Hello Stamplings!
How are you? I'm sorry to have been gone for a coupla weeks. We took the charter up to Alaska for a few days just to get away from the triple digit temps and smoky air.
Then I woke up and realized I had been dreaming. And then I couldn't find my mojo. I know a lot of you have been struggling with loss of mojo since the damnepic started. When you're dealing with Covid, isolation from your family and friends, mad wildfires, unhealthy air, politics, and new blogger, it's a struggle. Then I think about what I would be doing with my time if I didn't have this hobby and my gratitude returns and my mojo juices start flowing again.
Thank goodness, considering I needed to make my Twofer cards to share today because it's the 10th of the month and time for the September Twofer Card Challenge! This month our fun prompt is T🌲R🌳E🌴E🎄S!
The NBUS stamp my two QACAS (quick and clean and simple) designs have in common is "Snow Dust" by Penny Black.
For this Thanksgiving card design, I used my favorite direct-to-stamp technique in fall colors. I added a sediment from Stampin Up and then I cut the panel with a fishtail tag from PTI. And I used ribbon! It's also from Stampin Up. Lastly, I adhered the panel to a festive orange card base.
- Die Cut Divas: All Kind of Holiday Time.
- Friendship Challenge: Autumn.
- NBUS #18: Anything virginal goes.
- Try Stampin' ~ or Not ~ on Tuesday: The photo only.

My second design is an OLC winter birthday card and it uses the entire wooden stamp in all its beautiful snowy glory. I heat-embossed the trees and sediment (from PTI) in platinum and then Hammy suggested I platinumize a border all the way around the card to keep his eyes focused. Thank you, Hammy. It's a feature I love to see on a card, but I forget about doing.
- ABC Christmas: S is for Snow.
- Love to Craft: Anything goes.
- Merry Little Christmas: September anything goes.

I hope you'll get the opportunity to play along this month! The challenge is open until the end of day on September 24th. Remember you can simply use the same tree as a conventional tree on both your cards as I have done today, or you can make one conventional and one unconventional design. Just enjoy and have fun with it!
Please click over to the Twofer Card Challenge to see the amazing and inspiring Twofer cards our talented Team and our Guest Designers Helen and Lisa have made for you!! Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support! Mwah!
Backyard Wildlife Habitat
In other news, I captured a coupla Opposites photos for you this week. We have lots of yellow finches nesting in our Oleander trees and they fly down several times a day for a refuel of water, especially on these hot and smoky days.
(Pardon the quality of the photos which were zoomed with my phone through the Playhouse window.)
Then imagine my surprise (and the surprise of the finches!) when I looked out later and saw this!
We believe it's a Coopers hawk. She stayed there for almost a half hour, long enough for us to worry that she might be injured or fell from a nest too early. But then she gracefully lifted off, flew to the fence, stayed there for several minutes waiting for her tail feathers to dry and then off she went. It was really cool considering we don't live in the country! (I'm sure Lizzy and the scads of other fence lizards we've seen this summer don't think it's all that cool!)
Enjoy your day, take care, and keep safe! But still, enjoy! LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!
To open the pop-up comment box that let's you jump to the end w/o scrolling: Click CTL + Home. Click the Home tab under my blog banner which resets the post. Click Page Down to reach the end of the post. Click Comments and a pop-up box opens. Click "Jump to Comment Form" and wallah, no more car pool tunnel! Mwah! (p.s. If you ask me a question in your comment, please remember to leave me your email address so I can respond. Thank you!)
Two fab cards Darnell, I agree with Hammy about the edging.
I also agree with you about crafting keeping us sane in this weird world. If someone in Hollywood came up with the idea as a plot we would all say it was too far fetched, in fact I recently read a novel about a pandemic that was written some years ago and not published for that reason. The author finally got it published earlier this year as truth was stranger than his fiction! You have had extra heaped onto top too, what with elections and the wild fires so I can't imagine how you are coping.
So keep crafting and keep safe and sane. :)
Wonderful cards Darnell, love the autumny feel you have captured with the first one, and the cool platinum embossing in the trees and edges is gorgeous on the 2nd one. I can sit and look at birds for hours, fascinating creatures! What a great idea to have a bird bath so close that you can enjoy their company and variety of visits, Cathy x
Perhaps the hawk wanted to learn from you, how to make cards. He realized that this hobby has sence. :-)
I'm admiring your trees. Both cards are fantastic. The direct stamping with colors of fall is very artistic and modern. Fabulous effect. With the heat embossing in platinum you've created very elegant winter birthday card. Hammy always has great ideas! :-)
Have a nice day and take care!
Hugs, Sonja
Beautiful twofer cards this month, and I'm especially fond of the winter card with those beautiful matching edges to the tree! Wonderful photos of the birds too!
Two fantastic cards Darnell. I love the colours on the Autumn card. You pictures of the birds are gorgeous especially the Hawk. We live on the edge of a small town on a housing estate and we frequently have Res Kites flying over the house and garden. They are magnificent to watch. The had been wiped out in this country (UK) for years, then about 20 years ago they were reintroduced in the area where I live and are now gradually spreading throughout the country again.
Sue xx
Beautiful cards!
have a great day!
Two beautiful and inspirational cards Darnell. The trees are stunning in fall colors and just as beautiful embossed in silver. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing your birds with us too! We have lots of goldfinch that adorn our feeders as well. They're like little balls of sunshine when they fly. Love them! I hope you are safe from the fires. Be well and keep crafting.
Hi Darnell...love your trees especially the second one with its winter cloak...but they are both lovely and of course both so very different. I hope you are managing to stay safe in all that is going on around you and of course keeping well too. xx
Two gorgeous cards Darnell, beautiful colors and like how you used the tag punch in the first and the second is so elegant and lovely! Hope you are safe.
Beautiful cards, Darnell. I love the edge that you added to the wintry one. You do so well with your challenges. :) It's good to see you! I was thinking about you with all the fires. We've had our share of bad and smoky air here, too, but I'm sure your neck of the woods is much more intense. Now Oregon and Washington want in on the action. Argghh! I'm glad you have this hobby to help focus your mind on positive things. What wonderful pictures. The finches are sweet and that hawk is awesome. We see them all the time around here. One landed in our pine tree briefly. Our neighbor gets them in their backyard, too. So, they aren't just in the country. Please take care and know I am thinking of you and wishing you peace and comfort. Hugs!
Love your gorgeous fall colors and the water colored effect on your first card. Great CAS design. Your embossed version looks great as well; LOVE the embossed edges. Great photos of the birds in your yard; very cool that you got to enjoy the hawk up close for so long.
Gorgeous Twofer with that double tree image, Darnell - just love both cards!! Such pretty autumn colors on card one and I love the platinum on card two!! Amazing bird photos too - we have hawks here that like to perch on the highway lights looking for their next snack! Sorry about all the heat and smoke - meanwhile we almost got down to freezing overnight and I had to use the furnace - argh!!
Both cards are stunners, Darnell! I especially love the embossed birthday card. Stay safe; you have so much to contend with. As if the pandemic wasn't enough, now there are catastrophic wildfires, racial violence, and an ugly presidential campaign. It's enough to send all of us to the craft room!
Your cards are simply stunning! Perhaps the world is ending - pandemic, fires, melting ice and more. Good thing we can hole up with our supplies:):) Stay safe.
First I want to say I'm glad your sense of humor is intact with all that is going on around you. Being able to capture outdoor pictures of normal life while fires rage all around is wonderful. I love the idea of trees being the prompt right now while trees are coming into all their autumn glory right now. Your fall tree is lovely and the silver tree with border is awesome. Give Hammy a pat for that border, that is a great idea and really adds more shine and draws the eye in. Cardmaking is essential right now to give us focus on something other than the news. Be safe!
Lovely cards. Especially the all embossed card. I like the edges embossed as well.
The hawk looks like a Cooper's Hawk or it could be a Red Shoulder Hawk. They do love lizards so you better tell Lizzy to watch out. They do stay perched for quite a while sometimes. We are fortunate to get them in our backyard. If it is a Cooper's Hawk tell those finches to hide out because the Cooper's Hawk love little birds like the finches. [Bunny]
Hi Darnell, your two cards are absolutely beautiful. I looooove the traditional fall card and the way the colours have mixed. It looks so beautiful. And I like that fishtail tag die a lot (heaven help me). And then onto the traditional snowy scene, well you can't beat those for a Christmas card can you. Looks gorgeous with the silver embossing. Stay well my friend, hoping those fires go away soon and you can breathe without worry about the impact. Love and hugs, Lisa xxx
Hi Darnell, I've just read out the start of your blog to Alistair about your trip to Alaska, okay for some he responded, then I read the next bit about you dreaming, we are both still chuckling, you are such a tease, I was just thinking Alaska would be wonderful to visit.
The fire are just so awful, the whole world in one way or another is absolutely on it's head, but as you say thank goodness for our hobbies.
Your cards are just lovely, of course I love trees and you've designed your cards beautifully, take care and keep sane, Kate x
D, your trees LEAVE me breathless! Both cards are so pretty!
The Hawk has stayed to thank you for his lunch, of course!
Two fabulous cards Darnell! love the edging Hammy is right of course! Sorry I don't get around too much to visit your blog but when I do you do so cheer me up you wonderful lady! lots of huggles xxxxxx Sue xxxxxxx
oh yes mojo hard to find but does strike now and then just not as often as I would like but creativity can't be forced as we know....so Netflix to the rescue!! These are simply stunning. I adore the arty look of the first one with the changing colours of Autumn clear for us all. And adore the sparkle of the second especially that fun edge..sending hugs xx
Your cards are both so gorgeous.
Beautiful trees, Darnell - I love the ones with colors especially, just because I miss Fall colors here in AZ so much. Such a gorgeous washed effect! Congrats on that hawk - wow! What a sighting! Maybe she'll come back! Thanks so much for playing at TSOT!
Hi Darnell, these cards are gorgeous! I don’t comment often but I want you to know that I love your blog and your cards. I’ve been following you for several years and find your blog so enjoyable — it is so fun to read! We are all tired of this stupid virus — tired, scared, whatever — I read somewhere that Godzilla could walk down our streets and we’d just shrug our shoulders and say, “well it’s 2020”. Thanks for your photos and your highlairity!
Hi Darnell,
your cards are super! Love that stamp and your use of it. Today I've made the twofer cards, but guess what? Not two but three....you will see...
The birds are so special and in your garden! Enjoy thes things.
Be healthy and stay safe!
WOW! Darnell, a nature blog post from you, with 2 absolutely gorgeous cards, that I'm going to have to try (I have a similar stamp). I love both, one with gorgeous Autumn colours and love the banner with it and the ribbon. The other embossed and as you say, thanks to Hammy for the idea of doing the edge too, your so lucky to have him :) Thanks for the inspiration. As for your birdies, isn't it a joy to see them visit AND a hawk too, not only a visit but a long one, enough to have a piccie of him just fabulous. I suspect all the other wildlife made themselves scarce when he was there. A Wonder post.
Faith x
Gorgeous cards with two different techniques, Darnell! Lovely color on the first card and second card is so pretty in gold! Great touch with the edging! Love seeing the bird photos! We recently had a dove in a nest with baby right outside our bathroom window. Keeping all on the west coast in my prayers due to the fires. Take care and stay safe, hugs!!
Two absolutely gorgeous cards! I especially love the gold one on krafts! And wow, I bet that hawk did give the finches a run for their money that day!
Those cute little finches probably look very appetising to your hawk. We have Sparrow Hawks here and they visit our gardens looking for little birds. Easy prey with all the bird feeders. Yes these have been very strange months and it will be like this for a while yet. x
Oh I forgot to say what a great Twofer theme this time and what wonderful cards you have created to inspire us. x
PS Darnell - so delighted to see you at Die Cut Divas for our All Holiday challenge too!! I'm just starting on the DT there - look for me on 9/21 :)
Super post and two really lovely cards with a great image and colours.
Kath x
Beautiful cards Darnell - I love the rich Autumn colours of your Thanksgiving one, and the elegant embossing on the winter one!
Helen x
PS - thanks for playing at the ABD Christmas Challenge too!
Two lovely cards! You have inspired me to try and make some autumn cards.
I like your opening to this post. It really summed up how I am feeling too. For months I couldn't even walk in my craft room...Just couldn't find any desire to make a card. Then my sister called me and asked me to make a card for my nephew...so It got me started again. I guess I owe my gratitude to her even though I honestly didn't feel like doing that at the time.
Now I'm so glad I did...the time spent crafting has really helped me to lift up my spirits a bit...and in turn...I hope any card I make would lift someone else's day.
Take card, my friend, I hope your air is much easier to breathe, and all those terrible fires can be controlled and stopped!
Your Twofer tree cards are awesome Dolly! I LOVE the beautiful autumn colours of your first one. So pretty and perfect for Fall. And gorgeous heat embossed in platinum. Love the platinum edging as well. I'm the same. It's such a great technique, but I forget to use it! :) Love, Lolly
It's time for Twofer! Pretty sure I have a tree or two in my collection, but maybe none so pretty as yours. How I love the watercolor-looking autumn trees, and equally the shiny winter tree with the snow caught up in a drift of wind. Hammy's idea of embossing the edge for a frame was brilliant. He's a pretty smart little feller! I'm so glad you shared your backyard photos of the birds. I'm not sure, but it's possible that Cooper's hawks eat little tweety birds like finches. Maybe he's dazed from the fire trauma, poor thing. They all appreciate the water. I keep three bird baths in the yard. Cats, deer, raccoons, and even birds drink from them. Your smoke must be terrible. Oregon is on fire now, too, and evacuee sites are overflowing. There are even fires on the coast just to the north and the south of us. Lots of smoke and ash here, but somewhat better today. We still have a red sun. Just a distinct ball of red in the sky.
I've always loved this tree stamp with the movement of the flying leaves or blowing snow! You've used it beautifully with those fall colors! Love the tag with the pop or bright ribbon! A very festive Thanksgiving card! And the winter birthday card is so elegant with all the embossing! Love your even embossed frame! Glad your mojo returned! Love the finches. We have goldfinches and house finches but no yellow finches. We've had Cooper hawks visiting too. He might have been waiting quietly to see if Lizzie would poke her head out. Glad she didn't!
Love your two trees cards, Darnell. The colours on your autumn card are so pretty and I love how you've edged your second card, such an elegant design. Thanks for sharing photos of your little visitors. Hope you are staying safe from all the wildfires in your state and my heart goes out to all those affected by the fires. xx
Glad you made it back safely from your trip up north to Alaska...oh wait, was I just dreaming you made that trip?? If it were safe enough to travel I'd tell you to come this way to escape the heat and fires as it's been pretty darn cool here this week...only in the mid 50's! But anyway, your cards...they are both absolutely BEAUTIFUL Darnell! I love the stamp you used and don't think I've ever seen it before! It worked perfectly on your Autumn card with the water color look...those vibrant colors look amazing all watered together!! And your embossed card is SO elegant and I love the embossing around the edges too! How come I never think to do that either??!! Think I need to start writing all these things down on a piece of paper I leave on my desk where I can see it to remind me...otherwise they fly right out the window!! But anyway (again!), both of your cards are just AWESOME my friend! Stay safe, stay well, and try to stay cool too! Hugs. :0)
I love your Twofers Darnell and those fantastic trees, with the straight to stamp technique in those beautiful autumnal shades and placed on a wonderful tag, and then the heat embossed ones and such a great idea to edge with the platinum embossing too, well done to Hammy! Lovely photos of the finches and the hawk, but not at the same time as they wouldn't mix too well, and the lizards stayed out of her way too. We see quite a few hawks but mostly when driving around as they like to perch on top of street lamps to get a 'bird's eye view', pardon the pun..lol. I hope things are improving with the fires, they need to anyway, 2020 will certainly be a year to remember, but not as one of the good ones! I know what you mean about the mojo coming and going. I think most of us feel the same but crafting does give us something to focus on to take our minds off the bad stuff. Take care. x
Oh Darnell, what a lovely set of cards. I think the suggestion from Hammy was right on the mark! The platinum EP on the edge of your second card is perfect.
Both cards are pretty, but I'm partial to the platinum version! My photographer hubby would be in hog heaven to have that Hawk hanging around for half an hour!
Beautiful cards. I really like the way the one card shimmers. I also love the colors in your first card. - Thanks for following me and I've entered a few of the challenges you recommended. - Nice shots of birds as well.
Seeing we are currently resticted to travel within 5km radius of our homes a trip to Alaska sounds down right fansiful to me! I wish you had gone so you could share. Agree crafting is keeping me going - it gives me a purpose each day. This week I have knocked over a few sewing projects - mostly for charity but it sure is good to see the boxes of fabric replaced with finished projects.
Two fabulous cards. And gorgeous wildlife photos.
Welcome back, Darnell! Your cards are both so lovely! And, what cool nature pictures.
Wonderful cards (and tree), Darnell, plus that embossed edge adds quite a punch!
My what lovely birds, and the Hawk is fantastic, but I fear she may be there DUE to your lizards :o)
Stay healthy and safe!
Love that stamp, it's so graceful with the leaves and snow blowing in the wind.
Wonderful to see that hawk washing it self in your bird bath :) no wonder the rest cleared out to give him some space.
Love your CAS Thanksgiving card-lovely fall colors! Thanks for joining us at Die Cut Divas!
Oh my, you had me at those dreamy autumn colours, they are just so gorgeous and I love how the fishtail makes the card look so dimensional - very clever and very beautiful. The embossed card is stunning too, especially with the embossed borders - I always forget how wonderful that technique looks.
I almost wish that you had gone on a charter flight to Alaska but then there is the worry of being so close to other people on a flight.... The news reports here have picked up again about the wildfires, just when I was praying they had abated... as if Covid was not enough to be worried about. I think and worry about you every day and wish I could send you some of our rainfall.
How wonderful to see that hawk in your garden, it must have felt like a sanctuary with all the fires and smoke around. I hope you, Mister and Nellie are all keeping safe and well. Big hugs, Annie xoxoxo
Gorgeous cards and fab pix, Darnell. Stay safe! xoxo
Your twofer tree cards are gorgeous!! Thanks for linking up to our September challenge gallery at Die Cut Divas.
Both cards are wonderful and enchanting.
Thanks for playing along with us at Friendship Challenge.
Good luck and happy crafting!
Ilse (thera)
What cool pictures of the birds and to catch a photo of a hawk...thats amazing. Speaking of amazing...I am loving your trees. The artsy fall trees are lovely in their autumnal colors and the silver and blue holiday card is super fun and festive.
Your trees look amazing in their autumn and winter costumes! I love that you used two different techniques to achieve it. Your direct to stamp technique kept so many of the branch and leaf details, yet melded them together enough for that hazy fall look. Platinum on gray is a gorgeous combination and your edging is an elegant detail!
Beautiful twofer ..... love the stamp! Great birdie photos too, especially the hawk ..... just amazing!
Stay safe my friend xx
I so agree. Mojo might take a hike now and then, but I’m so grateful for this hobby. I so love the stamp you’ve used and how you turned it in to a fantastic autumn version as well as a wintery one. The cards compete in being the most beautiful, but I’ve got to give them both a 10 out of 10. Gorgeous!
😆 you where so convincing me thinking you really had gone away until continuing reading your post l agree though my mojo popped out for some time and of course Cv-19 isn’t helping but it’s nice to see your beautiful cards love then both and yes definitely a hawk love your birds too ... l had 2 Robins playing on my lawn for the pass 3 days so lovely seeing them l think they where courting robins enjoy your day x
Stunning cards Darnell...pleased you enjoyed your time away...
Thanks for the giggle to start your post. 😂
Beautiful twofers. Both simple yet impactful. Great suggestion by Hammy, too!
Your view out from your playhouse is amazing!
Have a wonderful weekend. Keep safe.
Darnell - such a lovely card you created from our Try Stampin' on Tuesday inspiration photo! The stamp you used is certainly versatile! Love the fishtail die effect as well. Thank you for joining us at TSOT this week and sharing your creative talents! -Donna
P.S. Our finches scatter when they spot a hawk as well. We live near the World Center for Birds of Prey, so eagles and hawks are frequently in the area.
Hi Darnell, Loving both cards. Really like the one with the ribbons.
How lovely to have the finches nesting in your trees. Lovely to see the hawk, but bet the other birds and animals kept well clear.
You take care. Sue
Damnepic may be my new favourite covid term. :D And then on top of everything else, you also have to deal with the fires burning so close. But you're right, most of us can still find a lot of small joys to keep us going. Like admiring these two beautiful tree cards and your bird photos! So glad you added the second one to ABC Christmas Challenge!
What beauties! I love how they both turned out. I love the autumn card because of the colors, I guess. The cold embossing on the other card give it a nice sharp and uncluttered appeal.
So glad you joined us for our "Anny Holiday" challenge at Die Cut Divas https://die-cut-divas.blogspot.com/2020/09/its-all-kind-of-holidays-time-with.html.
Love how your twofers are so opposite with warm or cool colors and of course seasons. You did good with picking up your mojo! Jim said the hawk was waiting for lunch or maybe digesting lunch ala finch. After keeping away from cigarettes all my life, I'm getting the 20 pack a day effect this week with our Oregon smoke. Better than losing my life or house to fire though.
Your cards are just wonderful. The winter birthday one took my breath away, and not from the wind that is blowing the snow off the tree, either! Loved seeing your bird visitors. We have lots of hawks around our metro area because of the Mississippi River going right through the heart of it. They are impressive birds. We also have quite a few cardinals and chickadees. My personal favorites are the chickadees. Stay healthy and stay safe!
Wow, this is a beautiful tree stamp and you sure have made two beautiful Twofer's with it Auntie! I so love the Thanksgiving one, so colorful, so QCAS. Same with your winter birthday card, the colors are perfect for a winter birthday-all cold and frosty feeling! Love the tree, sentiment, and edging in gold. Just a beautiful birthday card. Oh goodness, love seeing all those finches getting a drink, I'm sure with all the smoke and heat they are in need of it. Glad they weren't there when the hawk came in! Looks like he/she is cooling their tail feathers. Times have been challenging for sure. I was really excited about you taking that Alaska trip, only to find out it was a dream. How lovely would that have been?! Praying for CA and the firemen/smoke jumpers fighting these fires. Stay safe Auntie, looks like we are in this for the long haul. Love and hugs, Brenda
Oh wow, you sure did this beautiful image more than justice, Darnell ... what a beautiful twofer! The Thanksgiving card in all those luscious autumn colours is gorgeous ... rich and warm ... it looks as though the breeze is gently running through all those fabulous leaves! Your birthday card is magical ... shimmery, stylish, chic ... and wonderfully framed (Hammy's such a help isn't he!). What a wonderful gathering at your bird bar ... lovely to see those delicate finches ... and how brilliant to capture the hawk on camera ... he's so stately and majestic! LYAMYLALMA ... HAACS? Big hugs and bisous, Anita :)
Love that stamp - I have it but haven't used it for ages so must get it out soon and make some quick Christmas cards! Needless to say it's the Christmas one I love the most, since it's blue and platinum. Great idea to heat emboss the edge to match.
I have that PB stamp, but seldom use it. You've given me inspiration with both cards! I really love the look of the Fall card & how you used the flag dies! Stay safe, my friend!
That stamp is perfect to use for "Princess" SUmmerfallwinterspring. Do you remember her from the Howdy Doody show? My mojo's gone and I guess my memory is taking me back to my childhood. I'd better snap out of it. Still can't partake of your wonderful Twofer Challenge. No trees with me and that isn't something I can fake like I did the moon.
Two beautiful cards and Hammy was right about the edging!
Love your photos, my birds must be anti social because I never get more than two or three together.
I so know what you mean about mojo in this time of damnepic. Mine is still practically nonexistent, but today is a day to see what I've got. Your tree cards are gorgeous, and I'm going to borrow your direct to stamp technique and see if I get any jump starts. (Oh!...sorry about being so late. Chris and the kids were here, and then when they left, I realized I was utterly exhausted!) Love the colors and the pretty oranges you've used here. Your birthday card is gorgeous. I think I'll be borrowing your border embossing idea, too, lol!! the platinum on the gray is beautiful. Love it! We have falcons and prairie hawks around here, and I love to see them come 'round, though our little birds don't think it's cool. Wish they'd get the gophers! Hope the whole West gets a nice, gentle, soaking rain soon. I worry about you. Sending hugs. Bev
Hello Darnell,
To be totally honest, I didn't notice you were gone. I have a chronic illness and have been in the hospital, a bit. Living in the boonies, You fly to get to an ICU. So you can say, I was traveling.
But I was happy to read your two fer TREES when I got back.
Small world. I grew up in KODIAK< AK! I got me a husband there, 43 years ago. I said I would follow him to the end of the world.... Who knew I'd be living in Death Valley!
Well, I'll be looking forward to more of your and Hammies blogs.
Stay safe and Healthy friend.
Great use of the trees stamp!! Wow!
Love the photo of the birds in the fountain and seeing also a hawk is just stunning!
Hi Darnell - blast from the past here - after 5 years away I am starting to Blog again. I hope to participate in NBUS - as soon as I can work out how again (New interface!). I hope you are well and staying safe - Cheers Maurs (Roffeycreations - sister of Cathy @ Cathyscardspot) xxx
I love both of these cards. But the first one is my fav. Very, very pretty! Thanks for joining the challenge at Love To Craft Challenge Blog. Dorlene DT LTCCB
Fabulous projects! Thanks so much for sharing with us in our challenge over at Merry Little Christmas Challenge Blog this month! We appreciate you joining us!
Leslie, MLCCB DT
Love To Scrap 2
Just stunning! Thanks for playing along with us at ABC Christmas Challenge. Looking forward to seeing your creative projects in the future galleries again.
I love the first card, beautiful fall colors and the watercolor technique. These trees are still full of leaves. And on the second card you used the same stamp, but the effect is so different. Winter trees, stripped of leaves, as if waiting for the spring sun. The gray panel and platinum go well with these trees.
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