Hello Stamplings! I hope this finds you feeling terrific!
I'm dealing with a bad case of random thinking. I've told you before that at my age, I'm finding my thoughts have become word gnats. They flit in and out of my consciousness in such a way that I can't form a complete sentence, find the right words, or remember what it was I was going to tell you.
When I compare my thoughts to gnats, do you know the bug I'm talking about, or is gnat a regional word? You might call them chiggers, or midges, or fruit flies, or no-see-ums. They are pesky minuscule flying critters that sometimes fly around your left eyebrow, your ear, or the base of your nostrils. The phrase that something "bugs you" comes from being harassed by one or more of these guys!
You start by just waving your hand in front of your face. That doesn't work. You do it a few times anyway.
Now you're getting slightly agitated so you try to kill the dang thing by clapping your hands. As an external optimist, each time you clap, you are positive you caught it and you open your hands expectantly, only to find them empty. Before you can even go back to typing or coloring, it's back again!
By the fourth or fifth time, you completely lose your mind and just start clapping the air all around your face like a woman possessed, elbows flying, until you get too close to your own fool face and knock your glasses off your nose which sends them flying across the desk and onto the floor where they skid to a halt under the legs of your (dog)(hamster)(cat). Because, you know, by now you've woke the critter, who stands there ears up and eyes wide, ready to save you. He's not sure from what, because he can't see anything and, by the way, is that you? He isn't sure, given your disheveled hair and clothes, your red face, and that wild and crazy look in your eyes. And why are you panting? Play ball?
Well, there you go. I was telling you all this to explain how I was having trouble corralling my thoughts to open my post today and now you've prolly clicked off because the opening is too long!
Tomorrow's word of the day will be "irony."
If you stayed (or scrolled) through all that, real quick here are my cards:
An uber QACAS card, this sweet thing was made with PB Stickeroos. I matted the image to a colored card base and added a simple sediment punctuated by a trio of flat sequints.
- Always Fun Challenges: Anything goes.
- Less Is More: Olive and Tangerine.

It's Christmas in July throughout Blogland and I used a "Stitched Poinsettia" die from Poppystamps to make this bright red and juicy card. I cut the image from the card base and left the cut in the opening. Then I cut it twice more, once again in red, and once in green for the leaves, which I plumped with my stylist. The "merry" die is also from Poppystamps, cut from white foam.
- AAA Cards: Christmas in July.
- CAS Mix Up July Challenge: Coloured die cut, stamping, and more die-cutting. (Oops. I went to link my card and I misread the brief. Please note YOU are to color your die cuts, not cut your dies from color paper!) Alternatively, I will enter this in the CAS Christmas Challenge as my second entry for "Poinsettia."
- Stamp Ink Paper: Christmas in July.

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling: Click CTL + Home. Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post. Click Page Down to reach the end of the post. Click Comments and a pop-up box opens. Click "Jump to Comment Form" and wallah, no more car pool tunnel! Mwah! (p.s. If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me your email address so I can respond. Thank you!)
I haven't translate all your introduction, but I have understand the most of sense... It's really terrific, I know. My Mum is 81 years old and she has a lot of bugs in her mind.... words are so difficult to find. And I too begin to have the same problem, sometime... I say a word instead of another and it cold be fun... :) or not :( I'm a teacher and it's scaring for my work...
Your CAS cards are just delicious, love those cute birdie and the yummy colours of the Christmas one! Very beautiful both the designs!!
Big hugs!!!
We've had trouble with those pesky no see ums too and, at my age, thoughts fly in and out just like you described - BUM!
Two lovely makes shared today - lovely LIM entry and a very chic Christmas card too
Happy Friday
LOVE your opening Darnell, I suffer from lots of bugs in my mind too, struggling to find the right words and spit out the wrong ones on occasion!!! LOL. I put it down to my age... As for those real bugs, gnats, you have described them so perfectly!!
Both cards are beautiful, the birds on the branch are adorable!
We have rain today!!! The first since 8th June, I am so happy for the farmers, whose fields are parched but it also feels quite strange not seeing a beautiful clear blue sky... Hugs, Annie xxxx
Oh Darnell I am still smiling from your introduction - first time I have seen the expression no see ums, and that describes them perfectly - the bugs that is, and just sometimes my words and thoughts too!
I talk to the cat quite regularly, but yes, I have been known to startle him with my actions at times... do hope Hammy is immune to your antics :-)
Love your cards - as always. The birdie one is a real sweetie, and the poinsettia is simply stunning!!
It seems a way of life for me with the *Random thinking* there's so many other things to concentrate on that i'm trying to deal with the next thing before i've finished the last! My saving grace is at present I know the right words will eventually come but it may take a day or two.. Google is my greatest friend whilst online! Hee hee!
I stayed, I scrolled and I Loved those cards.. especially the huddling birds on a branch.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Thank you for the return visit and follow, it's always great to come across a true blog lover.
Creative wishes Tracey xx
Aww both cards are so lovely l love the image on the first card and the colour choices also the 2nd looks leather like paper used love the colours and the layout of this one just as much as the 1st one using the edge stitching is a favourite of mine ... lol your thoughts are just like mine and a lot of others reading your comments great post again something we can all relate too! take care x
GnAtS- perfect summary! Laughing in my mind!
NO, I did not click off! Read through your whole story and had to put my coffee down before I spill it because I was laughing so much. Sounds like what I would have done with those pesky gnats. By the way your card are cute!
Have a great day!
What a fun intro. Gnats are in everyone’s lives it is how we deal with them .. e not so good some days. Loved the cards the birdies on the branch are too cute. And love your second card not to soon to work on holiday cards. Thank you for the early AM laugh with my coffee.
You make me laugh, Darnell!! Your intro was so funny!! And your cards are stunning!! The birds are so beautiful on the first one!! The poinsettia is amazing on the second!! Thanks for brightening my day!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
I can't stop laughing... Not at your gorgeous cards, they are spectacular... But you painted a true picture of exactly what it's like with those pesky bugs... Thank you for giving me such a laugh... Have a great day!
You, Darnell, are the most wonderful person, and frequently remind us not to take every single thing so seriously. Your intro was great and a wonderful stress reliever! You described a gnat and word gnats (gonna remember that....I hope)perfectly. Then you went on to create two lovely cards. Simple? Maybe but stunning none the less. The bird sticker is lovely and shown off wonderfully and your poinsettia is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing!! Hugs!
Oh my friend ... you are such a HOOT! Gnats are such pests ... I was fighting with them yesterday while I was outside trying to finish up the mulching ... they kept flying in my eyes, my ears ... ugh! Enjoyed your cards ... I need to start holiday cards so thanks for beautiful inspiration! Take care and have a wonderful (hopefully gnat free) weekend!
Drinking my coffee, reading your post and cracking up!! We have those nasty biting deer flies that buzz around your head arms and any other exposed area, until I almost lose my mind! Ugh, I can so relate!! Your cards are spectacular!! Can you believe I don't own even one 'stickeroo'? I wasn't sure what they were, now I know, such a cute cute card! Love the poinsettia too with all it's wonderful red colors!! Have a great day and try and keep 'gnat' free!!
Love my days off drinking coffee and reading your blog, starts my day off so cheery!! Despite those pesky knots two fabulous cards!
Those blighters are so dang pesky! Love your cards, as always xoxo
The images you bring to mind with your description made me smile. I love both your cards, the bird image is lovely and the colours of your christmas card are wonderful x
Two fab cards Darnell, and love the stickeroo with the delightful birds, and then your bright and beautiful poinsettia with lots of great dimension. I know what you mean about these miniscule flying things which are so irritating, and I often go into a room and wonder why I went there in the first place, go back to where I started from, and then remember what it was I wanted to do, so end up doing everything twice..lol. x
Those gnats really are pesky. There's nothing like having them buzzing in your ear and in your nose. I do so wonder how many we've swallowed? Ewwww!
Love your cute little bird card. [Bunny]
Two gorgeous cards .... love the little birdies.
As for the opening well, you really made me giggle there. Have a great weekend my friend xx
I have dealt with those pesky gnats too and know exactly where you are coming from. :)
I love your cards. Such a sweet image with the birds. The poibsettia is lovely on your red card. I like the way you die cut it and then in laid it in the background.
Have a great weekend.
😹😹😹 You’ve got the cats rolling with tears Darnell! Oh yes, know them well as they can fit thru screens down here. Love love the poinsettia card! I’m still thinking bout getting some of the pb stickeroos. In the meantime, I’m practicing watercoloring. Thanks again for the you-know-what sometime ago. ;) hugs
Your gnat description was right on and pretty darn funny, my friend. It doesn't help having lots of fresh yummy fruit from the garden in the house!
BTW..Thanks for sharing your sweet birdie card and pop of red poinsettia and card base card. Both very pretty. So pleased you played with us at CAS Mix Up too. Hugs...Nancy
I can totally commiserate with your gnat issue. You're absolutely right...I, too, look like some demented creature after a bout of gnat madness.
Anyway, after giggling through your introduction, had the reward of seeing those two cards. I love those PB stickers...had never seen this one before, though. You dressed it up beautifully. And, whether or not the Christmas card qualifies for one of the challenges doesn't matter because you have, yet another, lovely card to add to you store of them.
Oh Darnell...your ramblings always make me laugh...thank you!! Your first card is so bright and cheery and I can't believe it's just using a sticker?? FABULOUS my friend!! And I love your Poinsettia card (you should link it to the CAS Christmas challenge!)! The simple shapes and the red on red look fantastic...just like a celebration on paper!! Wonderful post Darnell...have a great weekend!! :0)
LOL I prefer to think that ramblings are my path to creativity (making up words for the one I can't remember). I absolutely love your poinsettia card! It's texture and color contrast is superbly crafted. Enjoy your weakend.
I had to laugh at your opening as often I seem to have gnats in my head too. And, I know how pesky and terrible they are. Mostly we see them outside but now and then one will sneak inside and aggravate the dickens out of a person while they want to sleep especially. They seem to go for my ears all the time or borrow into my hair which is usually a mess as well by that time trying to shoo them away. Last night it was a mosquito bugging me. LOL But even with all of that going on I can see you made some really lovely cards. I love those Stickeroos used on the first card. They are so handy and always work for a quick card. And, of course, seeing a poinsettia design is always a great thing with me as I think they always look so nice on a Christmas card. So thanks for sharing both your story and your cards with us today. I loved them all.
Your cards are both so, so lovely, Darnell!! And yes, we have "gnats" in Minnesota. Hate 'em! Both for the reasons that you mention, and also that I don't even know I've been bit by them for a couple days, and THEN the bite starts itching ... and itches for two weeks!
Hi Darnell, What are you on and can I have some?:) LOL
Both cards are lovely. Sue
I'm convinced gnats are 1/16th of an inch long with teeth that are 5" long! When one gets in the house it's mayhem until I put it (and myself) out of misery by ending up taking it's life! I cannot see any useful purpose they serve - at least not in my house! My husband only eats bananas that are so ripe that the gnats and fruit flies are swarming around them, so if you have a ripe banana, just put it near the door and they'll leave you alone! LOL Love your twofers with the great birds and beautiful blistering red poinsettia! Gorgeous makes in spite of being annoyed by those gnasty gnats!
lovely cards.
Really surprised that the sentiment on your first card wasn't "lots of bugs" Two lovely cards and I have that PB stickeroo but my colours are different to your, strange.
Have a lovely weekend and hopefully a bug free one.
Kath x
Sorry for late commenting but took me awhile to read the opening...I wasn't going to miss a single word of that....LOL x Such an adorable first card and such a sunny background and with an adorable image with those stickeroos. Such a classy second card, love the red card stock and the poinsettia die cut is fabulous. Had a little chuckle about the 'colouring of the dies'...Always good to see you in the gallery Darnell x
I know I can always count on you bringing a smile to my face!!!!
Love your cards too!
LOL!! I swear you were telling my gnat story action for action. :)
Love both cards Darnell. The PB birds are so pretty and your poinsettia is gorgeous.
Ah, yes, those gnarly gnats! They plague me, as well. In fact, they often attack when I'm crafting and they make me flit from one project to another, never finishing any of them. I'm glad to see you finished these two great cards, though. They're awesome. Have a great weekend.
Lovely cards.
Now if you hadn't said I would've thought you coloured those birds. They are so pretty.
I hate those little bugs too! Unlike how I feel about them, I love your cards. The second one would be perfect for CAS Chrismas as the July theme is poinsettia!
Ugh..I remember walking to summer school back in 6th grade and having to move through clouds of little tiny gnats. They flew into your eyes, your nose...and got stuck in your hair. Bad enough having to go to summer school (because my parents made us..so we wouldn't "forget" everything over the summer) and then just added an extra layer of misery.
Back on topic though (was there even a topic?) I LOVE your beautiful poinsettia card. That die looks like a great one to have in your stash. The stitched poinsettia outline, combined with those detailed, embossed petals and leaves make for a spectacular card!
Gnats, midges, mossies, whatever you call them your description of dealing with them had me hooting with laughter. And also wincing with pain, in memory of an incident this week where I finally GOT one, I hit it with a massive thwack and squelched it to smithereens (something I wouldn't do with any other living creature). There was a snag though - it had been sitting on, and threatening to get its nasty fangs into, the tip of my right boob. Should've thought of that before I started thwacking! The tears in my eyes were, of course, tears of mourning for the poor little deceased mossie.
Thank you for brightening my Saturday! You are a brilliant wordsmith (as well as a wonderful card designer) Darnell. The vivid picture you painted in your intro brought tears of laughter to my eyes. We are completely bugged by mosquitos at the moment, and I am totally like that (demented) woman possessed in your description every time I hear that nasty high pitched whine. Anyway, to your glorious cards. I love your festively bright poinsettia - that one is sure to grace a Christmas mantlepiece. But your birds card is so adorable! I would never have guessed it was a stickaroo - it is fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing that one with us at Less is More xx
LoL :-D I know just what you mean with the pesky critters and I love your 'mind bugs' analogy :-)
Gorgeous cards xxxxxxxxxxx
BEautiful cards and I just love your writing!!
Lol Darnell your posts do cheer me up! I definitely suffer from random thoughts syndrome - must be an age thing! Two gorgeous cards! Love, love the bright red! xx
I agree that gnats are frustrating, Dolly. They're right up there with mosquitoes! But your birds in a row are adorable! What a pretty Stickeroo and so perfect with the soft green! Love, love, love all that gorgeous red on the poinsettia card! It's a perfect fit for CAS Christmas! I love the way you've cut and inlaid one layer! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
I'm pretty sure you were watching me through my web cam on my computer!! Gnats are so bad here and were all winter long. What?!! Why don't they die in the winter?! They literally drive me insane, yes, that's why I'm insane. Explains a lot doesn't it?! lol I feel for you, cause been there and done that-or haven't stopped doing that. I can't believe those beautiful birds are stickers?!!! My goodness, stickers have come a long way haven't they? Such a gorgeous card Auntie. Love the poinsettia one too. Love how beautiful that poinsettia is and love it on the red card base. Beautiful sentiments as well. Hugs, Brenda
Stunning ! All that bright red empty space and the gorgeous poinsettia. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards.
So... is that no-see-ums that are stealing my thoughts? Apparently they hover around my computer, too. Your crack-me-up opening was well worth the read, Darnell! And so are your cards! Oh, my gosh, so pretty! Love the poppin' red on your Christmas card. Wow!
Darnell, lol, loved the opening.
YOur birdies are so darling. I'm going to have to investigate those stickeroos. So lovely.
Your poinsettia card is a standout for sure. Love the tripling.
We have fruit flies here in Canada (not gnats). I'm not sure they are the same thing as the fruit flies tend to circle around fruit that is out on the counter, or the peels in the garbage. I've never been attacked by a fruit fly before, but it doesn't sound like much fun. Mosquitoes are the ones that have me clapping my hands and chasing them around the room whacking them with a tea towel. :) I hate hearing that buzz in my ear.
As for the cards ... so sweet Dolly. Love those adorable birds on the bright yellow. So cheerful. And lovely layered poinsettia ... perfect for our CAS Christimas challenge ... thanks for sharing with us! Lolly xx
Always good to have something to smile or laugh about and your post just did it today! Two super cards too.
Two fabulous cards but the second card is simply the best! Vibrant and colourful ... I love the poinsettia. Thanks for playing along at AAA Cards
I never click off, made it all the way through with ease and plenty of giggles! Two lovely cards Darnell, those stickeroos really do make some great cards and I cannot believe you are doing Christmas in July! This year you may just make all yours before I even start mine! I’m feeling slightly panicky now.... Lisa xx
I totally get your scenario, Darnell. I was swatting away just the other day, although not wear glasses both helps and hinders. ;) Your little huddle of birds (I know they're not called that but they look like they should be) is so cute and your red on red poinsettia card is stunning.
Hahaha. I just had to come back to say one flew in my face right after I commented. I clapped my hands but I didn't get him. At least I didn't see any residue on my hand.
Great cards again Dee, you made me smile too as I do all those things you said above too...maybe it's an age thing then lol ;) hugs Vee xx
Yes, sadly I have the same problem, Darnell, you are not alone! I know the word but I just can't think of it and then another word, always unrelated, will come out of my mouth. Oh well. And we have had those gnats before too. I think they came in potting soil and they drove us crazy - they seemed to love flying around a person's face. I don't think I have bought any potting soil since that time! In any event, your cards are lovely! Nice stickeroo of the birds and gorgeous poinsettia! Enjoy your day!
After getting through all those nasty gnats - I finally get to where I can comment! Phew!! love all the birdies ready to give hugs - and your poinsettia card must have flown right into my brain sis, as my reminder CAS Mix Up looks very shimula!! We're both just so very bright don't you think!! say YES!!! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Mix Up! Julia xx
Hi Darnell, love the poinsettia on your card. I so enjoy CAS style, so striking. Thanks for joining us this week at Stamp Ink Paper. Carolyn xx
Laugh, laugh, snort!!! Your are too much fun Darnell and your cards are too fabulous!
Oh my goodness, what an elegant card with poinsettia! Coloured or not, it's amazing. :-) Also the card with birds is super nice.
Thank you for make me smile with your gnat description.
Have a great week!
you cracked me up with your gnat rant, but you're right they get everywhere and even I have a few flying around in my brain.
PB stickerooos, they look pretty cool, I've never tried or seen them. great card.
Now that poinsettia is a stunner on that red card base. Love it :)
thanks for joining us at CAS Christmas.
Oh those trilling birds are just so cute, Darnell ... you dressed them up beautifully here! Gorgeous rich poinsettia ... so deliciously dimensional and so striking! We have mosquitoes ... pesky things ... they see me and think there's a picnic about to start. Well, there is for them!! LYAMYMA ... BTOY! Big hugs & bisous, Anita :)
Your intro is always fun to read, Darnell...please don't ever change, as I enjoy reading your blog so much :) Your birds are absolutely darling...I love the yellow background and your CAS design is sheer perfection! I am in LOVE with your Poinsettia! Your inlaid die cutting was such a great way to showcase the stitching and the pop of green on the leaves is beautiful! Great job combining challenges, too...I never seem to be able to do that :)
Just curious...whatever happened to 'Irony'?
OMG, you are too fun, Darnell! Awesome descriptive story followed by two awesome cards. Your birds stickeroo is brilliant and works beautifully for our colour challenge. And your poinsettia is bright and bold with amazing dimension. Thank you for joining us at Less is More and CAS Christmas Poinsettia challenges. xx
Hah after reading your opening paragraph, I expected to see fruit flies or fruit on your card! But the ones you made are really gorgeous! If the flies are still driving you crazy, try buying or making a cowboy type hat with strings and corks at the end of them so when you swing your head, they swing too and keep the flies away, like the Aussies in the outback! Have a great day. Hugs, Gwendolyn
Two beauties, Darnell - just love the birdie quintet and your yummy poinsettia! Yes, we call 'em gnats here too and I know all about trying to corral my thoughts - we'll say it's from being artsy and not due to age :)
Adore the traditional Christmas colors. Thank you for sharing with us at AAA Cards. =) Tracie
Beautiful Stickeroo card, but oh wow--that poinsettia is a stunner, Darnell!
Fabulous cards! Thanks for sharing at Always Fun Challenges.
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