Hey! How's it going?
Don't forget the April Boo-Boo Hop/NBUS Challenge #11 is coming soon!➠
For this simple OLC, I lightly traced an oval die with a pencil and then stamped the leaves around it. The leaves and the sediment are from a NBUS Concord & 9th set called, "Love You. Mean It." The sweet trio of rasp berries is from Rubber Stamp Tapestry, all glossied up. A Crop-a-Dile chomped the corners for me.

- CASology: Foliage
- Less Is More: One-Layer Card. Theme: Leaves.
- Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: A Bit O' Green.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I actually posted this card a coupla years ago. I think it might have been one of my first attempts at smooching. I hope you enjoy this reshared Irish blessing!
Wait. What?
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I actually posted this card a coupla years ago. I think it might have been one of my first attempts at smooching. I hope you enjoy this reshared Irish blessing!
I also like this sweet, compassionate, and tender blessing:
😄 I actually have a stamp that says that. I'm sorry I didn't have time to make you a card with it, but I know you'll enjoy the blessing anyway.
Wait. What?
Speaking of limping, it appears the Mister and I have such a compatible marriage that we take turns being incapabilitated. I'm six weeks out from my surgery, feeling spry and dry and back to jumping up and down when the UPS truck stops out front. So guess what happened?
Two days ago the Mister's back went out. He nearly collapsed from the pain and he has been pretty much flat on his back in bed waiting until we can see the doctor this morning. Poor guy. He has been faithfully doing exercises every single day for two years so this wouldn't happen, so he's very frustrated. Your prayers and positive vibes are very much appreciated.

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure to return the flavor! Under the circumstances, it might be a while ...

*Life is too short!
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Two lovely cards. I'm so glad the Rubberstamp Tapestry stamps seem to be having a revival, they are such lovely little stamps and much more versatile than they seemed to be the first time round.
Hope Mr Darnell's back problem is just a temporary blip and will soon be gone and have him frolicking around like a spring lamb again
So glad to hear you are well and fit again - poor Mr - yes I will pray for him - as I know you are praying for mine.... mine spent another couple of days in hospital this past week!!
love your cards, they always appeal to me - and the final Irish Blessing is a hoot!
Well wishes to Mr and hope you are okay too. Lovely cards, stunning.xx ♥[aNNie]
Lovely cards as always ..... the wreath is so pretty. Happy St Pats day to you too. Hope everything goes well with the Mister and that he's feeling better soon. Love and hugs xx
Beautiful cards Darnell..Love it..Sending prayers for Mister...hugs xx Deepti
Two fantastic cards Darnell, I love the sentiment on the second.
Sue xx
I would say it´s perfect ;)
Greetings from Germany Elisabeth
The rasp berry card is stunning, stunning, stunning! I do love that Irish blessing too, so glad you shared that again. The second blessing is very funny....
Very best wishes to Mister, what a shame that it has happened. I hope the Doctor can help with some pain relief so that he can get back on his feet again soon. Glad to hear that you are much recovered now!! Big hugs, Annie xxx
So sorry to hear about Mister's back! I know some of what he is going through as I have been suffering with my back for a while now - no rhyme nor reason why it starts but when it does I am in total screaming agony and forced to lie flat on my back with heat on it. Not a moan or a whinge, just trying to let you know I understand what he is going through.
Thanks for the St Paddy's verses, had a chuckle and a smile. Take care of you.
Hugs, Neet xx
Two super card Darnell...so sorry to hear about your Mister back...back problems are awful..hope your doctor can help his pain
Beautiful cards, as always, Darnell. Love the blessings. Sending prayers for the Mister too.
Em xoxox
Mmm love the wreath of leaves and berries and that bit of sparkle caused by the glossy accents, beeeutiful. Both Irish sentiments are wonderful but have to say the humour one is a beauty, love it. Looking for all those limping ijjets who dont love me I am. Hope the mister is okay, my darl also has the bad back every now and then, being a carpenter he has put undo strain on it over the years and as they get older it happens more often. Take care and rmember to leave the bell out in the hall when you have had enough of him ringing it, better that than saying whats on the tip of your tongue when he rings it for the millionth time......hugs Aileen
Happy St. Patrick's Day
very nice cards!
have a great day!
Love your cards! Glad to hear you are doing better! Prayers for the Mister
Oh, no! Best wishes to you and your sweetie -- hope he can find some relief and quickly.
Two lovely cards. The wreath is so bright and sparkly. It is such a nice sentiment. Great Irish sentiments.
I have added the Follow by email to my side bar. Thank you for asking.
I hope your husbands back improves. It's no funn being laid up and in pain.
OH NO!! Hope the Mister gets better soon. Not good at all. I know for a fact! Give him my love and hope he's up and around soon. Both of y'all need to be spry at the same time!
Love your blessing and your card! Both are fantastic.
Oh no, praying for the Mister, Darnell. I hope he feels much better soon. Both cards are gorgeous!! Love the beautiful wreath and the fabulous poem!! Happy St. Patty's Day!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Prayers coming your way for Mister and hope this passes soon. Love how you made your wreath with those sweet shiny berries. I love the Blessings the Irish have and your card is beautiful. The funny one cracks me up!
Adorable wreath with leaves and yummy berries, love so much this CAS card, it makes me smile!! And such fab irish blessing card, love the vibrant shades of green and the poem!
So sorry instead for your hubby... :( I wish him can get better soon!!!
I love your pretty leafy wreath with the fruits Darnell and the sentiment is perfect in a coordinating colour, then your beautifully smooshed Irish Blessing, the words are wonderful, and the second blessing certainly made me laugh with its unexpected ending. So sorry to hear the Mister is suffering greatly with this awful back problem, and hope that it will soon ease. x
Poor Mister! Prayers for an end to pain and complete healing for him. Gosh! You both have my permission to be health-issue free, once he's all better. I love your razzleberry card! The wreath you've created is lovely. What a pretty CAS OLC! That GA on the berries is perfection. And a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! Somewhere in my DNA, according to Ancestry.com, I'm 16% Irish. Haven't found it yet, though... Love the "sweet, compassionate, and tender blessing," too...TeeHee!! We should go out for corned beef or Guinness or some Irish whiskey or something! Alright, I'm going, I'm going.... Missing you like crazy!! Bev
I just love both your cards, but I am a sucker for that style of wreath! So great!
I really hope your Mister feels better soon! Have you seen those memes about how kids hurt their backs versus adults? It shows a kid falling down from the top of a tree, and then the adult does something like raise their hand, or tie their shoes. Not sure if the Mister would think that was funny or not, but I know it seems like it takes nothing at all to throw out one's back!
Both cards are beautiful!!Love the 1st card! Prayers out ot the Mister.
Have a wonderful day,
Crafting With Creative M
Lovely cards Darnell I've always loved that 1st blessing. Your comment spry and dry made me giggle so pleased you're doing so well! So sorry to hear about Kevin's back I hope he can be helped quickly xx
Hi Darnell,
Happy St Pats day to you and yours.
what wonderful cards and such great blessings too.
I did chuckle at the second.
oooooooooooooooo! I feel for your Mr as my Mr had a similar problem a while back and spent 10 days of lying on his side as that was the only way he was in less pain.
When I called the doctor out the 2nd time because the pain relief wasn't working all he was interested in was changing his Cholesteroltablets to a cheaper brand.
Now surely that could have waited till he was feeling better I was so mad I could have hit him if I was a nasty person.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
2 great cards Darnell and such a sweet blessing. My family...on both sides were all Irish! In fact there were some Irish Kings with our surname..LOL. I hope your Hb recovers soon, poor thing, but I'm glad that you are fully recovered. Enjoy the weekend, xxx
You're, for sure, going to get positive vibes and prayers for the Mister from me. Hope he recovers very soon...though, it is a good thing that you alternate health issues.
As for your cards, being a Scots-Irish-Portuguese, Heinz 57 variety, I appreciate the good wishes for St. Patrick's Day. Love those shiny berries on that WOW! of a wreath. I smell another winner.
Hope your visit to the M.D. is a productive one and the Mister regains his spry step.
Wishing you joy and lucky shamrocks on this St. Patrick's Day.
The berries make your oval wreath so perfect and pretty! Love the Irish blessings -- both of them. The second is too funny. I'm sorry about Mister's back, especially after all his efforts to avoid this. May the luck o' the Irish put the spring back in his step soon!
Oh no, poor Kevin :( What a nuisance, and so painful. Hope the doctor can fix him up quickly. Back pain is awful. Love your cards! The simple wreath on the first one is gorgeous, so stylish and it draws the eye into the sentiment perfectly. The colour and movement in the background of the second one is wonderful! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Less is More :)
Love your cards and glad you are getting better! But sorry to hear about hubby! Sending lots of hugs and prayers to you both!!!
Glad you are better and sorry about the mister. I hope he is feeling better soon. Wonderful cards!
Irish blessings to you too Darnell. I love your wonderful cards and the Irish blessings you featured in your post.
Oh no--so, so sorry to hear about Kevin's back. Hoping he's soon much better--sending those positive vibes! Love your C&9th card--I was given that set & need to use it again. The glossy berries are fabulous! Thanks for sharing the wonderful Irish blessings & that smooshing may have been done a long time ago, but it's beautiful!
Oh nooo poor Mister, bad backs can be so horrid I know, best wishes sent his way for a speedy recovery!Such lovely cards here too Dee and thanks for the Irish blessing too ;) hugs Vee xx
Darnell, Love the cards and sending well wishes to Mister. I am a fellow back-sufferer, so I totally empathize. Hope he's back to his old self in no time at all.
Beautiful cards, Darnell. The sweet wreath with the raspberries is so pretty. Love the Irish blessing...both of them! but I was esp meaning the smooshed card. Really lovely!
So sorry to hear abt Mister's back. I feel his pain!! I did get a chuckle from that hilarious old geezer graphic you used. Hahahahah!!! Prayers for a quick and complete recovery. Such a pain when our body parts don't behave themselves!! Glad you are feeling fit as fiddle again!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
<3 J
jwoolbright at gmail dot com
Happy St. Patrick's day to you too. I'm Irish by marriage too. Cute cards...Praying for Mister...hope he's doing much better.
Love your OL with the lovely leaves and berries wreath, Darnell!!!!! Such a special sentiment and a wonderful CAS design!!!!!! I think your smooshing is just fine and the card is beautiful with the wonderful words!!!!!
So sorry to hear about the Mister!!!! Sending prayers and lots of positive vibes your way for a speedy recovery!!!!! So happy to hear that you are doing great after the op!!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!!!!
Loving your oval wreath, and your super stylish slick glossy raspberries! So glad to hear you are recovering well and sending mahoosive get well wishes to the Mister, I hope he is feeling painfree very soon.
Thanks so much for sharing with us at Less is More, Anita x
Happy St Patrick's Day two amazing cards and some great verses to read I hope that your hubby is feeling a little better very soon Take Care sending love and hugs Carole x
Darnell, thank you for the Irish poems, I love the last one. Your glossy raspberry wreath card is fab...wonderful texture and color ehancement with those berries. And, sending along prayers for the Mister...may his pain pass quickly and healing begin.
When Irish eyes are smiling, the World is bright and gay, your post reminded me of that song, and when gay meant happy.
Poor Mister, hope it is sorted soon and the pain subsides PDQ.
Lovely cards and verses.
We have no Irish relations but both my Sister have Irish names - Kathleen and Eileen.
Kath x
Lovely cards, one of my fav sayings and also a pretty smile card.
Hope Mister is feeling much better soon, I know bad backs - not nice.
Thank you for the smile Darnell, by way of the card and your final Irish blessing!! Pleased to hear that you are feeling well but sorry to hear that poor Hubby is suffering. Hope he soon gets some relief, sending good wishes xx
Beautiful card. Thank you :)
Hope the Mister is up and about again soon.
Love your cards and did laugh and the ankle blessing! So sorry the Mister has hurt his back! I am sending absolutely loads and loads of positive vibes hoping he recovers soon, bless him! Hugs, Chris xxxxxx
Your Mister needs some luck of the Irish. Sorry about his back. I too wish him a speedy and lasting recovery. Take care of you too, dear Darnell. Love your simple wreath card. :-)
Both of your cards are beautiful, Darnell, but I absolutely love the first one. It's so simple but the colors and design are just striking! I have to say it again- I love it!
As for your poor hubby, please let him know he is in my prayers. You can tell him that the fact he did the exercises might have stopped this from happening sooner. It also might help him get better faster. I know that doesn't help AT All right now, but it still might be true!
Thanks for the smile and the blessing.
So sorry to hear about the mister. After this...............NO more. Prayers for him definitely.
Fabulous cards Darnell! I love those sweet little raspberries. I'm so sorry to here about your Mister, poor guy. I will keep him in my prayers.
Gosh, Darnell! Sorry to hear about The Mister's back going out~so frustrating! Sending warm thoughts and many prayers for healing quickly.
PS: Your cards are wonderful!
Lovely cards. Sorry to hear of the Mister's back problems. Pray he is better really soon.
Great OLC and reshared card. So sorry to hear that the mister is having back problems. Tell him the entire cardmaking community (well, almost, anyway) is thinking of him and wishing him well.
Glad to hear you are recovering so nicely but not such good news for your husband.
I know too well the pain from back issues and hope that he can get some relief soon.
Your cards look great and thanks for sharing the great sentiments.
Love how you've framed the sweet sentiment with the wreath of leaves and flowers Darnell - CAS perfection! Hope your hubbie is on the mend..how frustrating when he's been doing preventative exercises
I love that Last blessing ... So funny!! Brilliant cards and those raspberries look totally edible!
I'm so sorry to hear about the mister ... I've had a trapped sciatic nerve for just over a week so I can fully sympathise... Back pain is awful! I do hope he can get some relief. Wishing you both wonderful blessings.
Love the raspberry/wreath card. What a neat idea to pencil in the shape, it really is a lovely card. Oh dang, dang, dang I am so sorry to hear about Kevin's back. Back pain is the worse and trying to sleep at night is all but impossible. Gosh I hope he finds relief quickly. So glad you are mended. Growing old is the pits. Take care, stay dry and hope you are not suffering from allergies. Ah choo. :)
Gorgeous cards.
Hope Mister is better soon.
Darnell, your one-layer card is so sweet! I love the colors and the pretty sentiment. Classy! I also love the Irish blessings...both great! ;) Sorry to hear about your DH, hope his back is feeling better. Thanks for playing along with us at CASology this week!
Oh, no, I'm sorry to hear that Kevin is hurting. Hopefully by today he is feeling better. I'm glad you're kicking up your heels and jumping up and down again! Love that pretty wreath with raspberries! Yum! I'd like some fresh raspberries right now. Your Irish blessings are so perfect for St. Pat's day which we are celebrating today. Wish they made more Irish Blessing stamps!
What a great set of cards Darnell, like your CAS with the fabulous saying your fab background and the Irish blessing. I am Irish by marriage too! Sending prayers for a speedy recovery for dear hubby.
Your one layer card is pretty- I love the wreath. I'm so sorry that your hubby is suffering with back pain. Backs are so tricky and unpredictable. I hope he's back on his feet and better soon. My back went out on me 3 days ago. I was hobbling around - the pain came out of nowhere. Then, it was better the next day and gone the day after that. I wish you both good health!
Love your wonderful sentiment framed with such a pretty wreath! Sorry to hear about hubby. Sending him healing thoughts and prayers!
What a sweet wreath card, Darnell! Happy to hear of your good recovery and all those jumping jacks you're doing with the UPS driver. ;-) Hoping hubby is doing better.
Adorable oval card, could do the same for an Xmas card. Love these blessings. Good to hear you are up and about and sending healing vibes to Mister x
That Irish blessing is still such a special one! And smooshing is totally back in craftland :)!
Love the CAS-look of your first card; looks so simple and serene, but this one needed quite a lot of thinking before you could start... Hope your weekend is a good one!
Sending good vibes and blessings to you and your husband x The raspberries on your first card are amazing and good enough to eat. Thank you for sharing the fun verse on the second card x Glad you are well on the mend x
Your CAS wreath is wonderful, I love your skillfully stamping and the beautiful sentiment! I'm sending my best thoughts and wishes to Mister and hoping he feels better soon. Back pain can be the so awful!! Hugs!
Such a beautiful card Darnell!! Love that wreath!! and hope your hubby feels better soon.
Fantastic wreath, Darnell. Love the red and green contrasting colors. Great idea for the extra texture. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful card and lovely blessings with us...I hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day :)
This is such a pretty wreath! I love your shiny berries, and that you chose an oval shape for your design! Sending hugs...Barb xo
What beautiful cards!! I LOVE the first one with that kind sentiment and the wreath. The second one I like the background you created. Wonderful design!!
Two super cards Darnell, and especially love the sentiment on the first. Sorry to hear the Mister is not so good and I do hope he's get a bell near to hand so that Hammy can attend to his every need. Joking aside I'm sending all best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Take care xx
p.s. I've got the postman busy bringing me LOTS of new goodies in readiness for the upcoming NBUS fun - well a girl's got to have a good assortment to pick from! xx
Hi Darnell, Loving the cards.
Glad you are doing so well after your op, but sorry to hear your hubby has done his back. I sympathise, as I have Arthritis in my back.
Take care. Sue
Oh no, Darnell, I'm sorry to hear that the Mister is in so much pain! I hope he's on the mend although I know back stuff can take ages to resolve... Perhaps borrow a cat from someone and have it curl up on his back and purr. Purring actually creates healing vibrations (plus it would be kinda funny to see the poor Mister sprawled on his tummy with a cat on his back...) :)
Anyway as for your card it's gorgeous! I love how detailed the little raspberries look and how they sine. Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!
Soooo chuffed to see that the LG is faring well but sorry to hear Mister is feeling poorly. Same sort of thing happened here - the maestro for the first time in all our married life got a really bad cold FIRST and has now passed the burger on to moi! My throat is on fire and he's sneezing and snotting all over the place - I'm a bit behind on that one! Anyway must say that this creation of yours is perfection - even if I drew an oval round a die, mine would still look like a rectangle with pokey bits. This is terribly chic missus! Love it - oh and I love the verses as well - although the second one made me snort on me coffee!
Big hugs to you Soupie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Beautiful cards, and thank you so much for sharing the Irish Blessings. I hope you and Mr. are soon skipping down the recovery road. Lynn x
Great cards and great Irish Blessings. For some reason that last one really warms my heart. Sorry to hear of Mister's Injury. Prince Joe and I can't ever seem to be feeling good at the same time either. It must be in the fine print in the marriage vows....
Dear Darnell, I'm glad to read that you are OK after surgery and at the same time I'm wishing all the best for your Mister. Hope he feels well now.
Thank you for the two super nice cards and the irish blessing. :-)
Have a great week!
Oh no, poor Mister! It's so frustrating when you do everything they tell you too and it's still happening. But backs are like that, they can act up out of the blue without heavy lifting or so. Hope he feels better soon (how can he not with such a wonderful nurse)!
Your pretty wreath made me smile! And I also have this blessing stamp, it's from PSX right? I should use it again some time... The last one I don't have but it made me laugh!
Two thank yous and one oh no!
Thanks you for making such a beautiful card for our CASology gallery... and THANK you for the Irish blessing!
Oh no to the mister's back... may he feel better very soon !
oh gosh Darnell, I'm SO sorry to hear of Kevin's situation. You two just keep taking turns keeping the field of medicine on their toes! I know I'm late in visiting, but I do hope by now there is some relief for him.Doing all the exercising should be a plus in his recovery though. I send good wishes and prayers for both of you - and I'm glad to hear you're doing well again too!
I love your Irish-themed cards with those wonderful quotes and designs. The stamped circle version at the bottom looks just as pleasing to the eye as the oval above, and that is some mighty precisional stamping there my friend! NJ!
Hi Darnell, I'm so sorry that your handsome Mister's back is out, I hope he is improving, it's not fun (for either of you). I smiled at your description of the surgery being a success :) Your Irish cards are fabulous, love your smooshed background on the bottom one. Take good care, Hugs, Shirleyxx
Such a pretty card Darnell. Your Irish blessing made me laugh! I do hope Mr D recovers soon and I see you are almost recovered if you are jumping up and down when you see the UPS van! Amazing what effect these delivery drivers have on us crafters! :-) x
Thank you for the blessings, Darnell ... both of them ... the second had us chuckling ... not seen any limpers recently, does that mean everyone loves me (hahahahaha)? Your raspberry wreath is just lovely ... all that luscious glossiness encircling that sweet sentiment ... yum, yum, yummy! Prayers still being sent for Kevin ... and for you, my friend! LYAMYMALFTHYV! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)
Oh heck I thought them raspberries wos glover! I need to get me To speck savers. Lovely card btw even if the clover is a funny colour. Hugs Mrs A.
Lovely blessings and cards Darnell.
Sorry to hear about the Mister. Lots of positive good wishes going his way.
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Right back atcha, Darnell. Both the smile and the blessing. I'm so sorry about Mister's back. I hope he gets relief soon.
Love your juicy raspberry wreaf, Darnell! And so neat, too :) Sorry to hear about the Mister, and I hope he's on the mend now. At least taking it in turns means that you can look after each other!
Those berries look very realistic! Bummer about DH -- so awful being down for the count
Gorgeous card Darnell, I wish you all the best. One healing hug and frendly smile :-) Tamara
Hi Darnell
Ooooh, those raspberries look good enough to eat. Love the blessings, particularly the second one, lol!
Irish by marriage eh? Knauss doesn't sound your typical Irish name or was it shortened from Mcknauss, begorrah lol!
Poor Mr K (or McK). Perhaps carrying the constant UPS deliveries to the Playhouse has taken its toll. Hope the doctor has managed to sort him out.
Best wishes and healing thoughts for you both.
Ang x
Darnell, A great couple of quotes for St. Pats. Lovely cards as always. I love the smooching one the best. I hope that your husband is back to spry soon. Sylvia D.
Im Irish by marriage as well that wonderful man of mine is 1/4 Irish! Beautiful oval with stamped berries Love the older card you posted, still just a beautiful today! I am guessing you had a wonderful Saint Patties day!
Oh so sorry to hear about the Mister in misery! Wow, I thought that was a wreath/frame stamp until I read how you made it! That's some fantastic stamping! Happy very belated St. Patrick's Day to you too!
Hey there pal! I'm finally back in blogland...playing catch-up again! The days have flown by! Between being crazy busy at work, company stopping by and travelling to meet our new grand-nephew...who is cuter than a bug's ear!
Fabulous wreath - love the sparkly berries and love all the white space! Thanks for sharing the Irish blessing with us again...your smooching really is AWESOME! The poem...well, once again, good thing I didn't have a mouthful of coffee...otherwise it would have been spewed everywhere!
So happy to hear that you're feeling 'spry and dry' but so sad to hear that Mister is having back issues! Prayers and positive vibes have been sent via First Class Airmail...so should arrive before I post this comment!
Beautiful card with the wreath...so pretty!! Love those Irish blessings! Glad to hear you are feeling better. And sorry to hear about your husband not feeling better. Back pain is not fun. I hope he gets to feeling better very soon!
Two lovely cards Darnell. Love the oval on the card card
A zillion apologies for being MIA for a while (cleaning, organizing, making trips from one place to the other, falling behind in DT duties, blah, blah, blah...still, no excuse for tardy visits) and oh my...poor Mister! Sending prayers for a speedy recovery!I Great to hear that you're feeling 'spry and dry'; I'm sure the UPS driver is delighted to see you return to jumping-up-and-down at his arrival. Smiling brightly at your sparkly-berries wreath and Irish blessings cards. Lovely smooshing! The poem...laugh out loud fantastic! "Stuff" happening this weekend (fingers crossed)!!!
Hugs and love~c
Thanks Darnell! Sending positive vibes and blessings to you and the mister. You may also want to check out this song by Maura O'Connell on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6BHib3I3Z0
Marianne x
So glad to hear that you are coming along well Darnell. So sorry to hear about your poor hubby's back problems.
Your card is a beauty. The tapestry stamps make lovely cards. Barbxx
awesome cards!!! thank you for playing along with us at simon says wednesday challenge!
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