Hello Stamplings!
I hope you're doing okay. I'm sorry to have been gone so long. I've been having a heck of a time with migraines and allergies and worrying about what's going on in the world.
When I'm on the brink of becoming an eyeball-itching-TV-watching-zombie on an emotional roller coaster, Hammy climbs up on the top of my head, peers upside down into my face and reminds me that I have a Playhouse full of paper, inks, and product that allows me to make cards in order to spread cheer and thoughtfulness from sea to shining sea.
A check of some favorite challenges got us playing with an old favorite: vellum!
Here the green card base is covered with a piece of vellum which I dry-embossed with a Cuttlebug branches e/f and overlaid with a vellum precolored bird from GKW that has been in my stash for ages. You know those packets of vellum clip art that you could buy at Mike's or JoAnn's? I think it came from one of those. A simple sediment finished it off.
The only difficulty with vellum is how to attach it to a card. I usually leave a half inch on one side or over the top (of a tent card) to attach to the back with double-stick tape. For this card, I just glued the vellum behind the bird and left the sides loose. When you place it on the sill of an open window, the vellum flutters which makes it look like the leaves on the branch are moving.
- AAA Birthday: Vellum.
- CAS Mix Up Card Challenge (new format): Embossing, vellum, and stamping. This isn't very CAS, so I'm just playing for fun.
- Sweet Stampers: Animals/birds.
These next two use beautiful sheets of white designs on vellum paper.
This one was attached to a sky blue card base and the sediment was silver-embossed.
- AAA: Congratulations on 6th Birthday!!
- Country View: Summer fields.
- Paper Players: Tic Tac Toe. (Column three.)
This one has a white heat-embossed sediment and the card base is a charcoal gray. I'm so happy to have rediscovered these pretty vellum sheets and I may now go on a tangent making lots of cards to use it all up. I'm sure the pandemic has a lot to do with my new resolve to use my schtuff. Plus, for all we know, paper has feelings, too, and hates being stuck in a deep dark drawer! (I'm sure it also hates being cut and stitched and stabbed, but we'll ignore that bit.)
- CASology: Wind.
- Seize the Birthday: All about summer.
- Watercooler Wednesday: AG with a feminine twist.

So Proud of the Young People
Worrying about the pandemic has now been superseded by the horror of what happened to George Floyd. I'm proud to see so many people, including so many young people, exercising their constitutional right to peacefully assemble to protest racism and draw attention to the need for better police training.
As someone who marched in the 60s for equality, it's hard to believe that this is still necessary, but racism takes generations to eradicate. With each new generation, fewer children grow up hearing bigoted comments from their parents and grandparents, who heard it from their parents and grandparents. And because they aren't directly or indirectly taught bigotry, they don't practice it or pass it on. Unfortunately, that's not true in every home yet, so we must continue to shine a light on racism when it occurs and we must be able to do that peacefully without fear of being attacked by our own government without provocation.
Please take care if you are marching and continue to wear a mask!
A Reunion
Recently we decided we could safely get together with the kids in the back yard for lunch. We are all adults (or nearly) and we were able to maintain our social distance. As the happy day approached, I fretted about how on earth I was going to manage not hugging them.
Well, duh, I finally reasoned, if I covered myself from head to toe, I should be fine. And so I did!
l to r: Dan, Adam, me; Henry, Adam, Rachel, Nellie, Dan; Rachel, Dan, me
Even though they live nearby, we haven't been together since January, so it was wonderful to see them! Hopefully it won't be long before we can do it again!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*
*Life is too short!
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You've made great use of the vellum in different ways - it is great to use but as you say sometimes difficult to attach invisibly to a card front. Great that you could get together with family - I saw a couple of mine last weekend (out of doors) for the first time in three months. Hope you feel better soon, migraine is no fun.
Your cards with vellum look magical and so light, I'm thrilled !!
Hugs (I can do that!!) Gundi
You've created three amazing cards with adding vellum. I especially like white butterflies on blue base. Very gently with fluttering vellum. I adore vellum but have the same problems as you witth gluing it.
Thank you for sharing photos of the reunion. happy for you to manage it. I like your costume. :-)
I have also to thank you for sharing your thoughts about happening in the USA.
Take care and stay safe.
Hugs, Sonja
Hi Darnell, Fabby cards. I love the ffectg of using the vellum.
So glad you were able to meet up with family. We still have to keep a 2m distance from everyone, except those that live in your household.
You take care. Sue
Ohhh - good on you Hammy for reminding Darnell to retreat to the playhouse and play!
The results are stunning - loving the vellum work Darnell! Thank you for inspiring me to get mine out again....
I hear you about no hugging - such a joy to be able to hug family again.
We are almost back to normal here - hoping that next week we move to level 1, which means no restrictions, but the borders are still closed, and anyone coming in must isolate for 14 days. Many reminders to be careful and wash hands etc. We have had no new cases for 14 days, and only one active case of C-19 !!
Stay safe
Really stunning cards! I love the green background and that gorgeous bird. Good idea to hug while covered up:) There are protests in Australia tomorrow in support of 'Black Lives Matter' and because of our own poor treatment of indigenous Australians. Hugs x
Your vellem cards are fantastic Darnell. Lovely photos of you hugging your family, something that we are still waiting to do here in the UK. We are now aloud to meet in gardens in small numbers while still social distancing.
Sue xx
I was going to email you today as I hadn't seen you around and wondered if you were ok...life is challenging at the moment on many fronts and good to see got some crafting in and hope it made you feel better. I would like to see Family too but I also thought how could I not hug them....now I know what to do-thanks for the tip! And wow vellum has got your mojo working and what stunning cards.Love the butterflies with the blue base and the white with the grey-fab to see this at CASology-take care and sending hugs xx
Like you I have been totally distressed at the goings on in this world... As if a pandemic is not enough - people forget how lucky they are to wake up each day. I was taunted for years because my skin was darker than most, even that of my brothers. My grandparents were French and Swiss and the ignorance and cruelty of others has never been forgotten. Thankfully we have this amazing community along with our love of creativity to distract us. Your cards are all so beautiful and delicate. Loving the fluttering leaves! I'm so happy that you got to see your family too... My brother was over the moon at being able to hug his granddaughter last week on his birthday. Stay well and thank you again for your gorgeous card...xxx
Hello Darnell: I just uploaded my card to the CAS Mix Up Challenge and I saw your beautiful bird card there, love it!!!!
I'm glad you were able to see your grandkids, we've done the same, it's so hard not being able to have them for brunch or just plain visits.
We've also been watching the terrible situation going on all over the Country after Mr. Floyd's death at the hands of these 4 policemen, I hope this time, things will change for the better for every single African-American and immigrant, regardless of where you come from.
Some people just need to understand that our differences are what makes us amazing.
Sending lots of love and prayers for you and your family, stay healthy and safe.
Maria Rodriguez.
Thank you Darnell for sharing your beautiful vellum cards with us. It's so pretty and finicky at the same time. I'm glad you rediscovered it and are using it up. I am also so happy for you to have been able to get together with your family. What a joyous day that must have been. Leave it to you to find the humor in the situation. Thank you for sharing your struggles, too. It's such a difficult time. May you find comfort in your crafting. Gentle, virtual hugs to you, sweet friend.
Your cards are gorgeous! Love the techniques using the vellum. I think I have vellum stashed away somewhere and may have to fine them and start using it
Have a great day!
Oh my - such an information-filled post. I don't know where to start! First, I'm so sorry about your migraines and allergies. Lots of things to worry about these day. :( I love your vellum cards. I have made a note to use some of my years-old stash. (And yes, we can sympathize with being stuck in a drawer and yet ignore the painful things to the poor vellum.) I'm so happy you got to see your family!! We are so lucky to have been able to see our son and his family and watch the boys for this whole time. Our daughter and her family are coming up from out-of-state today for a visit, and I must admit I'm a bit concerned.
Such pretty cards! I need to get my vellum out!
Your cards are beautiful.
So good you could hug again.
I must say I didn’t think the world could get any madder I’m concerned what could be coming next! This year had certainly been a test!!
Wow! Three gorgeous vellum cards, Dolly! I'm glad Hammy reminded you of all the fun you could get into. Thanks for bringing some vellum fun to CAS Mix Up!
It's hard not to get depressed with all that's going on. If we can each do our little bit to spread peace and love, in whatever way we are able, it's bound to make a difference. I think the way to equality and peace lies in each of us. Kindness matters! xoxo
Your cards are gorgeous... and it warms my heart to see the family reunited... the boys sure are growing up fast! xoxo
Beautiful vellum cards, Darnell - so soft and delicate! Especially love the bird on the embossed foliage!! So glad you could meet with family. My sister arrived from AZ and she's a hugger - no ppe, just go for it. Thanks for your words about George - it has been horrifying!! Wish everyone was as kind and compassionate as cardmakers!
these are Wonderful card!
I Love the vellum effects on each card Darnell, such beautiful cards. Love your "costume for hugs", bet it was all worth it. There are awful goings on all over the world, even the weather is potty. I wonder sometimes where it's all leading to.
Take care
Faith x
Three beautiful cards Darnell, I love the ways you used the vellum on each one great use of the embossed vellum technique. Thanks for joining us this month for the CAS Mix Up challenge.
I was so glad to see your email in my Inbox today. I've been in a creative "funk" for a while, too. Thank you for reminding me to dry emboss vellum and play more with it in general. ... We're both old enough to have lived through the 60s; hoping this time the message "sticks." Take care!
What gorgeous vellum cards Darnell! Such a clever way to hug your family! We've been doing outdoor visits with our family for a few months now that the weather is nice. It is great to see my granddaughter, son, DIL and my parents. I hope you feel better son, migraines are a bear and allergies make them so much worse, hang in there.
Love all 3 of your vellum cards. It is fun to play with but sometimes hard to attach to the card base. You have done a great job with it, they are all very pretty.
Glad you were able to get together with family and get those hugs, even if you had to cover from head to toe.
Take care and be safe.
Hugs, JoAnn
Wonderful post Dolly. Not only do we get to see three beautiful vellum cards, but seeing you in your safety outfit being covered head to toe is a hoot! I just love the way Dan is running towards you for a hug ... sweet!! So worth all that effort to get a hug from each of your loved ones.
I agree with you about the protests. Wonderful to see the young people standing up for their beliefs with peaceful protests. It is their right of freedom of speech. Love Lolly
Vellum is just fantastic, I am glad you have rediscovered it and glad you managed to find a way to have a hug or several. 3 great cards too. Oh and I agree with your sentiments about bigotry, it is everyones responsibility xx
Delightful vellum concoctions...think you hit all the challenges with 3 cards. Good going.
Impressive PPE for your luncheon. You look FABULOUS, darling.
I've been glued to news reports and social media for days. How can we still be doing this in 2020? Why hasn't law enforcement gotten better at resolving issues without violence? When is this country going wake up to the incipient racism in the White House? I fought for freedom and dignity for all Americans before and I'll continue to do so until my dying day. Just thought it would be better than this.
I too think your cards are gorgeous. Wonder where my vellum is. So glad to know you could see your family. I know it has been hard on you. Many hugs to you from me.
It must have been lovely to find those beautiful sheets of decorated vellum in the playhouse Darnell! They look fabulous on your cards with the different colours showing through. I'm bowled over by your first card though - I do love a bird! - and I love the idea of the vellum fluttering in the breeze.
Thank you for raising your voice for honesty and truth. I think so many of us are frozen with horror about what is happening in our world today. How is it possible that there are people that exist in this day and age that believe the colour of their skin somehow makes them better than someone with a different colour skin? Racism has no place in a civilised society.
Bless you for working out how to hug your loved ones! Looks like you had a happy day :)
Hugs, Vicky x
All these cards are so beautiful Darnell! Thanks for the reminder of the many ways we can use it, I normally use it as a strip with a heat embossed sentiment, so I love new ideas like this. Thank you for sharing your beautiful butterfly card with us at The Paper Players this week!
Thank you for speaking out about the protests and that we STILL have a lot of work that needs to be done to eradicate racism in this country. I have been listening to a number of black voices on social media to learn and better understand the things I can personally do to help change and it has been enlightening.
Take care, I hope your migraines are diminishing!
I had genuinely forgotten how fabulous vellum looks!! These are wonderful cards Darnell. Loved seeing your reunion pics, hugging family is mandatory and I love your protective gear!! Yes, it is a very troubling world, no wonder you have been suffering migraine. Hope you are getting better days xx
Hi Darnell, so sorry to hear that you have been poorly, migraines are just awful and allergies so debilitating, I have hayfever just now and sneezing my head off. It's a worrying time for so many reasons across the globe. We have the same racist problem here, and black people have been murdered in police custody in the past, but if you have political leaders who incite racism with their inflammatory language, it just gives licence to the idiots to target anyone who is not white. We in the Uk has just such a leader, and we have a far right government. It's frightening really.
anyway, to your wonderful cards, I love the use of vellum and your designs are so beautiful. I couldn't pick a favourite as I love them all. I don't use enough vellum, but you have inspired me.
How lovely to be able to meet up with your family after all this time, and nothing like a hug.
Take care of yourself, and keep well, hugs Kate x
Migraines and allergies: a double whammy! So sorry that you have to endure both, and hope you are feeling better. Your cards are all fabulous! And yay you for getting to actually hug your family! I bet that felt wonderful! Take care, hugs!
BEAUTIFUL vellum cards Darnell (I really, REALLY like the last one!), and wonderful family photos too! SO glad you were able to get together and get those hugs (safely!)...we all need that human contact more than we realize! I vaguely remember the riots of the 60's, but Chris (who is older than me) totally remembers them and it just breaks our hearts that we haven't come any further than this in all those years! I truly hope these sparks will provide change for the better!!!!!! Take care. Hugs. :0)
Your vellum cards are beautiful Darnell, I especially like the last one! I'm so happy you got to see your family AND hug them!
Your vellum cards are beautiful, even if the vellum was cut, glued, scorched with a heat gun (yow!) and abused in other ways. LOL Privately, I think they thought of it as a day at the spa where they were made beautiful. I love heat-embossing on vellum. The embossed sentiments and images always turn out so beautiful. I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts on the turmoil raging across the country. I am so hoping for a sea change in how our PDs operate and interact with the public they are charged to protect and how all the rest of us accept, interact with and protect each other.
Great post Darnell, we all need to remember racism happens daily and needs to stop.
Great cards, Velum can be the bane of our lives when trying to stick down :) Awesome cards.
Hugs Christine. P.S Happy crafting (this should have been our week :))
Great Vellum cards...
I loved how you hugged your family...great idea...
I have been house bound for weeks now...(actually months) We only go out for groceries (try to make very few quick trips and to get our prepscriptions filled. I miss my family and friends so much!
I called my daughter (who only lives a few miles from us) If there was any way we could get togehter... She has been avoiding contact with us because they are still out in the public working part time. Didn't want to endanger her old parents. She finally agreed to a meeting on her front lawn,
with all of us wearing our masks, Of course, and sitting 6 feet apart. We made the trip short. And I did not hug...(that is very difficult not to hug my daughter and her family. But it was so good to spend some time with her
Your cards as always are beautiful and filled with Love and Caring, my dear sweet friend. This week I was the recipient of a Gorgeous CAS 3D Iris in a die cut window...Just Because card from you:-) Thank you so much Dolly. I have a stack of encouraging cards filled with Love for friends and family to mail. I mailed out 7 on Monday and now have 5 more to get ready for mailing. I think that is the least we can do to remind our loved ones that they are being missed and to be safe from the virus and if they are also peacefully protesting. Nov 3rd will not be coming soon enough..lol! Loved all your photos and you certainly were covered up from head to toe:-)
Take care and TFS your creative beauties...and TFS your 1st beautiful vellum card with us at CAS Mix Up.
Love and Hugs..
Beautiful cards Darnell!! Sorry to hear you're also dealing with migraines. Migraines totally suck! I've had one now for over 6weeks and have had to force myself to get creative just to keep from crying. Gentle hugs and please stay safe.
Three beautiful cards, Darnell, and so glad you got re-acquainted with your vellum. Gluing it also intimidated me for a bit... my tip now? I use 1/8", lay a section on non-strip surface, remove backing and roll it like a tootsie roll! This can easily be hid behind sentiments, outlines, etc...
Happy reunion indeed! There's far too many of us missing hugs!
Glad you are feeling better and thank you for sharing your family photos those boys are growing so fast. I love your wonderful cards using vellum I often use this at the craft group I go to but sadly it is closed at present stay safe love and hugs Carole x
I need Cassie Kitty to get on my head and remind me of all the crafty stuff here that needs using. She is just coming out of mourning from losing Molly and has been depressed. Your vellum cards are all lovely, especially the gray one. Your hugging outfit works for me. I miss the hugs and seeing my family so much. I hate this racial unrest and we all need to have compassion for others.
Gorgeous use of the vellum Darnell. Thanks for playing at AAA Birthday and AAA Cards 6th birthday challenge. Stay safe and keep crafting!
Sorry to hear about your migraines and allergies Darnell....x.
What a pretty first 'Bird' card. I didn't know you could get images etc like the pretty bird already on vellum. The embossed background and the fluttering of it looks fabulous x.
The second card is so very pretty and the sky blue shows off the pretty butterflies to perfection x.....And the charcoal card does the same x.
What beautiful vellums Darnell and what pretty cards and I suspect they love being used, even cut and stitched...x.
I fully support your wise words on equality (and Einsteins and Faulkners) Darnellx.
You so must have missed those hugs from your handsome grandsons....x....
Oh, how lovely are your cards, Darnell!! Such a wonderful first card with the bird! I've been doing a lot of bird watching for a robin has a nest right outside our patio door on top of an evergreen. One bird has hatched, but not sure if the other two eggs will hatch. It's been fun watching the progress! Your bird card is perfect with the vellum and lovely color! Second card is just as gorgeous in the soft blue and pretty butterflies! And, last card is lovely with the beautiful image! I sent you an email to thank you for the beautiful card...so sweet of you, thanks so much!! Take care and have a great weekend, hugs!!
WTG using that vellum to make pretty cards! I bought 2 packs of it on sale to make candles one year and made 6 tealight candles which might possibly have used 3 half sheets LOL I may have to hire a math whiz before my next project! The cards turned out so pretty and I used to use some vellum tape QVC sold years ago, and if I look hard enough, I probably still have a roll of it here somewhere! So glad you got to visit your family after so long, and I do hope you soon start feeling better in dealing with those migraines and allergies. The world situation is just sad for everyone and after all these decades one would HOPE racism is gone, but obviously that's not the case. Take care and stay well and have a good weekend!
Wow, all three Vellum cards are gorgeous, Darnell! I'm so glad that Hammy reminded you to play with your supplies in the Playhouse. ;-)
I love the way the colors of the card base show through vellum. I didn't know there were packets of vellum clip art in the market. The bird looks amazing against the embossed branches. Wonderful use of the clip art.
Thank you for sharing the happy reunion photos. Everyone's smile tells us how happy they were to see each other.
Hideko xx
So fabulous is your vellum collection. You really took to it. Love seeing the pictures of your get together. Glad you figured out the hugs. Mwah!
Oh, Darnell. First, I want to tell you how I love every single one of your cards. The bird reminds me that I have some printed vellum, too. Now, to think how I can get embossed vellum, stamping, and one other medium all on the same card. I think I have an idea. The butterflies are very lovely! Your paragraph on racism is thought provoking. I've been saying it feels like we've regressed. I dearly hope we can keep going in the right direction and finally eradicate that way of thinking. I was there in the 60's, too. You can change laws, but it takes a lot longer to change peoples' minds. I bawled my eyes out over the news yesterday. It breaks my heart that this is happening, but also that the leader of our country seems not to care about anyone but himself. There, I've said it. I got political. I'm done with that now. Seeing you and your family together helps heal my heart a little bit. The lengths you had to go to for a hug! I wonder when it will be safe for you. Keep on creating beautiful things and spreading joy in the world!
I'm happy to see you posting and love the use of vellum on these cards. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology!
We've been handling the pandemic okay, but the last week's events have torn me to the core. :(
Lovely cards and the use of vellum makes them very special. The hardest part of staying home was not seeing the grandsons and when I finally saw them for the first time I hugged them from behind.
Stay safe.
Your card is wonderful.
Thank you for joining us at the Sweet Stampers and i hope to see you again.
Well good for Hammy!! It's being creative and sending cheer (plus NOT watching television) that keeps me sane. I can't believe you've been hoarding that beautiful vellum all this time, Darnell. Each card has a different feel depending on the background color. I hope you feel better soon, both physically and emotionally.
I'm so sorry you've been suffering, Darnell ... though overjoyed to find you feeling much better ... and enjoying some longed for and much needed IRL family time! Isn't that 'wrapping up' such a good look!! Your vellum cards are beautiful ... a trio of loveliness ... dreamy and delicate! I'm imagining the fluttering leaves in the breeze on that first one ... and it's even more stunning in my imagination than it is on screen! LYAMYBLMA ... LFTOCOT! Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)
Beautiful vellum designs, and each one so different.
I'm just like you Darnell, I forget about vellum and then when I'm prompted to use it I remember how pretty and delicate it looks.
Thank you for playing along with the CAS Mix Up challenge, it's always a pleasure to see you in the gallery.
Nice to see you spending time with family too. Take care hun ..... stay safe xx
First of all I am so sorry that you have been under the weather, I hope you continue to feel better each day. I assumed (one should never assume I know) that you, like me, had lost your mojo. It is lovely to have you back.
Your cards with the vellum sheets are just stunning and I look forward to seeing many more now!
I am so pleased to see that you got to meet up again with family, January seems like years ago! I love your head to toe cover up, I may have to try that one! Take care my dear friend, I will write very soon I promise! Big hugs Annie xxx
WOW Darnell. I am so glad you found your mojo with this vellum. A stunning set of cards. Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday challenge this week with your third card
Sorry to hear of your troubles, Darnell, but so lovely to see your family reunion! Wonderful memories!! Your vellum cards are amazing! So very beautiful!!Thanks for joining us over at Watercooler Wednesday Challenge this week.
I am so impressed with your protection outfit so that you can hug your family. Especially the trash bag! I am still smiling but that is a good thing as the world has been in a seriously depressing state for so long. Thanks for the smile and that brings me to your wonderful vellum cards. I just have to dig out some os my vellum that I have have forever. I even have some embossed vellum. This is a great way to make fun and beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing DT
Oh - your white embossed vellum card is lovely - so clean and elegant!! I know these are scary times - so I'm happy that Hammy is helping you cope. ;) Thanks for sharing your beautiful project with us at the Paper Players this week! :)
Sorry to hear you have been troubled with migraines, Darnell
Love the vellum cards, and great family photos! Happy you were able to get together with your family~it's so hard not being able to Hug everyone! Take care, be safe.
I know of several seniors who covered up so grandkids & kids could hug them. Just love seeing the pictures with you & your family, Darnell! Gorgeous vellum cards & great idea to use those sheets! I know I have some around here that need to become cards!
The family pictures distracted me, so I forgot to say thank you for your words & the quotes. It is good that so many people from all backgrounds are uniting to demand justice. Can right finally win over wrong? So many with power against it, but I'm trying to be hopeful. And yes--if only people could care enough to wear a mask.
A pretty card and the effect of fluttering leaves must be amazing. Yes, vellum is demanding matter :-)
The next two cards are stunning. Both stole my heart, I love the effect when a colorful base pierces from under the vellum. Perfect cards
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