A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 12, 2016


My heart is heavy with grief, but filled with love for the families and friends of the dead and the wounded. Their numbers are legion as this incident impacts caring individuals the world over. Why can't we stop the stupid hatred and violence?

*Life is too short!

Stamps are from Designs by Ryn (Rubber Art Stamp) "Trickling Water Set" watercolored with SAI watercolor brushes. The heart is ceramic. I saved it from a Hallmark card I received several years ago and recently found it in my stash.



Lindsey said...

A beautiful response to an inexplicable tragedy. <3

Lisa Elton said...

Well said Darnell and a lovely card. Hugs <3

Rose said...

Couldn't agree more. Lovely card Darnell.

Carol L said...

Amen Darnell. I keep asking myself how many more. It's SO MUCH EASIER TO LOVE THAN HATE!!!

cm said...

My heart hurts too, my friend. Your card: powerful!

stampwithsandy said...

There is so much beauty in this world to be loved and appreciated, and I don't understand the evil and the hatred. Why? Thank you for sharing your meaningful thoughts, Darnell.

kiwimeskreations said...

{{{{{hugs}}}}} a tragedy in the truest sense of the word - and a beautiful tribute Darnell.

Jacquie Southas said...

I keep reminding myself love is greater than hate. Seeing the lines of thousands of people waiting to give blood gives me hope for humanity.

Carol H. said...

Such a beautiful card to symbolize the sadness. Amen, to the last sentence in your post. We have to keep sharing the love. Hugs to you.

Unknown said...

Beautiful card. Please tell us how you made this. I too would like to make one. So sad our country has come to this. This card is beauty and meaningful

Birgit said...

This is a beautiful card in honour of the people who died, the people who were injured or were just lucky to have escaped an actual bullet and to the families and friends left behind. I feel bad for the mother (more than the dad for some reason) of the person who killed all these people. It is something they must carry with them along with the people who have lost so many. I love this card because you captured so much in it.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

I totally agree dear friend, poor USA cant help itself sooo sad. You need decent gun laws ... praying for you and your land.
Am praying for you too..

This is a great card, with a poignant message.. love overcomes a multitude of sins.. may Love be victorious in spite of this hate on the part of minority.
And great use of Ryn's stamps too :D
Thanks so much for the inspiration.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Jane Willis said...

Beautiful, simple, elegant card, it expresses those feelings that are so hard to put into words at the moment. The whole world is feeling shocked, yet again, that one person could choose to do so much harm to so many human beings.

Marybeth said...

It’s a beautiful card in every way, Darnell! God Bless you!

Suchi said...

Beautifully expressed Darnell...it hurts to see such violence.... :( Amazing card... :)
Suchi xx

Jasleen Kaur said...

You card is so beautiful and very well expresses what we all are feeling today. My heart goes out to all those who lose their loved ones everyday in a senseless act of hatred and violence.

Mimi said...

Such a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing. I still haven't been able to wrap my head around it all.

Kathyk said...

I have no idea what sets these people on their paths to senseless killing, and (like millions of others) am just shocked by it all.

However, your card is sensational


Aileen said...

A beautiful card as a beautiful tribute Darnell. Thank you

Kath said...

A beautiful card for such a sad occasion.
Kath x

Di said...

A beautiful and very poignant card Darnell. Such a tragedy which has rocked right thinking people to the core.

Di xx

Sue said...

Dear Darnell, sending love, your card is a thing of beauty in our sad and sickening world. It is up to us, the beauty makers to stand strong!

My name is Cindy said...

Indeed, why? There is so much unavoidable pain and heartache in the world it is inexplicable to me as to why people would want to cause more. But it is the nature of the beast I think. A lovely tribute Darnell. xx

Cara said...

A very poignant card and beautiful. My hear is with those who have been affected by this horrific event. Cara x

cuilliesocks said...

Hello Darnell, what a fitting tribute to the men and women who have been senselessly murdered. It's beyound my understanding why this happens, but the hate around gay people is so awful and it's world wide. In this day and age one would think that we would have learned to be tolerant of every individual regardless of colour, culture and creed.

Here in the UK we have at the moment football violence playing out in France between english and Russian so called fans.

Thank you for your birthday wishes and your visit. I just wish I could get down to meet you whilst you are over in the UK, take care, Kate x

Ruth said...

I ask myself this all the time. Beautiful card. I love those rainbow droplets. xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Beautiful design for an extremely sad time. Hugs xxx

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

So saddened by what happened .... your card is just powerful!

Jeanne said...

Fantastic card to show love and support to all of those affected by this senseless act. Thank you for sharing.

Pat said...

This says it all Darnell. A beautiful card which voices all our feelings. Let's just hope that sense prevails regarding the gun laws.

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

Wow, those look just like tears. TFS.

Brenda in IN said...

Your card made me tear up as I have been for every newscast. This is sad and my heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims. My grands are here since Sunday and I can't explain to them why someone would do such a terrible thing because I don't understand it myself. I'm pleased that so many people have come forward with support and love. There is good in our world.

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Sad theme but beautiful card
hugs Tamara

dottielottie said...

A beautiful card Darnell, made with love from a beautiful heart!
Why does the unimaginable keep happening? Hugs Lottie xx

Sandy said...

A beautiful response to an ugly event.

Karen P said...

Really beautiful Darnell. I just don't understand this world we live in any more. Too much hate and too many guns, my heart is very sad for all who lost much loved family and friends xx

Anita in France said...

Your words, as ever, are strong and wise, Darnell ... if only our world leaders were so. Your card is beautiful! LYAMYMCA! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

So sorry for that people and for their families ... and your card is just a stunning tribute!

Redanne said...

Such a wonderful tribute Darnell, to a totally senseless act. My heart goes out to all the families of those killed and injured.... Hugs, Annie xx

Sharron said...

Beautiful tribute to the those who suffered and those who are continuing to do so, Darnell. The gun violence and sadness just never seem to stop. Thank you for sharing a bit of beauty with us today!

conil said...

That's a darn good question, Darnell. Wish that I knew the answer. My heart & soul are so bruised by this senseless violence against others.

conil said...

That's a darn good question, Darnell. Wish that I knew the answer. My heart & soul are so bruised by this senseless violence against others.

jimlynn said...

Simply gorgeous! So heartbreaking of the things that are happening in our country.

Mac Mable said...

I echo your first comment from Lindsey xx

Maria Rodriguez. said...

Dear Darnell: It's indeed so tragic and so sad, when will we humans learn that violence and nonacceptance of everybody's rights leads nowhere. Every time something like this happens we promise this wont happen again yet, it does.
One after another and another, this mass shootings keep occurring and unfortunately, they will continue unless we truly wake up and CHANGE!!!!!
Our hearts and our thoughts are with all the families of the victims of this senseless and unspeakable act of hate.
In the words of John Lennon, himself a victim of violence I will quote a paragraph of one of his songs.....
Big Hugs,
Maria Rodriguez.

Verna Angerhofer said...

Such a senseless act of violence but your card shows how the nation is mourning with all those who lost loved ones and for those injured. I heard it was a terrorist attack. I wish those would stop in all parts of the world.

Brenda said...

I couldn't agree more Auntie! I just don't get it either and don't know why others feel the need to hurt others. We just had a few killings around here, which rocked our little communities because we don't see this kind of thing much. Love your card, it expresses just how I feel when people hurt other people. :-( Hugs, Brenda

Kathleen said...

Really lovely creation and very thoughtful and significant.
We both have Grandson's and I dread to think what life will be like in the future for them, it worries sick.

Kath x

Sybrina K said...
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MagsB said...

A lovely card, Darnell, at such a sad time.

love Mags B x

rachel said...

an absolutely amazing card Darnell - its such a shock - there are some crazy individuals in this world xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Amazing card!

Pam said...

Beautiful, Darnell.

Kim Heggins said...

Absolutely beautiful my dear friend.

Lizzy Hill said...

Truly shocking - always there is the 'why' - an unanswerable question unfortunately.

Nora Noll said...

This is beautiful. And there is not answer to this. It is all just so sick.

Susanne Vargas said...

Good question!!!

Jean said...

This is lovely!

Cat Craig said...

Lovely card. Senseless acts.

Unknown said...

Beautiful- both the card and the sentiment...

Greta said...

So senseless & sad & your card is such a lovely response to the tragedy, Darnell. We just never know--gotta live every moment the best we can & hug those we love. Sending hugs to you, my friend.

Jan Clothier said...

An eloquent elegy. Thank you for sharing it.

Lisa T said...

Beautiful tribute Darnell, the card and the thoughts behind it. Daily we are faced with stories of hatred around the globe. It never gets any easier to watch or hear xx

Carole Pollard said...

Such a beautiful thoughtful card its such a terrible incident the world is a very worrying place these days and its always the innocent that suffer love and hus Carole x

Olga Fink said...

A very beautiful card! and I couldn't agree more with you...
xoxo olga

Sue - said...

A beautiful card and tribute Darnell!

Em Louise Fairley said...

Beautiful card and tribute.
Em xxx

patrap777 said...

Such a beautiful card and sentiment. None of this is right or fair. The only possible good to come from this is for us to grow more tolerant, more loving, more accepting. A huge price to pay for understanding that should already been within us. I join my prayers and my sorrow to all of the crafting and worldwide community. May God bring some good out of this evil.

Geri said...

WOW Darnell!!! This card is incredible! I think you totally nailed the message. awesome symbolism of the different colors for different races....all connected by 'love'....

Makes me wonder if it is possible "only on paper" ???

Let's pray that it will go beyond paper.


OH Babs said...

A beautiful memorial Darnell. Pray for the victims, their family and friends and our country. Bless you for creating this elegant and touching card.

Jen W. said...

Why indeed.
Your card is a stunning tribute to those who were lost, Darnell.

Cris G. said...

Hello Darnell!

Wish I had the answer to your question... more than an answer, I wish I had the cure to all the hatred and violence. Unfortunately I guess that's what we, humankind, are... some of us are just human in the most basic meaning, others add the word kind to the human.
Beautiful card in memory of the victims!


Craftychris said...

Why indeed! So incredibly sad and pointless, it makes me so sad. Your card says it all! xxx

oldpunca said...

I'm always wondering why all this violence. Why are people so angry? And why there are always victims among people who will not hurt anybody... You have dedicated wonderful card to the victims.
Warm hugs,

sandie said...

The perfect card for this awful time x

Jane said...

What gorgeous rainbow paint drips! Love it! Thanks for playing at AAA Cards.

Bobby said...

Tears. A rainbow. And a heart filled with love. A great memorial for the victims, Darnell.

Gerrina said...

There are so many people that really don't know what they are doing and that are so angry... as long as they don't get treated there always be things like this, although I'm glad that it is not that easy to get a wapon here in the Netherlands...
Your card is a beauty and so to the point! Hugs, Gerrina

Loll said...

It is such a senseless tragedy. I grieve for the victims and their families. And I pray for the survivors who saw terrible things that they will never forget. Your card is so touching Dolly. Thank you. xx

Virginia L. said...

Your card depicts the tragic event so thoughtfully, Darnell! Love the rainbow colors with the heart! I am touched by your heartfelt design. So glad that you join the fun over Virginia’s View “All about Colors” Challenge!

Wiebke Kommerell said...

Darnell, your droplets are stunning! Love the dimensional look of them.

Your question "Why?" might come out of my own heart, too. All over the world there are these stupid guys who demage, hurt and kill - without any reason. :-( It's so sad and I also can't understand why they act like they do.
Let us all pray for better days and hope they will arrive here on earth as soon as possible!

Heartfelt greetings from Wiebke (KomMa-designed)

Justine Hovey said...

I love the water droplets! Thanks for playing along at the AAA Card Challenge :) ~Justine

Kate said...

Beautiful Darnell, deeply moving too!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Awesome card - I am with you - hate and violence does not bring mankind forward. So very sad..........

Petra Swart said...

My heart goes out to all who lost family and friends in the tragedy, Darnell!!!! How will we ever understand how someone can do something like that!!!! Terrible!!! What a great card you've made!!!

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
A beautiful card for a tragic event.
Sadly, there will always be hate in this world and I've given up trying to fathom why.
I just take solace that there's a lot of good out there too.
Best wishes.
Ang x

Taunya Butler said...

Beautiful, beautiful, love-filled card!! So amazingly done!! I appreciate the sweetness and simplicity of this post!! You are remarkable!! And it does hurt the heart to think WHY????

Zelda said...

This is amazing. Absolutely beautiful and so touching. Thank you for sharing xx

Donna said...

Amazing! You colored the Ryn drops beautifully!

ionabunny said...

Blokes in charge and there is no sense in it. Hugz

BożenA said...

But the effect! The unique card, I love these flowing drops!

Maikreations said...

Love the rainbow coloured drops ;o) Awesome idea and card! Have a fantastic day and happy crafting, Maike ;o)