Happy Sunday Funday!
I hope you are feeling bonny today!
We are on Cloud Three here because we have had some teeny-tiny improvement in Mister's swollen leg and foot and it doesn't hurt quite as excruitiously as it has been. Thank you, Hal and Lula!!
I am back today with the twofer from my last post, so if you saw that, you will recognize the sketch from the Share Joy Challenge:
I hope you are feeling bonny today!
We are on Cloud Three here because we have had some teeny-tiny improvement in Mister's swollen leg and foot and it doesn't hurt quite as excruitiously as it has been. Thank you, Hal and Lula!!
I am back today with the twofer from my last post, so if you saw that, you will recognize the sketch from the Share Joy Challenge:
I'm pretty sure the polkie-dotted paper is from a PTI 6x6 pad. The stitched circle is from Lil' Inkers which I ran through a Cuttlebug dotted swiss e/f. The holly is NBUS from Penny Black. I used my old-timey hand circle punch for the red berries and the sweet tag is from my stash. I think maybe it was from K and Co embellie pack once upon a time, but I'm not for sure. EZPZ!
- Addicted to Stamps and More: Holidays (Christmas).
- CAS on Sunday: Polka Dots
- Happy Little Stampers Christmas Challenge: Holly.
- Rudolph Days Challenge: Any Christmas Card.
- Share Joy Challenge: see below. My card is going to a family member for Christmas.

The Missus Goes Shopping
So while The Mister is cuperating, my Nursing duties and my Cooking duties are going well, the later in large part thanks to a couple of guardian angels bringing us food, but my Errand duties are abysmal.
Let's take grocery shopping, for instance. My Mister has spoiled me rotten the last few years and done the shopping, which he knows I hate. (Not that I hate that he does the shopping, but that I hate the shopping.) Now that he is laid up, I'm back to doing it. I mean, it's like riding a bike and I did it for decades, so it's no big whoop. Well, except for when nuisances happen:
- It was 104 degrees outside, so I parked in the shade clear across the parking lot from the store entrance. As I got to within two feet of the door, I remembered that I left my tote bags in the car. In California, we bring our own bags into the store to save the trees and in order that paper can be more wisely used for card-making. If you forget your bags, brown paper bags will be provided to you at a cost of ten cents each.
- Did I do the right thing and return to my car for my bags? You are correct, I did not. As the sweat trickled down between my bosoombas, I believe the words "screw it" could be seen in my thought bubble.
- I grabbed a cart and entered the store. Stopping first to buy every item in the "Entisement Zone" because it soothed me, I walked on. (What does it matter that we don't even eat buffalo-flavored chips?) After walking just a few steps down the first aisle, it became abundantly clear that I got the one cart with a tumor growing on the right front wheel.
- Not only did I need to put my full and considerable weight into steering in order to avoid ramming into the racks, the cart started screeching and barking, "brrwhomp, brrwhomp, brrwhomp" with each revolution.
- Did I turn around and go back outside to grab a different cart before proceeding? You are correct, I did not. Instead, I started humming along, which wasn't easy, leaning as I was half into the cart.
- And so I shopped. I got very adept at man hoovering up and down the aisles until suddenly as I neared the packages of hamster kibble, I felt something inside the back of my pants. Excuse me? I immediately reached around and smacked myself hard, determined to kill whatever the heavens had gotten inside my drawers. (Thank goodness I wasn't standing in front of human snacks or the other customers might have thought I was spanking myself as some form of diet ritual!)
When I stopped to take a breath in the act of slapping whatever it was to death, it dawned on me what was happening. That's right, ladies, you may have guessed what I'm talking about: my wingless panty liner had broken loose and was trying to march its way up and out the backside of my capris! At which point my thought bubble said, "Seriously!" - Did I slither on out of the store and go home, forgetting the shopping? You are correct, I did not. I tied my sweater around my waist to halt the escape and soldiered on to victory!
And the moral of the story: always carry a sweater with you, even when it's triple digits outside!
New Friends Corner

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
I have to say I miss visiting you and commenting! I even missed two hops going on, but I don't feel right playing if I can't comment on other hoppers. This, too, shall pass and I'll be back to normal ~ I use the term loosely! Again, I thank you for understanding!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

I have to say I miss visiting you and commenting! I even missed two hops going on, but I don't feel right playing if I can't comment on other hoppers. This, too, shall pass and I'll be back to normal ~ I use the term loosely! Again, I thank you for understanding!
*Life is too short!
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Oh dear, I was drinking a cup of tea when I read your shopping account. Now I have to clean spurted tea off the monitor screen. I've laughed so much I almost forgot what your card looked like, it's a good job you put the second photo at the end as a reminder! And it's a super card, I love the holly and the way you made the berries.
Hope the Mister continues to improve steadily - you NEED him to do that shopping!
Oh Darnell - what an expedition just to get groceries!! Thankfully you survived all the trauma and could share it with us :-)
Love the card - the white circle is so dramatic and really shows off the holly to perfection.
Glad to hear the Mister is gradually improving.
Great news about the improvement in the Mister's health, long may that continue .... if only to avoid too many repeats of your shopping agony ... have to say mine does the shopping here too, and for the same reasons!!! I LOATHE IT!
FABBYLICIOUS card too - I'll be seeing spots for a while now .....
Happy Sunday
Oh Darnell, you've had me in stitches, I will now have to scrape the granola off the screen before it seizes on like concrete!!!
I know exactly what you mean about forgetting bags, living near the Welsh border I often forget that they don't give plastic carriers over the border but charge you for a lovely paper one for the smallest of items. So I try to have a small bag in my handbag for the essentials.
Trollies, well don't get me started!!
Glad the mister is improving, hope he is fully recovered soon.
Oh and a fab card. :)
Your shopping expedition is so funny. I would not have woaked back either in that heat.
Glad to hear your husband is feeling better...slowly but surely.
Your card is wonderful. You have given me a great idea for some smallish K&Co tags I have and did not know what to do with
The stitched oval die cut looks great with the embossed dots and works so well with the dotted DP
Thanks for taking art in the September Rudolph Days Challenge.
Thanks Darnell for making me spit my coffee at my PC monitor:) I did laugh at the panty liner:) LOL
Now I like shopping, but hate putting it away in my tiny kitchen. Here the government has introduced a charge for bags from next year. I always take a load of bags and I put them on the passenger seat with my purse, so when I get out of the car, I don't forget them.
When I have a wayward trolley, I tend to point the trolley at an angle and that often makes it move better.
Sending positive healing thoughts to your hubby.
Love the card.
Hope you have an easy day. Sue
Krasna voščilnica!
Oh Darnell, this really was hilarious - what an adventure! Since my back went kaput we've had groceries delivered again, I tried years ago but gave up when I was sent six bags of potatoes and one onion - instead of the other way round! This time it's much more slick and organised, different supplier which might have helped though!
So please to read that Kevin seems to be getting a bit better - sounds so painful!
And I love your card - perfick!
Di xx
I'm still laughing ... sorry! I love visiting here and reading your post ... your so....Normal! Makes a change from many I tell ya!
Really happy to hear that the Mister is improving... hope it's not too long before he can shop again ... I hate shopping too, well for groceries I do, couldn't trust my DH to do it though ... God only knows what we get!
Love your card too... the holly is so cute!
You never cease to put a smile on my face just at the time I need it. Seriously the visual you've created has be in absolute stitches. So glad your hubby is moving in the right direction in his recovery. Here's hoping he's back to 100% very soon so that he can take back the shopping duties (mine shops too...AMEN!). Love your card...the polka dots are perfection.
You are an angel putting a smile on all our faces with your shopping trip story and I bet the Mister had a good laugh too when you got home and told him. Really glad to hear he's on the mend and fingers crossed he'll be up and about again very soon.
Super card and a great design. Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx
OMG!! What a funny story! I am so glad that I did not have that cup of coffee in my hand when I read it. You are so funny. By the way your card is beautiful!! Glad the Mister is doing better
Oh my gosh Darnell, you should note at the beginning of this post, 'warning will cause crying' as I just applied cortisone cream around my eyes as I have some 'yucky' infection/allergic reaction (not sure what but it looks awful. The cream will sting like heck if it gets into your eyes.
Seriously you are hilarious, you have a talent and should write a book about these 'event's in your life. I still recall the post about kleenex in the laundry.
And I almost forgot about your beautiful card, love all the circles :) Have a super Sunday, hugs, xxx ps.. thanks for making me laugh out loud LOL and hope the Mister continues to heal xxx
Oh, Darnell! I had to scroll back up and look at your card again after reading your shopping hijinks because I clear forgot what your card looked like (and it doesn't look like I am the only one). Thank you for the laugh (with you) this morning - you surely have a gift with words, my friend!
I'm so glad to hear that there has been some improvement with the Mister and I hope that things continue to improve.
Your card is just lovely - the different sized polka dots make such a great contrast!
ROFLOL, Which is feat not to be seen by humans...the Girls are wide eyed and in shock at the sight of it! But your shopping adventure ...oh my Darnell! :) :) I agree with a comment above...write a book. We'd all buy it. Sorry to hear Mister has been out of commission. Hope the improvement continues for no other reason that to keep you out of the grocery store. ;) No crafting here yet still in the throws of unpacking and organizing the studio. Good progress has been made and the end is in sight. Well, now that I've regained my composure and the Girls are back to sunning themselves, we'll say adios for now. Hugs Nan
Your shopping story has me CRACKING UP! HA!!!
I love love love your card! LOVING the holly!!!!!!!!!!
I'll come shopping with you any week Darnell!! I have had a really rotten week so your hilarious account of life with a shopping trolley did onders for me. Eyes are streaming with laughter instead of th waterworks. On predictive text again so read wha you will.
Love your card Btw. Hope Kevin continues to improve .
104 degrees!! Don't think even my oven cooks that hot!
Hugs Mrs A.
Great story that only we women could understand , ain't it the truth !
Darling card, D. Even better story - she writes, as her own husband is doing the shopping, but only because his wife just cannot seem to choose the perfect bananas, and never seems to choose the proper 25- grain-tastes-like-cardboard bread! I speak for myself only when I say don't worry about the written word on my blog, I always feel your presents in the wings - yes, making your way up my back onto my shoulder - where I like you, very much, thank you! xx
=] M
Oh Darnell, every time I visit your blog I'm always smiling as I type a comment. You crack me up! :) :)
I'm glad the Mister is having some improvement! Hope the heat dies down for you soon...and your card is great!! I love the mixture of embellishments and DSP.
Thanks for the smile, laughs and playing along with us at Happy Little Stampers! :) :)
Now THAT'S a true shopping experience!!! LOL!! Love it! Glad the Mister is doing better Darnell! Hopefully he'll be back to doing all that shopping soon.
I'm in love with all the polka dots on your card! So fun, cute, and just plain pretty too. Love it.
Hi Darnell,
well I am glad I didn't miss this post as it did make me chuckle so.
Your way with words is wonderful.
I have never thought of creating something funny out of such troubles.
So glad the mister is improving.
Your card is wonderful as usual.
Great spotty paper and fab design too.
Wonderful Holly as well.
My mystery prize took just 3 days to arrive from Aus, and how quick was that.
As I have waited nearly 3 weeks from the US.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
Hi Darnell,
forgot to say will take your advice about the sweater. LOL.
Love and biggest hugs from my house to yours.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
Sorry Darnell, I haven't read all of your shopping expedition, because I'm so hurry today and because english isn't my language, so it take me a lot of time to understand all.... :( However, it seems has been full of fun details!
Your card is stunning, so impressive with this embossed dot circle! The holly leaves with the berries pop-out very well!! The design is amazing!
Have a great Sunday!
Fabulous card. Always such an entertaining read - love the way you write! Glad the Mister is finally improving. Hopefully he will be taking over the shopping duties fairly soon!
It's not even 7 Am and I am LOL really loud ( husband at golf already) Oh what I would give to see the store security film! I will be laughing about this for a long time, thank you for sharing this story as only you can do.
I love your beautiful Christmas card and the patterned paper , funny I made a Christmas card with holly this morning for a later post.
Oh, forgot to say wonderful new about the mister! Thank God the pain is a bit less.
Your grocery shopping episode has a familiar feel to it! I hate shopping too, but must do it if we're going to eat! LOL Hey sweater gurl...........your card turned out lovely and I really like that big white circle with the embellies hanging off the bottom/side. That's a great look! It's also great news that the hubs is showing improvement too! Whew! He deserves a break........and so do you! Have a great weekend!
Lovely holiday card, Darnell! Sometimes I like a card with no sentiment. The paper and images convey the thought all on their own. Best wishes to hubby on a speedy recovery!
Hi Darnell, I love your card, what a brilliant design.
Pleased that Mr. is improving, Kate x
Darnell, you are too, too funny! I was lol reading about your shopping escapades :) I dislike grocery shopping, too, but it helps a lot that my DH comes along to help. I NEED to go shopping today but my DH hasn't been feeling well so I might have to go alone - yuck!! So glad to read that your Mister is feeling a bit better - a little bit of relief for him and you! Love your beautiful card!
That was the best gut-busting laugh I've had in a looong time! Now that I have wiped the tears from my eyes, I'm back here to say 'sorry you had such a rotten day, but thanks for being able to see the humor in in and sharing!!' Glad to hear of hubby's improvement. Dad just had a hip replacement last week and it gives me a little more empathy for what you two are going through. Hope you have a lovely weekend in spite of everything. Hugs.
OMG. Wish I was wearing a panty liner. May need to go and change mine now. I need to go shopping with you. Sounds like more fun than a box of chocolate frogs. Gosh, I could murder a box of chocolate frogs right now! Glad mister is feeling a bit better. Love the card. Hugz
Reads like a complete adventure your shopping trip... And all the dots on your card look so beautiful!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Just returned from hot California, after living there most of my life I am now enjoying the cool Pacific Northwest. The embossing, polka dots and holly are awesome Darnell.
Hugs Diane
I love your card with the polka dots and the pretty holly! You did an amazing job. Love the story about your trip to the grocery store! What a hoot you are! Wish I was one watching those cameras--bet they were laughing so hard they couldn't breathe! Don't worry...they've seen worse! I do remember having to buy bags to use at the stores in LA. That's a great idea. We don't do that in NC, but we should!
Thank you Dolly!! You started my day off with a good belly laugh! :) OMG ... you sure paint a picture with your words as I could envision every step of your shopping adventure. :) I'm sure whomever watches the video cameras at the store, now has a fun story to pass along as well. :) You are CRAZY funny!
Glad Mister is feeling less pain. And LOVE your card. So sweet with the holly adorned tag. Lolly xx
OK first the card-I love it!-Very Christmassy and love the hollies (not the band but your artistic holly leaves). The polka dots just make it more merry:) Now you made me laugh:) I can so relate since I do all the groceries. We, too, bring our own grocery bags otherwise they charge 5 cents for plastic ones where the handles break or your fingers go numb...or both. I, too have forgotten the bags in the car and when it is so hot out and my ta-ta's have their own brand of sweat making me watch to scratch under my boob area, it's just not pretty. I also never go back. I end up in an area I think no one can see and i do scratch under the bra. The carts are evil-enough said. I am also laughing at the panty liner...totally understand
Oh Darnell!! I am so sorry that Mister is not back to 100%. And being in the hot, California weather probably does not make it any better. Your card is just beautiful!! I love all the different elements and that you took things from your STASH.
As for your shopping adventure...I can so relate. My husband does ours too. I hate grocery shopping...and he does not like me to go because, well, I am an impulse buyer. I go in for things I need and come out with mostly things I don't. And I am sure you made the camera man's day with your little dance in the isle. Probably the most fun he has had in a while!!
I hope Mister gets back on his feet-literally-soon. Hugs. Nora
Oh dear--I have to admit you have me laughing with tears running down my face! My hubby took over the shopping 10 years ago when he retired & I hate having to do it once in awhile as I cannot find anything!! So, so happy there's even a sliver of good news & hope The Mister continues to improve by the hour!! Lovely card, my friend!
This is why I don't come here first thing in the morning with my coffee. You always make me laugh and this is a good one! Back in the day before computerized registers I was always the one in line when they ran out of paper and had to change it so you could get a receipt. I'm so happy to hear Mister is getting better. It sounds like you are taking really good care of him and getting everything done. This is really a pretty Christmas card. I love the sketch. Order for delivery next time. They aren't suppose to take flight if they don't have wings. Wonder what happened?
OMGoodness what a fabulous post. I have been offline with computer troubles for a few days and your blog was one of the first I visited this evening and had such a laugh at your escapades. I'm glad you made it out of the store in one piece and look forward to your next instalment. Great news that hubby is improving too.
Oh and a marvellous Christmas card, love any and all of the stitched dies and that fab holly die-cut too.
Fantastic post, particularly love the Hal and Lula.
Fantastic card too, very classy.
So glad the Mister has improved slightly.
Kath x
Hi Darnell.
Will come back at read your post properly later... But for now, I LOVE your card :)
Glimpsed enough to see hubby is improving (yay)...
Hope all is well with you.
Oh my Darnell, I have not laughed so hard at a blog post EVER. What a day you were having!! Thank goodness for the sweater!
Love your Card, very striking. xxx Have a lovely evening xx Jan xxx
This is such an elegant, beautiful card!! Love it~~
Pretty holly card. Love it. Also loved to read your shopping trip details. :) You explain it so wonderfully.
Have a great day.
If our world could be as "good ca-razy" as you are, we would all spend our time laughing, not fighting! You made my day. And yes, I always take a sweater/jacket/butt coverer into the grocery store!
FABULOUS card! Love how you carried the "circle" theme throughout - berries, Swiss dot folder, polkie dot DP and even the berries on the sweet wee tag!
Great card, great post! Thanks for always bringing so much joy to blogland!
Oh so funny! Sorry it happened but so funny to read. You may be "pooped out" caring for the Mister but dagnabit you have not lost your sense of humor - we love it. So the card, well doggone it is lovely. It has lots of texture and color and it is a winner. Pray for rain! Hal and Lula!
Oh my word, Darnell!! You are so hilarious! About to pee my pants!!!
Sounds like you need to use the online pickup method!!!!
Glad dh is feeling better!!!!
And your card is so pretty! Love how you used that tag and the embossing!
A beautiful card, Darnell! Your story about shopping was hilarious! I can totally relate to the trolley pushing antics - I seem to pick the trolley from hell most weeks!
Cool story :-) conclusions are at least two - well carry a sweater and check the glue on the wingless panty liner . And by the way I envy this heat, and the eternal sun. We just begins to fall :-(
Darnell, thank you very much for your help, everything is explained Mary of serendipity.
Your card is great, I love the delicate dots on the central panel and beautiful a holly.
Strong hugs, have a nice weekend.
Right with you - hate grocery shopping, as does one of my daughters! Funny story, mildly saying. Glad to hear there's some progress with your hubby. Take care and hugs.
gorgeous card Darnell - and your shopping story had me chuckling verily!!! Ha ha! Brilliant - thanks for the introduction too! Hugs rachel xx
Let's go step by step, dear Darnell. :-))
For the first: I'm happy to hear good news about your husband's health..
For the second: your card is super nice. I love polka dots. :-)
For the third: your shopping story makes me smile. Thank you. :-))
Hugs, Sonja
Love that fab holly die - perfect for our holly challenge at HLS - thanks for joining us!
Polka Dots galore! And, so very festive too. I love the holly die. And, great news that the Mister is getting better. Tell him to keep on improving!
Well, you've fianlly done it. In the midst of reading this "stand-up-comic" type post, I had to go change my undies because I was laughing so hard. Actually, your shopping trip brought back several embarassing memories of grocery stores. So, I'm happy to say, I'm not the only one who parks their car in the back forty on the hottest day of the year, forgets her bags and grabs the only lame cart in the store. Despite these sad remembrances, I loved the clean lines of your card and the ideal embellishments you added. My e/f never looks as good as yours. Pleased as punch that the Mister is having even marginal improvement. It's a step in the right direction, always a good thing.
You naughty girl, I just got back from my trip out to California and hubs is napping...I woke him up laughing and yes actually snorting reading your shopping account. Oh dear...what a day and in heat too! I am happy to be out of the triple digit heat and back in MD where its a cool overcast day. Now on to that fabulous card of yours, I love the embossed dots, spots and circles all mixed in to create your frame for the holly.
Keeping your mister in mindful good thoughts, hoping he continues to improve. Hugs.
Such a fabulous Christmas card, Darnell! The holly looks gorgeous with the white circle and polka dot background. And you shopping story is hilarious! When I stop giggling, I might go make a card :)
Hi Darnell. Your post made my day! LOL! I've had days like you, but could never describe them with such verve! Love your card. Hope the next week is less eventful for you. (unless it means fun!)
I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard because of a shopping trip story. You, my dear, are a HOOT! Thanks for that.
Love your card Darnell but the shopping story stile the show today. It just kept getting funnier and funnier as it went along. Hopefully the mister will be better soon so that he can resume those duties.
There is no one that can make me laugh at a time like this than you Auntie! I so needed this laugh for today as hubby is really getting bad now. So the laughter you gave me today was a gift that I will never forget! Thank you for that!!! Love and hugs, Brenda
You never fail to make me laugh. Thank you!
The plethora of polka dots on your card is wonderful, love it Darnell! You story gave me a LAUGH...oh my goodness!! And I am so HAPPY that the Mister has gotten some relief...God is good and prayers are answered!!
Oh my. You make me laugh. Glad to hear Mister is getting slightly better.
Fab card too :)
OH my goodness Darnell...now that I have picked myself up off the floor from laughing so hard, now I leave a comment. You just crack me up, and I too always take a sweater/sweatshirt with me but I do it because it is always so cold inside the grocery stores. I too am very spoiled and Dwight does all of our shopping too, hate going to the grocery store! Sending more well wishes to Mister and sending an extra prayer your way. Keep the funny stories coming, just love them. Oh...did I say I was going to comment on a card or something, by now I am forgotten what you card even looks like, need to go back to peek. So beautiful, love those polka dots!
So pleased there is at least just a little improvement in the Mister's condition and hopefully this will continue. Your supermarket shopping story was so funny and the way you told it I was there with you in the same aisle. What a pretty card too and I love the polka dots and the swiss dots with that lovely holly. x
Well, I buzzed over from Rudy Day, after laffing at KathyK's kids jokes, then I get here and read about your shopping adventures. I'll say I've had my daily dose of laughter in full tonight! As well as enjoyed hearing that Mr. is improving - it's always so heart lifting to hear good news (got some more from jimlynn today too!). Much better than the other kind we know about. Big hugs to the both of you, cause I'm quite sure it is all due to your expert TLC. And Hammy of course. Your card is lovely - and I would never have thought to use the dotty paper...it's excellent with the Holly & I really LIKE that circle treatment. How you have time to do all this, is WAY beyond me..but then I think you be the Energizer Bunny in disguise. Do you have a telephone booth nearby where you change? (oh - forgot, we don't have those things any more!) Ya'll keep on with the good work. Big MWAH to all of you. TFS & have a great week.
I hate grocery shopping too but I think it would be fun to go with you! Ha ha! I had that card at Wal-Mart last time. The faster you go, the louder it is. Oh, and I love the polka dots and holly!
LOL! Oh my gosh you crack me up! [still chuckling - I can so see you slapping yourself! Bwahahaha] With stories like THAT, you can go shopping weekly and I would be here in blogland waiting impatiently for another story :) -- Your card is so fun - that ivy is awesome :)
Darnell the card is gorgeous, I love the holly die cut and that fabulouso tag! I am glad to hear the Mister is improving I am sure that this has got both you wondering what is going on! ~hugs
It's your wonderful sense of humor that's getting you through these tough days, Darnell. Have you considered stand up comedy? Or at the very least, writing a book? Your card. I had to look twice and then zoom in. I have that PB die and just made a card with it and I couldn't believe it was the same one. What a difference in our ways of using it. Take a look at mine when you get a moment between shopping excursions and nursing the Mister.
Hi Darnell, first of all THANK YOU so much for your wonderful get well card you sent me! such a beauty! That little flower box is delightful! Thanks for thinking about me - it warmed my heart! I still have trouble seeing with my left eye (it also feels a bit like a raw egg....) - in about 6 month I will know to which extent my vision will be lastingly impaired (hoping for none....). But I am glad its not worse. I had an excellent ophthalmologist taking care of me - so grateful for that.
Your blogpost is hilarious - as always. Too bad I missed so many of them - I did look back a bit. Also apparently missed you NBUS challenge - too bad..... I hope your Mister is up and running again really soon - sending him get well wishes.
Your dotted card - absolutely delightful and I love that tiny tag!
Only you, my dear Darnell, could turn a grocery shopping trip into a laugh-out-loud story!
So glad to hear about a tiny improvement with Mister and wishing that it will grow into a big improvement soon!
Fun polka dotted holiday card!
Well...at least the panty liner didn't end up on the shopping cart wheel...of course, it would have muffled the damn wheel! You are tooooo funny. Glad to hear the Mister is a squeency bit better. Just call Pea Pod for the shopping... they deliver. No gas, no bags, no migrating panty liners...OH! Your card. Polkie dot heaven in my world. This is a winner, winner in my world. LOVE this. Oh yeah. That holly is purty too. Dang girl. Laid up hubby, shopping adventures, and a gorgeous card. You've got it all together! Miss you tons. xo Bev
Oh dear Darnell, what a riot of laughter i had reading your post. So therapeutic. Happy to learn about Mister's improving health. And your card is so fun. Hugs.
Oh what a sweet heart you have...Thank you so much for the wonderful write-up about your followers including me and your card is adorable...love the central embossing and the beautiful red berries popping out
Dr Sonia
Oh Darnell ....... Laughter, the best way to start the week. Sounds like you have as much fun going around the supermarket as I do! If there's a wonky trolley I find it, then spend the next hour doing battle only to get home and find I hadn't bought half the stuff I needed! Do it online is my advice and get a lovely delivery chappie to bring it to the doorstep.
Glad to hear the Mister is on the mend ..... big hugs. Gorgeous card too ...... live that dotty paper. Have a good week hun xx
so pleased Hubby is feeling a bit better and hope it continues. Adore your spotty card and the antique looking tag.
Well sounds like a eventful shopping trip and if you were caught on camera, not only have we all had a giggle but I bet their are some giggles from the staff...thanks for giving my day a giggly start x
OMG girl. You crack me up. Glad to read good news about your hubs, but your market tale was perfect. (I love the part about not using paper bags so the trees could make more card paper... EXACTLY!!!)
And of course, your card is perfectly balanced. The embossed dots did it for me.
The laughing has turned to coughing, which has then turned to choking and coffee out the nose. I thank you for my morning exercise. Beautiful little holly card, Darnell. I have been trying to incorporate my extensive die cuts and pieces, such as your K&Co., to try and use them up. Welcome to all of your new friends.
OMG Darnell that was some shopping trip tale! Had me LOL!
So I nearly forgot to say what a great card - very designer - I love it.
The card is stunning, as always, Darnell. I'm trying to type, but I'm laughing so hard! It brings to mind a similar thing that happened to me, but of a slightly different nature. A strategically placed tied sweater saved my total embarrassment a few years back on what felt like the hottest day of the year
Oh Dippy - I'm so glad that Misters foot/leg are slowly getting better; what a relief for both of you. Love your card and that tag is beautiful. Well I think I was rolling down the aisle behind you in the grocery store in fits of laughter!!! Think I definitely need to come and live with you both (and Hammy of course) - in fact I think the doctors should prescribe a course of Dippy & Mister whenever anyone gets a bit down/unwell..........it would save millions on healthcare!
Karendipity xxx
Lovely festive design Darnell
hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design
Love spots and this fun and festive creation has lots as well as beautiful traditional colors.
Hi Darnell, first I'm so glad to hear that your Mister is beginning to feel a little better. Sounds as if you have the same set up as us. My hubby took on the job of shopping when he retired as it's one of my least favourites too. Funny to hear that you, in the USA also have the same problem with shopping trolleys as we do here. Don't they feel heavy when they have those wobbly wheels!
I'm glad to be back and catching up with what all my crafting buddies have been doing while I've been sleeping and lounging about watching daytime tv. Well I'm back and I love your beautiful Christmas card. They're my favourite seasonal colours and I love your holly and berries. Hugs Barbxx
Love your card Darnell...and oh you sure are a tonic, though laughter hurts the wounds at present.Hope hubby goes on OK.......I am having daily injections in tummy (since surgery) for a month to prevent DVT.........pincushion/patchwork quilt does not describe!.....but better than a DVT. Take care....hugs xx
Oh, Darnell ... you seem so fun. Your experience at the grocery store had me laughing out loud. Thank you so much for introducing me on your blog ... you are so generous. To think, you've made cards and introductions, had the time of your life at the grocery, etc., etc., while your Mister is recuperating ... hope all your days and your Misters are wonderful. Hugs!
Hehe, I'll look forward to seeing this on Caught on Camera ;) Glad to hear the Mister is getting better - he needs to take over the shopping duties again - soon!
Love your pretty double-dotty card :)
OMG, Darnell! You're totally hilarious! I can so easily visualise what you would have looked like - but I still would pay to see the shop security tape! Reminds me of the time I was stopped on the side of the highway, ripping the vinyl top off the roof of my car (because it had split down the centre and was thumping so much that I thought the car was going to fall apart), and all of the people driving past were pointing at me. :)
Love the card, very festive. You're reminding me that I need to get my tail into gear and start on mine. Love, Janelle :)
Love your elegant holly amongst the polkie dots!
Your story had me chuckling and I could see something like that happen to me! The video on this would be precious!
So happy to hear that your Mister is doing better! Thoughts and prayers for continued improvement!
Big hugs and kisses
So striking! Love it!
Oh Darnell it could only happen to you! But I haven't had such a good laugh in ages!!!oh and BTW great card!x
I just love love this card! I hate shopping too and try to do it as infrequently as possible! I'm a big fan of online grocery shopping now. Having it delivered is so much easier! However your adventure did make me laugh! Glad to hear hubby is improving too. Hugs Sue xx
Darnell, like the 97 before me, I am in stitches, and thanking my lucky stars that my wonderful husband does the shopping...however, he is not home at the moment (four day bike trip, into the wild, without bear spray...shall we sigh and roll our eyes in unison?). No way am I entering a grocery store; I will make do with what's here, even if that means cereal 3X a day (which we have plenty of because, well..Andy's all about the cereal!). The escaping panty liner...bwahahahahahhaha! Love your story! Hugs to you and your Mister - and fingers crossed his recovery carries on carrying on!
Lots of love, my friend,
Oops...nearly forgot to let you know: your card is AWESOME!
You need to move closer to me.. we don't have to pay for bags.... yet LOL... but seriously.. a great card.. Thanks for joining us at Happy Little stampers Christmas Challenge xx
Darnelle arent we all lucky to have you to give us a giggle or two. I picture you every step of the way, actually you could do a comedian spot, my life in all its glory. Wonderful card, more wonderful friends to check out.
Dear Darnell,
I wanted to thank you so much not only for hosting the NBUS challenge, but also for personally introducing all new followers on your blog. This is such a big piece of work and you dedicated a whole paragraph on all of them (and continue to do, since there are so many). Thank you sooooo much, that is so kind of you and I really appreciate it.
Hugs from stempelfrida
Me again! :) now to your card a special dedicated comment. I really like your dotted theme! Thank you very much for joining our ATSM challenge. Creative regards from stempelfrida again.
Stunning card! I love, love, love it! Glad the Mister is improving a bit. Have just read your latest post, glad he is ok but sorry he has to take more pills. Will catch up by email in the next day or two. Take care xxx
Does dotty have the same meaning over in hot-land as it does in not-so-hot-land, Darnell? I only ask because it describes so well your mirth invoking post and splendid holly card!! Thanks for the leaking eyes and guffaws, my friend! Good to hear Kevin is slowly getting up on those clouds ... sending lovely thoughts and heartfelt prayers that clouds 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are close by! Big hugs & bisous, bisous, Anita :)
Your the funniest person I know!!!! Love how we can laugh about it all now but I'm sure at the time you wanted to crawl into the floor. So glad The Misters health is improving too!!
OMG! Still laughing!
I'll be on the You Tube lookout for your shopping experience video :-o
PS: Was there a card in this post? Oh yeah...I love it!!!
This did make me laugh Darnell...glad I wasn't drinking at the time! Love your card. Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers for our September Holly challenge. Carol x
Your Christmas card is lovely! Okay, I can relate to another one of your experiences...must share it with some time...(will make you feel better that you have a kindred spirt! HAHA!
Oh Darnell, you made me laugh out loud and that almost never happens. I'm lucky too that my hubby does our shopping. Although when I wrote 'alcohol-free baby wipes' on the list (for cleaning stamps) his comment was 'I didn't realise they did alcoholic ones'. Wishing Mister a speedy recovery. xx
This is sooo pretty, Darnell!
Thanks for joining us at CAS on Sunday, too! ;)
LMAO (literally). "Excuse me?" You must take those darn things to panty liner obedience school.
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