A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

September 25, 2017

NBUS Challenge #12 ~ Day Two!

Hello, Stamplings!
Welcome to Day Two of our ten-day challenge to USE NBUS! For all the details on the history, rules, and prizes, please go here. If you have a card to enter today, the linky tool is below!

My card for Day Two:
I have so many friends who would love this naughty Halloween card with a NBUS sediment from Riley & Company! Somehow those frolicking giggling ghosts make it less offensive!

I'm entering this card at Moving Along With The Times, where the brief is to use a sediment as the focal point with no other stamped images.


Oh, wait, speaking of shenanigans, I forgot to show this photo the other day:
Are we all looking in a different direction?! That's funnier to me than my attempt to do the hokey-pokey and shrink myself because they put shorter Lois behind me! You can see she is on her tipply toes. Too bad you can't quite see Hammy in my right hand!


Off you go now! Use that NBUS!!

Enjoy the challengeNo, seriously, enjoy!

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Marianne said...

Loving the card as well as the picture, Darnell.
Marianne x

Sue said...

Hi Darnell, Loving the card.

As to the photo, you should really take more water with it:) LOL

Hope you have a nice day. Sue

Wendy L said...

Super card, thanks for joining us at MAWTT. Xxxx

Stamps and Paper said...

Love your Halloween card Darnell it really does have humo about it....super picture and does look like you’ve had one too many lol lol

Anne x

Jane Willis said...

I love that sentiment - I could think of at least a million uses for it and none as fab as your cute ghostie card!
And just look at the gallery already -all that NBUS lying gathering dust in craft rooms all over the world and you - YOU Darnell - are responsible for it being rescued!

kiwimeskreations said...

Love your ghostly card Darnell - so glad you had that as a NBUS.
As for that photo - what do they say about a picture being better than a thousand words..... ???? ;-).
I was going to enter last night but your first post had not come up - never to worry, and I sure I can get another couple of cards using schtuff rescued from the dusty files goodies before the end of the challenge.

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
what a wonderful Halloween card, and I do love those naughty little ghosts they are so cute.
They look like they are jumping of the card.
Lovely photo of you and your friends.
Thank you for all your hard work involved in this wonderful challenge.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

New Creations said...

Love your cute ghosts, look like 3D effect with focusing on such fun sentiment!!! Love your cute pic with such fun!

Birgit said...

What a fun card with all those cute little ghosts! The sentiment is hilarious!

Lynn said...

Ha! That sentiment is perfection!

Sandra H said...

Well that's my kind of card Darnell l just loved it and your photo is brilliant sending lots of love x

KandA said...

Super halloween card and a brilliant photo xx

Carol L said...

OK, now I really need that sentiment stamp! LOVE this hilarious card almost as much as that fun photo! I love that everyone is distracted from the camera - too funny!:)

Anita in France said...

Hahahahaha, Darnell ...I'm thinking LH (without the nudity that is!) ... so much fun! What a great photo ... I could almost hear the laughter and banter from here! LTAMYMAHYSGLOS! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)

Marilyn said...

Cute Halloween card!! Love the sentiment!

Dee Earnshaw said...

Such a cute card BUT the photo is hilarious - thanks for brightening my morning:)

Marilyn said...

This is such a cute and fun card! Love the humour of it.
It looks like you and your friends were having a great time.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ah ah ah!!! Really fun card!

Bunny said...

That card cracks me up and the picture is a hoot. Looks like a good time and I'm sure there are some shenanigan stories to tell. [Bunny]

cm said...

Hear, Hear to the sentiment...and your ghosties just add to the shenanigans aspect! Such fun! Awesome photo with all of you looking in different directions; that, alone, makes it priceless! Working on my first NBUS today!

conil said...

Seriously, I don't know which is funnier, the card or the photo. Leave it to you to start my Monday with a hearty guffaw. That sentiment is hilarious... cannot understand how you resisted using before now. I'm totally in love with it.
You really reached far back into history to come up with hokey-pokey...does anyone do that anymore?

Cara said...

Fabulous card with a fantastic sentiment, love your photo, so funny!

Colleen said...

Darnell, your card is a hoot, seriously, kind of like YOU! I love you! and I love your card, but that picture takes the cake...what is everyone looking at??? Those are the best kind of pictures and you take it over the top my friend!! Heart Hugs on Monday Morning! Col

Helen F. said...

What a fab Halloween card~~Cute ghosties and great sediment :-o
And look at you, Darnell...the "leader of shenanigans" of a fun group in the photo :-)

Donna said...

I love Riley and Company stamps... they are so funny... or inspiring - depends no on which you buy.
Clever card design. Xxx

Karen P said...

Hello lovely, just playing along for fun! Love the cards and the photo's too Karen x

Kathleen said...

Your NUBU card today sounds like the story of my life.

Kath x

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
So funny but so true lol! I wish we could get these funny stamps over here.
You look so fresh faced on these snaps......sickening lol!
Best wishes.
Ang x

Pat said...

I love your beautifully bright Halloween card Darnell and the fun ghosts accompanied by that great sentiment, and the wonky stitched rectangle is the perfect style for this card. You all look extremely happy in the photo and it looks as though there was more than one photographer so nobody is quite sure where to look..lol. x

Verna Angerhofer said...

I love your card and that is such a fun sentiment. I sure chuckled when I read it. And, I love your photo too. You all are having a blast I can tell!

Bonnie said...

He, he! At least you didn't get a picture of the nudity! You and your friends look like you're having a wonderful time! And so do the ghosts!

Lisa Elton said...

Too much FUN Darnell!!

BożenA said...

I love your gorgeous card for its intense color. I also love these sweet ghosts, you can not be afraid of them :-) Great picture, the shade has done such a good job. If I can declare a prize, I will be rewarded with a voucher for shopping or prizes 9. Thank you for the great moments, I am always looking forward to your next posts, funny cards and wonderful challenges :-)

Bobby said...

I think those ghosts are laughing at the idea of nudity in people of a certain age, Darnell. But as for the rest of it, I'm in. Love me some shenanigans.

Happy Dance said...

Fun, fun, fun!! The sentiment reminds me of how we laughed at the Lake House until the tears ran down our legs, hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Those ghosts must have been hanging around with us, and are still laughing! I love this card. The straight-up orange and black really puts the spotlight on the sentiment. This is a great card! LOVE it!!!! Missing you darlin'! xoxo Bev

Karenladd said...

OH my goodness Darnell, it's a good thing I wasn't in the middle of drinking a huge glass of water or I would have spewed it all over my keyboard! Between your card, and that hilarious photo, you can probably hear my laughter all the way across to the East Coast. Those little ghosts certainly look like they've been up to shenanigans, and if I'm not mistaken, they are also quite nude. Check, check, and check.

Leanne said...

Although I've been following you for over a year, I doubt I entered the challenge here. Besides forgetting to, I haven't been a regular blogger. Now on, I won't forget as I have it on my blog sidebar. Have a lot of NBUS.

Marcus Barrett said...

Very nice website awesome free advertising for my stickers.

scrappymo! said...

Great card and great photo, Darnell.

Anonymous said...

Some how I knew you had a blast! Awesome pic.
The card is funny too!

Craftychris said...

Awesome card with a sentiment that is sooooo true! A perfect photo to go with it (no nudity obviously!). You all look to be enjoying lots of fun shenanigans! Yay! Love it! Hugs xxxxxxx

Leslie Miller said...

Hahahaha! Those ghosts are so cute and, yes, they do make the sentiment more appropriate, but, hey, what's not appropriate among friends? Your photo is hilarious! You all could be posing for an Art Impressions stamp, except that you're all too pretty.

Redanne said...

Thank you for the giggle, I just love your naughty Halloween card!! Love the photo too! Will write soon, I promise! Hugs, Annie xx

Mac Mable said...

Such fun...the group photo and the card x Thanks for sharing x

Fikreta said...

this is so great card!
lovely photo!

oldpunca said...

I have to laugh about the funny sediment on your halloween card. :-) Superb! It seems you girls had a really good time together. :-)

Linda said...

Love your cheeky Halloween card, and what a graat photo 😙 xx

Greta said...

You are on a roll with snarky cards! Gotta get myself organized & make something with my NBUS!

Em Louise Fairley said...

Another great card :)

shirley-bee said...

That sounds like a very good basis for friendship! I love how you and the ghosts have exactly the same smile :)

Cat Craig said...

Oh my gosh, another great sentimetn...lol Love it.

Cheryl W. said...

Too funny! I love an "inappropriate" sentiment every now and then. Your cards are the best.

Zelda said...

Hilarious! Love that you have so much fun - in both the card and photo!