
2024 Holiday

September 28, 2017

NBUS Challenge #12 ~ Day Five!

Hello, Stamplings!

Welcome to Day Five of our ten-day challenge to USE NBUS! For all the details on the history, rules, and prizes, please go here. If you have a card to enter today, the linky tool is below!

I'm so glad you are enjoying my humor theme for this NBUS Challenge! I'm sure having a lot of fun making these cards. But mostly, I'm having fun seeing how many of you are getting in there and getting yourselves dusty bringing your NBUS into the light of day!

This time I went UBER-doober-CAS! This is like QACAS on steriods! It doesn't get any easier that this ...

I don't know why, but this kind of goofball simple comment karacks me up! This NBUS sediment is from Cheeky Monkey. 

Now I don't often say this, but I think it was pretty genius of me to add the strip of numbered Washi tape. Right? I mean, that way the person's age is on there somewhere and shazamban, suddenly a very sterile card becomes more personal! Right?! 

Of course, this is all in cheeky jest. This is a card you would only send to those friends you have previously showered with gorgeous colored and/or layered and/or bejewelled and beribboned creations because they know your normal handmade cards are true works of art!


Okay, so then what happened was Hammy took over. Being a genius made me very tired. He reminded me that I said recently, "if I don't start making some Christmas cards, I'll be sending out blank white cards with a note inside!" Remember that?

Well, Hammy remembered, so when he saw the above card, he grabbed his tiny package of Sharpie pens and did this!
Eh? Hmmm? Who's the genius now?! 

I didn't get a chance to add a festive strip of Christmas Washi tape, but I promise I'll do that before I send this card to you!

I'm adding this to Maureen's Rudolph Days Challenge as my second entry.


Off you go now! Use that NBUS!!

Thank you to all of you who have already played once, twice, or three times!

Enjoy the challengeNo, seriously, enjoy!

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  1. Ah ah ah!! Thanks for these morning smiles, Darnell! :D Both you and Hammy are really genius!! :D So striking, fun and cool super-quick cards!!!

  2. Genius - both of them. I've been looking high and low for a stamp of that sentiment, I ended up computer generating it when I wanted to use it. Will have to go and check them out to see if they ship to the UK

  3. Smiling from ear to ear here; so great to read your post and see the card! Hugs, Gerrina

  4. I would say that Hammy takes after his mum, since both cards are genius! I envisioned sending the first card to DH's sister, who tends to send me a two-word e-mail on my birthday, i.e. 'Happy birthday' with their names below. However, I don't think she would get the message lol. At least, she remembers my bd.
    Marianne x

  5. As others have said “genius”! If I make something like that I might make my Christmas quota!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You brought a smile to my lips this morning, Darnell. Thank you! I love what Hammy did with the Christmas card and thank you for another fun challenge and for all your hard work xx

  8. That Hammy is a genius!!! x And so are you x

  9. I'm sure that both of you are genius! :-) This sediment on simply folded card is such a fantastic idea. I'm already thinking about to use it.... :-)))

  10. Hi Darnell, I did chuckle at your cards.

    Hope you have a nice day. Sue

  11. You and Hammy together have come up with two fun and clever cards Darnell and love that sentiment. x

  12. Haha! Thanks for the giggle again! You and Hammy are so cheeky! :) Hugs!

  13. I truly love this card and I'll share a story. When my girlfriend had eye surgery she said she wouldn't be able to see for several days. I folded a piece of white cardstock in half and sent it. No sentiment, no signature or return address. She knows my sense of humor and knew it was from me. Not to mention I'm the only cardmaker she knows.

  14. Fabulous cards today Darnell (and Hammy's idea was definitely genius) - and much better than a blank piece of card any day - lol! If I do get a blank Christmas card, I will know where it came from now! Thanks again for the smiles. Big hugs, Annie xxx

  15. Tee hee...most definitely genius, both! I may need to borrow your idea, given how 'quickly' (HA! NOT!) my Christmas cards are being created....
    Hugs and love~c

  16. Love it. Seriously at our house this would go over well because we would then scratch out the Christmas and send it back as a Happy New Year and it would go through the rest of the year for Valentine's, St.Patrick's, Easter, Birthdays and on and on. We would eventually retire it. It definitely tickles me. [Bunny]

  17. That Hammy is so smart - he'll keep you on the straight and narrow to get those Christmas cards made!

    I have so much NBUS I'm having a hard time deciding what to use since you limit us to three entries. The first two were easy to pick - now I have to decide on the third (all the while promising all those other unused stamps that I will get around to them soon!!).

  18. Oh, that's too funny! Absolutely love the dry humor in the sentiment! Hammy showed us how versatile it is, too! You can use it for any occasion!

  19. After I stopped rolling on the floor and wiped the tears of laughter from my face, I actually read the post and started laughing again. You bring me such joy...and so does Hammy. For goodness sake's...I'm stealing (not CASEing but STEALing this idea)...too funny for words.

  20. I can always count on you for a little chuckle in my day Sis! That is the perfect sentiment for the friends who 'get it'! Julia xx

  21. Fabulous! And I love Hammy's genius take on your genius idea :)

  22. Thanks for putting a big smile on my face again, Darnell. 😁 The best and easiest Christmas card to re-produce ever. Love it.
    Enjoy the rest of your day! 😊 Trina xx

  23. That is so cute. I always get a chuckle from your fun posts. Have a great day.

  24. It is always so much fun to visit Darnell!! You make my day friend!!


  25. I'm coming by with a deposit again, Dolly! Looks like a lot of people are sending their love! Love all the fun cards you are posting this week. I have laughed every time I visited. If I should be so luck a gift certificate would be nice. You know I'd come by even without any prizes. Who wants to miss out on the fun over here! xoxo

  26. Loved them both, Darnell, but I think Hammy's creation just has the edge! 😀 xx

  27. Darnell and Hammy, I normally make at least 25 Christmas cards for my Sister in CA to mail out. This year, I am struggling to come up with any ideas. I am going to copy Hammy's card, and see how it goes over. She'll probably love it because she has the same warped sense of humor that I have!! Today's two cards are my vote for "best yet" in this challenge.

  28. Keep 'em coming! I love the snarky cards and they're inspiring me perhaps a wee bit more than they should! LOL

  29. You are such a riot, Darnell! I'm loving your humorous sentiments and really love this QACAS card! Great idea to turn it into a Christmas card, too...Another really fun post...Thank you!

  30. Another day, another smile as a result of visiting your blog! Two FUN cards my friend! That Hammy is getting too smart for his own good!

  31. You are so funny, Darnell! Always good to have a use for Washi--mine just sits in the closet--haha!

  32. Fabulous! I just love your sense of humor Darnell!

  33. Oh my goodness, the most perfect cards in my eyes. I adore that second card and would make lots of repeats!! To me, cards like this are pieces of art, and that is not said in jest x

  34. Love them both! And I really must start on the Christmas cards too. Eeek!
    Em xoxox

  35. Hahahahaha! You can send either one of those to me! Some cards you just have to send to another stamper. You've proven your genius, for sure!

  36. LOVE these cards! :) You always provide a lot of fun and laughter in your posts, Dolly!! This was so funny. LOVE Hammy's Christmas version. :) Lolly xx

  37. Love that funny sentiment. It's kind of crazy how millions and millions of people celebrate a birthday by giving a piece of decorated, folded card. Wonder how many countries hold onto that tradition.

  38. Been catching up on your posts and havng a laugh I do so enjoy a giggle with a card. This set made me think of a couple of Christmas's where a friend and I recycled the same cards again and again to each other for Christmas and Birthdays for a laugh crossing out what one had written and rewriting and then changing to Christmas etc then cutting out for the next year. We cracked ourselves up, our husbands thought we were idiots but there you go. Great challenge Darnelle may even be recovered enough to participate.

  39. I LOVE these designs ....... and can I just say, you have a wicked sense of humour!! Love Hammy's version too. Have a fab weekend my friend xx

  40. These ate beyond genius! I love your card, think I should have made that for hubby, who barely glanced at the handcrafted with love card that I gave him for his birthday this weekend! Hammie's take on it is just perfect!

  41. This one is a little more like my humor, Darnell, maybe because it's so true in an odd sort of way.

  42. Fabtastic Darnell. That is a briliant card. And Hammy's genius nose no bounds. Hugz

  43. I am now really laughing out loud! Both you and Hammy are geniuses - the crossed out happy birthday being replaced by happy Christmas had me howling! xxx

  44. Your Uber-doober-CAS cards are so fun, Darnell!

  45. ahahahahha

    I think you should have put card number two into the rudolph Days Challenge. still 1 hour and 49 minutes till closing!

  46. Cool, clever and rather genius on both yours and Hammy's parts, Darnell ... crisp, fresh and so boutique-y trendy! Catching up at last after those 'ahem' computer issues ... you may see me a few times today! LYAMYMAEYLDONBUS! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)


Thank you for commenting on my blog post! I read and appreciate every one! Mwah! (Sorry I've had to set comments to moderate because of excessive spam.) Darnell