in time to make that adorable card. Both are very sweet. As are you for sending out Valentine's to your friends as well as your honey. :)

maria f. said...

Oh I feel for ya. That ridiculous search for the missing schtuff. And oh yeah - the places things end up. But, the moral of the story is, that owl design is fantastic and so worthy of mass production. What a great design. Hope your love day is lovely, Darnell.

Taunya Butler said...

Wonderful valentines and I agree that we can use this card making holiday as a time to let our friends and neighbors know we care!!! Love that you found your die in time to use it on Valentines!!! Luck was on your side!! Have a delightful day!!!

Willeke said...

Hi Darnell,
lovely cards, especial the one with the owl ... so cute !
Greetings from Willeke

Redanne said...

I am so glad someone else has the same problems that I do, it makes me feel almost normal (!), today it was an earring...

Your tiered card is simply stunning and I do love how you placed the balloon on the owl one - both beautiful cards! Hugs, Annie xx

Leslee said...

Love your owl and heart balloon card. So glad you found your heart balloon die! This just happened to me with a birch tree die. It surfaced a couple of days later. Now trying really hard to put them away better!

Ros Crawford said...

I'm so happy to be the proud owner of one of your valentine cards ... They are gorgeous! I have to say that I lost a die ... Searched for days ... the bin was turned out 4 times ... I had no idea that there was a magnet under my scor-buddy and there is was! Ok it was 4 weeks after Christmas and it was a poinsettia die but at least I found it and my sanity returned!

I Card Everyone said...

Yes. I have and, No, still haven't found my W+9 heart or snowflake... arrrgh.
But found several things I love about your darling cards...
=] Michele

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
your posts are always so very lovely to read.
Great and super Val cards.
I especially love that fab embossed owl, ooooooooo I want one of those. lol.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L

Rocky said...

Your posts always make me smile, it's a pleasure to visit you and say that your Valentine cards are gorgeous. I love the idea of sending then to friends to let them know how much they mean to you. Thank you for sharing them with us at TMR.

conil said...

Aren't you a sweetie...sending Valentines to your pals. And such lovely ones, too. Lucky to have found your die in time. I don't know why I lose stuff in an 8X10 room, but I do all the time. Drives me up the 9ft. walls.

Marlena M. said...

I can totally relate....on so many levels...ha ha ha!!! You made me feel better. ;) Lovely cards and my recent NBUS use had me stop by friend. ;) blessings~

Geri said...

...a dozen thirty cards...girl, you're such a fun crazy!

Awesome cards! I love the owl ef and the PTI 'schtuff' is pretty dang sweet too.

I was really happy to learn that you found the heart die cuz OCD me wanted to hop on a plane and come help you search! Yep - been there, done that...still can't find the smallest heart from the set! Really messes with my head.

Pia S said...

I think it's a cultural thing. I'm in my late thirties, and when I was a child there wasn't a Halloween tradition. Sure, some horror movies on tv (after we got more channels than the government owned ones). Today the young children are doing trick or treats. The same with Valentine. It's not even common, for my age group, to do something for hubby, but some have adapted. To send a Valentine card to a friend would feel very odd. But that being said, I love traditions and cultures where it's allowed to tell people you care about them and love them, and I hope it will be common to do so in Norway as well...
I think you've made two great cards. I especially love the first one, so rustic and down to earth kind of feel...

Lisa said...

Your posts always make me smile!! Both of your cards are so gorgeous!! I love the beautiful CAS designs!! They look amazing!! Love that owl embossing folder!!

I too lose dies, like all the time. I find them in the strangest places (after searching for hours!!) But alas, I do it with stamps, too!! I've spent many hours pawing through my trash can :) Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Susanne Vargas said...

Gorgeous CAS Valentine's! So thrilled one of them made it to my house yesterday! Thank you!
Glad you found that die!

Happy Dance said...

Yours was the first Valentine of the season, dear friend! (told DH not to do anything special this year, as I need a new computer...)(should have kept my mouth shut, what is wrong with me???) Anyhoo...LOVE THESE!!! Your first one is stunning - panels on panels and all perfectly lined up. LOVE it!! And the CASness of card #2 is just sweet. An embossed owl holding that 'found' red balloon. Seriously awesome, my friend. Missu. Bev

Brenda said...

Beautiful cards Auntie!! I love the owl and heart balloon V-tine, so cute and perfect in every way!! The boxed hearts are awesome and I so love the layers you used on this one. Very striking indeed!!! I'm so glad you found your die and I can so relate as I do this all the time! lol I try to put my dies that I'm using in a little glass dish so I won't use them, and that works really well....when I do it! lol Hugs, Brenda

Jacee said...

Great cards Darnell, I love the owl one, fabulous!
hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

Sue said...

Fabulous CAS designs, Darnell! That heart square is lovely. Thank you for sharing at ATSM.

Lisa Elton said...

Oh golly I searched high and low for an ink pad the other day. Every stone left unturned. Finally found it the following day...in the container I keep my ink pads in, go figure!! CUTE CUTE Valentines and I LOVE mine ~ Thanks!!

Birgit said...

oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the shout out:) That was so sweet. I love these 2 cards-nice and quick and so delicious:) I remember looking for something for 20 minutes until I realized that i had it in my hand! I thought i had old timer's disease:) Glad you found the Balloon dye cut

jimlynn said...

BOTH are wonderful! Love all the hearts on the first one - cool looking for sure! The second is elegant! Cute owl and a beautiful heart balloon.
Know all about having the dies disappear. I'm still searching for one of mine. I keep checking Rambo when he coughs(HA!!!!) to see if maybe he decided he like stars more than dog food!

Loll said...

Two sweet Valentine's day cards Dolly! LOVE the triple layers of hearts ... such a creative and clever design. And the embossed owl with the red balloon --- adorable!! :) Thanks for sharing and playing at Happy Little Stampers! Lolly xx

Carol said...

This made me laugh Darnell...and yes I've done the same thing often!! Two fabulous cards, the little red heart balloon finishes the second card off beautifully. Carol x

Kara Lynne said...

So fun to visit you, as usual! You sure put a smile on my face, but then I was wondering why I was smiling that you lost a die!? Because it's you! lovely Valentines, Darnell! I love the tiered square hearts!

Shelly said...

Two totally SWEET cards! And oh my...how we are alike! ;) What's really bad, is I've had a die (as well as other things) sit right in front of my face and I somehow will manage to turn my whole work area upside, before 'doh'(smack my hand on my forehead). ;)

Darlene said...

OMG Darnell ... these are simply BEAUTIFUL!!!

kiwimeskreations said...

I cannot comprehend the extent of Valentines in the States - it has only really come to the fore in the last decade here, (NZ) and I still see it as a commercial event more than anything - but that doesn't stop me from picking a rose for my Darling and making him a card!
Love your balloon card - that pop of red is perfect!!

oldpunca said...

I have heard recently a lot of stories about missing die cuts, but yours is one of the best. :-)) You have made two sweet and nice Valentine cards. The owl with the balloon was worth every second you have search the die cut. :-))
Have a nice day, Sonja

Rubeena I. said...

hehe I give multiple cards to my significant other because he adores them all :) these are adorable! I found Lola on IG a few days ago, she's so talented!!! Happy to see her featured here :)

Christine said...

How lovely with the embossing! Beautiful cas-cards!

Marisa said...

I make tons of Valentine's Day cards too - love giving love away :) Youus are great. LOL at the caption by the frog.

Kristie Goulet said...

Great cards, Darnell. So very thankful you found your die. UGH! Happens to all of us and it sure if frustrating when we can't find it when we JUST had it. LOL!!! Hugs!!!

Pawsitively Creative said...

You are awesome lady! What a neat tiered card and I bet the recipient will love it! Happy crafting and hugs! ~Niki

Vicki Dutcher said...

2 fun cards! Thanks for joining IN AT AAA and TMR!

Bonnie said...

Love seeing all the love you've shared!

Cat Craig said...

Great cards Darnell. And yes I routinely look under my cuttlebug for disappearing dies. Once one smuggled itself onto the bottom...it must have had a bit of sticky stuff from packaging still attached to its back. Took me hours to find it that first time. Sometimes calling hubs in to look at my desk is the quickest way...somehow I develop die blindness. Have a wonderful Valentines!

Pat said...

Sending valentines to anyone other than anonymously to someone you wish to attract or signed to the one who you managed to attract is not something we do in the UK but that said these are both lovely cards Darnell and the recipients will be so happy to receive them! The tiered square heart design is so elegant and the embossing with that cute owl and the added heart balloon is so pretty and such a clever idea. So pleased you managed to find that pretty balloon die. I feel so frustrated and loathe to give up looking when I lose anything. x

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Wow! I love your valentine cards, and know your friends consider themselves very fortunate to call you their friend. Blessings!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Your hearts card is truly beautiful! And I adore that embossed heart ! What a great idea to use the red heart with it!
You always make me laugh. I could truly visualize you looking for that die! Believe me...I have done similar stuff many times in my craft room! I once found a stamp stuck to the under side of my cutter!

Susan said...

I've lost both dies and acrylic stamps. Some I later found, but a couple of stamps I NEVER found! Love both of your cards but I'm a little partial to the one with the owl embossing!

MaryH said...

Will address #2 card first, and can gratefully attest to the fact that it is even more beautiful IRL than your very nice photo! Thanks for showing the side detail of #1, because it really showed off that lovely heart frame. Now that is really pretty, yet still CAS. Laughed at Deb Ray, cause I know Deb very well...we are on hugging terms I think. Oh yes, I have looked under my B/S, in my folders, in stamp drawers, removed all the copic envelopes in the bag where they live, under furniture, and still can't find stuff. Right now, missing 2 Northwood stamps and one of a trio B/fly die that was just bought. Deb Ray loves to live with me. Shame on Hammy for not helping you find schtuff. Tell him, get with the program.
TFS & good to see some of my UK friends have found Our Darnell. Big hugs.

Deborah Frings said...

Oh I do enjoy your posts - they are a joy to read! Love your little owl and his big red balloon. Thanks so much for playing along with The Male Room this week!

Deepti said...

These are amazing I love the way you added layered dimension and second is my personal fave as I got it in mail :) thank you soooooo much for sending this cuteness my way ! You are the sweetest!

sandie said...

I love my card and Nonni tells me in Finland it is also friendship day which I think is lovely. I adore the white embossed card with the pop of red, have a wonderful day x

Tanja said...

this card is just perfect for Valentine's Day - thanks for sharing it at ATSM this week

Carole Z said...

I always smile when I come to your posts Darnell and today is no different! I love your Valentine cards, gorgeous! Hugs Carole ZX X

Linda said...

Oh Darnell .... I know exactly what you went through, I did the same with a stamp months ago ..... In the end I gave up looking and bought another one! You guessed it .... the 'lost' stamp turned up a couple of weeks ago .... typical. Now I have 2!
Fab card by the way, I love all your Valentines designs. Have a lovely weekend ...... hugs Linda xx

Sandy said...

Glad you found that little dye they can be a bit tricky to keep track of when they are tiny but glad he got found in time to make it onto your lovely card..
Sandy :)

Unknown said...

Hi Dippy - love your Heart You card, so simple but effective. Your owl cards are too cute for words and I had to laugh at the lost die story.......think it happens to all of us at one time or another; frustrating or what??? So pleased it turned up in time for you. Our card was so gorgeous.....so many hugs and hearts.

Love ya!


Karendipity xxx

Diane said...

Fabulous, fabulous cards!!! You should enter them at The Shabby Tea Room challenge!! I had a good laugh at your missing die...I think there is a ghosty thing in HERE trying to drive me nuts, as when I walk out of my room everything is fine, but when I come back in, there is always something missing, so I re-cut, turn around and lo and behold there the dang thing is sitting on my work table in plain site! And I don't "think" I am crazy...am I...LOL!!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Gorgeous Darnell
thanks for your love in blogg world
hugs Tamara

Bananastamper said...

Lovely CAS cards! I too make Valentines for more than just hubby - I do have lots of friends that I love and I enjoy sending them to special family members too! What I love about Valentines is that if feels optional to me (other than hubby) as opposed to Christmas which is a must do, and so in a way it is more fun!
Anywho, I do have that problem of the runaway die from time to time. A week or so ago, I didn't even know I was missing one until I tried to run something else through my machine and couldn't figure out why it wasn't going. Ha - there was a rogue die stuck to the bottom of the paper - problem solved!
Thanks so much for your visit and kind words. I look forward to visiting you again soon!
Shanna :)
aka Shanna Banana/Bananagirl/Bananana

Hettie said...

Thank Hammy you found it or he would have been out of the window again! Love that owl e/f. Need it. The heart is cute too.
Owl be seeing you.

Em Louise Fairley said...

The cards are both gorgeous! Have I lost stuff I've been using? Heck yes! You name it, I've lost it! Stamps, dies, embossing folders, embellies and more. Some have taken MONTHS to turn up and have been in sight all along! SMH!

Caryn said...

Amazing cards - love the CAS design.

Thanks for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. Hope to see you again xxx

Laurie Unger said...

CAS perfection!!!

Bobby said...

You got me laughing, Darnell. Laughing at myself because I first read that card as "I heard you" and that's what I say to my husband a lot because he feels he has to repeat everything 10 times before I get it. And then there was that crazy frog talking about a dead hamster and I nearly lost it. Then there's the missing die, which reminded me of the time the stamp Adam liked to use went between the cabinet, I found a new one for you and then it showed up.
I can just so relate to this entire post. Oh, about the card - You know I love owls so that ef is fab, and now that I know you're declaring your love, the first card is marvy. Mwah back atcha.

Yolanda Garrido said...

Your cards are fantastic, Darnell!! Good luck with the challenges since you did a great job!!! Kisses!! Tomorrow I will go to the post office... jeje

Helen Gullett said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE Cards, Darnell! I love that square hearts on the first card :D

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Darnell,
both cards are amazing and so cute.
Thank you very much for your compliments. I´m happy, that you are my new fololower.
Best regards, Synnöve

Victoria Lavender said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Sweet cards! I love the clean lines and sharp colors. Wishing you well, Cheers- Victoria, AAA Cards

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Wonderful work Darnell, thanks for sharing with us at CCCB!

Canonbury creations said...

Two amazing cards Darnell, love that owl ef and that gorgeous heart balloon! I think the lost die resonates with all of us and is usually right under our noses!!!!
Val x

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Arnell (that's going to stick now lol!)
Well, its a relief you're not a loose gal sending all these Valentines to a bunch of fellas lol!
I've done a DT card for next week similar to the first one but with butterflies.
Both cards are fab.
So glad that my friends Christine and Kate have discovered your terrific blog.
Ang x

Kim Heggins said...

You are so so funny! Your cards are so sweet, and I love that cute owl card. Holding that fun red balloon, adorable. Wishing you and Mister a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Greta said...

Glad somebody else looses things--LOL! And glad it showed up in time! These cards are surely happy mail!

Samra said...

Very striking creation! Thank you for joining us at CCCB this week!
Samra DT

dottielottie said...

I don't know what the neighbours across the way think when this strange phenomenon happens to me?? I am expecting the men in white coats to turn up and lead me away for a short "holiday"! This is a gorgeous card love the sweet owl EF, love the cute die cut heart and I love my card!
Happy Valentine Day Darnell hope your day is filled with love.
Hugs Lottie x

Heartwarmers from Vicki said...

Great Valentines! I especially like the one with the owl. I have that folder and now have a new way to use it. :)

Helen F. said...

Two very special Valentine cards, Darnell. Love that Owl EF, keep thinking I NEED that one in my collection :-) The triple layer of hearts is simply love-ly ;-)
PS: I lost a stamped, colored in with paints and fussy cut out house image from Hero Arts, that is 'stuck' to something, somewhere in this house since October 2014! I'm still hopeful it will turn up someday :-)

Kylie said...

Your red heart just pops off the card, I love it! The subtle embossing in the background is so beautiful. Thanks so much for playing along at Happy Little Stampers xx

Stella said...

Simply stunning and elegant. Thanks so much for joining us at CCCB!

Anita in France said...

Be still my pitter pattering little heart ... this layered, heart filled gorgeousness is just divine, Darnell ... adore it! Sweet owl, with his longed for heart balloon ... so pleased he didn't need to go without. Perhaps Hammy was jealous ... maybe he thought he was going to be owlsted! Thanks for the Sunday night giggle, my friend ... miss you! Hugs & Bisous, Anita :)

cm said...

You're more than welcome to keep the Lovey-Dovey cards coming year round, my friend! Another duo of gorgeous here! The balloon die's disappearance and reappearance is reflected in many of my escapades; indeed, I found a long-lost wee heart die just the other day, tucked inside a pad of patterned paper! Happy find, but still...yeesh!
And before I go, I'm delighted to say: Thank you for sharing this gem in the ATSM gallery!

Becca Cruger said...

Haha - I just did something very similar in my quest to find my scissors. I swear - they are the most essential supply and they always wind up in the weirdest places. I'm beginning to think their little blades are actually legs! I bet your hubster loved your sweet card!

Donna said...

Both awesome cards! It is awful when you misplace a craft item thst was just on your hands but next time I will smile or giggle and think of your cute story instead of being frustrated! :-)

Wiebke Kommerell said...

Dear Darnell,

thank you so much for mention my blog here on your page!

Your translation made me smile - the correct name is KomMa-designed and it's a "self-crafted" name. The story started long time ago, when my hubby and I (not merried yet), we talked a lot about a corporate project and needed a name for it. So I mixed up our last names Kommerell and Mast to KomMa. This project was never realized, but the name was in my mind... up to the day I started my blog. And now it's a symbol for me to tie my past and my actual life together (I loved crafting in my childhood as well as today).

I'm still trying to find a solution for the comment-problem and I'm very thankfull for any tips and help. Thanks.

Angela Walters said...

I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who can lose things so easily! I can stay in the exact same place and still lose something so I know it has to be right there, and yet it isn't! I'm glad to see you are getting to stamp and not just leave comments on NBUS entries! I didn't want you to stop stamping or loving stamping because we all took up so much of your time! Angela at www.lifewithawienerdog.com
(just so you know which Angela this is. :) )

Brandi said...

Your valentines are so cute! I made a few myself and thought.....why so many when I only have one husband! 😜

ionabunny said...

Great card Darnell. Your missing die made me laugh. I put things down, turn round and they vanish. I blame it on the sock monster. I think he has given up eating socks in the washing machine and moved to my desk, where he delights in eating anything I want to use but have made the mistake of putting down for a moment. Hugz

Cheryl W. said...

I am always losing little dies - drives me crazy. Love your valentines, especially the QACAS one!

Laurel said...

Darnell, Thank you soo much for your hugs and support! You have been so encouraging in my journey. You have created such an amazing little community here and I'm touched to be a part of it. And last but not least, thanks for all of your wonderful inspiration!

BIG hugs! ~Lolo

maria f. said...

Pretty sure I was here in the crowd before... but here I am again. One to thank you for sharing this card to let someone know they matter over at CCCB. And second, to say thanks that I matter! Received your heart-full Valentine taday. Muchas gracias, mi amiga! Abrazos.

Petra Swart said...

Glad you found your die in time for valentine's, Darnell!!! Both your cards are beautiful!!!!