
May 23, 2022

More NBUS Flowers

Hello Stamplings!

I hope your week has started off well! I had a really cute story to tell you in my opening and now that I've sat down to type my post, it disappeared. Remember how I used to say we whooshed into Fridays? Now that's happening with my thoughts. Every day.

Fortunately, it's happening to all my friends, too. Nowadays these are the words we hear / speak most often: "There was something I wanted to tell you," accompanied by a look down at the floor or up at the ceiling, as if the thought were written there. And then we say, "Oh, well, it must not have been important," but inside we're miffed because whatever it was, was brilliant. Ah, bless, getting old is a hoot.

Before I forget what else I was going to tell you, let's get to today's cards. (I'm going to stop numbering them because I noticed in the last post I went from Arabic numbering to Roman numerals. Say what? Ah, getting old is a hoot.)

This card is a CASE of a Jennifer McGuire design from 2016.😲 It just shows how so many of her card designs become classics! It was quite involved and fussy for me, but I really enjoyed making it. 

The size of the vellum overlay is 4.25 by 5.50, so the inside is a small note card which opens. The flower is called "Full of Glee" from Penny Black. The funny (not funny) thing is that I just realized I already used this stamp on this Flower NBUS Journey. Like a month ago! I guess I was concentrating so hard on finding a stamp that would work, I forgot to only pull from my NBUS baskets. Getting old is a ... .

Anyway, we will just carry on. Here is the inside with the vellum open. The flower was heat-embossed in white, colored with my Ziggies, and winked by Hammy. The unmarked sediment was stamped in blue CP ink on the vellum front and then clear heat-embossed.
This QACAS card got me back into the NBUS baskets. The flower is from "Sweetest Peas" by Altenew. The background was made from an emboss-resist paper from Stampin' Up. It comes in a few different patterns. I blended ink over the pattern and then buffed it to bring the white pattern to the surface again.

Now that I see the card on the monitor, I may add some enamel dots, but in person it's quite schparkly when the light hits it. I heat-embossed the flower with black embossing powder. The sediment is from NBUS from "Elegant Sentiments" by Waffle Flower and since nothing needed winking, Hammy added a thick coat of glossification. Here is a closeup:
I haven't gotten a photo of the lizards yet, but the first butterfly of the year just visited the freshly blooming butterfly bush. #earningitsname!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

*Life is too short!

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  1. Beautiful cards, the vellum adds a special touch.
    Woo hoo!! Butterflies about already? That one's a beauty.

  2. More great flower designs and the butterfly photo is gorgeous - no sign of buddleia flowers yet in the UK but something to look forward to. I've also learned that growing old has some downsides but it sure beats the alternative 🤣

  3. Trickey to do but well worth the effort on the vellum one Darnell.
    Is that a swallowtail on the buddleia? Saw a painted lady in the veg plot at the weekend and possibly a brimstone yesterday morning fluttering over the long grass, not to mention a plethora of cabbage whites! The herbaceous borders are slowly filling with lush growth and the threat, no possibilities of colour. I agree with you about getting old, the forgetfulness is OK but it's the aches and pains that get me!! Hope you are keeping well. :)

  4. Lovely cards today, Darnell, and I am particularly drawn to the vellum one. This is so unusual and I love how different it looks inside and out.
    Your butterfly picture is stunning and would make a fabulous greeting card!
    Hope you are keeping well and things are settling down for you.
    Carol x

  5. Two beautiful cards! Love the soft look with the vellum! Your bonus is beautiful; think we have to be a little bit more to summer to see them more... And it isn't all from getting old; it also has to do with all the knowledge that we have now we are around longer; we learned so much that it is hard to choose sometimes :) Hugs, Gerrina

  6. Beautiful cards Darnell. It does sound quite a time consuming card with the vellum, but worth the effort. I love that sweet pea stamp and how you have used it..clever. Lastly what a lovely butterfly, obviously native to your part of the world as I have not seen one like that. Relieved to hear that you and others likewise forget those things we are sure we will remember as I do too....thank goodness for pen and paper eh! Hope you are progressing well. Hugs xx

  7. Beautiful cards Darnell. Love your photo of the butterfly!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  8. Oooh, beautiful cards, Darnell. That vellum card is especially wonderful. But most of all I loved the butterfly picture. So pretty on the lilacs. Our lilacs had a shortened season when it snowed(!) earlier this week. Yep, the day after a 90 degree day, it snowed. Crazy weather from Mother Nature getting all mad about something!

  9. Love the use of the vellum on this pretty card!

  10. Wow Darnell, love the look of the white embossed vellum flowers..that PB stamp is a beauty, and then the coloured one underneath on the notecard, and then the bright and pretty embossed paper personally blended in that rich red, and the black embossed outline flower and the coordinating colour sentiment work brilliantly over the top. I know what you mean about forgetting what you were going to say, I do it all the time. I find sometimes that if the thought is delayed by because someone else is speaking or going to another room to speak, the thought just slips away into some nook or cranny of the brain where it is very difficult to retrieve I love your photo of the beautiful butterfly on the tends to bloom here later in the summer. x

  11. The first flower is one of my favorites and so pretty showing through the vellum! Love the pink patterned background with the shiny black flower! This is a perfect die to let the background show through. What a great butterfly photo and pretty butterfly bush blooms! Getting old is a hoot and a good excuse!

  12. Two floral beauties, Darnell - love the vellum on card one and the simple flower on card two! Oh my, such a pretty butterfly and I love your blooming flowers too!!

  13. Love the vellum card. The flowers are beautiful. I agree getting old is a hoot. And certainly is not for wimps!

  14. Great use of the vellum, the inside is a surprise! Lovely flowers to.
    The second one looks stunning, such fabulous CAS design!
    Love so much the bonus too!! :) Wonderful photo!!

  15. D, I must have missed Jen McG's design - what a wonderful surprise inside!
    Two lovely cards - and a wonderful Tiger Swallowtail!

  16. Hello my friend! Other than getting older and the memory thing, hope all is going well and you have healed well with the hip!! Your cards are beautiful...I'm especially loving the 1st one!! You know, the one from 2016!! Haha...that made me chuckle!! I have SO many cards saved on Pinterest to CASE that I can't snicker too much, as some of my inspiration is way older than 2016!! But anyway, lovely, lovely cards my friend! Hugs. :0)

  17. I had to laugh at the "must not have been important" comment, Darnell, because that happens to me frequently. Sometimes the retrieval system works and sometimes it doesn't.
    Do you have a Pinterest list of Jennifer's techniques like I do? I need to go back and look through it now and then. I had forgotten about the vellum card trick. Your blue flowers, even though not NBUS) look beautiful on it. I can't believe you're just getting around to using Sweetest Peas. It's one of my favorites.

  18. Gorgeous cards as always Dee! love the vellum and all the fab flowers too of course. I know what you mean about the 'getting old issues' too lol !! So sorry I am so late returning comments issues again, hugs Viv xx

  19. Love these pretty cards. On the vellum one, you very cleverly embossed the vellum as well as the white cardstock behind. Very creative. Love both of them.
    With the issues of aging, I usually say "that train has left the station". Enjoy your day!

  20. OH! Darnell, you say "old age thoughts" so beautifully. Yes mine go and sometimes come back, maybe days later! Makes for an interesting topic though, when, as you say, everyone else is doing the same around you. Your vellum card is gorgeous, I agree Jennifer's cards are classic, such a clever lady. Your paper is so pretty, I haven't seen emboss resist paper before, I love what you did and the colour too. The stamp is beautiful and simply stamped and embossed it certainly stands out. Again I love it. The Buddleia has such pretty pink flowers and the butterfly visitor is marvellous. Thanks for sharing the photo.
    Faith x

  21. Yep that sounds like me on a good day! I really like card 2, like how the flower really pops in black against the background. I was looking and think if you added anything, then I think clear sequins or those water drop gems would not take away from the look and may just be what you feel it needs to finish it off, however, to me, it is perfect as it is xx

  22. What beautiful cards, especially the vellum beauty! I love the look of that floral image embossed on the vellum! That's a gorgeous photo of the butterfly too, wow! I've been trying to finish sentences for quite some time now, but keep losing my train of thought too! It's always while waiting for someone to finish speaking when I think of these things to say and then as soon as I open my mouth - BLANK! WOO WOO - the train keeps leaving the station without me :)

  23. Beautiful cards - love the way you used the vellum on the first one. Just yesterday I was having tea with a friend and said that I had something important to tell but couldn't remember what it was. I used to get so impatient with my mum when she'd forget to tell me things but now I regret that impatience. Love the photo of the butterfly. I haven't seen any in my garden yet though I have lots of flowers blooming.

  24. Such stunning cards Darnell, very inspiring! And the butterfly picture is a beauty!

  25. I too love your cards and your use of vellum. I forgot where my vellum is...oh why am I remembering things from years ago and forget what I wanted to say or use. Guess I am happy I am not alone. Hugs to you!

  26. Dear Darnell
    The card is a real beauty. I am going to try making it.tks for the stay safe

  27. Dear Darnell
    Forgetting happens to me to. join the club. It is a part of growing old and shud be thankful that we are

  28. Happens to me too. The cards are fabulous, I think I remember the vellum technique...yours is so lovely. Great photo of the butterfly.

  29. Pretty pretty cards today, Darnell! Pretty butterfly too. We were our swing with Sweet P the other day and a beautiful Monarch fluttered by!

  30. Your first card is a stunner! That technique is a great one. I admire Jennifer McGuire's creations, too, and try to catch her videos when I can.

    Love your second card, as well. I have some of the SU emboss resist paper and used it recently to make a baby card. It's nice to have on hand when you just can't find the right DSP. Of course, if I didn't have so #%$&*@! much paper, maybe, just maybe I would know what is actually there and be able to pull it out when I need it. Ha ha

  31. Love the vellum card Darnell, clever how you lined it up to show through. I may have to try it to figure it out :)…….that’s another thing that’s getting harder, but at least we’re getting older together xxx

  32. P.s. they are all lovely cards…..forgot to say that 😂

  33. They are all beautiful, Darnell xoxo

  34. Such BEAUTIFUL cards Darnell and awesome inspiration for the rest of us! LOVE your butterfly photo ... you're ahead of us ... my butterfly bush hasn't even begun to bloom yet this year. Don't know who snapped the photo but it's a beauty! Thanks for sharing!

  35. Yep, I can so relate to not being able to remember what it was I wanted to say, or to pull a word from my mind, etc....My MIL used to say, "Well it wasn't a lie or the devil would have helped me with it" when she forgot. I always thought that was such a funny saying. With getting has to be a hoot or else we'd just cry. lol I am so in love with your first card and at first glance, thought you colored the back of the vellum. But you didn't! Jennifer McGuire does make some gorgeous cards doesn't she and they stand the test of time. Your second card is unique, bold and whimsical. I love that flower as well as that paper/card base. A great sentiment and I love it just as it is! Your butterfly bush is looking beautiful and definitely doing it's job....attracting gorgeous butterflies! Loving the bright sunshine you have as we haven't had much sunshine lately. Hugs, Brenda

  36. Yes, I think we can all agree with your musings here, but let's not worry about it. Your cards are fabulous, I remember those cards by JM and can't believe it was so long ago. Your take has worked a treat, definitely worth the hassle xx

  37. Yes, it's a hoot. We just have to do what we can to keep up and go with the flow. Gorgeous vellum card, so soft and delicate. I'm puzzled as to where you write the message, but maybe if I followed your link... Now you've gotten even more use out of this formerly NBUS flower, so all is well. Interesting about the emboss resist paper. I was not familiar with it. I'll just bet your card is fantastically sparkly IRL! Thanks so much for sharing the gorgeous garden photo, too. I'm still waiting for my butterfly bush to bloom this year. Now I have two of them because last year I dug up a seedling and put it in a pot. It thrived and will be blooming this year. I should have lots of butterflies!

  38. More beautiful florals! I love that soft blue flower on the vellum. Equally beautiful is your photograph of the butterfly---gorgeous!

  39. Oh how gorgeous are these Darnell - but the butterfly is the best of all :) We can't really compete with creation :)
    Good to see Hammy glossifying things up for you still .

  40. Hi Darnell your posts are so refreshing as are your cards they are just amazing that butterfly is gorgeous looks so big too! enjoy your day xx

  41. What stunners they are, and the vellum wrap is a genius idea!! That is a glorious butterfly too, we have nothing quite so flambuoyant over here!! xx

  42. There was something I was going to tell you.....
    (imagine 2 days have past)
    I know what I was going to tell you Dolly - these cards are lovely! x

  43. Beautiful cards Darnell - I am especially drawn to the delicate blue florals. I can definitely relate to whatever it was you were saying but that I've forgotten... Anyway, if we all stick together we can tell each other all the old stories and find them as entertaining as we did the first time! Vicky x

  44. The vellum gives the most beautiful look over the flowers. Your coloring is so pretty and the shading gives such depth to the flowers. Great paper from SU and I love that sentiment. I remember Bill Cosby saying our memory is in our fanny because when you walk in a room and forget what you went for, you'll remember when you go back in the other room and sit down!

  45. Hi Darnell,
    yes this getting old is a right pain in the backside excuse the pun.
    How often do I speak to my sister and that very same thing happens.
    The worst is going into a room and forgetting what you went in for.
    Luckily it comes back when I retrace my steps but how long before it doesn't.
    Nobody tells you about this when you are younger.
    I love your cards they are both beautiful and so brilliantly created.
    The vellum one is gorgeous and that flower is fabulous.
    Great inking twchnique on the second one and a lovey embossing flolder used.
    Lots of crafty love and hugs from my house to yours. Jenny L.

  46. Beautiful cards Darnell as always! This getting old lark is no fun is it? I know exactly what you are talking about! Another couple of months before our butterfly bushes come out. xx

  47. Two beautiful cards! Love the delicate beauty of the vellum one. Ooh that is a wonderful photo - such a stunning butterfly. I am totally with you about forgetting what we were going to say - happens all the time! Nightmare! It makes me giggle! Take care my friend and great big hugs to you! xxxxxxx

  48. Hi Darnell, just figured out how to do my comments by talking so it saves my hands. Who knew? Love this card that overlay of vellum looks amazing!

  49. Your vellum card is amazing! Love it.

    I can imagine the sparkle of the second one - stunnng.

    And your garden visitor is just delightful! My window looks at my neighbours fence! I should be happy I have a window.


Thank you for commenting on my blog post! I read and appreciate every one! Mwah! (Sorry I've had to set comments to moderate because of excessive spam.) Darnell