Hello, Stamplings!
First off, we're doing fine. We feel very blessed that the Mister recovered enough to start driving again just as it became very important for me to isolate due to being high risk. California has shut down except for essentials and we are still able to get local groceries, except for paper products. Don't get me started on that tissue!
I hope you are all keepin' on keepin' on and finding ways to not watch too much news on the telly. I had to finally limit myself to one hour a day and only ten minutes at a time, here and there, throughout the day. I'm glad you're visiting me to get away from all that, so let's go. (Since I don't post as often as I used to and you have plenty of time, I've made this extra long.😇)
And I have a special request, so if you're a scroll-through-quickly-friend, please stop and read the last section. Mwah!

The flower flourish and sediment are from GKW. I colored the flower with my Ziggies using the JUGS color scheme and Hammy went to town with the winking.
- CAS March Stencil: Heat embossing.
- HLS March Watercolour: Anything goes; optional Flowers.
- Just Us Girls: Color week.

The Demise of BOB!
Amidst all the scary news and glums about the nasty Coronavirus making its way around the globe, I'm pleased to report I've had a fatality here in the Playhouse, but it's a good one! I'm referring to my Box O' Bits, otherwise affectionately known as BOB. He will NOT be missed!
With clearance from the CDC, here is a photo of dead BOB. You'll note that Hammy is playing with his new malachite Easter egg inside BOB's skeletal remains:
Yes, that's one of my boxes of NBUS (never-before-used-schtuff) off to the right. We won't talk about that just now. Let me relish in the afterglow of BOB's demise for a little bit longer!
And here, ladies, is a photo of the 73 cards* I made from what BOB has been greedily hanging on to for years!
Don't get too becited. Most of them are very simple designs and (embarrassingly) took ten minutes or less to complete, but still, pretty good, eh? I will be posting some of them (God willing and the creek don't rise) over time, so I hid their faces. That way they can't be accused of being backlinked later on.
I wanted to share my success with you because, if you're like me, you are feeling unsettled right now. You plan to start this, but you find yourself looking at that; what you were becited about yesterday, you couldn't care less about today; and/or, card-making once brought you a lot of satisfaction, but now most of your satisfaction comes from either food (chocolate) or online shopping.
If that's happening to you, turn to your BOB, or your UFO, or whatever you call your half-finished cards and let the process take you away for a few minutes or a few hours. It's not only a distraction, it's productive. And if your significant other happens to be named Bob, lucky you ~ you can turn to him for other reasons, as well!😉
Here is one of the finished cards I made:
Here is one of the finished cards I made:
I made this topper while at last year's ESCR and it's languished since. Silly, since all it needed was a card base and sediment, but that's what happens sometimes. The phone rings, the Mister stops by to let me know the mail came, Hammy wants help with his juggling lessons, or Nellie wants a cuddle. Or maybe I've just seen a mental squirrel and off I go. The technique was direct-to-stamp coloring with markers, then spritzing, and then stamping. The image is Penny Black's "Pure Iris."
- AAA Birthday Game #11: Flowers.
- The Flower Challenge: Anything goes.
- HLS March CAS: Your favorite technique. (Direct-to-stamp coloring.)
- Penny Black Saturday : March anything goes ~ think spring!
- TIME OUT: 6th Birthday celebration! Congratulations TO!
💟Something Positive

Thankfully, I feel like this is one concern where I can be proactive and do something, especially now that I've killed BOB and I have all these cards* in my stash. I'm making cards to drop off at our local care homes, but if you have an elderly loved one who feels lonely, I'd love to send a card to them, too. I'll mail to anywhere on earth where postal service is still occurring. And if you're feeling that way yourself, let me know. Please email their (or your) name and address to darnell dot knauss at gmail dot com and I will send off a card ~ or more, depending on the duration.
Now more than ever, my closing is appropriate. Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! Life is too short! As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse! Take extra care and be safe!
Lots of hugs,
To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling: Click CTL + Home. Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post. Click Page Down to reach the end of the post. Click Comments and a pop-up box opens. Click "Jump to Comment Form" and wallah, no more car pool tunnel! Mwah! (p.s. If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me your email address so I can respond. Thank you!)
What lovely cards and a lovely gesture Darnell! And congratulations on clearing out the BOB basket. Maybe now we're all pretty much confined to barracks (or working our socks off to support the ones who are) it would be a good time for us all to have a good play with our BOBs. I usually send the cards I make to small charities to help with their fundraising, and they are going to need even more support than ever because of so many of their fundraising events having to be cancelled.
That is such a fantastic result - well done!
What a lovely post Darnell, take care xxx
Happy to hear you are well and taking good care of yourself. These are troublesome times indeed, and the fast increasing stats for the US are worrying me. I'm thankful that the Greek government issued strict measures in an early stage, so that we have relatively few cases over here and even fewer official cases here in Crete. The last measurement by the Greek govenment is that people are not allowed to take a ferry to the islands unless they can prove (through their tax form) that they are permanent residents there. Many people, esp, from Athens, are trying to flock out to their villages and second homes on the islands, thinking they will be safer there without contemplating the risks. For one thing, the medical facilities on many of the smaller islands are limited.
I cannot set myself to crafting, but I do spend more time in the kitchen to prepare healthy meals and treats. And I have just received a new translation task that will keep me busy for the next days, which is a good thing.
Stay safe! Hugs, Marianne x
Fabulous cards Darnell, and a wonderful cause. These are such crazy times and I know I am out of sorts but it will get better. The worst part is limbo, humans are not good at limbo and I am particularly bad at it. Control. I want control. Back to your cards...so cool that you have killed off BOB...I have been wondering over the past few postings what bob was...I think I finally figured it out just before this post as I had an aha I was right moment while reading. Sorry for the all over the place comment. Love ya and keep safe.
So glad you are keeping well and despite everything still chipper and willing to raise everyone else's spirits. I must admit that I want to craft but have been slow to pick up the reigns after a flurry of activity earlier in the week.
We are keeping our heads down and on what is Mother's Day here communicating with the offspring and spriglets by text, skype and phone instead.
What is it with paper products? It started here well before the mad clear the shelves syndrome. A friend saw a couple in the local Lidl and the guy loading the conveyor asked his wife what the glass jar of frankfurters were and did they eat them? She replied no, but you might be grateful someday!!
So far my once a week foray to the local Sainsburys has been OK, just a few odds n ends I couldn't get but if folks go on as they have I'm not sure for how much longer it will be.
Keep safe xx :)
You are so right, dear Darnell. Yesterday I spent almost the whole day in my craft room, took a walk with the dog in between and didn't read or watch any messages. Wonderful! It was so good. Today I'll do it again !! Take care Gundi
Hi Darnell, Glad you and your hubby are doing ok. I am in 12 weeks isolation due to being Diabetic. At the moment I have to go out for groceries, as I couldn't get a home delivery slot till into April. The chemist I get my monthly meds from doesn't do delivery, so will have to go out for them.
I'm keeping in touchw ith friends, by phone, email and on FB.
I love the cards, but especially the Iris one. My dad loved Iris.
You take care.
Two beautiful cards Darnell and congratulations of your achivement in clearing BOB. Hubby and I have just started our Isolation as we were on a small break last week. We still have to go and get the shopping however.
Keep Safe
Sue xx
Dear Darnell: You are always so thoughtful and caring, we all need to know someone cares. Like that song by Jackie DeShannon "What the World needs now is Love, Sweet Love", I'm sure you've heard it, I love it.
I want to thank you for sharing this gorgeous Iris card with us at THE FLOWER CHALLENGE, I have it and I need to pull it out again, it's just beautiful.
Sending hugs and love, my dear.
Maria Rodriguez.
I am SO proud of you for eliminating BOB from your crafting experiences! I've been saying that for a long time, but you may have inspired me to finally take a break from sorting through 51 yrs of life's accumulated schtuff and turn back to my beloved hobby of card making! BOTH need to be done :) Love that gorgeous embossed beauty as well as the lovely birthday card with the delicate Iris - one of my favorite flowers. I'm so happy the Mister is recovering nicely and able to drive so that he (along with you now) can stay home! LOL My hubs is going stir crazy in the house, but I think most of the people in the world are feeling the same way. Stay safe, stay healthy and know I'm thinking of all my blogging friends in the world and hoping they all get through this with good health too! Hugz Has anyone heard from Alice of Scrap & C? She lives in Italy and I've emailed her with no response yet, so of course I'm concerned.
A lovely post Dolly, and as always I loved reading it! First though (Here's me doin' me hostess with the mostest dootie) - thank you for sharing your scrummy heat embossed stencil card with us at CAS Stencil!
Now then - I am in mourning for BOB but at least you have a teeny space in the Playhouse cleared... I am sayin' nuffin about the NBUS schtuff. And you have perfect justification for the commission of this heinous murder... Hammy wanted the BOB box....
Strange thing is you described me perfectly - I've lifted stuff out, fiddled and left it. Can't settle at all but today is THE day when I sit and not move until something is completed!(That's the plan anyway)
It is Mothers Day today in the UK and I have not had my wonderful Mum with me for 10 years but you know today was the first day I thought that perhaps that was a good thing as how would she have coped with all the madness, confusion and complete isolation in her frail state? My only sadness is that I cannot go visit her resting place today as I am having to stay home. But I am going to have a little chat with her and show her my latest make - when I get it finished!
Stay safe. xx xx
Your cards are beautiful, Darnell! I try to work on my BOB but never seem to get very far - I am very impressed that you've killed off your BOB! Certainly a goal for all of us! I agree with you - we are cardmakers so let's make and send some cards! Glad your hubby is doing well and also very happy to see that you are fine too! Please stay that way! Thanks for the uplifting post!
First Darnell, thank you for writing this post, your positive and thoughtful outlook has cheered me up on a day when I'm feeling a bit down. Mothering Sunday with no kids or grandkids to cuddle has left me feeling a bit sorry for myself...which is just selfish! They're all healthy and well, just worried about potentially infecting us, so staying away!
Good for you killing off Bob in such a productive way, and it's such a lovely idea to send the cards to the lonely people out there.
Your cards today are beautiful, the iris stamp is stunning and I love that technique.
Glad hubby is well enough to drive now, at least you're able to get the things you need.
Look after yourselves and stay safe.
what a wonderful post to read and I am so glad you are getting to craft....my creativity has gone and feel like it won't return...so maybe BOB is the way to go! Your cards are a joy to see and your Time Out card...love the arty look to it and the colours so vibrant. Plus thank you for leaving us a lovely comment on our blog xx
Fabulous cards Darnell and good to hear of BOB's demise. I'm sure we've all got a BOB too - I'm also on a mission to use up BOB and snippets too.
It's a lovely gesture to send your BOB cards out. I hope you and Mister stay safe and well too.
Kath x
Wahooooo! Celebrating with you on Bob’s demise there Darnell, fantabulous!
Superb work from a clever little Vegemite over there. My issue is still getting through the required cards let alone extras.
However that said, I’m here to apologise!
Every time I come to your name on my prayer list I feel guilty for I still haven’t come over and thanked you for your February birthday card for your truly!
You’re a gem thanks loved it and so did my arty sister. I spent the time with them. I’m isolating too with multiple chronic conditions. The restrictions are tightened every day it seems here, but so are numbers so that’s good.
Feel and praying for Italy and Spain at the moment! And lots of other places esp third world poor countries wh can’t afford it to go rife. God hears out prayer so looking to Him to mee their needs.
Love your Iris PB stamp, my I love that stamp.. but truly so many neglected NBUS, I most definitely don’t buy now, except printer and new screen for phone and needed stuff!
I’m actually trying to sell things on eBay but seems sales are dried up.
Ah well, as the Lord wills. Just wrote new post on my Christian blog too.. hope it may encourage some! ❤️🙏🏻
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these troubled times, may we look up in faith! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️🥰❤️
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
I'm with you on the news, only watch once a day and part of it. I LOVE you have been so productive, so not only are you using NBUS, but clearing out your craft room too, clever lady LOL. A very thoughtful idea to post your cards, I love the ones you have shown, they are very beautiful.
Keep safe and well.
Faith x
Oh Darnell, it's so wonderful to see your post. Yes, this is a challenge for sure. And I'm fairly certain we will make it to the other side and possibly changed for the better in terms of understanding the importance of slowing down and appreciating each other! I'm so happy you finished off BOB and that your cards are going to go to excellent use. Your heart is pure gold flecked with lost of humor and common sense. Thank you for being you and for sharing yourself with us! Mwah!! And virtual hugs!
Well you have been busy clearing your BOB box Darnell and making all those cards, I just wish I had half your get up and go, I think mine has definitely left the building at present. I love your pretty gold embossed stencilling with the adorable daisy, and then the beautiful Iris done with the direct to stamp technique...gorgeous! What a wonderful idea to take some cards to local care homes to lift the spirits of some lonely isolated people and one of your wonderful cards is bound to cheer. Glad too that the Mister is recovering well and now able to drive, and especially as you have to take extra care. Stewart has been here for a week after skiing in Bulgaria, luckily was not a problem whilst he was there, and has just today got back to Sydney OK, but has to self isolate for 14 days now. I always feel a bit blue after saying goodbye to him and it takes a while before normal service is resumed..lol. Anyway take care! x
So enjoyed the cards and the post. Keep up the beautiful work.
What a great idea to use those UFOs up and out, Dolly! My box has extended itself to more than one and I'm sure there are many seniors that would love to get a card right now. Love, love, love your embossing with that pretty flower! And the iris is always in my favorites! Stay well and happy, my dear friend.
You are a sweetheart! What a kindness. Your cards are beautiful... Lovely stenciling and I can't believe you left that gorgeous iris waiting! Well done on clearing your BOB... We are doing okay (in self isolation). We are struggling to get meat, eggs and many other things but it's Mother's day today - Flowers, chocolate and a fun card were waiting for me this morning.
Sending hugs your way...
It's great to see your post today and to know you are sheltering-in-place and Mister is better. Your cards are lovely. Congrats on clearing your BOB bin. You are inspiring me to check on mine. This is a good time to tackle it. Like you and others have said, it is difficult to stay focused to complete a project. I have a long to-do list that would be great to do during this downtime, but I'd rather be in my card studio. Stay safe and be well. We will get through this. Enjoy your day!
Pssssst.............I heard there was a warrant out for your arrest in the homicide of BOB. I suggest you and Hammy get rid of the skeletal remains. Not on your property though. They're sending the cadaver dog. Of course there is good Nelly to distract.
Thanks for sending out cards to those who need them. That's so sweet of you. [Bunny]
Beautiful cards Darnell especially the first one. Congrats on ridding BOB! and the fantastic makes you have done...now where will you store them?..lol Your gesture with the cards is heart warming and I am sure will give pleasure to loads of people. xx
Two gorgeous cards! WOW!!!!!
Great news on disposing of BOB too - and you have a ton of cards now. Love the idea of the nursing homes. SO many need a bit of cheer right now.
Both of your cards are beautiful. Loving the heat embossing from your homemade stencil, and I love the flower it "points" to. Your iris is gorgeous with all those soft colors as well.
73 cards - WOW!!! I am impressed that you were able to get all those cards completed; I can't wait to see them. Like you, I am having trouble staying focused. Working on simpler designs with nbus stamps and dies or unfinished panels is a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration.
GREAT idea to send your cards to local care homes - to let the residents know they are being thought of.
Oh Darnell your cards are just beautiful ... what lovely direct to stamp coloring (haven't done that in YEARS) on the second card! Yes we are good here in NE Ohio also ... like you, I've been using up many of the bits 'n bobs sitting around the tables in my cave. I commend you on making SO MANY cards and what a great idea to bring a smile to our elderly (notice I'm not including myself in that category lol) Well Done You!! Stay healthy and keep crafting! Long Distance HUGS to you!
I am so impressed that you have cleaned out Bob, I can't seem to focus on anything much and time then just runs out, but I have now managed to come up with a card for my granddaughters 5th birthday (it has been a long time coming!) Anyway I think these 2 cards are 2 of your best. That heat embossed stencilling is magical, thanks for playing along with us at CAS stencil, I also love the vibrant blue of the flower and your placement of the flower, perfect. Irises are one of my favourite flowers, I love the soft look and the colours on your iris card, just lovely. I am glad the health of your household has improved, just make sure it stays that way. I love your card sharing idea and how you manage to make so many, I shall never know xx
It looks like Hammy has replaced BOB and that's all to the good. I'm so impressed with all these cards you've made and for such a good cause. I can't watch the news either. I'm so sad for Italy and all the countries this is impacting. We must all be staying in and keeping safe. I get angry when I see all these people running about and saying they aren't afraid to go out. They could be the ones bringing this home to their families or spreading it to their friends they're seeing. This Prism Triangle Collage card is gorgeous. I love the embossing and that flower is beautiful. The watercolored iris is stunning. I love the colors in it. Take care my friend. I'm glad hubby is out and about again and doing well.
So glad you and the mister are doing well and that he’s able to drive again! I’m SO with you on limited watching of the news! Too much listening to it really gets me down! I’m so glad to have a hobby I love, especially now! Love both of your beautiful cards, especially the blue flower! Take care, and stay home! Hugs!
Well done killing off BOB! Your iris card is beautiful and it's got to be such a good feeling to know that you have so many cards to share with so many lonely people! My life changed opposite to most: Everyone is home, so I've had to step up my game as wife, mother, and daughter to some very needy folks! So glad to hear you are well and that Kevin is doing so much better!
Hi Darnell, well I was reading your post very happy in the knowledge that you and the Mister are in good health and that he's recovered so well from the surgery.... then I scrolled down and was oohing and aahing over your amazing card with the fabulous stencilling and embossing and that pretty flower.... then I scrolled down even further and was stopped dead (as BOB) in my tracks as I stared in disbelief - first at how busy you've been to make all those cards but also wondering how on earth greedy BOB was able to contain so much! I love your beautiful Iris and the finished card. Take care xx
Wow!! 73 cards and an empty BOB!!! Impressive, Darnell! And what a great way to use them - I know they will brighten MANY people's days! Glad to hear that you and the Mister are doing well - we are too! Take care, sending wishes for health and hope!
OMGosh, those cards are beautiful, I especially love the Iris one as they are very favorite flower of mine and it is stunning!! I am so impressed you using up all the 'bobs' I surely need to do that too, and have a small basket of things I hope to use up, like a couple pads of paper that have a few sheets left in them, I haven't been creating lately as I am DEEP cleaning my craft room, it's a long process but it is looking good! Thanks for the great post!!
Well I mass produced 150 cards last month for a craft show next weekend. Also I began going through my stuff for a cardmaking group garage sale which is next week. Whoa is me both have been cancelled until ?.
So I have gone through more stuff and settled on my embossing folders and some for the garage sale but the ones I kept (74) I embossed each with a piece of old and ugly cardstock and placed in a sleeve from MFT and labeled with those label machines. I probably worked on them for 3-4 days but now I have a very organized photo box full of my beloved embossing folders. So now I will continue to organize some more and will make new containers full of previously stamped images, partially colored images and cards that are almost finished. On the down side I really don't have the umph to create.
We are in our second week of confinement and both of us are over 65 and have a potential health risk to go out of the house. Our youngest son is an hour away and will help if we need him.
Because we can't go out I have resorted to cooking - OMG, and I have not forgotten how.As retired seniors going out to eat was a big part of our day. Our clubhouse is closed so Cal can't play pool and so he walks the dog more often and watches TV with his eyes closed more than he should.
We don't know what the end result will be but we are all in this together and hopefully we all stay healthy. I am grateful for FaceTime so I can see my family. A friend's husband is in a nursing home with Parkinson's and they will not let her visit him -- so so sad. Bless us all. Hugs, Barb sorry I am so gabby. Loved both cards.
Tow gorgeous cards Darnell and well done in using up your BoB. I could be doing that too, just never seem to get around to it.
So pleased to hear The Mister is back to driving and so much better.
What a lovely idea to send cards to the elderly residents, it's just awful that their loved ones can't visit, although understandable.
I met a lady who works in the care home just along the road from us and she was saying they were making cards to send out to their families, so telling her I was a card maker could I offer some of my stash. She was so delighted, so I'm gathering up bits that I think could be useful.
Take care of yourselves, Kate x
Wonderful cards Darnell (LOVE the Iris card!!) and a great post. How wonderful that you knocked off BOB and made SO many cards...YAY to you!! I have been sending cards to an organization called Bring Smiles To Seniors for the past year (www.bringsmilestoseniors.com) and love knowing that my cards are literally bringing smiles and joy to those that that never receive any mail OR visitors. I truly hope through this whole crisis that we all learn to be kinder than necessary to everyone! Stay safe and well! Hugs. :0)
So glad you and the Mister are doing well, Darnell, but I'm sorry I can't say the same for BOB. Unless you look at it from a different prospective and then it's hooray to you for his demise and the creation of so many cards. How thoughtful of you to send them off to nursing homes. I have thought about it and even got the info Marcia mentioned but there they sit.
Your stencil embossing and lovely blue flower are wonderful and thank you for sharing that card with us at Just Us Girls. I love, love, love that iris. I don't know how you waited so long to finish it up but I'm glad you did and shared it with us at The Flower Challenge.
Well you go girl! Congrats on cleaning out your BOB basket. That is fantastic! And, I have been sending out cards as well to shut ins and those who might be in the hospital or need a little extra cheer from getting a card. I have a lot of cards made up too and that is a great way to downsize my basket of cards as well. More incentive to keep on making them. I also have been making phone calls and even did Facetime with my sister who is in the hospital still. She is better but until she can walk better she is still there or may be going to a home for a while. So I know she needed some cheery visits. I think that is a great idea you had and pretty much coincided with what I was doing too. We can still send out mail.
Like everyone, I love, love your iris card. So beautiful. I've been creating using some things from my to-do drawer and last night opened and used some Gelatos that are an old but NBUS to me. Thinking of you hoping your isolation keeps you well and creating. BTW, I love reading the comments you get. Lovely people in your world and mine. Cyber hugs.
Darnell, let’s change the words “social distancing “ to “kind physical distancing.” Sounds so much nicer to my way of thinking! God Bless is all!
Goodness me
Darnell, you will be starting a panic spree making all those cards. Well done for clearing out Bob. I have started gluing all my strips of ‘Bob’s your Uncle’ onto ods of blank cardstock and as each one gets filled will be making a card from them. I have five filled already and posted one on my blog. Let’s face it we are all (hopefully ) in this wether we like it or not for the haul,so we might as well start devising ways and means of occupying our time. Am in the throws of setting a virtual game of chess up with our eldest grandson who The Doc taught to play so that should keep them busy going backwards and forwards with their moves. We are ok here and have food for the next fortnight so will not be venturing out until needs must. As for lack of loo rolls has no one heard of washing their bums with soap, water and a flannel!! On that happy thought I will 💗and leave you. Virtual hugs my friend Mrs A.
Darnell, would you please tell us again what NBUS stands for? Thank you so much! Love you Blog! Let’s have another story about your cards!!!!
I have been following for several months now and really enjoy you!
Making things from my half done projects bin was the ONLY way I was able to start crafting again. The last couple days, I am now able to make new things too. It is a really good thing and I am planning to send them all out. I just need to get more postage stamps.
Your cards are wonderful.
Delighted to hear that Kevin is able to drive...what a wonderful thing to happen during this crisis (I won't get you started on the TP issue if you won't start me)
Dang, girl. What coup you've pulled off...wish my mofo, mojo was so inclined. God knows, I have enough bits and bobs (get it!) to at least match your amazing feat. Glad you self imposed isolation is so productive. Love the idea that the result will go to those who need a smile.
Gosh, Darnell ... seeing all those cards all ready to go has me full of admiration ... go you getting BOB to turn up his toes in such a spectacular fashion! You're such a giving and thoughtful soul for what you're doing with your cards ... bless you, truly. And you now have a new playplace for Hammy so I'm calling it a win-win-win! Stunning cards both ... the platinum embossing is so eyecatching with that bold bloom ... and the iris ... wow ... WOW! What a beauty ... artsy, elegant, beautiful! Delighted to have you joining us for our 6th birthday celebrations at Time Out, my friend! LYAMYLALMA ... SSASS! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)
I am so glad that The Mister can drive again and what great timing! x.
What a fabulous opening card, which is so pretty and the embossing looks amazing x.
Yay to Bob and how lucky is Hammy to get an early Easter egg? x. Yay to 73 cards too....well done you x.
What a beautiful, unique and stunning second card and I am so glad that you finished it x.
Dearest Darnell how thoughtful of you to offer to post the cards to those who would benefit from them...you are so kind x. Stay safe and well x
You are awesome Darnell. Love the iris card. Glad I'm not the only one hose Mojo has developed ADHD. Take care, keep well. Hugz
Happy Mister is fine.
we are all fine here.
we are staying home.
your card is so pretty!
oh 73 cards! thats a lot!
Beautiful cards Darnell! Glad you and the Mister are safe!
Well Darnell you seem to have got everything down to tee. Really lovely cards and a super post as always.
I said on my blog that a few days ago a line from a song came into my head, totally out of the blue, the song was sparked from an American very popular programme ages ago.
It's life Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it,
Didn't put though that the end of the song said
It's worse than that he's dead Jim, dead Jim, dead.
Kath x
Both beautiful card Darnelle. Great new about the 'Mister' and his recovery. 'BOB'. Don't think I would be that good to be able to do the same. Love the embossing and that beautiful bright flower on the first card then you go and show off the sheer brilliance of colour on the second one. Swooning here. Hammy look so happy too. Thanks for sharing these beauties with us at HLS WAtercolour Challenge this month. Stay Healthy and Safe.
You have been so ambitious!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on BOB's demise Darnell, and no doubt Hammy has been out there helping to shimmer and shine up everything he can! Love your amazing haul of cards.
I have been less creative because of all this, and trying to resist the comfort of chocolate too....
I am self isolating because of my age (shhh nearly 70) and my old friend asthma... that has not helped , but the equilibrium is coming back and I have been in the garden between showers today - need to pull up some more oxalis, then it will be into the studio for some work!
That said I love the two cards you have highlighted today they are, to be blunt, exquisitely beautiful!!
Stay safe
Hello, Darnell! I first want to say that both your cards today made my jaw drop. Ohhhh, those blues. The iris was in the BOB box? I'm totally in awe of your 73 cards!! I remember being excited when I did 11, tee hee hee! I do identify with everything you said about starting and stopping, and feeling unsettled. Even if I could settle I don't seem to find the time to be in my stamp room much. I keep saying maybe soon, but even though our routine isn't that disrupted, I still feel disrupted. I've been trying to finish a Power Poppy watercolor for weeks. Believe it. I keep switching to simpler things I can finish quickly. I haven't been dwelling on the news, but just heard today that all Oregon state parks will be closed as of tomorrow. That's sad, but it's because people weren't using good sense. We're doing okay, though. Good neighbor friends visiting outside at a safe distance. I did my first ever online grocery shopping yesterday and we'll pick it up tomorrow. It was interesting reading the comments here.
Congrats on killing off Bob. I am doing my share to diminish my supplies by catching up on some scrapping!
Congratulations on emptying out Bob and creating so many cards, what a wonderful gesture :)
Great twofer, so happy to see your Iris stamp surface from the pile.
Take care and lots of virtual hugs ❤
Love, Love, Love your uplifting blog post, my sweet dear Dolly:-) Your iris is so gorgeous and sooo Happy to finally be finished:-) TFS your stack of beautiful finished cards and letting us know that you, Mister, Hammy and Emma are doing fine, but Not Bob who sacrificed his entire self to bring joy to others:-) Love and a BIG virtual HUG, my friend. Nancy
Whoops....I got distracted by Bob and your gorgeous Iris...TFS your Gorgeous shimmery stenciled heat embosses beauty with us at CAS Stencil, my friend. Hugs...Nancy
Congrats on the demise of BOB ... I'm so impressed. I have several boxes of unfinished projects, so maybe I'll have a chance to go through them. You are an inspiration, Dolly! 73 cards ... wowzers! And how generous of you to donate to a care home near you or send a card where it's needed. You are so thoughtful and caring.
I absolutely LOVE your iris card. I don't remember you making this at the retreat, but there was a lot going on that I missed. I have this stamp and have not been able to figure out how to use it. You did an amazing job --- it's gorgeous!
And I love your beautiful daisy card with the heat embossed stenciling. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Stencil!
Take care my friend. Love, Lolly
I am shocked that it took 73 cards to murder BOB. He was definitely a healthy specimen, but you showed him who's boss of the local craft mafia. Congratulations! And your iris card looks amazing! I have a few irises in amongst my flowers, and I love them so much. I'd like to learn to properly paint an iris. I certainly have plenty of time to practice, so maybe I'll look for an online tutorial. Your offer to send cards is so generous. I'm sure you'll get many responses. Bless you, Darnell. Stay safe and well.
Gorgeous! And MOST gorgeous! LoVe that iris!!! Your coloring is fabulous (I'm actually drooling and jealous), it is truly amazing! Yes, I needed all those exclamation points :o)
And for your BOB -- congrats! Not sure why but I've been working on mine as well, maybe a similar thought process, HOWEVER your idea for the shut-ins is fabulous! I know I have a few relatives that are in that category, so now my brain is spinning for them! You encourager, You! What a great thought, and well-deserving too
Two beautiful cards Darnell love them both and perfect for our challenge. Thank you so much for joining us at The Flower Challenge and we hope to see you there again soon. Aileen DesignTeam
Now let me say I am so pleased with your productivity and cant believe you emptied that box. I look at mine and wonder if it will ever happen but after seeing this maybe its time. Your cards will be so appreciated as I know when dad was getting cards it totally made his day each time shared many times.
Thank you also for dropping into my long neglected blog, I always love hearing from you. Hugs from a distance Aileen
It's always a joy to visit your blog, Darnell! Your stenciling is absolutely beautiful and I love that you chose gold...so elegant and you've paired it perfectly with your sweet flowers! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CAS Stencil!
I'm so glad the Mister is feeling better...it's so hard to be house-bound, as you well know!
How proud you must be to be rid of BOB at last and to have all of those beautiful cards for a great cause! I'm sure you will brighten their day, Darnell...it's such a thoughtful and generous thing to do :) Thanks for sharing your idea, as I have at least 50 completed cards with no place to call home ~ until now :)
I'm also watching very little news right now...it's just so depressing. I've been watching lots of old movies, but now I can do that and pack up cards for those in need...It's a win-win!!! Speaking of which, your birthday card is GORGEOUS! I love the vibrant colors that you chose for the Iris...WOW!
Thank you for the emotional lift I always get while visiting your blog...and, you are right that your closing is most appropriate right now...stay safe and well...Somehow we will all get through this ~ Hugs, Barb xx
Loving not only your gorgeous cards as always Darnell but your cheerful attitude while housebound. Things are not as they were and we do need to adapt but I think we are luckier than most with our online community. I love that you are using your cards to connect with others who may not be as lucky. Vicky x
PS Rip BOB. I await the advent of... BOB II - aaaargh!
I have indeed turned to my Bob! I have made 15 Easter cards, so far from bits of this and that that were living there. Good job, Darnell! Everything on this post is just lovely. Be well!
Gorgeous cards, and a sentiment I echo xoxo
What a lovely post my friend, I always feel cheered up after a visit to you. Both cards are beautiful, I really love how you did the triangle and the iris on the second card is stunning.
Well done of getting rid of Bob, that was a lot of hard work but it must feel so rewarding.
Just started with a cold and sore throat here (not the dreaded virus) and, like you, in lockdown, just to keep ourselves and others safe. Please keep safe and well too. Big hugs, Annie xxx
Its not easy killing BOB -- believe me I've tried! Whenever he seems close to death, he magically multiplies!
Beautiful floral card! Stay safe!
Thank you for sharing your work in our Happy Little Stampers watercolor challenge & we hope you will join us again in the next HLS Challenge!.
Anna – Design Team member at Happy Little Stampers
Visit my blog - Crafty Anna Studio.
You can also find me on Instagram - CraftyAnna Studio
Thank you!
Your cards are beautiful Darnell and I love the first one that you used your stencil to emboss in platinum, so pretty. Loved reading your post as always. Thanks for sharing and take card. Hugs, JoAnn
Well, congratulations seems not quite appropriate for a demise but in the case of BOB it is called for. You have been a craftaholic getting all those cards done. Love that iris. I am so ready for spring and thhope it brings. I saw daffodils blooming yesterday. Great idea sending to nursing home residents. I'm trying to send to church shut-ins but am having trouble keeping up.
Oh, your cards are so lovely, Darnell! The purple iris brings back memories of the lovely purple iris's that my Mom would grow when I was young. She also loved snap dragons and roses. I'd rather stay in and craft, which she always encouraged, too. But, my sis, Donna inherited the gardening gene. Oh, I am rambling here...must be 'cause I'm going stir crazy...lol! Seriously, am doing ok here since there is always plenty to do with crafting or cleaning. I am happy to hear that your husband has recovered and is doing better. And, so great that you are using up your bits and bobs. I sent a card to a friend in the nursing home just the other day. It's so sad that we can't visit these people. I also visit people from church who are shut ins. But, a phone call will have to do for now. Anyways, you take good care and stay safe!! Hugs!!
I love your posts even they are long. :-) First card with heat embossing with stencil has fabulous design and elegant color combo. Congratulation for finishing all unfinished projects. Amazing work and amazing and warm call for sending cards to people that are more lonely as usual now in the isolation. Your twofer with direct-to-stamp technique is warming my heart. Nicely done.
Stay at home and stay safe!
Hugs, Sonja
I just love the irish card! And I hope it won;t come to the point were we have to go use our DP-stack in stead of the normally used paper... :) Stay healty! Hugs, Gerrina
Back again to say Thank You for sharing these beautiful cards with us at Just Us Girls and Ditto what everyone above has said - including my earlier comment.
I think I may have to try your solution for my current lack of cardmaking ability - I might not get as many cards as you did, but using some UFOs might be just the nudge I need. Both your cards today are beautiful! I'm so glad you shared them with us at Happy Little Stampers Watercolour & CAS Challenges!
As a dyed-in-the-wool hoarder (and yes, I do probably have several yards of actual wool tucked away somewhere in my garage), I had a moment of anxiety when I read that your BOB met its (his?) demise. I actually thought you had thrown them away..eek! So glad to hear that you turned them into cards instead, whew. That iris card is so beautiful that it's amazing it just sat all this time, but this was a great one to inspire all the rest of us to dig into those piles of UFO's and just finish a few. This iris card is also reminding me of how enjoyable the direct to stamp technique is, and I'm off to use that same technique this week.
This self isolation hasn't bothered me one bit yet...although I am missing my grandkids something fierce, but I've been surprised that I can't seem to find my mojo now that I have all this free time. Digging out my BOB stash is a good idea, and I'll see where it takes me.
Stay well and healthy...and a high five to the Mister for healing so quickly too!
What a lovely post, Darnell. And how sweet of you to use the cards for lonely elderly people. Yoy're probably right that some of them don't fully understand. Heck, I'm not sure I do... The card is super pretty, though, and I hope they all find their way to someone who needs a cheer. Thank you for joining us at AAA Birthday, hope to see you again. And saty safe. Tina DT
So sorry to hear about BOB ....... but what a fantastic way to remember him by. You're an angel hun .... so thoughtful.
Gorgeous cards too ..... love the iris, so pretty and your stenciled design is beautiful. Thank you for playing along with the CAS Stencil challenge.
Stay safe and healthy my friend xx
Wow--you are amazing, my friend! Wonderful cards & I'm so impressed you used up all those bits! Limiting the time listening to TV is absolutely necessary for me! Hubby warns me when he's going to listen to something he knows I can't stand to hear--haha! Doing some crafting, but must say it's hard to keep focused on anything right now. So thankful for this hobby & all my friends because of it!
A lovely thoughtful post sis - how wonderful you finally kicked Bob to the curb and what a plethera of cards you created with his guts! Love that pretty gold embossed stenciling with that beautiful flower to the side - thanks for joining us at CAS Stencil! xx
Darnell I have been so remiss about visiting blogs lately and how have I missed your fun posts with Hammy and all. Congratulations on getting BOB cleaned out. Your cards are gorgeous. I especially love the second one. Best wishes during these crazy times. MWAH
Oh those colours on the iris Darnell! Just heavenly! Thanks for playing at AAA Birthday, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Keep safe and stay at home!
Great idea about the care home sending cards project. I'm sure we could all do something similar in our own localities and save on trips out to the Post Office.
What a lovely post Darnell! Love the embossed triangle on your first card, and the lovely flower card! Great job on using up your Bob box. I am not feeling creative but I've been clearing out my card stash and making multiples of cards to send to elderly, those that live alone and cancer patients. As Jennifer McGuire says card making is our superpower. Take care of yourself. Big hugs, Donna
Loved your twofer - loved your message - and what a achievement to have finished that many cards. I have been trying to mail out cards to seniors that are so isolated right now. Thank you Hammy for being such a big help to Mom. Glad Bob was released to drive.
Darnell, it's so noble that you thought of all those lonely elderly people in nursing homes. This will definitely make many people's days special and beautiful.
Both cards presented are beautiful. But the second card stole my heart. I love irises!
Thank you for joining our gallery in HLS CAS. I hope you are still safe.
Awesome cards.
Such a great job to kill Bob! How kind to donate so many cards.
Stay well
congrats for getting HM at Time Out x....and my Dad got hs card and was so happy-he asked for your email so you may get an email from Daniel Munro...thanks for doing this-you are so special x
You're an inspiration! Thank you for being a bright light in our dark, pandemic days. I love that you created your own "stencil" using an interesting die. You've created a beautiful clean and simple "make a wish" card. Loving it! Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers ~ Watercolour Challenge.
sue n.
Congrats on your HM at Time Out! It's a beauty for sure :O)
You had TON of BOB tops. I love that you made that stencil yourself. Stenciled in gold with that blue flower is GORGEOUS!! I like your twofer too with that amazing iris. It is so delicate looking. I think of the elderly all alone but also think of my kids who have terrible home lives that are stuck with those that abuse them. This Covid-19 is all around terrible in so many ways. People are lonelier these days without this terrible virus. Big hugs.
Wow, you are so good at putting your thoughts in to writing! I can so relate to everything! I've been going through my Bob/Ufo this week and have made a bit of a dent. I have been thinking of contacting local nursing homes too. Today my brother and SIL came by and we talked over the fence. I gave them some cards for elderly people they know who are isolated.
I absolutely love your platinum embossed stencilling and the Iris is spectacular. Virtual hugs and stay well wishes x
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