A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

July 1, 2024

Birdies Welcome July

Hello Stamplings!

I hope you are doing great as we turn another page on the calendar!  

Remember those desk calendars that were loose-leaf and held in a plastic caddy with loops? Then you'll remember how in July there were more used days of the year than unused days of the year. 

The moral of the story? Whatever you meant to do in 2024, better get out there and get it done! 

At the ol' Playhouse, the lads and I are starting a whole new month of I.D.E.A.S. I went with QACAS and OLC for this Inky first week!

I used these stylized birds on a card not too long ago and I had so much fun, I brought them out to play again. I painted them with my Ziggies, Hammy put on his new blade runners and expertly added the score lines, while the little wonder Stanley tried his luck with schplattering more than one color! 

These birdhouses are from an ancient wooden stamp from Hooks, Lines & Inkers dated 1993! Haha, some of you weren't even born then! Cough. More on that in a minute. 

I painted, added a little blue blush to the edges, and finished it off with another old wooden stamp of dots from Stamps by Judith. The sediment is from another old stamp (not wooden) from Technique Tuesday called, "Chicadees."

Happy Inking! I hope you'll join me and my big I.D.E.A.S. this week!
Speaking of Old

Tomorrow I turn 57, if you don't mind me transposing the numbers. I was feeling pretty smug about making it to such a really big number, what with one thing and another. So smug in fact, on Saturday the Bluebird of Irony shite on my face with a case of shingles! 

Happy Birthday to me!

I'm praying and 
doing my best to keep it from spreading to my eye.🫣 Hopefully, the shingles vaccine will lessen the severity. Plans with family and friends have been canc postponed. And the cover on my birthday cake? A heat dome of temps forecast to reach 90-110 for several days!

But it's all good! This, too, shall pass and lots of folks can't say that. It's hard to get me down because it's still my Diamond Jubilee and I'm happy to be here for it! And I've got dozens and dozens of beautiful cards to open tomorrow! Mwah!


Enjoy your week! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!* 

Happy 4th of July if you live in America, where we have celebrated our independence and our precious democracy since 1776!

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! 

*Life is too short!
Addicted to CAS: Critter.
Krafty Chicks: All occasions.


Aquarius said...

Just love these two birdie cards - CAS but with plenty of interest too. So sorry to hear you've had an unwanted gift of shingles for your birthday what a b****r. Very happy birthday wishes anyway and hope it's not too severe and that you recover soon.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful cards, Darnell. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great day despite your little setback. And I hope you don't have to deal with it for long. I love your zest for life and fun. Thank you for all you do!

Carole said...

Hey Darnell...first past the post today! I love your cards, especially the birdies...beautifully colouring. I can almost hear them chirping. I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday,(card flying over as I type) but I am saddened to hear that shingles has got you, and sincerely hope it soon goes away and avoids your eye....must be the stress of all this crafting!! Love and hugs xx

Gerrina said...

As always I forgot your Birthday (like I seem to do with every one's BD) Bur know that I wish you the best ever new year of your life!!
Love the 2 CAS cards and the fun colours and birds on each of them! Hugs, Gerrina

designbydonna said...

Love your birdie theme inking. Those are fun colors on the birds. And Staney gets an A+ on schplattering. Happy Birthday. I hope your shingles go away soon.

Bonnie said...

OH, no! That's a terrible birthday gift! I hope it's a very mild case and you can still celebrate your Diamond Jubilee. You are definitely a diamond, my friend. And you're a fantastic card artist as your sweet birds show! Stanley has perfected schplatters and Hammy is has amazing skating skills! Love the rainbow of birdhouses and the perfect sentiment! Let's pray the air conditioning holds up and the power grid too.

Em Louise Fairley said...

Beautiful cards, Darnell. So sorry you're sick for your birthday. Hope it's a great one, regardless xoxo

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) said...

Two darling watercolored cards, Darnell - just love the row of birdies on card one with the score lines! The trio of birdhouse with the the blue bird looks amazing too - love the splatters on both!! Thanks for the inspiration with IDEAS - I'm playing along today with inks and a stencil...

Arrggh - shingles for your bday?? No fair! I had them behind my ear in my forties; thought my head would explode! Hope the meds help you quickly!!!! And Happy Birthday tomorrow - you don't look a day over 57 or whatever age you use!

Pat said...

Oh Darnell, so sorry to hear to have developed shingles and just when your birthday is coming up...just hope the shingles jab will help to minimise the effects of it! I do love your sweet birds and an excellent set of indentations with Hammy's help and then the cute birdhouses with such pretty summery colours, and wonderful splattering on both. I do have a card posted to join in with the I.D.E.A.S. fun. x

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! SO painful, shingles, that is. Hope it doesn't last too long or spread! I love your card, it's colourful and fun too. As for transposing numbers, it wouldn't make any difference to me, the sevens would still look the same. I just told my hubby the joke, he said that is so true!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day, at least you have lots to look forward too. x

Carol Cel said...

Great Bird cars - I especially love the one that Hammy scored.
Congrats on your birthday. Be Well, most important!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Love your bird card - they are really cute and colored brilliantly! Shoot AGAIN I didn't get your card sent to time - but, it's on its way! So sorry about those shingles - that is a total NO FUN way to celebrate your 57th! ;)

Susan said...

Those are adorable birds! Lovely colours! And I'm so glad you followed up with a card featuring birdhouses for them!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

PRAYING dear sis, esp relief and kept from eyes etc.

Such brilliant cards when you're so poorly, love those cute birds. Boys are doing well as helpers too.

Praying cake survives heat dome and you're really blessed.

Congrats on a diamond jubilee though that's brilliant. Sorry no card from Downunder. Lots prayers will have to do. I'm really behind this year. And I'm 4yrs behind your diamond jubilee though it was in Feb not July!!
Love and much prayers,
ps asking LORD to remind me to pray lots. 🙏😍🥰😥🙏🙏🙏

Karen said...

Somehow I didn't even know your birthday was upon us, but I've got it written down now! Happy, Happy Birthday--and BIG wishes and prayers that the shingles don't last too long! (I was under the impression that the vaccine protected you from getting the shingles altogether.) Love your cards--especially those delightful birds so beautifully colored!

Megan J said...

Hi Darnell, Happy Birthday hope your day is ok considering shingles and heat of summer, my mother turned up at her Dr.'s two days after her 70th birthday and said I am here for my free shingles vaccine... if it was at all possible I would send you some of this weeks cool air, our temp made it one whole degree yesterday from 6 to 7C... Love your little bird cards and Stanley's splatters are fabulous besides Hammy's embossing. Have a wonderful week... Megan

Cheryl W. said...

Your birdie cards are fab! I love the bright colors and all that cheerful schplatter. So sorry you have shingles. I hope they are mild and shortlived. I got the vaccine a few years ago, hoping to stave off the blighter. Congrats on turning (cough) 57. I will turn (cough again) 57 in 6 months. I am also delighted to be close to reaching this diamond jubilee milestone.

LesleyG said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope I said that loud enough to chase that shingles the hell outathere! I love your birdies and birdhouse cards……so tweet, I mean sweet, and those little hamsters did such a good with their touches of genius.
Have a great day, and many happy returns to come xxx

Cathy said...

Those little birds are so cute Darnell, love the colourful splatters and score lines! I hope you are on the mend soon, and can still celebrate your birthday milestone, congrats and happy birthday :) Thankyou for playing along at STB too, Cathy x

kiwimeskreations said...

A couple of cute cards Darnell, and Hammy is doing very well with his blade skates!! Stanley is learning quickly and excelling in his crafts too.
Sorry to hear about the shingles - hopefully not too severe and you recover quickly. Praying with you that it doesn't get into your eye(s).
Happy Birthday for today - I do hope you can at least eat some cake!! it's not every day you get to (ahem) 57 - I will get there next year...

Carol L said...

I love sitting on the porch watching the birds, so both of these cards are very relaxing to me. Do have a fun birthday in spite of the outbreak - turning 75 is something to celebrate! Enjoy and take good care!

Brenda in IN said...

Two fun cards for Ideas. The birdies are adorable and their houses are so cute. Another skill I didn't know Hammy had and he's teaching so much to Stanley. I hate the the shingles missed your roof and landed on you. What a bummer for your birthday but I hope you celebrate and show them whose boss.

Rachelle Oltean said...

What a great stamp image and I love the chickadee sentiment! Thanks so much for joining us this week at the Krafty Chicks Challenge! - Rachelle

Sue - said...

Love both your cards, beautiful as always! Many happy returns for today. I’ve emailed you! xx

Linda said...

Two fantastic cards colored with your Ziggies. I need to practice some more. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.

Craftychris said...

Love your beautiful cards and a great big Happy Birthday to you together with lots of love and hugs my friend! I hope you feel better soon, shingles is not nice - I had it on my forehead a couple of years ago but luckily it was mild. I really hope yours is too! Take care. Lots of love xxx💖💖💖

Loll said...

Those old birds are adorable!! It's fun to pull out older stamps that we love and have a play. Great twofer!! Happy, Happy Birthday, sweet friend. I'm hoping one of those cards you have to open is from me, but I know I mailed it later than I should ... so it might be a while before you get it. Know that I'm wishing you a great day and a fast recovery from shingles. Love you, Lolly

Bunny said...

Well......sugar! How dare the shingles come to visit and on your Diamond Jubilee. Send them packing as quick as possible. I'll be saying a prayer for you. You can celebrate Hoyle style. Which means in our family you celebrate when you can. Sometimes it might not be until a month or more goes by. We had Thanksgiving this past January. The turkey was just as good in January. It'll all work out. Big birthday hugs to you. [Bunny]

TK said...

While your bird/house cards are sweet and adorable, we all know you to be so too! SO SORRY about the shingles, and I hope you recover quickly and without too much distress. Please, celebrate your Birthday as soon as you can, without abandon

Christine Alexander said...

two great cards, those little birdies are adorable and their colours are out of this world. I'm guessing they share the brightly coloured bird houses :)