Hello Stamplings!
I hope you are doing well!
It's hard for me to concentrate because the Mister is out in the yard digging out a bush that's at the end of its days. He distracts me because he is such a manly man doing all that muscle-y work!
Haha, yes, there is that, but more than that, I worry that he is overdoing it. Turns out this particular plant has roots to Middle Earth and he won't stop halfway and do the other half tomorrow. Are you like that? If you start something, by heck, are you going to keep going until it's finished?
I can't really get after him for it because I'm the same way, but I didn't have major back surgery a few months ago. He's not gonna listen to me, so just a sec while I close the blinds. There, now let's talk about this:
As soon as I saw the current sketch at CAS(E) This Sketch, I thought of my Picture Perfect set from MFT and how this NBUS dog would fit right in the white space of the sketch on a note card. When you look at the sketch, can you see what I mean?

The stamp actually comes with a kitty cat on the dog's back, which is why he looks so concentrated, I mean consternated, but kitty had to be put outside for the purposes of this design. Doggy also had to have some surgery. (Settle down. They're both fine. It was only paper surgery during fussy-cutting and not stamp surgery.)
I colored him with a Tombow marker and colored pencils and Hammy winked the pinks of his ears, the whites of his eyes, and the black of his nose. Even though the big floppy ear represents the opening between the two dark sections of the sketch, I did follow the sketch underneath. Here, I'll gently bend the doggie's ear back to show you:
Besides CTS, I'm linking to:
- Just Add Ink: Just choose two:
stencils, pencils, and patterned paper. - Pixie's Snippets Playground: Use those snippets! The doggie and sediment were cut from snippets and the pp was a snippet.
- SSS Wednesday: Anything goes.

I mentioned a while back that I was making cards using some of the beautiful pp I've been hoarding. Here are a few more of them showing you some simple designs ideas:
Thank you to my friend Mamie for these:😄😄😄
- Never in my entire life did I imagine my hands would consume more alcohol than my mouth.
- Today's weather? Room temperature.
- The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to return to a society where pants and bras are required.
- I just tried to make hand sanitizer and look at that: it came out as a rum and Coke.
- Yesterday I saw someone I knew walk by on the sidewalk. I immediately ran to the window and started yelling at them. Now I understand dogs.
Take care, keep safe, and above all, enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
The Mister just sent a text from Middle Earth. His back is fine. Phew!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
The Mister just sent a text from Middle Earth. His back is fine. Phew!
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A brilliant interpretation of the sketch, great card. Pleased your Mister is OK after his exertions.
Love your fab pooch image Darnell, his ears are just like our Jack Russell cross! They are like bat antennae, he can here the kibble pour from miles away! Glad the OH is OK after his middle earth experience! :)
A fabulous card with such a cute dog. I also love your pp cards - I must follow your led and use some of my growing pile too!
Kath x
I do hope your muscle-ly man did not overdo the tree removal task!! What a distraction :)
Loving your card and the pooch is perfect in the angle of the design, and good to see Hammy is keeping up his winking technique.
You really have been on a roll with your design paper cards.
Stay safe
Morning Darnell yes l am once l start a job it has to be finished no matter how long it takes l also think it gives you that sense of achievement once it’s finished l adore your card great image and l too like the angle xx
Do hope Mister didn’t overdo it, he needs to be careful! Love your doggy card, especially the expression on his face. Hope you’re both keeping safe xx
Oh this is so cute I just love that K9 image what a fabulous layout you have created for him, simply gorgeous..
Babs x
I love your take on the sketch and the collection of card made using the PP's too. I do hope that hubby survived the trip to middle earth with little more than the odd ache and pain.
Sue xx
Oh, this works perfectly Darnell! Fabulous interpretation of the sketch.
Trying to make a determined-to finish-what -I've-started-male slow down and be sensible is just a complete waste of time and breath. I know. By personal experience. Often.
You really did interpret the sketch beautifully, I love how it looks with the dog ear pulled forward too, it gives the whole design some lovely dimension. The whole card is very striking!
I do understand about the Mister, I have one exactly the same here.... plans have to be executed fully. At least the lock down has made him take things a little more slowly, he doesn't, in his words, want to run out of things to do and be bored!
Stay safe and well my friend. Hugs, Annie xxx
You come up with the best images Darnell...that dog is priceless!! And a great fit for the challenge!! And I can see why you've been hoarding the dsp...it really is pretty, but they turned into BEAUTIFUL cards!! And YAY to you for building up your card stash!! And thanks for the funnies...totally made me laugh (well, maybe snort is more like it!) this morning!! Hugs. :0)
What a great card Darnell and you've certainly nailed the sketch...love the look on the hounds face.
Hope Mister is going easy but you know what men are like!
Cute card Darnell! Love the pooch! Darnell, my husband is the same. He had back surgery twice and he continues doing things he shouldn’t be doing. But if course I can’t tell him anything.
Have a great day!
Marilyn ❤️
You are funny, Darnell! I've got this image of you and the Mister acting out the Diet Coke ad where all the office girls watch the handsome guy! Love your card with the pup, and all your other cards. Stay safe, Jo x
Your mister is like my mister and a whole of others out there. It's hard to watch it and keep your mouth shut when you know their body is going to be aching the next day. My Mister decided he'd wash and wax both trucks two days in a row. I did manage to brow beat him into 3 Motrin. ONE time.
Love your cute card. I often do alterations on some of my stamps and the images. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
Love your paper. Time for all of us to start using some hoarded paper. I will say that a while back ago I culled out a lot and made some lovely envelopes with them.
You are the best medicine!!!
I understand about the mister ...
Great selection of inspirational cards. Well done.
How fun is this-love it and what a fab take on the sketch. Super collection of cards and Mister needs to rest up! Take care and sending hugs x
A smile inducing card with the puppy on front. Great take on the sketch. I also really like the cards with the gorgeous papers. You've been busy! I hear you about the mister. I can tend to be that way as well, but I am learning slow and steady can win the race. Especially when it comes to weeding, which is my big chore these days. I want to get it all done right now, but I'm pacing myself so I don't burn and burn myself out. Hug to you, Darnell! :)
Gorgeous card, Darnell, and thanks again for the giggles xoxo
Lovely card and I've enjoyed reading your blogpost! I'n happy for the mister and you he's back from Middle Earth ;-)
I LOVE this card, Darnell!! Although that's probably not a surprise given I'm a sucker for the pooches. :) He really is so perfect for the sketch.
Oh Mister... Why are boys so stubborn? Luis is the same when he starts a project. Its all I can do to get him to stop long enough for some food and drink. He's like a machine. I'm a bit the same in the craft room. Once I'm in there its like being in a time warp. 5 minutes after I arrive the sun os setting and I'm dehydrated and starving. Weird...
Thanks for the patterned paper design ideas. I especially like the one with the birdies on the branch.
Give some cuddles and ear scratches to Miss Nellie for me please!
The dog image fits the lines of the sketch panels perfectly. And those polka dots look nice behind him. Hope your husband is ok after fighting with the bush in your yard.
Hi Darnell, Cute dog. Love the variety of cards you've made.
Hope your hubby hasn't hurt his back. I have arthritis in my back and when it starts to niggle, I know I have to stop what I am doing and let it rest.
Hope you have a nice day. Stay safe. Sue
I'm glad he didn't bit when you trimmed him and bent his ear. The dog, not Kevin. I'm the same way. Can't stop until it's done. That's why I don't like to do yard work! You've used this sketch in such an awesome way. I love the look on the dog's face and how he fits so perfectly into the sketch! Some beautiful cards using the patterned paper!
I love that sweet dog Darnell and doesn't seem any the worse for his bit of surgery to fit the sketch, which he does splendidly, and what a fantastic array of cards using your wonderful selection of hoarded pp. Thanks to Mamie for giving us a smile, and hope the Mister has only a tiny backache after his garden excavations. Men have selective hearing when it's a women trying to give reasonable instruction...lol. x
Oh my gosh, that face! How adorable is he and he fits right in that sketch. The mister needs to be careful and not set himself back. Those pattern paper cards are so pretty and tell Mamie she made my day with those.
Sounds like you have a man like mine, won't finish until the end, then aches LOL.
I Love your card Darnell and the fact he has become detached from his cat friend makes him even cuter. Love your funnies too. Another great post Darnell
Keep safe and well
Faith x
well you got a hat trick today...along with the usual card beauty and giggle worthy commentary we get one liners...and they all made me chuckle.. YOu rocked that sketch for sure. Get ready for some chicken!
D, this guy IS perfect for that little Beagle-able Triangle in our Sketch!! So fun!! You'll not be in the dog house for this one! Thanks for playing cards with CTS, and the giggles!
I really enjoyed reading your post Darnell. It really made me laugh and I could relate to many of Marnie's fun quotes. And I thought the look on your Dogs face captured well how many of us are feeling at the moment - Not sure if we are up or down. It works well with this layout though. Chantell Just Add Ink
Darling card and take on the sketch, like all those patterned paper cards! Tell mister to behave!!!
I always come to you for a smile Darnell, and I never leave disappointed! Your little pooch looks very comfy on the card you created for him and it fits the sketch perfectly! I also like your selection of PP cards. Your papers are all so pretty and you have inspired me to take a look at mine again although last time I got them out, I just stroked them and put them away again!
Your friend Mamie has a great sense of humour and I love her lockdown jokes.
Hope you are staying safe, and I'm glad that the Mister's back survived the excavations.
Carol x
I think maybe that dog was perfect for the sketch! Fantastic. Also love the way you used all the patterned paper. Very pretty prints.
Dr. Darnell to the rescue. Your surgery was successful and that dog is so cute on his own. You gave me my second chuckle, I mean laugh out loud, for the day with your little sayings. I totally get the one about dogs now.
Your card design was a stroke of genius, I love that dog and his expression, perfect. Thanks for the jokes too. I hope your hubby conquered the plant in the end without any resulting back trouble. I agree, not looking is the best policy xx
Such a PERFECT take on the sketch with that cute pup. I was stumped. And great job using up your pattern papers... beautiful patterns resulting in an amazing collection. 👏
And your post once again never disappoints and brought a big smile to my face. Glad the Mister is doing well enough to take on such a strenuous task.
...also, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging comment on my winter berries card... made my day — no made my week! 💙
Take care and enjoy admiring the Mister! 😉
You have nailed that sketch, such a great pooch and your patterned paper card collection look amazing, the watercolour flowers are gorgeous. Pleased the Mister is ok after his tree pulling!! xx
Still chuckling from your Covid jokes! I totally understand the Mister persisting in finishing his gardening job. I get like that when I work in my garden - I've even been known to stay out there till it's dark! Love your card - such a cute dog and a great way to use that sketch.
A great take on the sketch and you came up with a wonderful card with that darling puppy on it. Great cards made with the pattern papers too. They are all fantastic and beautiful. Take care now.
I hope the bush is out until now and there is no damage on the back of the Mister. :-) The men, they are all the same. Believe me. :-)
Your card is awesome. The interpretation of the sketch is fabulous. The dog is so cute and the sentiment apropriate for the time we are living right now. I like all your simple designs you've created with the paper pieces. Thank you for the inspiration. And thank you for the dosis of smile.
Stay safe, my friend!
Hugs, Sonja
I love this! That dog is adorable. The expression on his face is priceless. Hope all is well with you. We are doing well. Thanks so much for the beautiful birthday card. This has to be the strangest birthday I've ever had. lol
Love your card. Hope the mister does not over do it.
Thank you for the laugh Darnell...hubby I enjoyed those funnies. Great card...you have interpreted that sketch so well...but then you are so clever with your imagination. Hope hubby is not going to suffer ...fancy ignoring the wife!!! Stay safe, hugs xx
Still rolling on the floor with convulsions of laughter. Don't worry...I call it my daily exercise. Thanks for the giggles this morning. I needed them. As for your anxious pup, he looks like I feel due to a backed up kitchen sink. Won't worry about that, either, plumbers on the way. Anyhoo, love that your surgery didn't alter this dog's expression nor the sketch's elements. I think it is a winner.
Your Mister is as bad as I am...can't quit till it's done. Despite the trouble and toil. Story of my life.
What a lovely title to your blog post today Darnell! I'm not losing hope - it will all pass, I know it will. Your card today is so, so clever. It really does fit perfectly with the sketch! Did I laugh at the funnies? 'I just tried to make hand sanitizer... ' LOL. Closing the blinds was probably the best thing to do - I know these fellas that cannot be restrained :/ Hugs, Vicky x
I am very impressed with how you developed this sketch. Another brilliant move, Darnell. You used this dog so well, even his ear is an extension of the triangle like on a sketch. Yes you are a genius!
The end of your post made me cry :-) Thank you so much for that, my dear Darnell
Keep calm and safe
Hi Darnell, such a fabulous card, love the dog's expression and your design.
Hope the Mister didn't end up in the Shire lol.
Good to hear that you are coping well, we are too, but being somewhat antisocial helps, and strangely enough, the days still go by quickly, stay safe, Kate x
We have a saying here, live in hope, even if you die in despair. A really super card and a fabulous collection too. Love the sayings.
Kath x
I just L.O.V.E. this card!! You chose the perfect image for that sketch and made a masterpiece! I understand your Mr. and his need to finish what he starts - I'm raising my hand as I'm pretty much that way too. Git 'er done! Hopefully he did not injure his back in the process. I love all those funny comments too, especially the weather being room temperature! That's just too funny! Keep smiling :)
Great card using that sketch it is a fab design Thanks for sharing your lovely selection of cards as well stay safe Love and hugs Carole x
Super card and a great take on the sketch...... and you HAVE been busy making all the other cards too. Hope Kevin didn't overdo it! xx
He fits into that little nook perfectly Darnell!! I'm calling a winner on this one. Hope the Mister didn't over-do today...men!! Thank Mamie for the giggles ;)
Yes, I have to join in. This is seriously one cute card!
Hi Darnell,
I have been following your blog for about a year or so. I love your projects and have made a few.
I'm having a problem with following Hammy and your acronyms. I've read all the ones at the bottom of your blog, but I don't know what PP stands for. I really like the cards you have posted using PP. Please help
Stay well and healthy
I knew I recognized that dog! Never would have thought... He looks big here, or maybe it's a small card? At any rate, it's super cute and rather genius. Laughed out loud at the funnies and had to read them to Rich. Thanks for that! And, ohhhhh, that beautiful paper! I love that there's so much white in it. Absolutely gorgeous cards! I sure hope the Mister doesn't overdo it. I immediately thought of his surgery. Yikes!
Oh, phew! Just read that Kevin's back is okay. Hope it stays that way! Hugs!
Love that cute little pup, and so glad he's incorporated into your sketch- we need more pups on cards!!!
Just watch that Mister, you might need to rein him in a little before he does himself some mischief :)
This is a fab card Darnell. Love the layout and your dog recovering from fussy cut surgery. Your blog posts are always a treat to read and never cease to pop a smile on my face. Hope the Mister is okay after all of the manual labour! Thanks for joining in with us this week at Just Add Ink. Lou x
Darling doggie card, Darnell - really brought a smile! So glad Mister returned fine from Middle Earth and happy you left him to it (they don't listen anyway...). Got a chuckle out of Mamie's meanderings too and your pp cards look amazing! More please!!
Perfect use of that sketch, and fun dog -- he's so handsome!
As for the puns, they're awesome but AMEN to one special one!
OK, I'mgoing to start calling you Dr. Dolly ... because laughter is the best medicine! :) This post was so funny. Laughed out loud several times. Thanks for that Dolly!!
Love your sweet pooch ... another thing that made me laugh. One ear up always cracks me up! Sweet card that will brighten the day for all your readers!
Gord is just like Mister ... about the overdoing work thing, that is. He sits around, and sits around for days and then goes full on a project outside. Makes me crazy. A heart attack and quad by-pass has not changed how he works! Good idea about closing the blinds. :) Out of sight, out of mind. Love Lolly
This is how our dog often looks !!!
And thanks for the funny phrases from mamie. The last sentence made me laugh particularly loudly !! Gundi
Oh your card is a TERRIFIC take on the challenge and so brilliant! I love it!
I understand about your concerns for your hubby... Straight after my surgery my Consultant said I could do ANYTHING except bungee jumping! Not that it was on my list of things to do... but just so you know and maybe not worry too much?
I love your array of beautifies made from all that DP... I have lots of papers and decided to make an album called Lock Down... with all my paintings in.
On a final note ... here's another quip I said to my husband... Never in a million years did I think you'd walk into a bank wearing a mask and asking for money!
Be safe my friend!
Your take on the sketch is fab ..... love the little doggy, so cute!
Hope the Mister is OK after all of that digging! xx
Love that dog card! And great that you used up so much and made so many with it! Be careful; the head things 20, but the body is no 20 any more... (helas) Stay safe and hugs, Gerrina
that dog card is so very cute!
oh these cards are stunnig!
Love the Pup's face on your fab card, Darnell! The PP you used on those cards is just beautiful ~ I need to rip a page out of your book and create a few(100+) cards using some of my hoarded stash!
Mamie's notes are so funny and sooo true!
I am still chuckling at the funnies from Mamie at the end of the post....I can relate to most of them x.
Yes I have a DH that doesn't know when to stop...getting started can some time take awhile but then inevitably does too much. Mind you he hasn't had major heart surgery!...
The PP cards are beautiful Darnell and makes me wonder why we all just don't use our papers and forget the stamps, dies and stencils!!!
What a creative and fabulous card and a great interpretation of the challenge sketch. That dogs face is adorable and such fun to cut the cat off.....x
Funny how you see something and it just works. That pooch is perfect to nestle into the sketch space. Perfecto!
You are so fun, I miss you friend!! Your pooch dog is adorable...he thanks you for the surgery on removing the cat from his back!! That darn Mister...let's hope common sense will kick in, or he will get hungry and take a break!
Wow you have quite a collection of beautiful pp and made the most amazing cards with them!
We are still hunkering down here and so far no one in the family has been sick. One daughter and SIL took the test...negative, so that is good. Still staying inside so we can be safe! Glad you are as well! Heart Hugs, Colleen
Oh, I hope your hubby didn’t do too much with his back! I certainly hope all will be ok! Your dog card is super cute! And, a beautiful collection of cards, so pretty! Thank you for sharing the jokes, so fun! Take care and stay safe, hugs!
Your pooch definitely looks concerned. I think maybe your sentiment will cheer him up a bit. I get a little concerned with my mister, too, when he decides to climb up on the roof without telling me. Finally had to put my foot down and say, "No roof climbing unless I'm outside, too, so I can call the ambulance when you fall!"
Love this - great take on the sketch!!
Boom boom your writing style is fantastic I could not help smiling and chuckling while reading it. So pleased to hear not backs, dogs or cats were injured, but I would love to see the full impression of that stamp the dogs face is "a picture" is the cat smug I wonder. Then there was your wonderful collection of cards so cheerful and pretty. It was a great visit, thank you. x
Love you card Darnell. Those sayings you added beneath the challenges, really gave me a good laugh. Thank you so much for the laugh. Needed it.
What a great card Darnell! Love the expression on the dog's face - and such a clever take on the sketch too. Tell The Mister from me - he still needs to take care with that back, within reason.
Di xx
Great card Darnell..do love spots or dots or spotty dots!!! 😁 and clever to use nbus dog like that!
Glad,very that Mister is ok.. and yes I do same thing! Praying for your country and leaders to be wise too.
Thanks for sharing your smiles, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love, in these different times.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Such lovely cards.
You are making good work of that pattern paper. I think I should do the same!
Keep the jokes coming - love them! Yes my hands are definately seeing more alcohol than my mouth!
Hahahahaha ... what a finale with those funnies, Darnell ... thanks for the laughs! Cute pooch with his furry fur and sweet bendy ear ... doesn't appear to be any the worse for wear after his surgery at all! Talking of surgery ... what's Kevin like (apart from being hunky that is)?! Good to hear he reached middle earth with no mishaps ... should've been an easy trip home again! I recognise one of that gorgeous selection of pp cards ... and am proud to have it in my collection. Gorgeous, gorgeous! LYAMYHAHMA ... HWE! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)
You have an eye for design, my talented friend! That dog looks so perfect tucked in the corner with both ear and eyebrow raised! You tell Mister that he has to behave! I miss you so much and hope you are doing well!
Men! I think they only do these things to wind us up.... I only hope he didn't end up regreting his play in the garden.
As for your card.... well that is the most wonderful little doggie although he looks as though he's wondering what's happened to his little kitty friend. And the rest of your cards look amazing made from those beautiful patterned papers xx
Oh my goodness that doggie is the cutest! I would pack it in before I got to the middle earth but if I as making a card? no chance I would stop!
Darnell, what a great card! I love that ear for the white space in the sketch. Definitely fits perfectly. I love it. Now my Mister would have just gotten out his bigger toys: tractor, excavator, etc. He hates projects at home since all his toys are out at our other property. LOL! Boys and their toys. Love the fun sayings your friend sent. I don;t remember this set from MFT. I'm going to have to go look this one up. Thanks for the smile this evening. Make it an amzing weekend and please be safe!
What a wonderful take on the sketch, Darnell! I love your simple and humorous solution! And I didn't know you had such a great surgery skill! ;-P You removed the cat so well. Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection of the PP cards and Mamie's funny daily observations! Hideko xx
Cute funnies! Golly--I understand wanting to finish a project, but not to risk your recently operated on back!! So glad he was OK in the end! Hubby is starting to remember that he's got all week--make that all month--to finish things. NOT worth killing yourself! Anyway--the doggy card is just too cute & wonderful use of those gorgeous papers, my friend!
I wanted to congratulate on your win at CTS yesterday and I forgot it while writing a message! Congratulations!
Hideko xx
Oh Darnell, I do hope your hubby is ok after his garden digging - I've had the hubby busy too with little jobs I don't much like doing... cleaning the ceiling fans and helping clean out the pantry and he even did the long ladder thing and cleaned the leaves out of the gutters - I think he's a little bored but he is able to get out to golf twice a week (they play in pairs and practice social distancing), so that gets him out of my hair. Your card is rather cute and you nailed the sketch... and using up your PP - they are lovely - gives me inspiration.. well take care and stay safe hugs Robyn
Oh what a fun card....LOVE it!
I hope the Mister got that bush out of the ground without tearing up his back. And your friend Mamie's quotes are too funny but also true! Love your fun card and I can see why you were hoarding those gorgeous patterned papers!
Such a cute doggo card, Darnell - I love him! I wish I was someone who had to finish each job I start. I aspire to be that kind of person lol! Hugs, April xx
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