A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

March 9, 2016

NBUS Challenge #6 ~ Day Nine!

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Hello! How are you? Are you sick of me yet?

I think possibly you are and that's okay cuz I would be if I were you! We only have one more day after today and NBUS Challenge #6 will be over.

I'm keeping this uber short for you. At least I'm going to try. You do realize that I never know what I'm going to write until I start so I'm usually as surprised about the journey as you are!

Here's my card:
What you see on the left is a Bluebird (Sialia sialis) whose habitat is southern Georgia. It is clear that he suffers from a thyroid condition. This non-life-threatening condition results in pale chest featherage and hugely bulging eyeballs that are usually itchy from glitter and gloss. Let's call him Barry.
One day while doing his morning constitution, Barry was astounded to see a rather large Easter chick off in the distance. Let's call her Easther. 
Barry calls out to Easther, who is obviously lost because Gallus Domesticus are not normally found in this exclusive gated community. But Easther keeps her little head down, purposely toddling onward, one chicken foot in front of the other. As Barry watches, she crests the hill and bobs out of sight.
(It should be pointed out that because Barry works in Ornithology Department at the University of Georgia, his wings are permanently crossed behind his back, professorially, and as such, he was not able to fly to the lost Easther.) 
By the time Barry crests the hill, the baby Easther has disappeared. Eyes bulging precariously from his head, Barry whispers, "Happy Easter, Easther. You amaze me."
Turning back the way he had come, Barry is suddenly aware that a huge shadow has passed over the sun. Too late he realizes that where there is a giant baby chick ... 
Several of my Tim Holtz Bird Crazy birds are NBUS. I'm not sure this one is, but I'm going to say it is or otherwise I will be fired as NBUS Challenge Chairman. I had to have these silly birds, yet I've only made a coupla cards in all this time. Recently I ordered the little wardrobe items for them and maybe you'll see them used more often once the hamsters start dressing them up like paper dolls.

The little chick is from Kristal Clear Impressions which is sadly out of business. The sediment is from Alley Way Stamps, "Words to Live By." These feathered friends were watercolored, glittered, and glossed.

Enjoy your day! Enjoy the challenge while you can!! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life is too short!

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Head's UP! Some of you do not have blogs and when I click on your name in the comment, I get a "no reply blogger" message or a Google+ profile with no information. That means I have NO WAY of contacting you if you are a winner! You must leave me your email address in your comment or email me separately with the information. If I can't find you, you can't win a prize! Thank you!!


Ruth said...

Hahah! You crack me up! I have to get this post up today otherwise I will miss entering your wonderful challenge. Thanks for the daily inspiration :) xx

Craft-E-Place said...

Darnell, I cannot imagine a time when I would be 'sick' of you and your posts ... it is always a delight to read your posts and start my day with a smile. I step out to work with a smile in my heart and a chuckle in my head!
Great card! I'm very like you I just had to have the Tim Holtz birds but have only used them a couple of times ... but there is still time!
Have a great day.

Marianne said...

Such a delightful and fun card, Darnell. Like you, I just had to have these birds, but they were always out of stock whenever I was ready to place an order. Now that I finally do have them, all I have used them for is some watercolouring practise. Maybe I should try to put at least one of them on a card in time for me to enter your NBUS challenge. I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading your posts.
Marianne x

Aileen said...

I have these birds and I haven't used them yet, thats so sad. I will have to leave them for the next one cause this is my third post. Cant believe you have added to the gift vouchers with those wonderful Brusho's. Someone will be very happy. A post a day or two even or more if you like cause I always enjoy your humour. You have a way of lifting us all up.

Pen Sunshinepen said...


Loved your card today it put a smile on my face. Very windy and cold outside so to smile just brighten ones day.

Crafty hugs Pen x

Stamps and Paper said...

Darnell you always brighten my mornings with your little stories...such a great card...


Unknown said...

As always I love the stories that go with your creations - you always add a smile to my day. Linda x

Gerrina said...

Your story is even more interesting as the card today!! No wait, both belong so well together; loved reading and watching them! Hugs, Gerrina

Cara said...

You're a brilliant storyteller! My iPad might have had a coffee shower this morning, thank goodness for screen protecters. Love the two birds and the sentiment. Have a great day, Cara x

Sue said...

Fab card.

Hope you have a lovely day. Sue

Marilyn said...

Cute card!! Love your stories but have to remember not to put hot coffee in my mouth when reading them. LOL!

Barb said...

You should write a book Darnell - for adults of cause. Your card is great but the story behind it cracked me up. I really did LOL.

He is my favourite of the Crazy birds and now every time I use Barry I know I'll smile to myself. You know it never occurred to me that he had his wings folded at the back and as for the bulging eyes because of the glitter. What a hoot. It's a miserable wet windy day here today but you really put a smile on this old girl's face. Hugs, Barbxx

Vijaylaxmi Siyal said...

That's a lovely card Darnell !!

Pat said...

It's a cold and windy day here today Darnell but your cute card really warmed my heart and your affecting tale brought a smile to my lips. Creativity and fun are surely synonymous with one another! x

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

. . . and they've spruced up nicely! Sweet story Darnell ;) I too, have this bird set (another one I just HAD to have and I'm ashamed to say, have never used!) I also have the 'accessories' in my wish list . . . that's it - ligt-bulb comes on - I am waiting to get the accessories first - no, that doesn't cut it? Oh, well, have a very lovely day! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Ros Crawford said...

Wonderful post Darnell and I adore your card!! Love those stamps!

Jeanne said...

Fantastic!!! Both card and story. You are fantastic as well. Thanks for sharing. :)

SD pooja said...

Ha ha..a fun card ! just one day left for NBUS challenge..I wish it was a bit longer .

Sandra H said...

Such a brilliant post Darnell as always l love visiting you x

designbydonna said...

Darnell, you are just a hoot. Fun story and cute card you have made up. I've done my 3 entries but still have lots more NBUS.

Jen W. said...

Loving your story about Barry and Easther - your adjective of "professorial" for Barry is perfect! Sadly I see the plight of Easther on a regular basis. There are tons of feral chickens on this island and at almost every cat feeding station there are chickens. Thankfully the cats keep the chicken population from exploding. There was a hen with 14 chicks on Monday morning. Today she has 3 chicks. Cute as the little fluff balls are and sad as it is if it weren't for the cats we'd be drowning in chickens! And those cats are impressive. I watched a Chewy eat an entire chick in less than a minute. There was not a scrap of anything left behind.

Krisha said...

LOL! Oh Darnell you tell the most fabulous stories!
I bought the Crazy Birds, and dies too...... I have used them, but not regularly ..... take special humor.

OH Babs said...

Funny girl what did you have for dinner last night? Enough of the challenges write a book. :)

Greta said...

Love the glitter & gloss, Darnell! Lost my mojo, but maybe I can get one more NBUS crossed off my list!

conil said...

It has to be said that you are quite the raconteur. You really need to write a book. Enough with the high-falutin' words. LOVE the TH bird with that chick, wow! Makes you wonder why the company went out of business. So glad that you've revived and winked it for this card (which, incidentally, is too funny). Can't believe it's Day 9 already.

KandA said...

How could we be sick of your posts - they are such fun.
Love your super card with those fabulous birds xx

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, I love your card and the wonderful story of Barry and Easther!! So cute!! I had to have the crazy birds and the accessories and I've only made a couple of cards with them, too. I just love them and you've inspired me to pull those stamps/dies out again!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Cat Craig said...

love coming to visit Darnell, your fabulous writing and imaginative lexicon are entertaining. Your cards are the cherry on top of fabulous time spent with a warm and funny friend. We are all lucky who choose to visit.

I love the combination of two very different birds, and your story is perfect. Hugs.

Daga said...

What a grate card! I love this birds :)

Liz said...

Your post really make me chuckle. Just what was needed on a cold, windy and wet day. :-)
Love your card too. xx

Patti said...

I don't know which is cuter - your big eyed bird or your post!! LOL Thank you for the giggles.


BożenA said...

My dear Darnell,
your way of connections of different birds is great. Very surprising and very innovative. Great idea! Card is beautiful, I envy the one who gets it ... :-(

Julia Aston said...

Great story, great design and fun birds! what more could you possibly want??!!

Dana M said...

Fabulously fun card and tale about Barry and Easther! You are a riot Darnell!

Verna Angerhofer said...

I love how you took two very different styles of bird images and made it work so well. What a fun card and I love the story behind the design too! LOL

Jean said...

THis made me smile!! You are just too creative!

Birgit said...

I am never sick of your posts and this card cracks me up (like the pun:)) Barry seems so sweet, thyroid condition and all. He is probably a fan of Peter Lorre. Great card and love the gloss of the chick-Easther

Pink Unicorn said...

I agree with everyone else, never getting tired of your posts, and I can't believe it's already the last day of NBUS... and can I just say... thyroid condition. LMAO!!! You really made my day. As usual! :)

I Card Everyone said...

You had me at Sialis! Oh Darnell... You DO make me laugh - way out loud!!!

shirley-bee said...

Sick of you?? Never!! I've just had a lovely time reading all your NBUS posts and drooling like Dan over your gorgeous cards. And I've managed to play along, yeah!

oldpunca said...

You made me laughing with the story on the card . :-) Your ideas are always fabulous.
Thanks for stopping by. :-)
Hugs, Sonja

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Hilarious - the blog post - the card!!!! Ha ha ha, still laughing! Of course you needed those birds - who doesn't? I have them too - perhaps time to pull them out again...

Olga Fink said...

I love your blog posts so much! Great card!
Xoxo Olga

Linda said...

Sick of you? ....... never!!!! What would I do without my daily giggle.
Love today's card and your story just cracked me up. I'll never get sick of seeing those Crazy Birds either. xx

cm said...

Another monitor-cleaning bill ready to be submitting! Professorial Barry and Easter Easther...bwahahahahahaha! I do NOT have the Crazy bird stamps or very many bird images whatsoever (my Technique Tuesday Chickadees being the exception), because birds scare the bejeebers out of me! I have been known to run, shrieking, from robins (they dive- bomb!), from pigeons (they...well, we know what they do-do-do) and ravens (hippo-sized here, I tell you...and with claws like velociraptors and far tooooo keen an intellect. They plot and scheme how to steal food, be it from garbage bins, or knapsacks or what have you. That cleverness comes to no good!). Your birds, however,...not scary; thank heavens (aside from the 'shadow' swooping)...

Susan said...

I finally got several cards completed AND photographed to play in your challenge! Color me happy!! I must say I love your crazy bird card...I have the birds, all their accessories as well as ALL the dies that go with them! I haven't used them nearly as much as I thought I would, and now I'm debating with myself as to whether or not to but the smaller version of the birds....decisions, decisions!!! Have a wonderful day!

Karen P said...

I am not sure but think Blogger may have gobbled my comment, grr, I've been having issues all day because of the Picassa to Google+ change so not a happy bunny with that!
However I am very happy I got a chance to play along huni. Don't worry about visiting me or entering me as I have my lovely Tim Holtz stamps because of you huni so will be forever grateful.
Take a little time out for you and Mistah, don't want you overdoing it Karen xx

Carol L said...

I never get tired of your fabulous sense of humor! Your blog is a daily ritual for me - coffee in hand, tissues for wiping away the tears of laughter........and of course cleaning up the coffee snorted through my nose as I read your funny stories and wordisms :) These birds are cute as all get out, and I need to go lie down now for straining my eyes to read those 3 tiny words explaining the huge shadow passing over the sun!!!! LOL

Bonnie said...

What a lot of wonderful entries in your gallery, Darnell! Loved your Easther story! LOL I always love your stories!

Cris G. said...

How could I be sick of you, Darnell? You make it very difficult... :)
I must confess that I loved the story, but I was waiting for a happy end, instead the only happy here is Easther... poor Barry, he must have turned white!
High hope to be back tomorrow with my last NBUS card...

Kim Heggins said...

Just so sweet...love your wonderful birds.

Lindsey said...

So I'm not sure which I like better, your card, or the background story. ;) I LOVE my Crazy Birds! Totally not NBUS. (Easther, teehee...)

Marilyn said...

I love your cards and the great stories too!
I also enjoy NBUS and look forward to it every year.

Lisa Lara said...

Ha gave me a giggle Darnell. very clever.

Cheryl W. said...

I feel there's more to that bird story, Darnell! Maybe you could make another crazy birds card and add a second chapter? Just a thought... Had to throw another NBUS entry your way. I really LOVE this challenge, even though I don't always have the time to enter. Thanks so much for serving as Challenge Chair (and organizer and judge and jury and promoter and motivator and...)

Karenladd said...

As much as I love the Tim Holtz Crazy Birds, you would think I would have one, or two, or ten....but instead I'm left hearing stories about their adventures as they stumble along through this world and some mythical one where chickies may be large but their mothers are even bigger. I'm so happy you were able to give some of your NBUS love this month, and am hoping that means you're feeling better. Thanks for a fabulously fun challenge and the motivation to dig deep into my stash.

Unknown said...

Oh Dippy, what a wonderful card. Poor Barry has such a puzzled expression on his face......not surprising when that huge shadow passes! You can post a dozen times a day and we wouldn't get tired of you.


Karendipity xxx

Em Louise Fairley said...

Love the card and love the story! Oh, and I love YOU too!
Em xxx

Sue - said...

Love your fun card! Darnell I really must stop reading your posts when I'm drinking my early morning cuppa, ' cos I nearly choked on it. A good giggle makes a good start to the day! Hugs xx

Brenda said...

Your story's always crack me up Auntie! I love these crazy birds but I would have no clue on how to make a card with them. You on the other hand do! I love your card!! And no, I'm not getting on bit tired of you. Hugs, Brenda

Maureen H. said...

Dear sweet Darnell,

I never comment, which is awful because I love your posts, but today I had to. Your story about Barry not only cracked me up, but it made me wonder if we are neighbors? Do you also live in GA, since you make mention of it and of good old UGA? I would love to know that someone as talented as you was nearby,

Hugs and thanks for all the smiles you bring,

Bobby said...

I think Barry's eyes are bulging because he has just witnessed a traumatic incident and is wondering "Am I next?" You should send this to CASoloogy's "laugh" challenge.

Tanja said...

I just love the look on the bird's face - thanks for sharing your project at Addicted to Stamps and More

Carole Pollard said...

Love your tag today so pretty love and hugs Carole x

Anita in France said...

Poor old Barry, Darnell ... do hope Easther heard his last message!! Brilliant card ... brilliant story ... brilliant post! Don't stop ... ever! Miss you tons, mon amie! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)

D.Ann C said...

Bwahhahahaha... too funny!!!

Judy1223 said...

OK, so your card made me laugh, and THEN your accompanying story made me laugh HARDER! You are too creative for words, Darnell! You are dripping in creativity, how can you STAND it? :) Can Barry hear me yelling, "Watch out, Barry! The momma is right around the bend!!! Turn back, Barry!!!" Yep, I'm enthralled with this story. And your card. And the fun crazy bird image and your awesome coloring. Thanks for joining us at CASology this week, Darnell. Totally made me laugh!

conil said...

Congrats on your CASology Honorable Mention. Well-deserved for this hilarious card.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

You crack me up! Love your work!!! Thanks for joining us at the STAMPlorations CAS Challenge! :)