Hello Stamplings!
I hope this finds you doing well and able to keep your wits about you!
You know, now that I look at those words, I can't help but wonder what they mean. The visual I get is sort of a Mother Hubbard-type lady with full skirts and a dozen kids and she's trying to keep them all within cuffing range. Do our wits try to run off when we aren't looking so we have to gather them under our skirts to keep them about us?
Sorry. These are the sort of Coronavirus Ponderings my mind does to distract me from all the bad news bombarding me from the telly. Which makes me wonder, do we really need definition no. 2 for the word detract when we have the word distract? Somebody slap me!
Today is the tenth of the month and you know what that means! Meatloaf! No, silly, it's the start of another Twofer Card Challenge! This month our appropriate prompt is "RAIN/UMBRELLA." That means you can just feature rain or you can just feature an umbrella(s) or you can feature both.
Here's what I came up with:
The item in common on both my designs is the "Umbrella Shaker" from Simon Says Stamp.
The base of this friendship card is a beautiful sky blue textured paper that I've been hoarding. No more of that nonsense. Over that is a patterned vellum that looks like a cloudy sky. I have no idea where it's from because I've had it since the ark came through, but no more hoarding of that either. (I'm just thankful I came across it!)
The sediment is from the really cute Umbrella 4 You set by The Stamps of Life. I heat-embossed it in coral e/p to match the fetching propped up pp umbrella. Finally, the cropadile came out of the swamp and chomped the upper corners to mimic the curve of the brolly.
The sediment is from the really cute Umbrella 4 You set by The Stamps of Life. I heat-embossed it in coral e/p to match the fetching propped up pp umbrella. Finally, the cropadile came out of the swamp and chomped the upper corners to mimic the curve of the brolly.
- Inkspirational: Spring.
- Simon Says Stamp Monday: Add some texture.
- Watercooler Wednesday: Heidi's All About Occasions challenge.

I have to say, coming up with this idea was a magical moment and I grin from ear-to-ear every time I see this card. So many of my card designs are sparked by inspiration I find on your blogs or on Pinterest, so on the rare times I come up with something original, it's a chuffable moment.
It started out with me cutting glossy black and white umbrellas to come up with my second design. Then I thought glitter paper might be more suitable for Christmas, so I moved on to cutting schparkly red and white glitter paper umbrellas.
While standing at the die-cutter, looking at the pieces, the idea of trying to mush two umbrellas together to make a giant ornament came to mind. Well, that was fine as far as it went, but it still needed something.
I crossed my arms over my bozooms and turned to Hammy, quizzically. He scampered across the room and up to the cabinet where I keep some of my Christmas whatnots and opened the drawer with the mini jingle bells! Bingo! So let me stop right here and correct myself. I only thought of doing an ornament; it wasn't me who came up with the jingle bell idea. Thank you, Hammy!🐹
To turn the ornament ball into a jingle bell, I cut up one of the glossy black umbrellas and fashioned that thingamajig X. The schparkly red bow is from PTI and the sediment is from GKW.
- CAS Christmas: Christmas Song. Deck the halls with boughs of holly, falalalala ...🎵
- Christmas Cards All Year Long: AG Christmas/Winter Holiday.
- Krafty Chicks: Christmas.

When you are working on your April birthdays, thinking of you, and get well cards, why not use your "RAIN/UMBRELLA" products and join in the Twofer Card Challenge?! I'd love to see you there! For more inspiration, please check out what the talented DT and our Guest Designers TK and Rosi have made! You have until the end of day on April 24th to play!
Take care, be safe, and enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

Happy Passover and Happy Easter to all! Enjoy this time with your family if you are fortunate to be together!
And please, God, don't let the grid go down on Sunday when those of us who aren't together with our families are trying to connect with each other through video-conferencing!

Happy Passover and Happy Easter to all! Enjoy this time with your family if you are fortunate to be together!
And please, God, don't let the grid go down on Sunday when those of us who aren't together with our families are trying to connect with each other through video-conferencing!
*Life is too short!
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Two lovely cards Darnell and how clever to make the umbrella card from your bauble it really was a 'light bulb' moment.
What would we do with the internet and face time its the only was I get to see my grandkids it really cheers me up to see their happy smiling face
Happy Easter to you Darnell
No wonder you are chuffed Darnell, that bell is fantastic. Well done you.
Rain has not been seen in these parts for a week and the forecast is for temps in the 20s over the Easter break. The lambs are enjoying the sun and the swallows are back so the world keeps revolving despite everything else going on at the mo.
Stay safe. x
You are a very clever Mother Hubbard ... with your words and your cards, and thank you Hammy for providing just that extra touch to finish that Christmas bell. Loving your creativity on these gorgeous cards
Stay safe
Two fabulous cards Darnell, I love the christmas bell that you've made using the umbrella die. Happy Easter to you and hubby.
Sue xx
Both cards are fantastic l love the bell 🔔 nice that you was able to use the umbrella ☂️ die your so creative hope it doesn’t bring rain though as the weather here is lovely just what we need to take our mind of what’s going on let’s us get out for a walk or ponder in the garden sending lots of love and stay safe xx
Love how you've managed to turn your umbrella into a giant jingle bell. I also love this month's prompt, especially since I recently ordered a stamping magazine from the UK featuring a free April showers stamp set and die from Clearly Besotted, and it arrived a few days ago.
Over here, the sun has come out again after a week of cold and wet weather. It seems that we're on our way to summer now. We're still fairly safe over here, with only 15 confirmed coronavirus cases across the island, most of whom have recovered by now.
Sending my love and a little sunshine your way for a lovely Easter with hubby, Hammy and your wits about you.
Marianne x
Darnell your umbrellie is darling and I'd love taking a walk around in the rain under it. The jingle bell...well that is one freaking inspired take. LOVE it.
Oh Darnell - you are so witty (keeping them about you very well!) and clever. What fabulous cards you have created here. You're so lucky you have Hammy to help you. Happy Easter to you and your family. Stay safe and stay well.
Lovely cards Darnell. Plus, it was very clever of you and Hammy on the 2nd card. Looking at the pieces lying on the ground they remind me of shark fins or Viking horns that go on a hat I'm not sure what that says about me. A happy Good Friday to you and the family.
These cards are adorable. Very clever using the umbrella for the bell. Enjoy your day!
Your jingle bell is soooo clever!! Both cards came out great!
As Di always says "you clever sausage!" LOL How you came up with that ornament by putting together 2 umbrellas is just genius and what a fabulous Christmas card you have! Love the first make too with the vellum cloudy sky! Brilliant makes for this month's Twofer! Wishing you and yours the best Easter weekend possible. So glad you have each other and are not completely alone as so many others will be. Hugs!
Hi Darnell, Lovely cards.
Hope you have a nice an Easter as you can. Sue
What fabulous cards these are and I LOVE the brolly bell, what a great idea from Hammy!! Keep well xx
Excellent cards, Darnell! LOVE the ornament one. Brilliant! Hope you and the mister and your menagerie have a wonderful and beautiful holiday weekend. Hugs!
Such a clever way to use that umbrella, Dolly! Love the jingle bell ornament with all the schparkle! I'd love to have an umbrella like the first one. A pretty color that will brighten up a rainy day!
Love your umbrella card Darnell, but that Hammy is one smart hamster because I'm flippin out over here about the jingle bell card made with umbrella's...I mean who knew?!!! I am so impressed and you can give Hammy a big hug for me and tell him how impressed Marcia is! Cute, CUTE cards my friend and Easter Blessings being sent your way with lots of hugs too! :0)
Wonderful cards. Great idea to use the umbrella to make a Christmas ball. I can tell you some days I think my wits have up scattered themselves everywhere ;-)
Well aren't you clever - ok you and Hammy. The Christmas bell is brilliant - who would have thought to put the two dies together. Awesome twofers for this challenge.
Your first card is so fresh and lovely, Darnell ... and your oversized jingle bell is inspired ... so clever ... and brilliant! Shimmer, shine, fantastic detailing ... genius (that's you and Hammy!). I've coralled my wits into a small box and only let them out one at a time ... that way they might last longer! LYAMYBLMA! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)
Genius begets genius so I'm glad you have Hammy to bounce ideas off of, Darnell. That jingle bell does rank in the genius category IMO. Speaking of video conferencing, I figured out Zoom the other day to sing "Happy Birthday" to my great-grandson, along with other members of the family. I will definitely be using it again.
Awesome interpretation of that challenge, Darnell!! I'm absolutely thrilled with your jingle bell idea! How creative! For now, we can use the umbrella to protect us from the sun - we've been having summer temperatures for a few days now!
Happy Easter to you and your family. Stay safe and well. Hugs, Rosi
VERY creative! WOW!!!
I LOVE that sweet umbrella with the cloudy sky background. Such pretty colours and patterned paper. You really put your thinking cap on to create that large jingle bell. It's awesome! LOVE all the sparkle ... so very festive! So happy to be joining in this month! Love, Lolly
Such wonderful and creative cards. I think we are all starting to go a little stir crazy here. Not sure if the wits are escaping!
Happy wewekend.
Congrats on two super cards! Love them both and the bell is wonderful...so creative. Thinking of you; praying you stay well. Happy Easter Hugs to you.
Your brain works totally differently to mine - never in a million years (even with Hammy's help) would I have been inspired to turn an umbrella die into either an ornament or a bell. It is a gorgeous sparkly Christmas card. And good for you using up some of that hoarded blue cs and cloudy vellum - I need to take a lesson from you and stop hoarding. I'll slap you over your corona ponderings and you can slap me over my hoardings (good thing we're not getting together in June or we'd be in trouble!).
Have a lovely Easter weekend despite all that's going on. I bought myself some chocolate eggs to gorge on, along with an extra special bottle of wine. Anything to make up for missing the wonderful Easter brunch I usually have with a big group of friends.
Fantastic cards Darnell, who would of known you could make a bell out of two umbrella's!!
Two great cards! So smart of you to use the umbrella to make a Christmas ornament, and adding the umbrella ribs in black on the bottom - pure genius. I think you will win the "unconventional" category for sure!
I always knew you had greatness in you and here it is with that stunning bell. Give Hammy a shout out too for helping. That is so gorgeous with all that shimmer and sparkly red bow. The umbrella looks like a parasol with those beautiful colors and pattern paper. The winds here would have turned that inside out for sure. Now we have a freeze warning so any rain would probably turn to snow. Ugh!
What awesome cards and so clever with the use of the umbrella to make a Christmas bell. You are so talented in all ways. And, I certainly always love to read your posts. Take car and stay healthy and Happy Easter to you.
Now that is thinking outside of the box at its best Darnell !!!loving the jingle bell and will have to get my thinking cap on if I want to join in the twofer challenge.!x
two very inspirational cards Darnell, especially the second one...what a clever thought..love it...pat on the back time. Happy Easter to you...but above all STAY SAFE xx
Oksy then! You and Hammy get April's cleverness award...I never would have thought of an bell or an ornament. Awesome ideas for those of use whose mojo is waning. That said, both cards are truly inspirational.
You are so clever, Darnell! I really love your cards and this fabulous prompt..it's perfect for the April showers that have already come our way! I can't wait to play along :)
Great cards, and brilliant thought using those umbrellas for a jingle bell! Secondly, thanks for the invite -- this is gonna be a fun one indeed!
Wonderufl cards!
Your cards are fabulous Darnell, the jingle bell, is pure genius, and the umbrella is so pretty.
Well, your sense of humour is still working, so that's good, it's what we need just now,keep safe Kate x
Hammy really is so very clever at times, the bell was a genius idea, and of course, you executed it beautifully! I love the cross part at the bottom.... absolutely brilliant. The umbrella is pretty nice too - a very clever twofer.
Happy Passover and Happy Easter to you too, I hope you get to talk to the family on Sunday. Keep safe and well. Hugs, Annie xxx
Aren't you a clever girl using that umbrella die to create a fun ornament! I love this. Happy Easter to you and yours Darnell!
Two fabulous creations and a brilliant idea, thanks Hammy. Great post too. Sorry but it is doing my head in, all these people who will not follow the suggestions. Have only been out of the house to sow my tomatoe and cucumber seeds.
Thanks so much for sending on Marys mail, just heart breaking.
Kath x
Clever cards Darnell. The umbrella is appropriate for SoCA except we can't go out. Okay by me too many years in Oregon. Stay well.
A big ole jingle bell... aren't you the clever one and extra sparkly too! These are T-riffic Darnell!
How super clever are you! Love the twofer the umbrella makes a fabulous bauble.
Two awesome cards.
Have a wonderful easter
OH! my goodness, you must be the most off grid person I know and I love you for it, I am WOWed by your creativity Darnell, both are just fabulous cards. With great thought for both, OK with the help of Hammy, aren't you glad you have him?
Happy Easter
Keep safe and well.
Faith x
Cute cards! What a clever idea to turn the umbrella into a jingle bell!
have a great day!
Darnell, I love the dimension of your umbrella card and your paper piecing adds so much to you layout. Beautiful spring card! We are so pleased that you joined us this week at Watercooler Wednesday. Karen - DT
2 great cards and thank you for your word musings. Words and meanings can be so strange when you stop and thing about them. That was such a cool idea to create a Christmas bell from the umbrella die, magic xx
Oh my! Clever or what!! The glittery jingle bell is just genius .... try saying that after a couple of vino spritzers (haha!).
Another fabulous twofer my friend. Have a lovely Easter xx
Beautiful set of cards, Darnell. That jingle bell is card is just so awesomely creative! How clever! Glad you played with us at Krafty Chicks Challenge this Week! Hugs!
Darnell, I'm not the first one to use the word clever but you really are! Great cards, I'm especially loving all that glitter. Happy Easter to you, Mister and Hammy!!!
Both of these are super sweets cards Darnell. My wits are gone and my mind has been so distracted too!
Oh, wow! Fab cards, Darnell!! So creative with the umbrella die turning it into a bell!! I had some trouble with the computer the other day and thought I’m about to go crazy, yep, lol! But, hubby must have had the magic touch since it worked for him later in the evening! Thank goodness for computers, electric, food, friends, etc!! Take good care and Happy Easter to you and family!!
Your first card is very sweet, your second is downright genius. Way to rev up the old brain cells to come up with that design! I'm not sure any of us can top it, but I've got some NBUS dies (umbrella and wellies) and a rain stencil that has also never been used. Time to whip them out and give this challenge the old college try.
Wow Darnell, you nailed that one. So clever to use your umbrella die with that gorgeous bow. Thanks for joining us at CAS Christmas :)
WOW! Epic! Who else would come up with the idea how to create such a beautiful Christmas bell? You are so resourceful, Darnell. Thank you for this wonderful inspiration and your amazing challenges.
Have a very Happy Easter, stay save.
Fabulous designs Darnell
Happy Easter too and stay safe!
June x
Your umbrella ornament is BRILLIANT! Wonderful twofers and chalkenge.
And THANK YOU so much for the beautiful Easter card and the dress/hanger die-cuts! It was happy mail indeed!!!... and you made my weekend! I don’t make or send out Easter cards, so I’m afraid you won’t be receiving one from me. It is a bummer we won’t see each other this June, but it will make it that more special next year. Happy Easter! Sending bunny hugs. 💙
Another great Twofer Challenge, Darnell - just love your umbrella cards, especially the double umbrella turned into a bell - brill idea!!
What an eye you have! I love umbrellas, anyway, but to make a jingle bell... fandangtastic! Too clever for words. By the way, all my wits are nits, so sometimes I don't want to keep them about me. Thanks for a laugh and two inspiring cards, Darnell!
These are both gorgeous, Darnell! xoxo
Two amazing designs with umbrella. I like how your turned umbrella into the jingle bell. With a little help of Hammy , of course! :-) The sentiment of the friendship card is cute.
Hugs, Sonja
Absolutely brilliant! Never in a million years would I have thought to make a bell (or a butterfly--Cat) out of an umbrella! I really love the first card, too, Darnell! I used to only buy textured paper as I thought the smooth made cards too plain. Now CAS seems to be my favorite & often 1 layer. I do like the texture on a mat & need to use mine more often.
So very creative and what fun with card number two Darnell. Such a fun post and well done Hammy x.
I jammed my finger in the velux window, whilst closing it ....Yes very painful and have only been able to use my keyboard with one finger etc.... So I am sorry to be late in commenting x. Thinking of you and stay well my friend x.
Both cards are fabulous but the jingle bell is truly inspired! How clever are you and Hammy! Well my skirt is gathered and I am collecting my wits about me! Hee hee! Take care and stay safe my friend! Hugs xxxxxxx
Amazing use of dies! I love the fun umbrella and the patterned papers you used are all so pretty! Orange and blue complement each other so well too, very pretty. Thank you for joining us at Inkspirational!
Your first umbrella card is cute, with the fun pattern papers. However I ADORE how you used that umbrella on the second card. HOW CLEVER!!!! That just totally blew me away!!
Beautiful! Thanks so much for participating in the Christmas Crafts All Year Challenge this time and good luck :)
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