Hello Stamplings!
The first week of July is always filled with lots of fun, celebrations, happy mail, and calories! Thank you all for the Happy Birthday wishes on the 2nd, the beautiful cards that are still pouring in, and special thanks to the ladies of the CAS Watercolor Challenge who surprised me with a tribute for my birthday! 💛 So clever and hilarious! Who knew entering the seventh decade could be so much fun?! Mwah! And then the festivities continued over the 4th of July as we got together with lifelong friends! #feelingblessed!
With all that, I haven't had the chance to make new cards. I'm afraid I also haven't had the chance to visit many of your blogs in what seems like forever. I apologize for that and hope to do better soon.
In January of this year, Lolly made and posted a card (which you can see here) using this "Oragami Dragonfly" by Carabelle Studios. I fell in love with Lolly's card and immediately purchased the dragonfly. (FYI: If you go to buy it, I noticed there are knockoffs out there with shorter wing spans so you may not get quite such a dramatic look.) I love dragonflies and I thought Lolly's image was spectacular, so I couldn't wait to CASE her. We both brought our stamps to the Retreat and she kindly took me through the steps. (She did the same for Bonnie and you can see Bonnie's stunning Twofer dragonfly CASE here!)
Lolly created a paper towel background for her card, while I watercolor-smooched my background using mixed media paper and Distress Inks. After that, I simply followed her steps and I think it's best if I let her explain it to you as she did in her post here.
I stamped the image in black and clear heat embossed. The design is intricate, so using the black ink gives me all the details. Heat embossing in clear sets the design. If I used Versamark and black embossing powder, I would loose some of the detail.
I painted the image with metallic acrylic paints (green, light blue). I used a water brush to dilute the paint as it was being added. I stamped the image on my card front as well as on a second piece of mixed media paper. Both were painted with the acrylics and then I used a damp paper towel to lightly swipe over top to enhance the black heat embossed lines. The separate dragonfly was fussy-cut ... just the top wings and body. I then added crystal glaze to the body and let it dry before adhering on top of my card front dragonfly.Thank you, Lolly!
Here is a closeup of my card where you can see the schparkle from the Pearl Lumiere acrylic paints and the dementia achieved from doubling up the wings. What's that, Hammy? Oh, yes, you're right, I guess it's not a one-layer card!
- Cardz 4 Galz: Party Time - Celebrate! Congratulations on your 100th Challenge!
- Country View Challenges: Blues and greens.
- Seize the Birthday: Option topping of sunshine.
- Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge: Make your own background.

Sorry, Dear!
Since we've reached our twilight years, there's never a dull moment around here. The Mister and I now seem to be in a competition to see who can do the dumbest thing. I did this with my car:
So what happened was, the Mister walked one of his bikes out to the street to wash it. It was parked perpendicular to the curb with the front end jutting just a bit out into the street to give him room to walk around while washing it.
Enter me, stage left. I had to rush out to a hair appointment. The Mister went into the house for something, stopping first to say goodbye to me. In that three seconds, I totally forgot the bike was even parked there. I backed my car out of the driveway as usual, cutting the wheel as I always do to avoid backing into the neighbor's car across the street. I was startled when I felt a bump and heard a loud thump. I quickly looked in my passenger side mirror just in time to see The Mister's pretty bike do a bit of a bounce. *&^*%!
Enter The Mister flying out of the house, his face the picture of abject horror. 😨 I sped away to my appointment, pretending I hadn't seen it.
Ah, c'mon. I'm kidding. I parked and got out to soothe him. Fortunately, my angels were watching over me because there was no damage done except for a tiny plastic part that's easy to replace. Phew!
Before you feel too sorry for him and his bike, however, here's the competitive part I was talking about. A month ago The Mister had another bike parked in the street. Getting in the truck, he proceeded to back up the truck and trailer in order to park it. He inched closer and closer to his parked bike because he didn't want to block our driveway with his truck. A little closer. That's it, just a lit -... thud! Oops. Too close!
So we can each check "backing into our own vehicles" off our Bucket List of Dumb Schtuff To Do. We're even on that one, except it's funny how he didn't take a picture when he did it!
I wonder what we'll do next?! Stay tuned! 😏
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
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Hi Darnell, Lovely card.
Glad no real damage done to the bike or your car.
Hope you have a nice day. Sue
We've all been there at one time I'm sure, no harm done at least.
Super dragonfly indeed, reminds me of the gorgeous one that was was buzzing over our pond the other day. Summer is here when those prehistoric creatures buzz you in the garden! :)
Gorgeous card.
Beautiful dragonfly card Darnell just love the colours...thankfully no one was hurt with your little 'shunt'..it could have been a lot worse..
What an amazing card Darnell - love it!! ...especially the schparkle!! And technically Hammy is correct - don't you hate it ;) [Good boy Hammy]
What an oops, at least you were only following the Mister's example...
Your card is absolutely stunning Darnell, I love how it sparkles, just like real dragonflies do, glinting in the sunlight.
What a special thing your crafting friends did for you too, those cards made with the blueberry accident are gorgeous, each and every one - so clever and so very thoughtful. It must have made your special day even more special!
Oops to the bike, but at least there was no real damage done and you have scored one all now! Hugs, Annie xxx
Such a beautiful card Darnell. So sorry that I missed your Birthday on 2nd, I hope you had a wonderful day. The 2nd July is my Grandsons birthday also, he celebrated his 4th Birthday this year.
I'm glad that you didn't do much damage to the Mister's motorcycle, someone backed into my son's a year or so back and did £3,000.00 worth of damage. He drove off without stopping but several people witnessed it and gave the registration number to my son. He was able to get the police to trace the owner.
Sue xx
I love this card. It's gorgeous. All that sparkle. Thanks for joining us at Cardz4galz. Love Dawn x (Hope the bike's ok and your Mister has forgiven you)
As you say, oops indeed - that's a kind of competition you hope never to enter, eh? Delighted to hear minimal damage other than earache from the Mister
FABbylicious card too - spactacular in this colour
Have a great weekend
Darny Day Dreams.... I have a confession - I deleted your birfday comment (by mishtake of course cos I wouldn't strike you off like that - honest)
Lovely schparkly Dragony type thingy on your pretty coloured background. With age comes far far too much talent in my opinion.
It also comes with short term memory loss and unable to see huge things in your rear view mirror....!!! xxx
Fabulous card, Darnell - I love dragonfly images too. Thank goodness the bike and your good self are both fine. Jo x
That stamp and your card are amazing, love it.
Mmmmm backing out? well at least he couldn't say much after he had done it, but he shouldn't have parked it there? That's what I would have said to get out of a prickly situation LOL.
Faith x
Your card is absolutely stunning Darnell! Glad there was damage to hubby's bike, enjoyed my morning read with my coffee!
Your card is so pretty. I love that dragonfly and the colors are great for summer. I just was walking in a park yesterday and saw some interesting dragonflies. Happy Belated birthday! I haven’t been in the craft room much lately either. Hoping to get back soon!
How many bikes does the Mister have? LOL, he should be more careful where he parks them. I have a white line on one side of my car where I backed up scraping the door on my Mister's truck. The older we get the more bumbles we have! With luck and our angels, hopefully we don't do major damage!
Love this dragonfly card! Your watercolor background is perfect to show off the schparkle and luminescence! (How's that for a big word?) xoxo
Such a gorgeous card Darnell! Love the colors and that fabulous background. I'm glad there was no damage to the hubby's toy.
I love your beautiful card. It really is sparkly. That dragonfly makes me wonder why I haven't used mine in an eternity. I think you've inspired me.
Sorry to hear about the motorcycle incident. No harm no foul though. [Bunny]
Let's talk about how that dragonfly has a bit of Frank Lloyd Wright in him. The lines and angles in his body and the lower wings remind me of some of the stained glass I've seen his his buildings and works. So naturally, I like it. Really, really like it. Though I'm not a big fan of dragonflies, this one is quite lovely. The background looks like the edge of a pond in late summer. This is a wowzer card. Those poor bikes...maybe the two of you should take a bike break for a while...OH!, Wait! You already did, hahahahahaha! You're too funny. Glad you both got knocking those bikes over out of your systems. Sending love. xoxoxoxo Bev
I can see why you went right out and bought that stamp. It makes a gorgeous card. I loved your story about the "accident". You are too creative and funny. Thanks for sharing with us as Seize the Birthday.
Barbara DT member
This dragonfly card is awesome. The shine is gorgeous and I love the background. Whoopsie. Just a minor little tap but I can imagine you wondering what you hit and then realizing WHAT you hit! I knew you wouldn't just drive off! You two have a strange dumb bucket list. Most people just want to travel!
OMG!! Glad everything is alright with you and the bike! Love your beautiful card
Have a great day!
Happy Belated Birthday, Darnell. My thinking is the older we get, the longer we should celebrate. It sounds as though you will continue your celebration for a while. You go, girl!! Love the dragonfly in bright colors. So pretty! Enjoy your day!
Howdy birthday girl. We were in your area last weekend to attend granddaughter #1's college graduation. I was fortunate enough to make cards with gd #2 and taught her how to smoosh. We had a fun time crafting together (she is almost 8) and never too young to learn to make cards.
The bike/car incident is funny but so glad there was a good ending.
Sounds like a fabulous week of celebrating topped with a little fun mishap(?). Too funny. No damage done and you made it to your appt. ok.
Beautiful card... love the sparkle. Enjoy your weekend. xx
I'm so glad you had a blessed birthday Auntie! If anyone deserves it, it is you! I loved the tribute to you using the blueberry stained cardstock, what beautiful cards it make for you! Such a clever idea too!!! Who knew blueberry stain cardstock would make such lovely cards?! I love your dragonfly card as much as I love Loll's. I remembered hers and fell in love with it and the stamp she used. She walked you through what she did perfectly!! This little guy has a lot of detail and you have done good to preserve it. Love, love, love! Oh Dwayne and I did some pretty dumb schtuff! More him than me. lol Like he hit my car as it was parked next to his truck in the driveway as I didn't pull into the garage because I had a friend with me and I wanted her to have room to get out since she had back issues. He came in and yelled at me for being parked next to him. I told him I was well on my side of the driveway and it wasn't my fault. He hung his head and said he knows it wasn't my fault. lol So off to get my car fixed. Just had gotten to too, only had it for maybe 6 months. Then he was fussing me one day that I don't get over enough in the garage. Other times he would fuss me for getting over to tight, never could get in the place he wanted me. Well I come back from paying our property taxes and thought, "better get over" and oops, hit the side of the garage. Back to get my car fixed. Then he slid on ice at work and oops, hit a pole with his truck. lol He had little accidents on the farm as well. Much more than me! On and on it goes, I guess that is why they call it accidents! Glad the Mister's bike was ok. lol Hugs, Brenda
Oh my gosh, I laughed so loud at the "I sped away" sentence!! Haha!! I'm glad there was little damage!! Your card is stunning!! The dragonfly looks absolutely amazing!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
What a beautiful made card Darnell, I love the colours and the shimmering from the metallics. Stunning stamp you've used.
Greetings Miranda
This card is lovely. I like the green and teal color scheme and that dragonfly is GORGEOUS!!! I have been away so no blogging or creating here for a couple of weeks. Have missed it immensely. Glad the Mister's bike was okay. So something I would do!!
Gorgeous card, Darnell! I'm glad you had a nice birthday, complete with lots of cards:) Oops about the motorcycle. Glad it wasn't more serious!!
Beautiful card...I bet it looks so sparkly in real life!
Happy Birthday to you, again! I did wish you Happy Birthday on your FB page...but I'm not sure if you saw it. Hope you received my birthday card by now. I did put it in the mail before your birthday but I'm pretty sure it wasn't enough time for you to get it by your birthday! (do I get credit for trying anyway...smile!) Hope you're having a great weekend!
I love your card and all the sparkle. And, I am glad the damage was minimal to the bike.
What a stunning card, I love it!
Hi Darnell and so glad you've had such a wonderful birthday and the team had such a marvellous tribute for your too.
I'm chuckling at your tale of the reversing, but thankfully no real damage done.
Beautiful card, wonderful design and colours, have a great weekend, Kate x
So glad you enjoyed your blueberry birthday surprise on CAS Watercolour! Love your shimmery dragonfly - such pretty colours and great dimension. Great motorcycle story - always good to get those bucket list things done!!!
So glad you are continuing to enjoy your special birthday Darnell and great that it will be celebrated most of this month x Your card is amazing and that stamped dragonfly is stunning x Oops to the minor incident with the bike and yes one all to you both now x....
Hi Darnell,
sorry I totally forgot you Birthday hope you had a great one with lots of pressies.
I take it your 21 this year as your post suggests. lol.
Love your wonderful card and the super design looks stunning and so does Lolls.
ooops now you know why I don't drive any more. lol.
Lots of crafty love and hugs from my house to yours. Jenny L.
That's really a dramatic and lovely dragonfly with those great colors and background! Beautiful! Glad no real damage was done to the Mr's bike, but we've all done dumb schtuff like that in our lives! Some of us just don't want to admit it ;)
Never mind it's not one layer it is a fab card and the explanation of how it was done too, so handy. Great story about the bike incidents - even Stevens there I guess - I'm 'watching this space'!!
Beautiful dragonfly Darnell...love the sparkle, so pretty. I do hope you had a great birthday...and so glad you didn't do too much damage to the vehicles...lol....xx
Your card is SOOO pretty Darnell and I'm loving all that sparkle!! Loving your colorful background too! Sounds like other than the small bike accident you've had a wonderful week celebrating your milestone birthday and I'm so glad we were able to surprise you at CASW with all the cards too! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and hope you weren't anywhere near the earthquake ...I'm sure that had to be so scary for so many!! Hugs! :0)
First of all I have to tell you I laughed so hard at the story you finished up with! Yes, funny how The Mister didn't take a picture when he did the same thing. I'm still laughing! Now, for your card... I've seen this shattered dragonfly before (not sure where) and I absolutely love it! It begs for the shimmer you gave it and it's beautiful on the watercolor background. It's a WOW!
Your dragonfly is fabulous. I completely understand wanting to case Loll. The card is eye catching and beautiful in its composition. The hazy background is like a blurred out photograph with focus solely on the dragonfly...as it should be.
So glad you had a wonderful birthday and that it continues.
So glad there was merely a scratch on the bounce of the bike...how horrifying in the moment of the hit that must have been.
Darnell, I absolutely love this card, the dragonfly is amazing. I'm off to buy it right now. Thank you for joining us at Cardz 4 Galz :)
Super card, love the colours but sort to see that the poor dragonfly is falling to pieces.
Glad you had a lovely day and glad to hear that your little mishap wasn't too bad, well he shouldn't have parked it there, should he, Men.
Kath x
Happy Birthday Darnell!!! :D Fantastic dragonfly card, very impressive and sparkling!! Your "oooops" made me laugh... I usually make this type of oooops... Sigh...:( My car back is always ruined... :D
So glad there weren't serious damages on Mister's bike neither onto your car!
I couldn't stop laughing at your story. I'm so glad the bike is OK, but I bet the Mister's face was a treat :)
Gorgeous card Darnell, funny I also bought the same stamp after seeing Loll's card. I think the sales of that stamp went through the roof after Loll posted her card.
I adore your stunning dragonfly with its wonderful schparkly wings Darnell, and the beautiful colours of the smooshed background go perfectly with it. Oh dear, so sorry you had this accident but luckily there was no serious damage to the bike, and more importantly to you, and at least you can console yourself that The Mister has done something similar too so one all. x
As to you and the Misters little competition, not sure whether I want to know what's next...or maybe I do. Feel sure that the lack of photo when he hit the bike is so he can deny it ever happened. Unfortunately, you can't. See, this is what happens when everyone carries a camera around.
Anyway, love this card. So dramatic and simply gorgeous. One of my kids love dragonflies, too, which means, I need to go shopping.
beautiful card Darnell
Gr Karin
Happy happy birthday lovely lady!! Your card is in the post so you can keep on celebrating... You look amazing for 40!
What a gorgeous dragonfly!! LOVE your card oh, and I loved the blueberry floor... so cool!
Sorry about the Mister's bike but it was so funny to read that you both did the same thing... Anyone would think you were pensioners or something! Hugs my friend
The dragonfly is fabulous, Darnell! Using the inks, embossing powder and paints you chose does indeed produce the best results, shimmering wings that I remember from real life dragonflies! Thanks for sharing with us at Country View Challenges!
Belated Birthday wishes Darnell, hope you had tons of fun!! Love this pretty card, these are my summer colours so it is right up my street. Pleased to hear the bikes nor cars suffered any real damage!! xx
Your blog is always such a treat to visit and this post is exactly the reason why! I love how you combine great art with great writing. Your card is stunning and the colors you used could not be more perfect. I'd never seen that image before, so I enjoyed seeing how you utilized it so nicely. And your witty writing makes me smile as I learn about your adventures! Thank you for sharing your talents with us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
Gorgeous...Stunning dragonfly with your smooshed background, Dolly. You and Bonnie were very attentive students and get A+'s for your dragonfly CASE's:-) TFS your beauty and the links to Lolly's and Bon Bon's gorgeous cards!
Glad you did no damage to Mister's bike and you got to your haircut in time. We have so much to look forward to in our 70's:-) Love and Hugs....
I love the bright colours of your smooshed background paired with the beautiful dragonfly. This turned out so wonderful, Dolly. It was fun making these cards at the retreat with you and Bonnie.
Poor Mister. Well, at least he knocked over one of his bikes first so there wasn't too much he could say about you doing the same. :) Glad there wasn't much damage and you were still able to make it to your hair appointment on time. :) Love, Lolly
Fantastic card Darnell, I like the colors! OH my word, I can't even imagine bumping into my hubby's bike. Glad there was no damage to your hubby's!
Happy belated birthday Darnell! Your dragonfly looks like it's about to flutter right off the card...I can't believe it's a one layer as it has so much depth. Wonderful background you've created. Oh dear about the bike...glad I never did that to my husband's - I'd never hear the end of it!
Beautiful dragonfly! I can definitely see why you were enticed to buy such a beauty! And your double layer, and sparkles are just perfect!
As for the bike, so glad it was ok for the most part and nothing major. Does it count that Hubbs once backed his brother's car into his brother's truck? He might have topped both of you...
Gorgeous dragonfly--I love the colors and all that delicious sparkle! Your double layer makes it seem as it's ready to rise up and fly! Glad your mishap was minor and no one was hurt. With all the rain here I was packing in a very sandy lot and just kept sliding into a pole--our first injury to our newest car! Oh well, someone has to be the first!!
Your card is so beautiful! Love that stamp and love it that you made it a bit different as Loll! Enjoying summer and our little dump things we do...but hey if we would do nothing, we wouldn't be able to laugh about these things :) Hugs, Gerrina
Dear Darnell, this card is fantastic! Dragonfly is really imposant on the gentle green background. Wonderful motiv. It seems like 3D. :-) I have to read twice, because I believed it is a die cut.
You both have a very interesting hobby, to hit bikes with the car. :-)) I can imagine, who was not happy about both accidents. :-))
Have a nice week!
Hugs, Sonja
Beautiful card. I'm glad the bikes, vehicles, and marriage survived the oopsies! Grin
Your dragonfly is so sparkly and beautiful! I love the dimension of the body and upper wings! The bike accident is all Mister's fault, if you ask me: "...stopping first to say goodbye to me. In that three seconds, I totally forgot the bike was even parked there." See there, he's just so much of a hunk, you swooned and could think of nothing else!
Well what a thing to do! Lucky the mister wasn't on it and sounds like no real damage. Yeah funny he has no pics of his touch parking.
Happy birthday!
Before I go gorgeous card ;)
What a neat card! I'm glad you and Lolly have so much fun together and you learn new techniques and stuff. Oops. so sorry to hear about the impact to the motorcycle. Happy to hear the damage was minimal. And happy BELATED birthday. I'm so sorry I missed it. I've definitely been out of the loop for a bit. I hope you had a fantastic day. I sure appreciate you and your delightful cards and wonderful sense of humor and whimsy. You are also very generous with your time and so encouraging. Thanks for all you do! Hugs!
What you should have gotten was a picture of that abject horror, Darnell. That's okay. I'd rather look at your gorgeous dragonfly instead.
Your card is beautiful, Darnell. That dragonfly looks absolutely magical. I love the colors. And as to the whole bike/car/collision thing--I always tell myself, "They're only THINGS!" No person was hurt, and that's the important aspect of any accident. So glad that all is well.
Glad you had a fun BD--didn't realize it was a big one, as they say. It sure looks good on you, my friend! So glad the bike wasn't really hurt! Beautiful card--love the background!
Birthdays were made for looooong celebrations, Darnell ... so pleased you're still going with yours ... especially as it's the sixty-tenth! Gorgeous, shimmery, sparkly, dimensional dragonfly against that texture-y looking background ... I'm thinking it should be framed it's so delicious! Glad to hear the bike, the car, you and Kevin are all fine after your 'incidents' ... seeing as how you've ticked that particular thing off your bucket list, I'm guessing it won't happen again (tee hee!). LYAMYLALMA! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)
Wonderful card Darnell, it's such a striking dragonfly and the sparkly wings look amazing. Glad no real harm done with your driving oopsies! Enjoy your ongoing celebrations :) Cathy x
Sounds like you both need a beeper like a garbage truck to signal that there is something that may be in your way while backing up! All kidding aside, glad the damage was minimal. I chuckled out loud when I read that you left the scene...you got me there! Now, your dragonfly card is stunning! Love when cards have "Arsty" vibe too them. It's nothing I am very good at myself but am always impressed by others. So happy you linked this up at Seize the Birthday and Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you too!! HUGS
Fabulous dragonfly card and the wings look beautiful!!! Thank you for joining the July challenge of the Country View Challenges!
A gorgeous dragonfly image as is, but stunning when you make it into this shimmery delight! Beautiful in blues and greens. Thanks for linking up at Seize the Birthday!
I just love that dragonfly and the beautiful card! Thanks for joining us at Cardz for Galz. Hugs xx
I love this gorgeous dragonfly with its schparkly shattered wings, Darnell! And I’m so pleased that you and the Mister are still speaking 🤣
What a stunning dragonfly ..... we've seen quite a few of those flying around whilst we were on the boat, none as beautiful as this one though.
Glad there was no damage done to the bike! xx
Nice ! thank you for joining in with my challenge over at Country View Challenges !
Corrie xx
It's an amazing card, Darnell !! What a clever idea to raise one pair of wings up. Thanks to this, the card gained so much in depth and movement. A delightful project, my dear Darnell.
BożenA xoxo
Male malice has no limits !! Why did he put his motorcycle on your path ??! He definitely wanted to upset you, so he has what he deserved. And his adventure a month ago does not testify to him well enough to do himself for anger ?? Of course I am joking, such accidents happen to all of us :-)
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