A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

March 3, 2025

Made with Love and Thoughts on Slumping

Hello Stamplings!

I hope you are doing well! We have swooshed around to another Monday! What's that? Oh, yes, and another month! Welcome to March! Every time I type March, I think of Little Women and I wonder if young girls still read it.

I've only got a Onefer for you today because this is a very long free-the-boobs-and-go-potty-first post. 
This week's I.D.E.A.S. technique is I = Ink, which is any color medium. 

Over a teal card, I added a background panel which was smooched using Lindy Magicals powdered inks. It's very schparkly, I promise. 

The smooched panel was then heat-embossed in white e/p using my old and beloved En Français stamp from SU. Normally, you do your heat embossing first and then apply the ink (in various ways) because the embossed area works as a resist. I was going to add a link to a video, but the googler couldn't find anyone else who did it backwards.🤷‍♀️That can't be right, can it? Did moi come up with a new technique?😊

Anyway, over that, I layered the "Garden Poppy Stitched Frame" from Poppystamps and over that is a NBUS sediment from GKW, which the lads matched and matted for me.


Can We Talk About Slumps?

Like a lot of you, I started blogging after retirement and I've been blogging now for over a decade. In the natural course of things (read age), my post publications have dwindled over the years, especially since Covid. But slowing down is one thing and being in a downright slump is another.

Whether from stressing about politics, health issues, squirrels, or laziness, I've been feeling creatively slumped for some time now. And this year several friends have shared with me that they are also in a slump for the same reasons or for more serious reasons like the loss of loved ones or care-giving duties. 

Whatever the reason, nothing seems to schpark the old vibrant joy for creating, blogging, visiting, and commenting. Even so, 
we aren't quite ready to shut down our blogs ~ especially when we look over our shoulders and see all the product we still haven't used!😶

I even wrote a little ditty about it:

Are you, like me, feeling rather blah?
Not really down, but a lot less rah rah?

Do you feel sorta meh, like you're stuck in a fog?
Do cards still engage you, but not so your blog?

Do you still like to visit, but have nothing to say?
Do you wish you still felt like back in the day?

Where is your energy, your get-up-and-go?
Do you want to keep crafting and stop feeling low?

Do you think about quitting, even if rough,
but then look around and see all your stuff?

I'm happy to say I've got clues for your blues,
ideas to help you share stuff that you use!

Let's bring back our joy with friends by our side,
Go out with a smile on the crest of the tide!
I've been thinking about ways we could create a sort of friendship circle geared towards those of us who are feeling this way. A place to share what we are going through and, hopefully, be nudged back into all aspects of card-making and blogging while we still have the desire, if not the motivation.

But then I realized that I already have two such places where we can meet or get reacquainted with other women going through the same thing and who need companionship and ideas for inspiration and encouragement. (This is in addition, of course, to the many other wonderful groups and challenges in Blogland and throughout social media where there are talented teams working hard to provide inspiration for us!)

The first way is through my NBUS blog where I challenge you to use the schtuff you bought, but put away without using. I love having you share what you used and what you made with it. (Thank you to all of you who have consistently joined in the NBUS Challenge since June of 2014!)

I'm making using NBUS a priority again myself. My mind automatically wants to design with something it remembers from past use, but now I stop and choose something NBUS that works just as well, if not better.

And for those of you who aren't already using it, the second way is with my I.D.E.A.S. Calendar. It's a schedule I made up last year to force keep me on track and posting every Monday that I'm home. So starting today, I'm going to add a linky tool to the end of my Monday posts where you can share your I.D.E.A.S. creations!
The linky will go live on Mondays at 12:05 a.m. PST and close on Sundays at 11:55 p.m. PST. 

You can join me here any week of any month and any day of any week. There is no pressure to join every week and anyone can link. 

I hope the I.D.E.A.S. Calendar will help you get back in the groove this year. For me, using both I.D.E.A.S. and NBUS together, sometimes along with a sketch and/or color challenge, has helped me get off my mental ass and stop making excuses!🤯 

I look forward to visiting you and I'll enjoy seeing you visit each other!
Lastly, I have a few other ideas you might find useful if you're in a schlump. Rather than add them here and to make it easier for you to return to them, you can find them by clicking on the I.D.E.A.S. badge on the side bar. 🠊 🠊 🠊

It can't hurt to try. It's worth a shot. Use it or lose it. Snap out of it. Old friends are the best friends. Okay, okay, I'll stop. Off you go!
*Life is too short!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Jeanne said...

Beautiful card, Darnell. Well, all three are terrific. I'm kind of slumped, too, but partially because I started stitching again. In addition, my room is a mess and it's not as much fun to play when I feel like I'm drowning. I'm going to try to clean up and see if that helps! Thank you for always encouraging with your wonderful humor and generosity of spirit!

Em Louise Fairley said...

Beautiful card, Darnell. Thank you for all you do for the crafting community xoxo

Vicki Dutcher said...

Loving the card! A script bg gets me every time 😀

Aquarius said...

Fabulous card, even if it was done in a back to front way - just love it. As for the rest of your motivational writings - they seem to sum up what appears to be happening to lots of us but you have spurred me on to try hard to follow your advice/instruction in the very final two-line paragraph.
Onwards and upwards🤣😊.

Bonnie said...

A great idea, Dolly! Thanks!

designbydonna said...

Lovely card. I need to try smooching again. A little inspiration for your schlump. I use it frequently on my thinking of you cards.
This is a hug from me to you
to let you know I am thinking of you.
Although I have nothing to say,
you know I have
thought of you today.
~Winnnie the Pooh

Bonnie said...

BTW, I love that smooshed and heat embossed background and the outline die cut that lets it show!

TK said...

Wonderful and beautiful -- love the vibrant color, the en francais type, and the pretty little window. And for that inspiration? Friends, NBUS and a little nudge can keep us all going, right?!

Pat said...

What a great idea Darnell, and thank you for taking that step to add the Linky for us to put up any I.D.E.A.S. based cards we make. I have been hampered with my sore hand and wrist, but I did find it helpful to join in most weeks to boost my card supply for sending out to friends and family and I will certainly be joining in and adding a card when I can. Anyway, this inky make is fabulous. I love the colours and the embossing over the script, plus it sticking to some other areas adds wonderful texture and extra areas of white to the background, and your pretty poppy frame in white and then the lovely 'Made with Love' sentiment plate finish it brilliantly. Your witty ditty certainly made me smile..you're so clever with words! x

Jeanne H said...

Thanks Darnell. Yup, I have been in a slump and having the flu too. I need tips on what to do with the cards I make, so don't make many. Joining challenges does help. I do really like your card.

I Card Everyone said...

D, I think your stamp-heat-emboss-last IDEA is wonderful - and no pesky ink residue on that white embossing! Win, win!
I find the 'idea' of Spring helped my slump even if it was only in paper form!
Lastly, your I.D.E.A.S calendar is keeping you on track and into my inbox once a week: another win!

Gerrina said...

Not jet retired and maybe because I want to put what I used on a project somewhere; so still loving bloggen! FB is so 'just click thumbs up' and insta isn't for me because I make real photo's with a photo camera... And making a connection is so much better with blogging...
Love the blue background and die-cuts on the first one and the 2nd is so funny! Hugs, Gerrina

Brenda in IN said...

I love this blue and white card and the technique you used. That frame is so pretty. I am so happy to join you in getting over my slump. If I can post once a week I will be thrilled. Thanks for the help getting me back on track and your well said words.

Glennis F said...

Love your poetry! I think we all need a 'bump up' every now and then.

brandco2450@gmail.com said...

Just love the blue card! Does it really matter how you got there?
The end result is gorgeous! I do have a lot of "stuff" and am
trying to work through it and not buy! Not always successful!
Sharon xoxoxo

HilaryJane said...

Your card is fabulous and I don't know what's wrong with doing the embossing after the smooching. It looks like it worked really well. Thanks for your thoughts too. I know exactly what you mean. My enthusiasm seems to vary from day to day and seems to depend on how behind/busy I am. Your ideas are great, just keep them going, it helps us all xx

Karen said...

Your card is beautiful, and since I've never used Lindy's Magicals the order in which your created it makes lots of sense to me. Besides when it's that pretty, protocol can go right out the door. I'm putting a post-it note on my computer to remind me to pay better attention to I.D.E.A.S. I've alway thought it was a brilliant idea but can't seem to keep it at the forefront of my mind! Love your poem. So often you start my week with a huge smile and a chuckle.

Liz said...

Gorgeous card Darnell, lovely colour choice.
You're definitely not alone in your slump. After a bit of a break from cardmaking over the Christmas period, it was difficult to find any motivation to make anything much in the new year. My mojo finally seems to be returning and I'm also trying to make more of an effort to comment on other crafter's blogs. Your I.D.E.A.S. is a great way of having a starting point when inspiration has flown out of the window. I love your poem. ☺

Craftychris said...

Well, Hi Darnell! I chose a very good day to visit my blog and immediately click on to yours! You hit the nail on the head - I am in a blog slump and have been for a long time - just don't seem to have the energy or enthusiasm to post. I must try and get re-energised after reading yours ans seeing your uplifting words. Will go to sleep now and try to improve. Take care my wonderful friend. Hugs. xxx💖💖💖

Lisa Elton said...

That scripty background makes this all the more lovely, Darnell! Fabulous card my friend and fabulous ideas to help get us out of our slumps!

Cheryl W. said...

Your card is fabulous. And who says you have to make a smooshed and heat embossed background in a certain order? I think your method was preferable, because sometimes the heat-embossed images don't resist enough! And talk about resisting enough, I'm ready to add my house to the underground railroad for frightened immigrants, and damn the consequences!!!

Susan said...

Gorgeous card, Darnell - love the blues, and I'd love it even more in real life if I could see the sparkle! Great use of the text stamp - who cares if it's done backwards - it looks perfect this way! As for the slump, I think part of it is the time of year - tail end of winter, not yet spring. And the politics, etc. don't help either. I'm in a slump in other ways - I should be working on tidying and organising my craft room but I can't get motivated to do that so procrastinate by making cards instead!

LesleyG said...

French script is the one stamp I wish I’d kept! I adore your blue card! I did a sample for a class, and someone asked if I heat embossed before or after…..I couldn’t tell, and couldn’t remember 😂.
I love your poem and everything you said in this post. I’d be lost without you and all my blogging pals.
Some tips for surplus cards we make…find out if any neighbours who can’t get
out much would like them. Some care homes take them for residents to send. Package them for gifts. Charity shops. Look online for schemes.
Thanks for all you do…..and I was excited by the link to “ideas”….its the little things….😃😍🤗 xxx

Sandra H said...

Gorgeous cards Darnell what a fabulous 1st card loving the colour and the print background beautifully framed die too, can’t motivate myself today nursing a bad back but hopefully the meds will kick in.

Linby said...

Wow this is so beautiful and one of my fav colours too. I'm sorry you feel in a slump but hopefully everyone will band together and get you out of it soon. I at the moment have more ideas than hours in the day and far too much stash! But a slump could hit at any time. BTW I got the plastic thing for stamping and it's perfect, but as you said a fight to get it off again!

Bobby said...

It has been a long time since we started this hobby and while I'm not in a slump as far as creating, I sometimes find it boring to keep saying the same things to people when I comment. Your poem hit things right on the head, Darnell, and I've saved it for further reference. I'm so glad you added a linky to your IDEAS. I wasn't really sure how that worked before but now I will try to post there in addition to NBUS. I used to be good about using my NBUS right away but have fallen short lately. My push now is to go back and use older stamps and dies. Not that it has stopped me from buying. ; )
I love the bright blue of your card and the script adds so much to the background. I love that look and never think to use it. So glad you are keeping on keeping on, my friend. Life would be dull without you.

Leslie Miller said...

First of all, Darnell, your card is absolutely beautiful with the very creative background. Forwards or backwards, it comes out just as gorgeous. Love the other two you shared along the way as well. I never really lose my enthusiasm for stamping, but I sometimes get frustrated trying to find the time for crafting and blogging without robbing time from other important or necessary things. I'm afraid if I didn't blog I wouldn't craft as much, and then what would I do with all this wonderful stuff? Lots of NBUS yet to use. When I go through the more difficult times I tell myself it will work out, and it does. I stress about politics hugely when I'm overexposed to the news, and then I have to get back into my bubble. Even just now, writing that statement, I felt the fear, anger, and stress building, so I looked down at my beautiful, fluffy, sweet Sophie laying at my feet, and I feel much better now. Thank you for providing a forum of sorts for all of us to share and ease our minds.

Christine Alexander said...

stunning card Darnell, a classic card in beautiful colours and technique we all love ♥
Definitely in a slump, I can't wait till the weather gets better to spend more time outside. Funny thing happened tariffs have curbed my craft spending now have to find a cheaper activity :)

sandie said...

As always your card is stunning and love your ideas to get people out of a slump. My slump is pretty low-3 cards this year! I have started visiting more often but creativity is very low!

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Darnell you're right about being in a slump..the weather certainly doesn't help and I've been back and forth to the hospital with Paul being in and since he's been home he's been very quiet..I think maybe he is a bit low...anyway lots of love and hugs Sue xxxxxxxx

Barb Finnical said...

Darnell, you have read my mind today! I so appreciated this post about being in a slump. That's been me for a short while. I took your challenge and really enjoyed it. Oh, and what brought me here was your beautiful card! I saw it over at NBUS. So pretty! Thanks for all you do to inspire all of us! :)

kiwimeskreations said...

I hear you Darnell - I had to really 'make' myself make a card today... but as far as blogging it goes.... ooops. Doesn't help that I have misplaced my USB stick with all my card photos on it!!
I am sure age has a certain part to play in our 'slump', as well.
I have been gardening, and preserving the surplus results, and doing some other crafts too.
It was great to see you hear and know I am not in slumpland on my own, as it were

Kate said...

You know I love visiting your blog Darnell - you always manage to make me smile if not chuckle (and sometimes snort my morning coffee)! I often find myself in a slump so that's not new to me! Lately however I'm finding myself close to what can only be described as panic attacks which are only alleviated by deep breathing and thinking about my NBUS ... and going shopping for more! Thank you for providing us with this focus! Hugs, Kate!

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) said...

Gorgeous background with the Lindy Magicals, Darnell - love the design with the frame too!! I hear you about the slumpage - lots to get us down these days but you're so right to turn toward community. Thanks for your inspiration and challenges!! Love your other two cards too!!

Chana Malkah said...

I am in love with your background! Great layering and your composition is awesome! Very nicely crafted, indeed!
Chana Malkah,
NBUS #24, #28