A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 17, 2024

Embossing Week

Hello Stamplings!

And here we are again, having whooshed around to the start of a brand-new week! Every day you wake up is a gift, but Mondays somehow hold more promise. Unless you do shift work and then maybe Wednesdays are your Mondays.

Mondays since February have been more fun for me this year as I've managed to keep up with my I.D.E.A.S. posts. (I think I might have pulled my shoulder muscle a little bit there, patting myself on the back.)

This week is "E" for Embossing Powder/Folders.

This design uses both powder and folder. I recently had fun crafting with my friends Colleen and Linda and Colleen loaned me a 3D embossing folder and stencil from an Altenew class she had taken. (As far as I know, it was only available as part of the class.) I used Catherine Pooler inks and a very small and narrow blending brush to apply colors through the stencil to the detailed embossed leaves. 

Hammy and Stanley added schplatters and I clear-embossed the PTI sediment after stamping it with green ink. The background cover plate from Pinkfresh was a thoughtful gift! Mwah! It's called "Floral Grid." It's versatile in that you can either die-cut the flowers as I did here, or use it as an embossed design.

This is the other half of the above leaf panel. (The e/f and stencil contain both branches on one sheet.) After the blending and schplattering was done, I decided to cut the panel in half to create a Twofer and show off that beautiful lightly textured chartreuse background paper I found in my stash. The hugs sediment is from Memory Box.


A couple of weeks ago, I posted about this Cypress tree that has a mystery flowering vine trailing all around it hundreds of feet in the air. Several of you guessed the vine name. And then yesterday on our walk, from the other side of the block, I was able to zoom in and get a closer look at the flowers.
So I looked up all your guesses and I think TK guessed it correctly when she said it was a "trumpet vine." Below is a photo I found online of a trumpet vine and it looks the same to me: 
Good eye, TK! Thank you all for your audience participation! 👏 


And now I will leave you with a funny that you can't "unsee!"

There are some things that you never think about. Like what does Mt. Rushmore:
look like from the Canadian side?

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! 

*Life is too short!
Addicted to Stamps and More (Die Cuts and Stencils)
SSS Wednesday (Bright and Cheerful)
Stencil Fun (Just for Fun - Optional Birthday)
NBUS (Never-before-used-schtuff)


Brenda in IN said...

These are so beautiful. Your brushed on colors are gorgeous on the leaves and the embossing folder is so pretty in color and design. The paper on the second card looks yellow on my monitor and is lovely. I am so glad I don't have to look at Mt. Rushmore from the back!

Bonnie Lynn said...

Oh Darnell!! I love the Mt Rushmore joke. Definitely needed the laugh this morning. I've seen Mt Rushmore in person. Of course that was back in the horse & buggy days. ;) Love your soft and pretty card as well.

brandco2450@gmail.com said...

Two awesome cards, Darnell! Mount Rushmore is hilarious!

Liz said...

Two wonderful cards, Darnell. What a fabulous embossing folder! Love your Mt Rushmore photos.... brilliant!

I Card Everyone said...

Oh, D! I love both of your cards using that gorgeous embossed leafy cluster of fabulousness!
But I can hardly wait to share the nether land of Mt. Rushmore with Tom! SO good!
BTW I did a little embossing to share today! x

HilaryJane said...

Those embossed leaves look amazing. I love them. You definitely should give yourself a big pat on the back for maintaining your ideas Mondays. Well done. Thanks for the joke too - made me smile xx

Julie B said...

Love that EF, it was worth cutting in to two to double the delight! :)

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) said...

Two beauties with the embossed/colored leaves, Darnell - yes, you should pat yourself on the back! And thanks for the inspiration too!! Plus a laugh with Mt Rushmore butts!

Loll said...

So happy you, Col, and Lin had a great time together playing! What beautiful cards using the lovely loaner embossing folder. And that coverplate is gorgeous. I'm playing along again today with your IDEAS. I think I've done more, but might have missed one or two. :) Appreciate you keeping me going too, my friend!

The Canadian-side of Mount Rushmore doesn't surprise me. We usually get the bum's rush from politicians in Canada ... why not the US too! :) Love you, Lolly

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Darnell... and firstly I want to thank you for starting IDEAS prompt... it sure has me happily back at my desk making cards.... next WOW your two cards are simple gorgeous.. fab 3D EF and I imagine you put the stencil on top to help placement of colours.. well they're beautiful and have a lovely day, Robyn

Bonnie said...

This is an awesome embossing folder and your coloring makes a beautiful design times two! Love that background too! How fun to have Col and Linda come to visit and play cards with you! I'm jealous! I never would have guessed that Mt Rushmore is flashing Canada! LOL!

Christine Alexander said...

oooh love that leafy EF. Might just have to hunt that set down :)

Christine Alexander said...

Darn it, I just re read your post and it was only available for the class :( Oh well lots more EF/stencil combos to look at :)

Cheryl W. said...

The cards you shared today are real stunners! I love the idea of having a stencil to color embossed images. I hope they offer them as sets more often in the future.

LesleyG said...

Not only are you so funny, you’ve made another two stunning cards! I like both backgrounds too, they coordinate so well xxx

kiwimeskreations said...

Ohhhh, I loooove that 3D embossing/stencil combination, and you have made two amazingly beautiful cards Darnell - helped of course by the boys...
Thank you for the Mt Rushmore giggle :)

Aquarius said...

Great work with the embossing folder and stencil on these super leafy cards. The Mount Rushmore pics really made me laugh

Sandra H said...

Both of your cards Darnell are wonderful the embossed images so beautiful and the colours your trumpet vine is gorgeous thank you for sharing this x

Jeanne said...

Your cards are gorgeous, Darnell. Thanks for sharing them and the pretty trumpet vine. I literally laughed out loud when I saw your picture. So good!

Carol L said...

Your cards are just beautiful with those brushed on colors of the leaves. One place I've always wanted to visit but never got there was Mount Rushmore, but now I can't stop laughing at the Canadian side of that mountain! Too funny! Thanks for the chuckles today - have a great week ahead.

Karen said...

I'm a day behind, and it looks to me like that may be my mantra this summer. That last photo is surely my chuckle of the day. The trumpet vine is gorgeous, and I was glad to see the close-up view of it. Your cards are also lovely, the detail on the die cut leaves is wonderful, and your stenciling brings it right to the forefront! Have a great week!

Darlene said...

LOL ... your posts are always so uplifting and fun! Great job my friend!
This card is just beautiful ... love the colors and design! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our STENCIL FUN challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth,Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

Donna said...

Great comic Darnell! Your cards are stunning, great die and stencil set!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Love these Darnell esp coloured embossed leaves brilliant 👏
And Canadian side of Mt Rushmore 😅😂😂😂
Prayer hugs, loads coming up. Shaz in Oz.x 🙏🤗❤️

Cat Craig said...

Been on a vacay to Ohio to see the folks. So catching up. Have loved seeing your posts. These leaves are particularly fun.

Ida said...

Both of these are so pretty. Love that embossing folder. The joke was funny.

Susan said...

Love the combination of dry embossing and embossing powder on the same card so that you double up on your mandate for embossing week. Fabulous 3D folder! Great colours!

TK said...

Your embossing folder cards are GORGEOUS! Love that folder, and your coloring is perfect -- especially to match your cardstock.
As for the vine? Thanks, Friend! We've had trumpet vines before, especially my mom, and I thought it was a fair guess...
As for Mt Rushmore? I can honestly say that I've been around Rushmore several times from different viewpoints, and I have NEVER seen that view before! Yep, can't unsee it - lol

Lisa Elton said...

I took a peek at what I've missed while on vacation, Darnell... all cards as wonderful as they always are! Today's are extra pretty with the embossed leaves! Shared Mt. Rushmore with the hubs, we had a good giggle!

Pat said...

Wow Darnell, two fabulous cards and I just adore the beautifully coloured 3D embossed leaves which look as though you could pluck them off the page and love the splattering too, and the equally fantastic background coverplate die using the coordinating coloured card. The second card has more of the gorgeous leaves and splattering too, and the chartreuse paper is so pretty as a background, and the black 'hugs' die cut finishes it perfectly. That vine definitely looks the same as in the photo below and what a prolific grower to clad that enormous cypress tree. I have made a card for Week 3 of your I.D.E.A.S. challenge too and enjoying it a lot. x

Lynette said...

Those are both such beautiful cards, Darnell! And your "funny" is very funny. :-)

R's Rue said...

So beautiful.

Em Louise Fairley said...

Beautiful cards, Darnell xoxo

Trina P. said...

Both cards are beautiful.
Thanks for the fun cheeky image. 😂

Catie Cuddles said...

What beautiful stencil and embossing play!
Also funny backside of Rushmore pic!
Thanks for joining us at Addicted to stamps and more. Sorry I am a little late in visiting!
Happy crafting!
Catherine x DT